View Full Version : Dry Brittle Ends

May 4th, 2010, 07:35 PM
I have noticed my ends are becoming dry and brittle. I have like armpit length hair. and my current hair routine. is shampooing every other day( I'm phasing out shampoo right now. spreading out the amount of shampoos I do slowly.) I condition it and let it sit for a couple minutes then I rinse. I currently use suave professionals shampoo.

So my question is what can I do to help my ends.

May 4th, 2010, 07:59 PM
You could try rubbing a small amount of coconut oil on your ends. Maybe even olive oil if your ends are extremely dry.

Maybe a deep condition or heavy oiling treatment would help as well?

May 4th, 2010, 09:15 PM
Deep conditioning or an SMT treatment often helps.

Other possibilities are buildup (washing root to tip with a clarifying shampoo fixes this nicely, though you'll definitely want to follow with some heavy conditioning) and hair reacting badly to one of the ingredients in your products, such as protein. I know the Suave Pro. Humectant conditioner has enough protein to give me brittle ends, but some hair loves protein and some hates it.

May 4th, 2010, 09:17 PM
Try an SMT! It made an immediate difference on my hair.
I also second conditioners (especially heavy ones -- put it just on the ends, no need to spread it over your roots) and coconut oil.

Hope that helps :)

May 4th, 2010, 09:21 PM
Maybe its the conditioner you're using. I found that Suave actually is very drying to my hair and doesn't moisturize it enough. I use Sally's Great Value Products deep conditioning balm for my ends. It's a really thick conditioner and other than the smell (reminds me of baby powder), it is wonderful stuff. :)

I second the oiling idea. I find a light oiling on my ends while my hair is damp works best and keeps them from being dry and crunchy.

May 4th, 2010, 09:49 PM
Whenever I get crunchy ends,I dab a drop each of glycerin,conditioner,coconut oil and rose water to the tips,may be with few drops of water,after which i make a wet bun at the tip alone.

May 4th, 2010, 11:32 PM
Maybe it needs a DT or you can try putting a few drops of oil on it while it's still wet after washing. It can help seal the moisture in.

May 5th, 2010, 12:51 AM
When my hair was about your length, I always seemed to have crunch ends. I tried SMTs, oils, deep treaments, everything helped , but I always felt that it was masking a problem, that the crunchy, tangled ends were still there. When I got really fed up, I would trim.
I was convinced I didn't need to clarify because I was cone free etc etc and I sometimes used my shampoo all the way down to the ends anyway. But one day I bought a clarifying shampoo (Boot's expert build up) and tried it. It was amazing! My ends needed a lot of moisturizing after, but they didn't tangle and the crunchy feeling went away.
I have very hard water and even with citric acid rinces, I need to calrify every few weeks, but at least I know what I need now

May 5th, 2010, 01:07 AM
Fox' sheabutter! A combination of sheabutter, conditioner and jojoba oil. It always does the trick for me - a small amount rubbed into wet hair, and a large amount before the next wash.

May 5th, 2010, 01:19 AM
Suave doesn't do anything for me. I've switched to Nexxus products and I've never looked back.

But I think my hair really liked the Herbal Essences line, too. Maybe try one of those brands? They're both "thicker" than Suave and so will help your hair with moisture :)

Good luck!