View Full Version : Newbie ( in every sence )

April 26th, 2010, 04:47 AM
Good morning people :sun:

I'll come clean straight from the off-set.

Am a 25 year old guy who knows absolutely nothing about haircare. And if i ask my sisters about haircare i'll be laughed out of the room.

You see here in Scotland a guy who takes pride in his hair doesn't go down to well. hence why i've found this place.

When i was younger, say from birth to about 12. I had a full head of bouncing GOLD hair. when i say gold i mean gold. as the wonder years came through it began to look more like teen spirit stuff, grungy and oily. but i still wore it kind of long. Nor did i look after it very well.

But up came the real world and i got it cut for my first job. But since then i've always wanted to grow it back out again. Short hair is great for keeping it out of your face and not having to do too much for it. But i feel better with longer hair.

So, after years of miss treatment and down right abuse, i want my gold back! Leprechaun style!

I get told soooo many conflicting stories about what too use and what not use and how often it should be washed etc. so i'm here to soley get my gold back! and decent haircare advice.

So all in all i am a complete newbie! and all forms of advice for a guy who knows absolutely nothing and is slightly twitchy being on a haircare forum will be greatly appreciated.

My hair used to be a very dark dirty blonde from my teenage years, but in the past year i've been paying special attention to my hair and it's now a kinda light brown, but when the sun or light hits it my blonde bursts out but i'd like to get to a constant blonde, without adding garbage to my hair and am not into bleaching or whatever. I am slightly stand offish with blonde shampoos etc purely because i know nothing about any of this.

So let me have it ladies and gents! do your worst! am allll ears!

Ps. My hair comes down about an inch past my eyes and ears and is wavey! I'll try and embrace technology and post some kind of pic up.

April 26th, 2010, 04:53 AM
There are more guys here. Good luck with the growing.

April 26th, 2010, 04:58 AM
There is a lot of good info here, welcome to the forums. Check out the "articles" section. You may be interested in honey lightening to brighten up your color. Here is an article on it http://forums.longhaircommunity.com/vbjournal.php?do=article&articleid=61 Good luck!

April 26th, 2010, 08:19 AM
Oooo where abouts in Scotland you from? I hail from up north in Aberdeen... well not
any more i live in Cyprus now...
But I think guys with long hair are great!, my youngest brother is the proud owner of long hair and asks me ALL the time how to keep it nice.. there is some great stuff on here!

April 26th, 2010, 08:28 AM
Welcome! No need to be concerned here, there are quite a few men who are members.

Take your time and read all the recommended newbie articles. As hard as it may sometimes be, follow the advice to only try one new thing at a time. It's easy to get carried way, but the long term benefits of knowing exactly which thing or things work best for your hair are worth the wait. Everyone is different, what works fantastic on one person is the worst thing ever on another. Only experimentation on yourself will show what is good for you.

Then after a couple months, go back and read them again. I was happy I did. Lots had stuck, but more things made more sense next time around. Which reminds me, I need to go read them again....

Don't hesitate to ask questions. There is so much knowledge here!

April 26th, 2010, 11:51 AM
Welcome! As others have said there are other males here, so not to worry, you are not alone. Trial and error are going to be your best friends since everyone has different hair, and thus different needs. You will learn a lot here. People are very helpful and friendly and they know beautiful hair. Stick around and you'll see what I mean. :)

April 26th, 2010, 12:09 PM
I'm a bit new myself, so all I can offer is a warm welcome and a smile for luck! Dont fret about being a guy thats cares for your hair, more often then not, that would make you more appealing to others... It really says something about a person who takes care of themselves, hair included!

April 26th, 2010, 12:12 PM
Welcome to LHC!*Long pretty hair on men is pretty rare here too, and I get asked "Are you a man or a woman?", although it should be obvious from my beard.

April 26th, 2010, 02:01 PM
Thanks for the welcome!

Nae, thanks for that link very interesting! i'll give it a thourough read.:eye:

Emma, am in Stirling:pumpkin: How'd you end up over in Cyprus ?

I've got a quiet night ahead of me tonight so i'll be sure to have a good poke around the site.

Cheers all

April 26th, 2010, 02:10 PM
Welcome to the LHC!

April 27th, 2010, 03:39 AM
Thanks for the welcome!

Nae, thanks for that link very interesting! i'll give it a thourough read.:eye:

Emma, am in Stirling:pumpkin: How'd you end up over in Cyprus ?

I've got a quiet night ahead of me tonight so i'll be sure to have a good poke around the site.

Cheers all
Sterling, very nice I have a few mates in Uni there.

I ended up here for a gap year after uni 'cause my dad is here, nothing too exciting, LOL.