View Full Version : Caterpillars!

May 6th, 2010, 06:20 AM
In my hair! Little green baby ones! :eek: :shudder: :mad:

Alright, I've only caught two, but still! They love my hair and if I go to the park I can guarantee one of these little buggers found my hair! Anyone else have this problem? Generally I find them or they just *plop* onto the sink/table/floor. I know they are harmless, but so annoying! I guess because now I have more hair, and longer hair, the caterpillars have more to hold on to/hide in. So now I'm like "ick! I gotta wash my hair!"

Crazy Diamond
May 6th, 2010, 06:28 AM
Uh yes... every spring/summer. We have a beautiful park just outside the door with lovely sycamore trees... and those little devils let themselves down on a silk thread in a mission impossible fashion. They make lovely ornaments :eyebrows: and me -> :run:

May 6th, 2010, 06:34 AM
Ugh! That is a big hair nightmare for me. I shudder just thinking about it.... And yes, I would jump into the nearest shower and wash my hair if I could. :o

May 6th, 2010, 07:21 AM
:confused: really?
Never had this problem, but you made me feel good about my distaste for parks/open spaces lol I tend to avoid those places since i have allergies, and this time of year it's insane to be outside.

May 6th, 2010, 07:38 AM
Me, too. I live bordering National Forest, so you can imagine the kind of wilderness that surrounds me...

I had a hat on my table which I caught a very large moth in. She laid eggs, and I was very careful to take all of her eggs out of my hat and put them in a jar. I have to look up the host plant and move them...

Anyway, in a rush yesterday, I grabbed the hat, chucked it on my head and was out the door. Later last evening, as I was combing out my hair, plunk, plunk.... moth eggs. I guess my eyesight is failing, because I thought I had gotten them all.

If I had waited a little while before combing or washing, I may have had caterpillars in my hair, too!

I've had the little ready-made ones in there, too. They drop from strings or just crawl up, somehow. Now my scalp is itching... creepy...

May 6th, 2010, 08:04 AM
Ugh!! I haven't had this happen in a looooong time! Not with caterpillers, but I used to work at a place where I'd take a short-cut through some close-growing shrubbery from the bike lot to the back door and in the fall....when those brightly colored spiders come out....<<shudder>>

May 6th, 2010, 08:06 AM
That's so weird! I have just come back from jogging in the forest and found one in my hair and another on my T-shirt when I got home. I expect there are loads more crawling about on me that I can't see, but I will jump in the shower soon and I fear they will come to a sad end.

They are so tiny that they're rather cute, really, aren't they?

May 6th, 2010, 09:26 AM
AWWW! :D Cute. sorry, but i love caterpillars! :love:

i'll have them if you dont want them!

May 6th, 2010, 11:04 AM
Me too! Not in my hair thankfully but on me. I park under a tree so they keep finding their way into my car.

May 6th, 2010, 12:06 PM
What the ffffffffffff?? I would *die* if that happened to me!
*note to self - don't stand under trees*

Peggy E.
May 6th, 2010, 12:27 PM
AWWW! :D Cute. sorry, but i love caterpillars! :love:

i'll have them if you dont want them!

Are you talking about what we used to refer to as "inch worms?" They fell from the trees and then would pull themselves along - front would move forward, then the back of the worm would "inch" up to the front, pushing up the central section of the worm. The front would then be released and stretch forward, again the back would step up.

We were always glad to see them because they foretold of the end of school - they came right before school let out for the summer!

We used to have "inch worm races" with them and they were actually quite entertaining to a bunch of kids. For grown adults not so sure they would be something you'd look forward to....

Still, wouldn't have wanted them in my hair then OR now! Gosh, sometimes it's not so bad being stuck here in the house - at least I'm reasonably sure caterpillars won't be dropping into my hair!

Guess I would always have a hat on when I was outside, were I those of you under caterpillar attack....

May 6th, 2010, 12:48 PM
Uh yes... every spring/summer. We have a beautiful park just outside the door with lovely sycamore trees... and those little devils let themselves down on a silk thread in a mission impossible fashion. They make lovely ornaments :eyebrows: and me -> :run:

That is the funniest thing I've read all week. Awesome.

May 6th, 2010, 02:59 PM
WTF!ew, id die...i hate insects they freak me out.

May 6th, 2010, 03:09 PM
:hmm: I love inch worms (a type of caterpillar) and I think some caterpillars are cute but eeegads!! not in my hair! D: I don't like any sort of insect on my head unless it's a butterfly. All unwanted hitchhikers on my person promptly result in a shriek followed with violent slapping, waving of the arms, and something resembling the potty dance.. :rolleyes:

May 6th, 2010, 04:34 PM
All unwanted hitchhikers on my person promptly result in a shriek followed with violent slapping, waving of the arms, and something resembling the potty dance.. :rolleyes:

Aww, you wouldn't slap these ones! They are tiny, cute little chappies! It's very hard not to squish them when picking them up, because they are so tiny!

I talked to them whilst extricating them from my person, and said, "now, caterpillars, you really can't live here on my clothes. You need to go back out there with the other caterpillars."

Yesterday I was also talking to a bee that had flown into my bedroom. It kept flying onto the curtains because they were brightly coloured. I was talking to it, and saying: "now, bee, those aren't flowers. They really aren't. You need to go back out there."

Does anyone else admit to talking to insects when they are trying to send them back outside? :laugh:

A butterfly flew past me today, and it was so pretty that I just had to say hello to it. :)

May 6th, 2010, 04:59 PM
Aww, you wouldn't slap these ones! They are tiny, cute little chappies! It's very hard not to squish them when picking them up, because they are so tiny!

I talked to them whilst extricating them from my person, and said, "now, caterpillars, you really can't live here on my clothes. You need to go back out there with the other caterpillars."

Yesterday I was also talking to a bee that had flown into my bedroom. It kept flying onto the curtains because they were brightly coloured. I was talking to it, and saying: "now, bee, those aren't flowers. They really aren't. You need to go back out there."

Does anyone else admit to talking to insects when they are trying to send them back outside? :laugh:

A butterfly flew past me today, and it was so pretty that I just had to say hello to it. :)

I'll admit to talking to the buggies! I love all things insect, and my family knows not to squish them in front of me. I live in the middle of a National Forest, and you can imagine all the bugs I can see.

And, inchworms... they are the cutest bug, ever! My Mamaw told me that if you find an inchworm on you, you'll be getting new clothes soon, as he's measuring you for a good fit...:D

May 6th, 2010, 05:09 PM
I found a close-up picture of an inchworm.

It's amazing to see they have all those colours on them! They just look green to me!

Isn't it fascinating?


May 6th, 2010, 06:04 PM
Caterpillars are cute! Especially inch worms. I wouldn't want one in my hair, but I wouldn't freak out if I found one there. I like the big fat fuzzy caterpillars, too, but I certainly wouldn't want one in my hair haha...what if it got squished? Gross.

May 6th, 2010, 09:48 PM
I hate getting insects in my hair- the one thing that freaks me out. It just... Not being able to see it right away? It being there and me not being able to see it? It crawling all over my scalp? Brrrr. Put chills down my spine and makes my scalp itch.

But I adore caterpillars that are not on my body. They are so cute...

May 6th, 2010, 10:03 PM
Wow, how funny! I was doing a search for split ends today and found a tiny ant. I wondered how long he had been in there. Ew!

May 7th, 2010, 12:02 AM
I went through a living wild stage, many years ago now. In the summer between college and work and stuff I'd just go off walking for weeks at a time, I would wake up with all sorts of things in my hair, (and all over me) Never a caterpillar though as far as I can remember.
I also talk to bugs, always have to carefully carry the spiders out of the house into the garden and tell them that outside is their home, otherwise the cats will eat them.
Thats a really good pic by the way chopandchange, very sweet.

May 7th, 2010, 12:11 AM
I spoke seriously to a bumblebee today. I'd showered in our outside bathroom, and picked up my underwear to bring it back into the house with me, when it buzzed in my hand. It was the strangest feeling. I dropped my knickers on the path, and re arranged them slightly, and out crawled a bumblebee. I told him off for scaring me! Would really have freaked if it had been in my hair!

May 7th, 2010, 08:57 AM
Oh my! I've heard of a bee in your bonnet, but never of a bee in your knickers! Imagine being stung there. Ouch. It doesn't bear thinking about.

May 7th, 2010, 01:13 PM
Chibbylick- :laugh: :rolling:

chopandchange- ouch! wouldn't that be horrible?? D:

May 7th, 2010, 01:55 PM
AWWW! :D Cute. sorry, but i love caterpillars! :love:

i'll have them if you dont want them!

I'm afraid I have to agree with this. They're adorable. :D

Oh my! I've heard of a bee in your bonnet, but never of a bee in your knickers! Imagine being stung there. Ouch. It doesn't bear thinking about.

It hurts a LOT! I sat on a hornet once and got stung right on the bum. :bigeyes:

May 7th, 2010, 02:08 PM
It hurts a LOT! I sat on a hornet once and got stung right on the bum. :bigeyes:

Ouch! I wasn't thinking of the bum. I was thinking of...the other place. But the bum would be very sore, too, I'm sure! :eek:

May 7th, 2010, 02:16 PM
I was walking down a beaten path a couple months ago, and every step I took, about 100 grasshoppers flew out of the bushes in every direction, when I neared "civilization" I noticed a grasshopper made a house out of my bun.

May 7th, 2010, 02:34 PM
IIIiiieee!!! I freak out at anything worm like. Can't stand them. The fat, big ones when there's just one of them might be fascinating to watch, but really, not in my hair, on my clothes or worse...in my bed. As for the bumblebee...good thing it did not sting you, because a) their sting really, really hurts. A bee sting is nothing compared to it and b) it would have died shortly after.