View Full Version : Hair falling out and graying suddenly

May 1st, 2010, 12:39 AM
My hair has been falling out like crazy this week and over the last couple of weeks I discovered many grays that weren't there before early this year (I had just one that I got 2 years ago)

What can be the reason for this? Diet? Stress? I am on a diet and I am hyper stressed and on medication. But I have been on those meds for a while already.

So I chopped an inch off today, as well as last week and it looks a bit better now.

They grays would make nice highlights with my henna though :)

May 1st, 2010, 02:08 AM
What can be the reason for this? Diet? Stress? I am on a diet and I am hyper stressed and on medication. But I have been on those meds for a while already.

Sounds like the culprit :wink: Maybe you should put your diet on hold until the stress has gone down?
Are you getting enough copper?

May 1st, 2010, 06:51 AM
When that happened to me, it was because my thyroid was no longer functioning. If you have other symptoms of hypothyroidism such as intolerance to cold, being tired no matter how much sleep you get, swelling of the front of the neck (goiter), unexplained weight gain, very dry skin and constipation, you might want to see your doctor for a blood test.

I hope your shed stops soon!

May 1st, 2010, 07:25 AM
I have regular thyroid checks, always good. As well as all vitamins etc. Maybe I'll better get things checked again :)
What are good foods for hair? (vegan stuff)

May 1st, 2010, 07:52 AM
Get your iron level checked and make sure you're getting enough B12 and protein if you're vegan, plus taking plenty of supplements. I'm sorry you're having some hair issues, once the stress lowers you should be okay but better to get tested just to make sure there isn't anything else wrong :flowers:

May 1st, 2010, 08:26 AM
And if it turns out that nothing is wrong medically, it could just be that this is a natural shed, and the new hairs growing in their places are now silvers. :)

ETA: And I agree with you on one thing-- I'm impatiently waiting to start getting some greys/silvers, so my henna will be brighter!! :D

May 1st, 2010, 08:58 AM
Yes the henna will be nicer on silvers. Or it could be real cool to be young and have pure white hair! Don't think that would happen to me.

May 3rd, 2010, 05:10 AM
TMI warning....

My doctor has probably found the reason..... and it's very EEEEEEEW! Scurvy, she thinks it is. According to the other symptoms I have: extreme itching, it started at my scalp and now my whole body is affected. Good thing is: I got medicines that cure it in a day. If not then it is something else and needs to be found out.

(I am totally weirded out *shiver*)

May 3rd, 2010, 07:11 AM
Scurvy? Wow, that's crazy. I didn't think people got that anymore. Do your meds interfere with vitamin C absorbtion? Well, hopefully, that'll take care of everything. Having hair fall out and turn gray sounds scary.

May 3rd, 2010, 07:40 AM
TMI warning....

My doctor has probably found the reason..... and it's very EEEEEEEW! Scurvy, she thinks it is. According to the other symptoms I have: extreme itching, it started at my scalp and now my whole body is affected. Good thing is: I got medicines that cure it in a day. If not then it is something else and needs to be found out.

(I am totally weirded out *shiver*)
Huh? But don't you eat lots of fruit as a vegan?
Grey hair can be very pretty and other people might even get jealous of your highlights. :D

May 3rd, 2010, 07:44 AM
Henna actually covers it, that might be the reason why I didn't know before, because I frequently henna. I just didn't apply my last henna well, so they are visible now. That's what must have happened.
I eat healthy, but I'm having my blood tested just to be sure :)

And about silvers, why can't hair just go silver in once? It would be so nice to have pure white hair!

May 3rd, 2010, 08:48 AM
I have regular thyroid checks, always good. As well as all vitamins etc. Maybe I'll better get things checked again :)
What are good foods for hair? (vegan stuff)

Don't write thyroid off completely. The test that most doctors do is NOT enough. There are many cases of undiagnosed thyroid problems EVERYWHERE because of this. Hope this is okay to post here. Mods, sorry and take it off if not:


May 3rd, 2010, 09:39 AM
I hope you feel better soon! If you're stressed maybe try some Yoga or deep breathing to calm you down.

May 4th, 2010, 08:48 PM
Scary scuvvy is gone now due to medicines yay! That was just freaky! It's highly contagious, you can even get it by just shaking hands with someone. *shiver*

Good news: hair stopped falling out. I feel a henna session coming up soon :D