View Full Version : can anyone help me decide? shall I dye again or not?

April 26th, 2010, 05:01 AM

I'm looking for some help in resolving a dilemma that is going round and round in my head....

I am naturally blonde (I think there are pics in my album (http://forums.longhaircommunity.com/album.php?albumid=2757)) and have been dying my hair dark (nearly black) with henndigo for quite a few years.

I have had loads and loads of compliments relating to the dark hair. It looks so healthy and shiny especially now I've cut off a lot of the damage and am growing it out again to get back to where it was before.

But. I keep thinking I'd have to look 'better' with my natural colour?? :confused: I just don't know what to think about it really....my roots are a pretty colour, but for some reason even having my hair a bit lighter overall (I've not henndigo-ed for some time, I have used a semi light brownish shade on the roots to blend a bit) makes me look less 'vibrant' and a bit washed out, in comparison to the dark hair?

Has anyone else had this dilemma (should I be natural or keep dying?) how did you resolve it?? I wish I could just do one thing and be happy rather than thinking I'd look better with something else all the time...:rolleyes:


April 26th, 2010, 05:28 AM
I'm for natural/virgin color in general, but IMO henndigo'd hair suits you better!

April 26th, 2010, 05:43 AM
I agree with henna4grey,you look stunning with black hair but you should really be ready to keep up with the constant henna applications you'll need to maintain it as your hair grows longer.

April 26th, 2010, 05:52 AM
I agree, normally I'm for natural colour, but that colour looks stunning on you!

April 26th, 2010, 05:54 AM
You look really good with the dark hair, but there is not a full face shot with blonde hair for comparison. I can see why you'd get fed-up with the upkeep, though.

I find henndigoing mousy-brown hair with significant grey to be a PITA, I guess you must have to do the roots quite often. And your natural colour is something many people go to a hairdresser to achieve.

April 26th, 2010, 06:20 AM
Hmmm I'll try and find a full face blonde pic for comparison later on today, and post that too.

Thanks for all the replies, folks - I can't believe how difficult this decision is for me....:o

April 26th, 2010, 07:21 AM
Oh Evie, I so hear you! I wish i'd just leave my hair alone and let it grow out, so i wouldn't have to keep fixing colours and maintaining it and all that rigamarole. But my hair is very ash-toned, a totally dull, flat, light brown with no hint of colour - just looks like dishrag. I've tried to love it, I really have .... :( At least hendigo is good for the hair, but as a fellow hendigo-er, and i haven't even been doing it all that long, it sure is a lot more trouble than box dye! I dunno - maybe box dye for a while, since that's easier and is helping you transition the colour anyway, and then let some of your own colour grow out, and if you don't like it, you can always hendigo over it all??? :undecided: Keep us posted!

April 26th, 2010, 08:08 AM
I like your hair both ways. Personally, I would go back to natural since your hair is short right now anyway, so you have less growing out to do. The darker color looks great, but it's so much easier to maintain natural color. Since you look pretty either way, I would go with the low maintainence route, but it's up to you!

April 28th, 2010, 12:14 PM
So I've decided - dark is a better colour on me, it goes with my make up and clothes tastes better too....so I'm sat here with the henndigo mud back on (looking foward to the shine!)

Thanks everyone who posted!

April 28th, 2010, 03:46 PM
I like the dark hair on you, if you'd like to try something different I think a more chocolatey colour would look good on you:)

May 2nd, 2010, 01:48 PM
I like the dark hair on you, if you'd like to try something different I think a more chocolatey colour would look good on you:)

Ooohhh CHOCOLAT (http://www.hotelchocolat.co.uk/Dark-on-Dark-Giant-Slab-P310074/)E now that has got me thinking! :chocolate::D - I'm not sure how I'd get that colour with henna and indigo, but I'll think on it!

May 2nd, 2010, 02:05 PM
I am a big fan of natural hair, so in cases like yours I almost always advise to grow out to natural.

That said, I do like your natural hair better. ;) If you are growing out your roots right now the colour might look washed out against the dyed hair. That is because all hair dyes are so much more vibrant than natural hair - it really is an unfair comparison. Natural hair has so much more depth than dyed hair, but the depth can be subtle and not easy to see at first glance. But natural hair has a personality that dyed hair never has.

I do like your henndigoed hair as well - but if I was to decide I´d vote for going natural.

May 2nd, 2010, 08:37 PM
You're gorgeous with dark hair, I'm glad you decided to keep it. I've always admired those who can pull off dark hair with light skin and eyes, it's such a pretty combination and it looks very natural on you. Plus you'll get the extra conditioning benefits of the henna and indigo!

May 2nd, 2010, 09:00 PM
I think the dark hair really suits you very well :)

May 3rd, 2010, 12:10 AM
I really like very dark hair if you can get it without the strong burgundy reddish undertones. I second the chocolate color suggestion. I am absolutely clueless about henna so my advice is worth about nuthin.

May 6th, 2010, 06:41 AM
I really like very dark hair if you can get it without the strong burgundy reddish undertones. I second the chocolate color suggestion. I am absolutely clueless about henna so my advice is worth about nuthin.

No advice is ever worth nuthin! :D I am pretty much ok with mixing up the mud, it was more a question of will it suit me / which would suit me better....

I did decide to henndigo again, and I now have a nice rich dark brown - when my camera is working again will post pics

May 6th, 2010, 06:47 AM
I let my hair grow completely out once. I got tired of my natural color and started dyeing again. I just prefer it that way. I find dyed hair much more interesting usually.

May 6th, 2010, 09:41 AM
You're lucky! I'm a blonde but can't pull off the dark hair as well as you, even though I've tried several times. I think both colors work on you, so whatever makes you feel the best is always the way to go!

May 6th, 2010, 02:45 PM
I just want to say thanks to everyone who has posted on here

Calista, I totally take your point, but I realised with the particular skintone I have, blonde hair and the colours I have got used to wearing just wouldn't look so good, I don't think ;)

kwaniesiam, - thanks so much :cloud9: it certainly does do my hair good. I found that because I didn't like my dark ashey blonde, I highlighted it a lot, but my hair just does not like bleach for some reason - maybe because it is coarse and wirey? So dark and shiny/soft is a great combo for me.

Manderley - thank you!

ravenreed - I have done this too, a couple of times, with short hair, and I also can find that dyed hair, depending very much on subjective factors, can be really interesting!

redtea, I think it is because my blonde hair was not warm at all, it wasn't gold-ish or coppery at all, just a very cool ash / almost grey. So although a very different colour, the cool tones are still in evidence, and maybe that is why it works? That being said, I would love to suit henna red, but I really don't!

Pics will follow at some point!:D

May 6th, 2010, 03:03 PM
I have had this dilemma many times, and at this point my personal decision has been to go natural, all the way! :) It requires a lot less maintenance.

But I really think that each person should do whatever makes them happy. You are lucky in that both ways (dark and blonde) flatter you.

Don't know if that really helps or not!

Tap Dancer
May 6th, 2010, 05:37 PM
Your dark hair looks very natural: beautiful, healthy, and shiny! :) I never would have guessed it wasn't your real color!