View Full Version : I have absolutely no self control
March 10th, 2008, 06:39 PM
i was feeling very very depressed and unhappy today and my friend asked me if i wanted to go to the mall... i didnt want to go but if we didnt go i would be all alone in my house (well not completely alone i still have my schnoodle jack) so we are walking around the mall... she doesnt have any money and all i have is my gas money for the week... i have absolutely no self control i spent 11$ of my 21$ gas money on all of this!
it seems that whenever i feel extra sad i just dont have that little voice telling me not to spend all my gas money... its like it eats a hole in my pocket or something... it wants to be spent. i swear the people at the store know that im coming and put up the 10 items for 10$ sign just for me.. so the first set of hairsticks are gold and plain.. then there is a plastic fork that i had to sand down the edges of. then is the cherry sticks, they are clear with tiny cherrys all over them. then are the beaded sticks, the picture doesnt do justice to how pretty the beads are.. then i got 2 knotted sticks, i just thought it was neat how they were tied int knots at the ends...
and now for the second half of my purchase
6 flower pin things. they are 4" long .. i saw these in a picture a member here posted... i didnt have a selection of colors as i bought the last 3 pairs so im going to paint the flower tops with different color nail polish..... for those of you who have seen my hairstyles that i posted pre crash know that i like to wear my hair in pigtails sometimes... i bought the smaller clips for just this purpose.. now i can have piggytail cinnabuns without i tested out the clips on pigtails and they work well.
i was only really happy with my purchase until i left the mall and saw that my car is down to a half a tank. i have absolutley no self control... coming home with magic beans instead of gasoline
March 10th, 2008, 06:46 PM
Dang I hate doing something like that, but those hairtoys are neat! Hope you're able to figure out the gas money situation.
I never see hairtoys like that anywhere around here. :(
March 10th, 2008, 06:51 PM
Well, it was 11$ well spent, who needs gas?? lolol
Maybe you can share a ride to work this week?
Anyway, the bounty is a good bang for the bucks!!
March 10th, 2008, 06:51 PM
Dang I hate doing something like that, but those hairtoys are neat! Hope you're able to figure out the gas money situation.
I never see hairtoys like that anywhere around here. :(
i hope i dont run out of gas and have to miss school... my school is 20 minutes away from me so gas is a real issue... i got most of the toys at the icing (owned by claires).... do you live outside the usa? because claires are all over america and they have a large hairtoy section in every store.
March 10th, 2008, 06:51 PM
oh I wish i'd find hair toys around here like that to. I am the same with spending money; although i have gotten better these days.
wolf girl
March 10th, 2008, 06:54 PM
i spent 11$ of my 21$ gas money on all of this!
But wasn't it a lot more fun???:wink:
March 10th, 2008, 06:57 PM
Do you have a bicycle? How about a bus? What is Claire's return policy?
I have confidence in you. I know you'll work this out.
March 10th, 2008, 07:01 PM
oh I wish i'd find hair toys around here like that to. I am the same with spending money; although i have gotten better these days.
if you go on the claires site you can find several stores in florida... yeah im so bored that i looked it up... and yeah there are a bunch or clairs stores in florida
March 10th, 2008, 07:05 PM
I'm sorry about the gas money situation, but you sure did get some pretty stuff for the money you spent.
March 10th, 2008, 07:05 PM
I love icing. At least you didn't go crazy with your credit card buying internet hair sticks or ficcares or something. (No, no one I know would do that! her name wouldn't be prosperina.) And for 11 dollars that's really good, since last I bought something at icing (very cute sticks!) they were 7.50 or so.
March 10th, 2008, 07:06 PM
maybe if i stay at the school for the 3 hours in between my tuesday thursday classes and dont go anywhere for the rest of the week ill make it... otherwise im gonna have to beg my dad for money... and he will huff and puff for hours... ill have to ask my dad to come home early tuesday and thursday bacause the dog cant go 10 hours without going outside and i dont want him to pee his box and then have to sit in the pee for hours... poor puppy.
March 10th, 2008, 07:08 PM
I love icing. At least you didn't go crazy with your credit card buying internet hair sticks or ficcares or something. (No, no one I know would do that! her name wouldn't be prosperina.) And for 11 dollars that's really good, since last I bought something at icing (very cute sticks!) they were 7.50 or so.
yeah they were all on sale... some of the original prices went up to 8 $ so if they hadnt been on sale i would have had to spend atleast 60$
Shadow Walker
March 10th, 2008, 07:11 PM
Well, sometimes it's good to spoil yourself. :)
Like me, I just bought a new guitar.
March 10th, 2008, 07:20 PM
Sorry you're feeling down, squiggyflop. :grouphug: Those are some really pretty toys though, I hope you can enjoy them.
If you have money to spend on lunch at school, maybe you could save that and bring lunch from home or something similar?
March 10th, 2008, 07:24 PM
Look at all that stuff you got though!!! It's all wonderful and you'll feel so pretty when you use them. Is there anyone you can catch a ride with if you run low on gas?
March 10th, 2008, 07:43 PM
i dont buy lunch at school because of my lack of $... and i dont know anyone who can drive me to school because there are few who live in my town that go to my school.. and no one wants to drive an extra 10 miles to come get me. i do have a friend who goes to my school that lives in my town but she works so she cant give me a ride.. maybe i can say to dad i went to the mall with angie and tried to get back on the highway but missed my exit and ended up wasting half a tank... this wouldnt be a lie because this actually happened to me the other day which is why its so bad that i spent that 11$... if i hadnt tryed taking it on the highway gas wouldnt be an issue... he will tell me im stupid for taking my cruddy car on the highway (the thing acts like its going to shake apart if you take it above 50mph and it eats gas like crazy at those speeds) he will tell me not to do it again and give me a couple extra bucks for gas...
March 10th, 2008, 07:57 PM
maybe i can say to dad i went to the mall with angie and tried to get back on the highway but missed my exit and ended up wasting half a tank... this wouldnt be a lie because this actually happened to me the other day which is why its so bad that i spent that 11$... if i hadnt tryed taking it on the highway gas wouldnt be an issue... he will tell me im stupid for taking my cruddy car on the highway (the thing acts like its going to shake apart if you take it above 50mph and it eats gas like crazy at those speeds) he will tell me not to do it again and give me a couple extra bucks for gas...
I can't in good conscience say it's a good idea to lie to your dad. It's been my experience that The Dad will huff and puff a little no matter where the money went, but will usually give in for something like gas money. Now that you have your new summer hairtoy wardrobe you'll be able to stick to your gas budget from now on? Sometimes a girl just has to buy something pretty for the greater good.
March 10th, 2008, 08:07 PM
This doesn't really have anything to do with your current dilemma, but do you have a job? I work in a lab at my school and make $10/hr. I do know you have back problems, so you probably couldn't do something quite like that, but there are plenty of jobs which are very easy going. Notetaking or tutoring are two that come to mind. Even if you are just getting minimum wage (which is what I got when I was notetaking), it's almost no work because you just photocopy the notes you already took for the class. In my mind it was like free money. You could try looking into something like that, it would give you a few extra bucks each week so expenses wouldn't be quite so tight.
March 10th, 2008, 08:17 PM
Sorry about your gas situation, but you did get some good deals though.
March 10th, 2008, 08:30 PM
I can't in good conscience say it's a good idea to lie to your dad. It's been my experience that The Dad will huff and puff a little no matter where the money went, but will usually give in for something like gas money. Now that you have your new summer hairtoy wardrobe you'll be able to stick to your gas budget from now on? Sometimes a girl just has to buy something pretty for the greater good. i really did waste half a tank on the highway so its not a lie its just something i didnt want him to find out about because its really unsafe to drive my cruddy car on the highway... i would have had extra money at the end of the week if i hadnt done it... i think ill come up short about 5$. i really thought i would be able to keep my highway mishap a secret... ugh and my dads an insurance atterney too so ill get the parade of stories about girls getting hurt in car accidents... i think ill tell him about the toys too and ask him to think of it as part of my birthday present (this friday)... i usually cant keep a secret from my dad for long, i like to think that we are pretty close even though he works all the time... i can see it now... my dad will say, couldnt you have made yourself annother hair thing instead of wasteing the money... you have all those wood scraps taking up my entire dining room.....speaking of your stuff go clean the living room theres sawdust everywhere, go do!... yeah that sounds like him...
March 10th, 2008, 08:34 PM
This doesn't really have anything to do with your current dilemma, but do you have a job? I work in a lab at my school and make $10/hr. I do know you have back problems, so you probably couldn't do something quite like that, but there are plenty of jobs which are very easy going. Notetaking or tutoring are two that come to mind. Even if you are just getting minimum wage (which is what I got when I was notetaking), it's almost no work because you just photocopy the notes you already took for the class. In my mind it was like free money. You could try looking into something like that, it would give you a few extra bucks each week so expenses wouldn't be quite so tight. i would tutor if i was good at anything...... i dont take notes because of some LD issues... all my classes are computor classes so there really arent any notes to be taken anyway...
March 10th, 2008, 08:40 PM
I think asking your dad to think of the toys as part of your present is a great idea. Good luck with telling him, I'd do it as soon as possible if I were you. I know it sucks, but it's better not to have it on your mind longer than necessary, right? :flowers:
ETA: Or you could maybe even send him an e-mail if he's working right now? Gives him longer to calm down, so you'll hopefully not get as much grief.
March 10th, 2008, 08:42 PM
I have those cherry sticks!
March 10th, 2008, 08:58 PM
he is at work right now and im probly going to be asleep by the time he gets home... dad doesnt check his emails very often so im not going to send him one.
oh and kittee it was the cherry sticks that started it all... i wanted to buy them (onsale 3$) and then the lady came over and pointed out the 10 items for 10$ sign.. and like i said i have no self control.
March 10th, 2008, 08:58 PM
i also cant stop myself from buying things to try in my hair!! Well it is not a great thing but makes me happy :D
March 10th, 2008, 09:18 PM
LMBO! I saw the first pic an was like "wow, that's a lot of hair toys", then I scrolled down :lol:
Nice stash :thumbsup:, I'm getting myself to the mall this week to see what Claires has because those are pretty. Hope you get the gas situation sorted out. Maybe carpool with a friend/co-worker for a few days
March 10th, 2008, 09:25 PM
LMBO! I saw the first pic an was like "wow, that's a lot of hair toys", then I scrolled down :lol:
Nice stash :thumbsup:, I'm getting myself to the mall this week to see what Claires has because those are pretty. Hope you get the gas situation sorted out. Maybe carpool with a friend/co-worker for a few days
i hope your mall has the icing too.. the icing is like claires for adult women... the mall i went to has both the icing and claires so i have double the ammount of choices.. i shy away from claires because the whole store is glowing pink everywhere and is full of little girls. it makes me kinda uncomfortable
March 10th, 2008, 10:31 PM
Unfortunately we don't, only Clarie's. The crazy pink and purple combo scares me to, lol. I always bring my little cousin with me when I want to shop the kiddie stores :lol:
March 10th, 2008, 10:40 PM
Claire's is where my Firstborn got her ears pierced~ they were so nice they did them both at the same time for her. WOW I live so far out in Hoe-dunk, (where did that come from>?) LOL I don't ever see a mall, let alone a nice hair toy, so I have to shop the 'net for mine...boy there are some expensive ones out there! YEEE I'm looking at a dymondwood 5-prong fork now from 60th St. and when I saw the $40 pricetag, I almost dropped my teeth. Beautiful, YAH but I have no control and had to close the browser before I did something I'd regret too!!
March 11th, 2008, 08:00 PM
you sound like me!!! Once i was shopping and i didnt even have enough money to buy the stuff i had to leave it and walked off broke! it was very sad!
March 11th, 2008, 09:19 PM
Wow that's a lot of hairtoys for that amount of money! At least you got some great deals. I have a pair of sticks just like yours (the ones with golden beads) from Icing and they were like $8 after tax. :o Next time you feel lonely just come and chat with us here. :D It doesn't cost any extra.
March 11th, 2008, 11:11 PM
I hate buyer's remorse! I bought $40 worth of stuff (not even hair stuff!) the other day (yes, with my gas money) and fortunately was able to return most of it.
You got some very nice hair toys, but yeah, it sucks to have spent all of your gas money :/
Icing & Claire's are like DEATH TRAPS for the say nothing of those SoHo kiosks. Anyone familiar with those? I used to work at one...they have loads of pretty rhinestone hair accessories.
Ohio Sky
March 12th, 2008, 02:15 PM
Yes, I fear we all have hs problem periodically... I was really bad for a while after I joined TBB (all the enabling!)
I bought some henna, I ordered samples from 4 different MMU companies, I started buying all kinds of oils and butters and poo bars.... you get the picture. And it all cost more than $10. But my hair is much happier now, and now that Im out of my "have to try everything" phase and have started to figure out what works for me, Im glad I spent that money, though I probably should have spaced it out a little better.
Point being? I dont know, but you have to splurge a little bit. Its not like you cant borrow $5 from some stranger wholl pity a poor girl with pretty hair whos run out of gas :)
March 12th, 2008, 03:08 PM
try to decide what you have to buy before you enter the mall. And how much you can spend at fun stuff. And try to look bored and not interested in anything, less likely for the salespersons to come up to you;)
Also, the 3 hour break at school isn't a bad idea after all? You have time to read and do homework.
March 12th, 2008, 03:40 PM
Squiggy -
I am so sorry you are facing this. Good luck with your Dad.
Darian Moone
March 12th, 2008, 04:42 PM
I hope things work out okay with your dad. It is good to tell him asap - might as well get it over and behind you.
I know how you feel though. I can go nuts with shopping at times. Today I spent $35 I couldn't afford on smelly stuff at Bath & Body Works (but I loooove the smell of Chocolate Amber cologne!). DH was just fine about it when I got home though because I showed him what I did right away.
March 12th, 2008, 04:46 PM
Wow! Those are so beautiful! Sorry about your gas situation, but you are a GREAT shopper! Enjoy your new toys!!
March 13th, 2008, 09:04 AM
i was extra careful with the ammount of driving i did... i have enough gas to get me through today just fine and tomarro i will get more gas and all will be well. i told dad and he babbled on for a bit about magic beans and not buying them.. he didnt seem too mad but he said he wasnt giving me more gas money this week... (he meant this school week which ends on thursdays) so everything is fine..
Darian Moone
March 13th, 2008, 11:04 AM
I'm glad to hear that everything went okay with your dad, you've got enough gas to get through the week, and that you've got such lovely new hair toys! This worked out pretty well. :D
March 13th, 2008, 11:27 AM
if you go on the claires site you can find several stores in florida... yeah im so bored that i looked it up... and yeah there are a bunch or clairs stores in florida
You got all that stuff at clairs??:agape: yeah I know where they are he he he watch out here I come:cheese: ok, well maybe when I have the cash:rolleyes:
March 13th, 2008, 11:39 AM
You got all that stuff at clairs??:agape: yeah I know where they are he he he watch out here I come:cheese: ok, well maybe when I have the cash:rolleyes:
i got it all at the icing.. but the icing is owned by claires so they have alot of the same toys.
Peggy E.
March 13th, 2008, 11:56 AM
You'll have these hairtoys and enjoy using them long after that week of gasoline is long gone and forgotten!
There's a marketing strategy that zooms in on the depressed shopper, as so many in the mall tend to be. It's different than shopping on the internet, in that you have instant gratification. On the net, you have to wait - it then becomes a "Christmas morning" sort of thing when the package arrives in the mail, but I digress....
When you really stop to think about it, how much of our shopping, the items we buy, are really purchased because we NEED them? I may be wrong, but I know that most of the stuff I buy - always over the internet, I'm stuck, or I'm sure I'd be hitting malls all over the place! - is on impulse, or not needed so much as "wanted," which is different.
There's nothing wrong with this, so long as you can afford it and you're not causing problems for yourself in other aspects of your life - say, gas for the week....
But you did what you did and now you will figure out how to get from point A to point B and back for the rest of the week (it's Thursday, so you have probably got the plan in action, or are getting in a lot of healthy walking!).
I kind of like the color of those flowers - what are you going to paint them?
Peggy E.
March 13th, 2008, 12:04 PM
i was extra careful with the ammount of driving i did... i have enough gas to get me through today just fine and tomarro i will get more gas and all will be well. i told dad and he babbled on for a bit about magic beans and not buying them.. he didnt seem too mad but he said he wasnt giving me more gas money this week... (he meant this school week which ends on thursdays) so everything is fine..
Yeah- But look what the magic beans did for Jack! It wasn't like he didn't come out on top with a goose that laid golden eggs and living on easy street for the rest of his life.
Those magic beans turned out to be a great buy - not only would Jack not worry about getting gas for his car, he probably bought controlling stock in an oil corporation! ;o)
March 13th, 2008, 12:19 PM
I kind of like the color of those flowers - what are you going to paint them? i painted them all different pearly sparkly colors.. they look so much better.. i put sparkle glitter topcoat on most of them.. i think they look better.. they hold really well... im going to post pics once the albums are fixed
March 13th, 2008, 12:38 PM
ohhh SO have to go to Claires this weekend.I haven't been there in forever because I tend to spend too much,quite like you :)
and don't worry about the gas,like everyone else is saying as well.Life has a way of working itself out :flowers:
March 13th, 2008, 01:10 PM
i got it all at the icing.. but the icing is owned by claires so they have alot of the same toys.
Yuppers, I know that store.Time to go shopping:guns:
March 13th, 2008, 01:36 PM
i hope i dont run out of gas and have to miss school... my school is 20 minutes away from me so gas is a real issue... i got most of the toys at the icing (owned by claires).... do you live outside the usa? because claires are all over america and they have a large hairtoy section in every store.
I don't visit Claire's much but do they have the 10 for $10 deal often?
March 13th, 2008, 03:17 PM
I don't visit Claire's much but do they have the 10 for $10 deal often?
at the icing at the mall i go to there is usually a couple of bins in the back of the store full of clearance items.. the clearance items are awesome but there arent usually that many choices of hairtoys in the bins... the hairtoys were mixed in with miny purses cigaret holders pantys (i didnt even know they sold underwear until i had to untangle a thong from one of the flower pins) the clearance items are usually at least 40% off. but there is alot of digging that has to be done to get at the good items... there were so many ugly hairtoys that i had to dig past to find the ones i bought..
March 13th, 2008, 03:20 PM
Glad everything turned out okay for you. :)
March 14th, 2008, 11:57 AM
Thank you Squiggyflop :flower:
March 14th, 2008, 12:33 PM
Oh my god. You got so much stuff with just 11 dollars? Connecticut must be a cheap place! Here where i live, everything is so expensive, those would be like 60 dollars or something! I want to move to Connecticut! And btw, those are pretty :) I gues you must go walking for them.
March 14th, 2008, 12:42 PM
I suggest the butter up routine, fix him a nice dinner (or make him a lunch to take to work with a nice note inside) have the saw dust already cleaned up, make the bed etc. Then ask for the extra $. Sort of an allowance for doing chores.
As for puppy is there a neighbor who could walk for those two days?
March 14th, 2008, 07:22 PM
Oh my god. You got so much stuff with just 11 dollars? Connecticut must be a cheap place! Here where i live, everything is so expensive, those would be like 60 dollars or something! I want to move to Connecticut! And btw, those are pretty :) I gues you must go walking for them.
i just bought alot of stuff today.. ( actually ct is one of the richest states so in most places things are expensive... and theres high taxes too... but when the sales come around im all over them...
March 15th, 2008, 11:38 AM
ugh i broke one of the cherry sticks... i should have known better than to try and put it in a damp bun... when my hair is wet it eats toys.. infact the only thing i can putmy hair up with when wet is double ended knitting needles that ive bent into pins.. oh well. i still have the other one...
March 15th, 2008, 01:13 PM
Why don't you buy petrol at the beginning of the week, then you're not going to have problems?
Of course, the idea that you can get through a week on that little money for petrol sounds, for those of us in the UK, risable - my wife commutes about 20 minutes each way and if she drove every day that would be about £35 a week in fuel once we'd factored in other driving stuff too.
One thing I would suggest is that if you're driving regular distances in something which consumes fuel at a high rate and sounds as though it's falling apart, is that you suggest to your parents that in the long run they'll save money by replacing it with a small diesel. The fuel costs will plummet (we used to get about 500 miles out of a tank on our old car), and having a car which won't break down will save on repair and recovery costs. You will also find that something in better condition will use less fuel too.
March 15th, 2008, 08:55 PM
Hey! I have those same cherry hairsticks! I think I may have broken one of mine the same way you did. :rolleyes:
May 16th, 2008, 09:36 AM
ugh i still have no self control.. i didnt want to start a new thread so im posting here..
today i went out and i started to feel sick as i was driving so i thought i would find a place where i could get out of the car and walk around until my tummy settled down and i saw a store on the way home..
i went straight to the hair care isle thinking that i would smell some shampoo to kill some time... and then i look over while im smelling a particularly good smelling shampoo and see a whole rack of brandname turbies for 2$..
next to that was a rack of combs.. i started looking at the combs and realized that they were seamless.. i had never seen seamless combs in a store before.. they were conair Tortoise combs.. they advertised on the back of the little piece of cardboard that they were hand cut acrylic combs and that they were gentle.. i brought the combs about 3 inches from my face and saw they really were seamless.. they were so smooth inside the gaps!.. i looked at the price they were 1$ a piece.. i started thinking about how much seamless combs cost online and ended up grabbing a fine tooth one and a wide tooth one.. after that i told myself that i wouldnt buy anything else with my gas money..
but then i saw a paddle brush that had wooden peg things as brisles.. i remember seeing someone post a link to a site selling similar brushes.. when i had originally saw the link i got upset that i couldnt afford them.. the brush was 2$ i thought about it for a few seconds and decided that it was too good a deal to pass up and it was the last one like it on the rack so if i came back later it might not be there.. i didnt realize what a mistake i had made until i got up to the register and the lady asked me for 4.25$.. i wanted to tell her that i changed my mind and that i didnt want the stuff but i couldnt seem to move my lips.. im so irresponsible! this always happens when i feel stressed.. i end up spending money thats not for spending.. right now im stressing about an appointment im going to go to today at the hospital.. i hate people seeing me wearing those gown things and i hate xrays.. and i hate strange men that i dont know touching me when im only wearing a flimsy gown and panties.. i wish i could jus sleep all the time when im stressed like my brother does.. instead i buy things.
May 16th, 2008, 10:11 AM
aww, but those things were really cheap and were investments. But try to not have money that you can't spend aviable. Like, get a gas card if you can and load it with money, that way you don't have to have actual money in your pocket.
Tap Dancer
May 16th, 2008, 11:39 AM
At least you got a lot for your money and everything is really pretty. I love the Fakkare clips. I might have to go to Icing soon...
May 16th, 2008, 11:49 AM
I've got 2 of those brushes with the wooden bristles, and I love them. They work better than any other brush. I think I paid something like $16. for each of them. You got a fantastic deal.
Is there some way that you can budget a certain amounts of money every week (maybe $10 -$15) for discretionary spending? Its not like you are going crazy and buying hundreds of dollars worth of stuff on a credit card. Spending a few dollars here and there on reasonably priced hair toys doesn't seem like such a bad thing to do. Maybe your dad could give you a bit extra or something. Goodness, there are far, far worse things you could be spending the money on.
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