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April 18th, 2010, 02:27 PM
Hi everyone!

I was thinking today about how nationality/genetics may affect our hair texture, rate of growth, etc.

I thought it might be interesting to talk about our nationality/ethnicity and what our hairtypes are, beyond the normal Caucasian/Asian/African American/Canadian/etc.

I'm half Norwegian, a quarter Polish and a quarter Hungarian. I have 1b/1c hair and it's medium, and a mousey dark brown. My hair will hold waves fine but curls usually don't stay for more than an hour or so before they stretch out into waves. My Mom who is half Polish and half Hungarian has very fine hair now that she's almost 60, not very much greys though. My grandmother is 78 and is still only 40% grey. My girl cousins all have BSL length hair that varies from dark blonde to almost black, but no one in my family has overly curly hair except for one of my uncles.

I hope this is PC and doesn't offend anyone (and that I put it in the right section!), I'm not trying to pry, I just think it would be interesting!! :D

What's your heritage? Your hairtype? Your family's?

April 18th, 2010, 02:33 PM
I'm of Croatian heritage and have noticed lots of Slavic men and women have the same hair type- particularly courser hairs around the hair line and widows' peak, thick and lots of volume. Also, the colour tends to be in the ashy category, be it blonde or brunette.

April 18th, 2010, 02:37 PM
I'm from Sweden and I've got fine 1b hair. The color is mousy medium/dark blonde (not really sure since I've been bleaching and dying since I was 13.. trying to get it virgin again now though)

April 18th, 2010, 02:40 PM
You know what, when I signed up and tried to figure out all the hairtyping stuff, I really was surprised that it didn't ask about heritage/ethnicity!

I'm a "Caucasian Blend" I guess (drinking coffee atm!) : I'm mostly English, somewhat Danish, some German, some Irish, and chance of a little American Indian (great-grandmother was adopted from a reservation orphanage in TX or OK, she didn't even know more than that).

My hair definitely takes after my dad's English family (his parents were 1st generation Canadians born from British immigrant parents, and they'd been in England forever); dark, dark, straight, heavy brown hair. My mom's side tends to go gray quickly, my uncle was gray in his 20s, but my maternal grandma had long hair for the longest time (I loved it!) and it was always a very very dark salt and pepper mix (mostly pepper, but no longer black).

April 18th, 2010, 02:40 PM
My hair is almost exactly like yours, except I'm f/m (almost more m'sh) and my natural hair is a darker than mousey brown. A grey/brown black?

I'm English-Caucasian/vietnamese/chinese.

My father... I don't know his ancestry but he's just english, white etc. :p His hair is very fine and very soft, I'm envious of it! :p I don't know if it waves or not because he's never had it long. ;) He's always told me my hair is fine. o_o;
My mother is Vietnamese/Chinese. My mother's hair is very straight and black, and coarse.

I think it is a very interesting thread idea! :D
My brothers are C and fully Asian, I don't have any other sibling sadly which I can really compare to, wish I could for thread purposes just to see the difference of F and M hair! :p

April 18th, 2010, 02:47 PM
I am a full blooded Chinese American, both my mom and dad were born Chinese citizens. I have the typical textbook Asian hair. Its naturally jet black, almost completely straight (I'm between 1a and 1b when my hair naturally air-dries), very thick, and also its very coarse in texture.
My hair is super strong, its resistant to any kind of heat damage or bleaching damage as you guys are well aware. I do have a love/hate relationship with my hair. I like that its super strong. However if I had a choice, I'd probably have hair that was naturally much lighter in color, say a copper red or a golden blond. I'd also like for it to be a little bit wavier, maybe in the 2b range perhaps.

April 18th, 2010, 02:49 PM
I'm British with Norwegian hertigage.

My hair is 2c, M and i/ii. Its quite curly when short but as it gets longer and heavier it becomes wavier with odd ringlets and spirals dotted around my head. My family all have very short curly hair, I think myself and a handful of girl cousins have grown our hair below our chins. We all have the common factor of light brown hair too though we were all blonde until around 7/8 years of age.

My hair on average grows the 0.5" a month, though I have never noticed my familys growth rate since they all have short hair which they keep cutting to remain their length. I think my growth rate has more to do with where I live rather than genetics however my friend has an average growth rate of 0.25" a month! So it may well be my genetics! :)

April 18th, 2010, 02:53 PM
Wow, thanks for the replies, guys!! It's fascinating.

little_cherry, I never knew about Croatians having that distinctive widow's peak and thicker hairline... I'm the opposite, my hairline is fine, baby hairs that come in a lighter color than the rest of my roots.

superficial, from what I've seen (durrr, Canada) Swedish people tend to have such neat silk spun light hair, baby fine. Cotton Candy. Sometimes I wish mine wasn't so freaking heavy but then again, it's only Medium, people have much heavier and coarser hair than I do!

Ivy~Rose, Mmmm Caucasian blend :D, lol, makes me crave more coffee. Haha. It's neat that you know about the generations of your family- my Grandmother, Mother, and I were all born in Canada but I do know my Grandfather's parents brought him over in the 30s. Interesting stuff!

Sammich! You inspired me. Haha. The bit of caucasian gives you that nice wave! :D It's crazy to see how your hair turns out, from your heritage. I always wished I had Asian ancestry to have the gorgeous thick poker straight hair but I'm learning to embrace my wierd medium not-quite-straight-mess. Haha.

Thanks you guys! :cheese:

April 18th, 2010, 02:59 PM
eric, don't we always want what we can't have!? I'm jealous your hair is so resilient, that's crazy! :)

Kittylost I do feel somewhat gipped I didn't get the beautiful Norweigan texture... my Hungarian gypsy blood overrode it. haha! :D

April 18th, 2010, 03:14 PM
I'm actually really glad you started this thread. A girl at work and I were having this discussion (she's Russian, and had the exact same hair I would have if I'd never dyed or hennaed it).

I'm half Polish, half Irish/ Italian (more Irish, but not sure of the exacts). I get my hair from my Polish side. It's usually 1c, M ii, but the wave in it makes it very voluminous with just a bit of humidity. Sometimes if I'm wearing it down, I have to brush it just to make it sit down and not just to get the tangles out (horrible habit, but I'm getting better about wearing it up).

My virgin hair is a light auburn that the sun will bleach with golden highlights. The texture is harder to describe. Each strand is wavy in its own way, so they don't wave together. That causes the poofy-ness. It's very prone to splits and is not very strong in general.

I do love my hair!

April 18th, 2010, 03:34 PM
I am nothing particularly out of the ordinary (British, with a lot of Irish ancestors) but I just wanted to drop by to say I love Indian hair. It's my favourite "nationality-specific" hair.

April 18th, 2010, 03:35 PM
My ancestry is of Chinese descent but my hair isn't like that of most Chinese people. My hair has a lot of volume in it, it is not slick straight and has some hints of waves, especially when wet. I've had hairdressers suggest that I permanently straighten my hair to get that sleek Asian look!

Both my parents are from China. My mom has typical straight black Asian hair, but my dad's hair used to be wavy (he's bald now).

My hair is more or less black depending on the light. In the sun it has some reddish/brownish hues in it. It is on the warmer side of black, not the cool side.

My hair takes to curls very well, unlike many other Chinese. Sometimes I can bun my hair dry and get bun waves.

My hair is also very strong. I hardly ever find split ends and as long as my hair does not have build up, it is tangle free.

All in all, I really like my hair. I just wish it was thicker and longer!

April 18th, 2010, 03:39 PM
I am nothing particular out of the ordinary (British, with a lot of Irish ancestors).

Same here, interestingly we have the same hair type and colour... My mum and sister have much softer (but still thick), blond hair and both look more "Saxon" than me and my father, who look more Irish, (pale skin, greenish eyes, darker hair).

April 18th, 2010, 03:45 PM
I'm danish with some swedish, and spanish mixed in there. That's what I know of anyway :)

I have dark blonde/golden blonde hair. (born platinum blonde) I'm not so sure about my hairtype. It has changed big time, after I stopped dying it. But it will probably end up a 2 something. Very very thick. It looks so stupid, when I have my hair down at this lenght, because its so full and that gives me the unwanted darth vader look. Buuuut it just means it will look killer, when it's long, I guess :rolleyes:

My mom has dark brown, 3a hair. My dad light blonde, thin, pin straight hair. My sister, hip lenght golden blonde, pin straight hair (so beautiful). My little brother, has light blonde silky soft, straight hair. And my other little brother has the same as me, just short :p

April 18th, 2010, 04:03 PM
I'm British (English to be technical) but I have Native American ancestry which is where my family gets our really dark hair from, and possibly the texture too - all of our hair is really thick (as in the individual strands are thick and we have a lot of it!).

It's definately an interesting topic!

April 18th, 2010, 04:55 PM
I have no idea what nationality I am ... But, I can say with all sincerity that I am a human mutt :D

April 18th, 2010, 05:06 PM
As for me Romanian _ on both sides though I was told that some Irish may have made it in to the mix somewhere. I have thick wavy hair that looks like the rest of my family though I have a odd undertone of deep red to the dark brown.My family all has this high for head .

April 18th, 2010, 05:29 PM
I'm English, German, Swiss, Scottish, Welsh, and a lot of other stuff which I don't remember, all European though. My hair is pretty straight, it's dark blonde. My brother on the other hand has dark curly hair that's pretty ashy. The under part of my hair which isn't exposed to the sun is almost the exact shade as his hair, so I suspect if he went outside as much as I do his color would be more like mine :p.

April 18th, 2010, 05:29 PM
I am mostly Greek, with a smidge of Scottish thrown in, with dark blonde 3a hair. I have pretty standard thick, curly Greek hair, but much lighter in color than any of my relatives. They have true brown hair in a variety of darknesses, but my hair is a dark dark golden blonde. I'm guessing that the color comes from more of the Scottish side.

April 18th, 2010, 06:39 PM
My heritage is English, Dutch, German, French, Italian, Irish, Indian (from India), and Native American.

When I first went natural, my hair was super curly, but as I gain length, my hair type seems to be changing, maybe a 2c/3a, or something.

My mother is more of a 2a/2b and my father from what I could tell in pictures was 2b/2c maybe.

My mother was born blonde and still is but on the lower end of the spectrum. My father had medium brown hair with red highlights. My grandmother had jet-black hair.

My hair color is all of these combined. My hair is dark brown with some wiry coarse black hair. During the spring and summer, my highlights come out, blonde from my mother and red from my father.

My hair is coarse, medium, thick curly, wavy, and fine all at the same time, just depends on the section of hair you are currently looking at.

April 18th, 2010, 06:45 PM
I am Asian Pacific Islander.. or specifically Hawaiian with some Heinz 57 mixed in (that is what my mother calls it, a little bit of everything).

My hair is straight and very fine and at the moment, very black.

ETA: I am between a fine and medium at the moment, however once I'm done with my post-baby shed I will be back to a fine.

April 18th, 2010, 07:21 PM
I'm interested in seeing what some of the European hairtypes are. My heritage is Irish, Scottish, English and little Polish. But we've been in the US since before the Revolutionary War, so there could be so many ethnicities mixed in. My hair is thick and coarse, moderately curly, medium brown.

April 18th, 2010, 07:21 PM
My father's side is Spanish and Irish. My mother's side is German, Scottish, and a smidge of American Indian, somewhere in there. Both of my parents have brown hair and brown eyes.

I was light blonde as a child with blue eyes. A pediatrician told my parents that it was a 1:64 chance that I would be fair.

Two of my grandparents, my paternal grandmother (Irish) and my maternal grandfather had blue eyes and red hair.

As I aged, my hair darkened a bit, and then I started with henna, and I haven't looked back... well, maybe I have. I've got about 2 inch roots now, because I wanted to see if I have greys. I don't yet... and I've been to lazy to re-henna.

My father says I look very much like his mother, Irish with red hair and blue eyes. That suits me fine. She was a beautiful and spirited woman, and I'd be proud to know that I carry on some of her!

April 18th, 2010, 07:25 PM
I am Native North American Native, but I come from two different tribes so my features are a blend of both. I have 1b hair that's very thick and sort of coarse, it can be easily manipulated to become more wavy, but I generally don't. My mom has classic 1a hair type that is straight as a board and won't bend for the life of her. It's funny because I would rather her stick straight hair and she wishes she had my hair which you can do more with. My dad has more waves in his hair which may be evidence of other racial ancestory on his side of the family.

April 18th, 2010, 07:46 PM
I'm half Dutch and half Italian, German, Native American, Irish, and a bit of French.

That being said, I have dark brown almost black hair. I have a slight widow's peak and I'd consider myself 2a. I also have mostly medium stands, but I do have quite a few that are courser than the rest.

April 18th, 2010, 07:57 PM
Holy crow you guys, this is awesome! It's crazy to see the different hairtypes and genetic circumstances. I wish I could reply individually but I appreciate your stories! I find genealogy fascinating.


More, more! :D

April 18th, 2010, 07:58 PM
I am italian and greek and I have very wavy hair that is naturally very dark brown. It is prone to frizz/dry/splits, but with the right products it gives a great curl and looks healthy. I always wanted straight hair and once a week I blowdry it out.
I always admired the typical asian type of hair.

April 18th, 2010, 08:05 PM
I'm Romanian with some Armenian blood mixed in (from one of my great-grandfathers). My hair is thick, curly and coarse. Started out dark blonde, but ended up darkening to the medium brownish colour I have now. My mom has fine black hair, my dad has my exact colour and hair type, as does my sister except hers is dark brown.

Fascinating thread! :D

April 18th, 2010, 08:19 PM
Pretty pure Irish, and it's fine, thick, dark and wavy/wurly.

April 18th, 2010, 08:24 PM
Norwegian/ German, mostly. A little bit of Pole, Hebrew, and Irish mixed in. :)

Born with LOTS of black hair. Went blond, and darkened towards brown eventually.

Strands are mostly that brownblonde and fine, but I have some coarse black hairs and some medium red hairs. :shrug:

And the silly stuff can't seem to decide how wavy it is. Sometimes it's straight, and sometimes its almost curly!

April 18th, 2010, 08:34 PM
I 90% British, as far back as my great grandparents, one of whom was German. I have babyfine, very blond hair and quite a lot of it. I'm a very neutral colour, hair and skin. Not very pink, or yellow. My hair has a very slight body wave. Its so thin that its hard to see the individual strands, looks like spiderweb. My sister has very thick, golden blond hair. My brothers is thick but a pale blond like mine. I have a half sister who's mother is Swedish, she has hair as fine as mine, only a little more yellow and slightly curly.

April 18th, 2010, 08:37 PM
I'm about half German, a quarter Dutch, and the other quarter is a mixture of all sorts of European nationalities: English, Irish, Italian, Swiss and French. My Great Grandfather's side of the family was partially of Jewish ethnicity and he's the one who passed down the curly hair to my mother (apparently it skipped my grandmother) and then to me. Everyone else in my background that I can think of has straight hair.

April 18th, 2010, 08:38 PM
My ancestry is of Chinese descent but my hair isn't like that of most Chinese people. My hair has a lot of volume in it, it is not slick straight and has some hints of waves, especially when wet. I've had hairdressers suggest that I permanently straighten my hair to get that sleek Asian look!

Both my parents are from China. My mom has typical straight black Asian hair, but my dad's hair used to be wavy (he's bald now).

My hair is more or less black depending on the light. In the sun it has some reddish/brownish hues in it. It is on the warmer side of black, not the cool side.

My hair takes to curls very well, unlike many other Chinese. Sometimes I can bun my hair dry and get bun waves.

My hair is also very strong. I hardly ever find split ends and as long as my hair does not have build up, it is tangle free.

All in all, I really like my hair. I just wish it was thicker and longer!

I have a couple of friends from the north who say wavy hair is normal where they are from, and that sleek, straight, jet-black hair stereotype only applies to the Han.

April 18th, 2010, 08:41 PM
I'm half italian, quarter croatian, quarter polish and ukrainian. I have thin strands of hair, but a good amount of it. It's wavy and a medium ash brown. My dad is fully italian, dark dark brown hair, medium thickness and wavy. My mom is Croatian, Ukrainian, and Polish. She has pretty thin hair, though it used to be the same as my thickness, curly 3a i'd say, light brown in color. Both my brothers have thick wavy dark dark brown hair like my dad.

April 18th, 2010, 08:52 PM
My ancestry is mostly French from both northern and southern France, about a quarter English, and with possibly some Irish and First Nations tossed into the mix.

My hair is fine and straight with a very slight wave that only comes out if I air-dry and the air has some humidity in it. The colour is medium brown, but with gold tones rather than ash. My hair has that really shiny, slightly oily quality to it that I associate with French hair, though I'm pretty the fine texture comes from my mother's English side. My sister has dark brown, medium textured slightly wavy hair.

April 18th, 2010, 09:16 PM
I'm a mutt, but there are large doses of German -- that's what I probably have the most of. I have thick, mostly fine hair, although the white ones are coarse, and some of them are medium.

April 18th, 2010, 09:33 PM
Oh, boo. I can never participate in these. I have no earthly idea where my ancestors recently came from, though family stories lean heavily toward Irish/German (just like 70% of all white Americans!).

So, as an uninformed mutt:

Normal to fast rate of growth

Medium hair, with about 10%, mostly right at the base of my neck, bordering on coarse.

Chestnut color with auburn highlights before graying.

April 18th, 2010, 09:36 PM
Mom: German/Dutch
Dad: German/English

Mom: Thick strands, wide waves, not super soft but not coarse. Dark brunette (like her father's), though now almost entirely gray and probably a ii/iii for all over thickness. Out of the six children in that family she is the only one to have such dark brown hair, one other sister has light/medium brown hair, and the rest were red heads. They all (parents included) have blue eyes and fair skin.

Dad: Medium strands, beautiful, thick waves, auburn in color, very, very few grays. He and his siblings had red-auburn hair. His mother had brunette (medium brown, maybe?) hair and his father had red hair, now entirely white. Thickness was probably a iii, but I never personally saw him with hair any longer than a standard men's cut (I saw a picture of him in high school where it was just long enough to show its texture). My aunt (his sister) has very thick, beautiful red-blond hair, so it's fair to wager that his hair would have been as thick. It was beautiful.

Me: My hair type is to the left and there are pictures in my album. I'd say it's a little darker than medium brown (when I'm not messing with the color) with natural red and blond highlights. It's mostly straight with a bit of wave/flip near the ends. My brother has (when he grew it out, now he has to abide by military standards) gorgeous, glossy, wavy brown hair with the same highlights. It's much thicker than mine in both singular strands and overall thickness. I blame my mother for this (I kid, I kid :p ). He has some seriously enviable hair. I love it. We both had light brown hair as children that gradually darkened to the colors we have now.

April 18th, 2010, 09:47 PM
Hmmm... I guess I'm a quarter french (through canada), quarter german, quarter "scotch-welsh-irish" (that's what grandma always said anyway), quarter white american of presumedly very mixed origin but definitely some english.

My mom (french/german) had dark brown hair with a bit of wave to it, medium strands, probably ii thickness. Dad ("scotch-welsh-irish" and whatever grandpa is) had light brown hair, stick straight, ultra-fine, maybe on the i/ii border for thickness.

Mine is sorta light to medium brown, small amount of wave, ii thickness, on the fine side of medium strands.

I tend to think of hairtype as being so variable even within a family though, that I find it hard to believe you'd have much variance other than on a continental level. e.g. the "scoth-welsh-irish" family had a curly brown head, a straight red head, a blondie, some dark hair, etc... among 6 sisters (I'm assuming that my great grandmother wasn't off getting impregnated by multiple men though...).

April 18th, 2010, 10:15 PM
This is an interesting thread! I like reading everyone's descriptions. I'm half Irish and half English (My heritage is probably mostly Irish because both sets of great grandparents were Irish) and I may a little spanish quite a while back too. My hair is very dark brown with some red undertones in the sun, wurly (2c), quite fine and average thickness.

I used less wavy hair as a child, more like 1c/2a :) Both my parents have fine hair. My mum has curly 3a/3b hair and my dad has straightish 1c hair, so I guess I'm a mix :)

April 18th, 2010, 11:20 PM
As far as heritage goes, I am half Norwegian and the other half is a mix of German and Irish, but predominately German.

I have a high hairline and slight widow's peak like my dad. My hair falls somewhere between my Dad's, which has fairly loose curls and my Mom's, which I would guess is around a 1b.

I was born with white-blond hair like both my parents, and my hair has darkened to a dark blond. My mom's hair is graying, but it is was a solid brown pre-gray, no matter how much she insists it is ash blond. My dad's is also brown, but a little lighter than my mom's would be. He's starting to gray at the temples, just the way his Dad's did. Of course, my paternal grandpa has black hair, which has plenty of gray in it now, but is still holding on to its color. Maybe my dad's will follow suit in that respect.

My hair is closer to my dad's in thickness. He has a pretty thick head of hair, while my mom's is so thin she could only make a tiny bun out of it when it was long (before I was born).

April 18th, 2010, 11:37 PM
My heritage is a European mix with a large part German. My hair is 1b/F/i/ii and it grows at about an average pace, I think. I was born with blonde-almost-white hair, but it has darkened to a medium blonde. My mom says my blonde hair must be the Swedish in me, but my hair isn't that really light blonde that I associate with Swedish people.

I wonder how nationality affects terminal length? I suppose that would be hard to determine as there are few people who grow to terminal.

ETA: Also, my eyebrows are much darker than my hair color. Does that point to a certain nationality, or is it just luck of the genetic draw?

April 19th, 2010, 02:30 AM
Sammich! You inspired me. Haha. The bit of caucasian gives you that nice wave! :D It's crazy to see how your hair turns out, from your heritage. I always wished I had Asian ancestry to have the gorgeous thick poker straight hair but I'm learning to embrace my wierd medium not-quite-straight-mess. Haha.

Daww, you have given me ego rise! :cheese: You're the sweet one! :D I'm glad I inspire you, because I'm gonna keep growing till classic! No trim till January either.

I guess the Caucasian does give me that wave. :)
I find it very strange though because my hair is not the same colour as either of my parents! My father was born blonde and has a medium mousey brown, my mother has black! :p I'm just a 'ole ashy dark brown/black. (I'm not fully sure yet, I started dying my hair at 10 years old. :p )
Yeah, I'm actually really loving my wavies however, because I always thought mine was poker straight! :eyebrows: Fingers crossed I'll get more wavier.

Purdy Bear
April 19th, 2010, 02:56 AM
Family Heritage: As far as I can trace back to the 1800s its Cornwall/Devon English, but one side of the family orginates from the Knights who came over with William the Conquerer. There is a Scottish link, also a Native Canadian/American link which both I have yet to find. One of the family names is French, so there may be a link there too.

Hair type: Mine is Brunette almost black with waves and maybe spirals when it gets long (sorry long time since Iv had it, I cant remember).

The rest of the family go from black straight to blonde and wirey.

April 19th, 2010, 04:21 AM
What's your heritage? Your hairtype? Your family's?

My hair is light brown/dark blond depending on seasons, fine and about a 1b (grey coloured eyes)

My father is French/Belgian - very dark brown coarse hair, about a 2c (icy blue coloured eyes)

My mother is Indian/English - very dark brown, fine hair with a very short terminal length, about a 2b (dark brown eyes)

So why my hair is straight is a mystery as no grandparents had straight hair either. The lighter colour is apparently from my very blond English grandmother, as everyone else had very dark brown hair. I presume my eye colour is a mix of my parents. I guess I'm just a rare example of the lighter colours dominating.

April 19th, 2010, 06:44 AM
I'm Swedish, German and Spanish. Mom (Spanish side) has M/C thick hair with a wave to it. Dad (Swedish/German side) has very fine thin hair with a bit of a wave, as well. Both wound up with dark brown/black hair, though Dad was blond as a child. My sisters and I have fine brown hair (mine is probably the lightest, while the other two are darker). Doing S&D sessions, I found I've also got a lot of red and blond mixed in with the brown when all my life I thought it was just "plain brown". My hair naturally highlights red in the sun and my youngest sister's highlights dark blond. I'm the only curly in my family, but as my hair gets longer, the curl is turning into wave.

Hope that helps add some info to your survey. :)

April 19th, 2010, 10:17 AM
Really interesting thread!

I'm British (English with a lot of Welsh) with a hint of Norwegian (a few generations back). My hair is dark brown with red undertones, average thickness and slightly wavy. In case it's ofc interest I have typical celtic skin (v. pale with freckles) and brown eyes. I was born with dark brown hair which then turned dark blonde but went dark again by about 6 or 7. My siblings all have super-thick hair that I've always been jealous of. One of my sisters is blond (and fair skinned) and has quite curly hair. My other sister and brother are both wavy and mousy-brown. My Mum has thick, wiry, wavy hair and my Dad has reasonably thick hair that's a little wavy. They were both brunettes when younger.

We go grey early in my family (both sides) my parents are in their early 50s and my Dad is almost completely white (he looks like Santa!) and my mum is completely white on top and still brown underneath in an interesting two-tone effect. I'm just coming up to 30 and already have quite a scattering of greys. I don't think I'm quite what you'd call salt and pepper, but I am developing a streak of white at the front which I'm quite proud of.

April 19th, 2010, 10:34 AM
I'm pretty much just Scottish. There's a wee bit of English, and we suspect Scandinavian based on the blonde hair and where the Vikings settled, but I'm pretty much bog-standard Scottish in terms of genes.

I've got 1c/F/iii hair that's somewhere between blonde and brown. My sisters are all blonde and F/iii, but range from 1b-3b in terms of wave. My parents were both blonde as children but it darkened to brown as they got older, and they've got F/iii hair, too. My mum's is about 2b, my dad's is too short to tell (though when he was my age it was shoulder-length and about 2a/2b)

April 19th, 2010, 10:39 AM
I'm officially French but I live in a place that had been German for years/centuries... including during WW2
Actually, my father is half German, and my mother too (well, her mother comes from an ancient German state in France - the history of the place I live in is quite long and complicated lol)

Almost everybody in my father's family was blonde or red haired, with green eyes (grandma, father, aunt, cousins...) Hair is often wavy
In my mother's family, everybody is dark haired and dark eyed. My mother's hair is curly but the hair of her sisters is quite straight.

Me, I'm dark haired and green eyed :)
My hair is 2a M II

April 19th, 2010, 10:45 AM
Italian with a wee bit of American Indian......my hair is thick and kinda wavy and tends to form spirals at the ends....thats about it!!..:p

April 19th, 2010, 10:56 AM
Dad's side:
English, Swiss, Norwegian, German/Prussian.
Hair: i/ii thickness, fine, straight, medium brown but now turning gray and thinning.

Mom's Side:
Manx, Danish, French, Scotch-Irish, Native American.
Hair: ii/iii thick, fine/medium 2b/c dark blonde (platinum as child), with sliver streaks at temples.

Me: I took my dad's thickness (i/ii) and texture (1b/f) but my mom's coloration (dark blonde) and her widow's peak. Will be interesting to see what my hair does as I age, 2 grandparents went completely white comparatively young, one died young in his 40s, and the other kept thick dark hair with only a few streaks at the temples until her late 80s/early 90s, then started to gray more.

My overall family when I go out to aunts/uncles/cousins has a lot of variation, from super straight hair, to curly hair, fine hair to coarse hair, and blonde, brown, black, and red hair scattered through the lot.

April 19th, 2010, 11:44 AM
My heritage... well, Swedish for the most part, but I'm pretty sure my paternal grandmother's parents were German (I know her mother was, and I think her father was born in Sweden but had German parents).

I have fine, straight hair that is some sort of light brown colour. When I was a kid I used to call it "caramel coloured" :rolleyes:. I had blonde hair as a toddler, but it darkened to a light ashy brown pretty fast.

My mother have fine, very dark brown hair, probably 1a/1b.
My father have coarser (maybe M) hair, that is also a very dark brown colour (almost black), and 1b (when it gets long, it gets kind of wavy). When he was young it was fine and curly and had a whitish blonde colour.

Genetics are weird, since none of us kids got our father's brown eyes, and none of us have dark brown hair.

April 19th, 2010, 03:48 PM
I'm entirely Ashkenazi Jew, so far as I know. My hair is almost perfectly straight, fine, and dark brown with slight reddish highlights. Most of my family is pretty similar, though my father hasn't had hair to speak of in a couple of decades, and I haven't seen my mother's natural color in years. My grandfather had pretty curly hair, though, maybe 3a or so, and my aunt (his daughter) is the same. My grandmother in her youth had incredibly thick and long hair. Down to her calves, and her braid was as thick as my wrist. Me, I seem to have hit terminal length just short of tailbone :). Why, why could I not have inherited her hair genes??

April 19th, 2010, 04:20 PM
Brilliant you guys! It's actually funny how many people inherit one thing from either parent, or end up being a mix, or skip a generation entirely and end up looking like their grandparents!!

I know I'm the tallest girl in my family for years. Got it from my Grandpa, all my other cousins are way shorter than me, even my boy cousins. Crazy.

Thank you so much for your replies, this is too neat!

April 19th, 2010, 04:21 PM
My heritage is (from greatest to least) Austrian, Russian, German, Irish, Welsh, English, and Bohemian... your typical American mutt right here! :rolleyes: I have red hair of average thickness and a widow's peak. The Celtic genes are definitely stronger in me. My mom (Austrian/Irish) has very thick, coarse, dark brown hair and my dad (Russian/German/Welsh/English/Bohemian) has fine red hair, as does his sister.

April 19th, 2010, 04:25 PM
My moms side are 1/2 Finnish(grandpa is from the laplands?) with a mix of english and maybe alittle dutch. They have fine thin hair that tends towards blond and straight.(she has 15 bothers and sisters they mostly have the same hair just different colors)
My dads side is mostly irish/scottish/english? His side has auburn/red thick and coarse hair with a wave, well I guess when he was young it was a beautiful bright auburn with a nice wave to it but its darkened to dark auburn.
So I guess that makes me 1/4 finnish with a mix of irish/scottish/english. My hair is a mix of both, I have a fine texture that I get from my mom and thick hair that I get from my dad. My natural color is a dark brown with a lot of red undertones.

April 19th, 2010, 04:30 PM
I tell people that I'm "a little bit of this and a little bit of that." I'm African American, Caucasian (Canadian, French, and German), with Native American roots on both sides of my family. So my hair is a bit weird. It's kind of coarse, thick, flatirons really easily (I don't have to go over it a million times) but my curls range from very wavy to very curly and instead of taking on the hair color of my parents (they both have black hair) I have this weird brown colored hair that looks really dark sometimes and really light other times. But as far as growth my hair grows pretty slow. I always thought that it wasn't fair because my mom and my sister have hair that grows really fast, but I don't. :rolleyes:

April 19th, 2010, 04:30 PM
Let's see...

Father: Dominican (Not Dominican Republic, but Dominica, or Dominique). He's essentially black, but even though he's really quite dark, I suspect there's some native Carribbean islander in there just going off of the racial diversity of the island (over 50% of the inhabitants have some Native or French settler (maybe British too? Can't remember) blood according to wikipedia). He has some type 4 hair, I think, though as far as I know it's never been long. Could be 3c, but I sincerely doubt it. It's really fine and soft though.

My Mother: She's Irish, English, Scottish, and Lithuanian. I've been told that since our bloodline has practically played 'collect the British Isles' that it's very likely we're Welsh too, but I don't know anything about that. I know my family's general surname is Lithuanian, so it's likely that the UK stuff goes back further into the bloodline thing as far as introduction.

My mom's hair is fine, and about a 2c, maybe a 2b longer, but she hasn't had it longer than her shoulders in her life that I know of. Her hair is naturally a medium-light ashy brown, I think, but she dyes it blonde. So 2b/c/F/ii would be my guess, I think.

As for me, I'm pretty sure I take after my mom's side more heavily. My hairtype is a pretty even mixture between the two (2c-4b range, and I'm a 3b), but my hair pretty much feels the same as my mother's, and she can coax her hair up to my type with a bit of product, actually, but without the staying power. :p

Color wise, I have dark hair like my father, but I think it might be a bit lighter. his hair is black as pitch, but my own is kind of a more faded black-ish color, I think. Like a black shirt after it's been through the rinse cycle a few too many times.

April 19th, 2010, 04:58 PM
I'm about half Italian, a quarter Irish, and a quarter German. My hair is very fine, but I have many strands, making it thick. My hair is around medium brunette, I'd say. People always ask if I've had a blond streak put into the very front strand of my bangs, and red streaks through the rest of my hair, but I think this is because I spend a lot of time out in the sun (my skin, however, refuses to behave with the sun the way my hair does : P) I notice that people with Italian heritage often tend to have an oily scalp. I know I definitely do : )

April 19th, 2010, 05:18 PM
As far as I know, I'm the standard mediterranean type: that means, a bit of everything that's so mixed together that stands on its own. All my family as far as I can trace it is spanish, from one or other region, but I speculate that I have a fair share of north-african blood (because of my grandmother - her looks and where of spain she's from), moroccan probably. I've even been mistaken for a moroccan girl a few times. Also it is possible that I have some part of nordic blood: I've been told many times that an ancestor of mine was a red-head, and some of my male relatives have their share of red hairs (specially on the beard).

I have fine medium brown hair, that seems to get darker with time, but that sun turns into a very dark blonde on summer. I'm a 2b/c, depending on the day I get more waves, some curls, or somewhat straightish, what makes it really easy to style it (if I want it straight, I can have it, if I want curls, I can have them... with a bit of work). Right now my skin is a quite unhealthy shade of pale, but I know that naturally it's darker, and tan very easily without ever getting burned.

My mother has similar hair, only thinner and lighter. She's more of a light brown, and was blonde for many years on her youth. Very few white hairs, and so fine you can't really see them.

My father hair is a bit darker, and curlier. I'd say (for the photos I've seen from when he had waist length hair) that probably a 2c/3a. His is a bit coarser than mine though.

And my grandma has black ringlets (3c, maybe?)

April 19th, 2010, 05:20 PM
My mum is Irish and my dad is Nigerian, so I'm bi-racial and have loads of 3b curls. My brothers also have 3b curls but much prefer to cut them off/not take care of them which is sad, their hair is actually in a lot better conditon than mine.

Before I found all the information about hair online, I used to dye and bleach it every 1-2 months for about 2 years straight. I've been dye free for almost a year now, and I've been following the CG method, so my hair feels a lot better but I really want to get back to my natural colour and stop treating my hair badly!


Frying Pan Paul
April 19th, 2010, 05:59 PM
I read that Asian hair has three layers and its cross section is shaped like a circle, whereas Caucasian hair has two layers and is shaped like an oval. Could be wrong, though. But it help explains the differences between these two types of hair.

April 19th, 2010, 07:00 PM
On my mom's side of the family I have German heritage, and on my dad's side there is some American Indian but that is all I know. I was born with a head full of black curls. Since then I have had naturally straight and silky brown hair. It is easy to let air dry and go without having to style. My hair type is at the side. <<

April 19th, 2010, 07:09 PM
Father's side:

West African, Native American, Irish, French

His hair was off-black, type 3 curl, he kept it very short and brushed out fuzzy. On his side, I've seen a range from type 2-4 with 3-4 predominating.

Mother's Side:

Native American, West African, Ashkenazi Jewish, German

Her hair is type 3, was jet-black now secretly greying:p... with coarse, resilient strands but thin in amount(low density per sq. inch). She says it's never grown past past bra-strap length without cutting it. Relatives on this side range from 2-4 too. Mostly type 2-3s.


My brother and I both have black hair. His is a black-black almost as dark as mom's...it's shinier, coarse strands, more loosely curled type 3, so I'd say he has my mother's hair.

Mine is off-black, type 4, a mix of tight curls and zigzags, matte w/ a thick-dense amount of fine & fragile strands, more like my father's hair but not exactly.


My mother, maternal aunts, grandmother(waist length in youth) are able to use a lot of heat and chemicals and still grow hair well. In my maternal grandfather's family, the women are also mostly longhairs (by average standards not necessarily LHC's..lol) with lots of thick, dense hair.

My paternal aunts and grandmother have/had a mixture of looks..one aunt wears wigs and hair extensions so much that I have no idea what's going on there...another wore a super-short haircut as long as I knew her but had normal long hair as a girl.

My paternal grandmother wore her hair hip length in braids. It was sort of a big deal i guess. My dad also said people were shocked when she cut it to waist then back length later in life. I don't know much about it other that it was describe as wavy so my guess is type 2-3 ish? ...I also don't know much about my paternal grandfather's family let alone hair specifics, so that's a mystery.

April 19th, 2010, 08:38 PM
My ancestry is of Chinese descent but my hair isn't like that of most Chinese people. My hair has a lot of volume in it, it is not slick straight and has some hints of waves, especially when wet. I've had hairdressers suggest that I permanently straighten my hair to get that sleek Asian look!

Both my parents are from China. My mom has typical straight black Asian hair, but my dad's hair used to be wavy (he's bald now).

My hair is more or less black depending on the light. In the sun it has some reddish/brownish hues in it. It is on the warmer side of black, not the cool side.

My hair takes to curls very well, unlike many other Chinese. Sometimes I can bun my hair dry and get bun waves.

My hair is also very strong. I hardly ever find split ends and as long as my hair does not have build up, it is tangle free.

All in all, I really like my hair. I just wish it was thicker and longer!

Your hair sounds awesome, and quite similar to mine, in a lot of ways :) Unlike you, though, if I do not condition and S&D like mad, I do get some pretty unmanageable tangles . . .

I'm half-Chinese and half-American mutt (French and Swedish, mostly).

My mother's hair is black and thick and coarse, although it's thinned out and gotten some grays now. She's in her late 50's, though, and her hair is still predominantly black!

My father's hair was dark brown, fine, and slightly wavy. Now it's white and thinning :p

As for me, I have dark brown, almost black (most people call it black) hair, which is fairly thick and wavy. When I was younger it was poofy before I figured out I don't need to brush it or wash it every day :rolleyes:

My dad's side all has dark brown (not as dark as mine, though) curly/wavy hair, so that's where I must get my texture.
I used to wish I had my mother's hair, but now I'm glad I've got the waves -- I'll have to see how much gravity stretches them out :)

April 19th, 2010, 09:17 PM
Hi, another fellow Asian here! I'm half Chinese half Japanese. Both my parents have 1a hair, but my mom's is fine and thin while my dad's is coarse and thick. My brother probably has 1b/c/M/iii hair while I have 1a/F/i hair.

April 19th, 2010, 11:06 PM
Haha, I ended up being the genetic anomaly in my immediate family, but I look like other relatives.

I'm Canadian, Mom's side is Danish/French(Belgium) and dads side is very English. Mom's actually second generation Canadian, as her grandfather came from Denmark in 1929. Her hair is quite fine, and very dark brown, almost black. Dad's hair is very thick and a dark chocolatey brown. Mom is pretty fair complected, dad's a bit darker, both have dark brown eyes.

ME, on the other hand, is as pale as a sheet, haha! As a kid, I had strawberry blonde hair, which darkened to a borderline ginger/mousy blonde. I have loads of freckles and green eyes. Talk about genetic lottery, it does seem to be quite random!

April 19th, 2010, 11:11 PM
I'm West African and white American (of German & Belgian heritage). My hair is just as diverse. On the first day after washing, and styled with gel my curls are silky, almost fine, as the days go on, the gel wears down and my hair becomes more of it's natural texture, an poufy mixture of 3a/b barrel & spiral curls.

April 20th, 2010, 12:37 AM
I'm a European mut as my family has been in the US since the 1600's.

I know my dad's side has some scottish, norman, british, german, and native american. My dad has black hair and dark brown eyes. It used to be thick and a slight body wave when it was longer.. it still hasn't gone grey and he is in his late 50s.

My mom also has a little Native American but much less than my dad. My grandma said they have Norman as well and outside of that are extremely mixed after being in the US so long. She has curly 3a hair. She was born blonde and it got darker. It is also very frizzy and frazzled from whatever she does to it :/

April 20th, 2010, 08:09 AM
Mom's side: German and Portuguese. Maternal grandfather (Portuguese) has thick, wurly hair, even his 80's! He's gray now, but it used to be jet black. Maternal grandmother (German) had fine, straight, dirty blonde hair. Don't know when she went gray, for as long as I knew her she dyed it. Mom's hair is thick and wurly, like her dad's, and dirty blonde, like her mom's. She went gray pretty young, in her early 30's iirc.

Dad's side: Tunisian and Russian. Paternal grandmother (Tunisian) had long, thick, straightish jet black hair when she was younger. It has thinned out a lot with age, and it's totally gray now. Paternal grandfather (Russian) died when I was a child, and was bald when I knew him. In old photos, his hair looks fine and thin, maybe brown? Hard to tell in black and white photos. Dad's hair is jet black, coarse, and straight (maybe a slight wave, like 1c), and thinning with age. Still very little gray, even in his 50's.

My hair is dark brown, in between my parents but closer to my dad's color. Don't know when I'll go gray, time will tell on that. My texture is a lot like my mom's, I think, and especially like the Portuguese side of her family. My sister's hair is the same color as mine, but thinner and straighter. She started out as a blonde baby and got darker, though, while my hair was always this dark.

April 20th, 2010, 08:13 AM
I am living in Norway but I come from Greece:). I have the greek curls (I am 3a/3B) but my hair is fine, something that is not very typical greek. I have also quite more fair skin color than the average in Greece. I was medium/dark blonde as a child and I have ended up medium/light brown. (I am 28 now). I dyed my hair a few days ago using henna/cassia so I have copper color in my hair now:cheer:. My father has light brown hair which is very fine and thin and he also has green eyes. My mother has dark brown 1b, medium , thick hair and amber eyes. I think I got the curls from my grandmother (father's side). She had 2c/3a, medium, thick black hair. As for my eye color, I have something in between of that of my parents :).

April 20th, 2010, 10:56 AM
I'm an American blend of French, German, and Irish. Our family is from Louisiana from as far back as I know.

My mom is brunette / brown eyes with fine, thin, straight hair. She wears it short with lots of hairspray and colors the gray she started getting in her 30s.

My dad is brunette / brown eyes with medium, thick, wavy hair that he wears short (and I still hold that if he grew it out he'd have curls) He just turned 60 and he still has all of his hair and it's only just begun to silver about 10 years ago.

My brother has blue eyes like me, and he has gorgeous red spirals - probably 3B. He's somewhere between APL and mid back and prefers to wear it pulled back in a ponytail.

I had a redheaded grandma on my mother's side, so that might explain our color, but I'm sure we got our texture from dad.

April 20th, 2010, 11:14 AM
I consider myself Irish. Both my gramps are Irish.

My mom's dad has/had flaming red hair and blue eyes. Only one of my aunts was lucky to get the red hair. Her mom, I think she told me she was Russian/Polish/Israeli? Dark hair, dark eyes. My mom has dark straight hair and dark brown eyes also.

My dad's mom, I think I remember him telling me she was a bit French, Dutch, Irish? My dad has light brown hair and blue eyes. I am extremely annoyed that I didn't get the blue eyes also:mad:.

I have fine, wurly, mousy medium ash brown hair. My hair starts out straight at the top then waves/curls towards the bottom. Except around my hairline, where I have ACTUAL curls that are the bane of my existence and make me appear to have horns when I pull my hair back:evil:.

April 22nd, 2010, 10:53 AM
I'm Hungarian, and my hair is 2a, quite thick (lots of hair) but fine. It has a very long, loose "S" wave pattern, so in humidity it can get wavy. If I don't brush it after washing, it looks more like a 2b or 2c.

The colour is auburn brown but easily becomes golden from sunlight. It has a slight undertone that is coppery, especially in sunlight. Usually my hair gets almost blonde at the ends during summer, and gradually is darker towards the roots.
I don't know where I got my light auburn colour from, since most of my family members have darker brown hair. Some of my cousins have blonde hair, though.

My family members all have brown hair but it tends to be a bit darker than mine, and wavier. In fact, my brother's hair is 3a/b, VERY curly, and thick.

My skin is fair, sensitive, but I can tan if I wear sunscreen . :P And I have light green eyes.

April 22nd, 2010, 02:43 PM
I'm of Croatian heritage and have noticed lots of Slavic men and women have the same hair type- particularly courser hairs around the hair line and widows' peak, thick and lots of volume. Also, the colour tends to be in the ashy category, be it blonde or brunette.
...I got a little sad now. I'm Croatian and I fit this to an absolute T.
Mousy brown natural hair, widow's peak, coarse hairline hair, thick and volume. Also many Croatians have relatively similar hair waves, ranging from 1b/c to 2a. (My father, the jet black coarse 3b being the exception)

April 22nd, 2010, 07:12 PM
...I got a little sad now. I'm Croatian and I fit this to an absolute T.
Mousy brown natural hair, widow's peak, coarse hairline hair, thick and volume. Also many Croatians have relatively similar hair waves, ranging from 1b/c to 2a. (My father, the jet black coarse 3b being the exception)

Here's the funny thing: I know as many dark, 2c-3b Croats as fair, 1b-2a's. I don't know much about Croatia; are there two distinct ethnic groups in the country, perchance?

April 22nd, 2010, 08:03 PM
I'm West Indian American. Both parents from Barbados, with a little Caucasian on my fathers side ,& Native American on my mothers side. I have fine to medium 3C hair. My hair easily curls with water or gel, and when I brush my hair back it waves all over. Hair color wise is off black with brownish red patch right in the middle of my head.

My Father has Black 4A hair, My uncle has Ashy Brown 3B hair. My mother has Black Thick 4B hair,that is somewhat straight, and curly at the same time. She has always wore her hair shoulder length. My sister has the same hair texture as my mother, but not thickness. Plus her hair color is off black. My brother has the same hair type as my father and the same hair color.

I've been told my Grandmother on my fathers side had red hair (might explain that patch in the middle of my head) My Grandmother on my mothers side had a long thick Jet Black braid down to her butt. I really hope my hair gets that long:)

April 22nd, 2010, 08:45 PM
I'm West Indian American. Both parents from Barbados, with a little Caucasian on my fathers side ,& Native American on my mothers side. I have fine to medium 3C hair. My hair easily curls with water or gel, and when I brush my hair back it waves all over. Hair color wise is off black with brownish red patch right in the middle of my head.

My Father has Black 4A hair, My uncle has Ashy Brown 3B hair. My mother has Black Thick 4B hair,that is somewhat straight, and curly at the same time. She has always wore her hair shoulder length. My sister has the same hair texture as my mother, but not thickness. Plus her hair color is off black. My brother has the same hair type as my father and the same hair color.

I've been told my Grandmother on my fathers side had red hair (might explain that patch in the middle of my head) My Grandmother on my mothers side had a long thick Jet Black braid down to her butt. I really hope my hair gets that long:)

It's so funny, when I was younger (and cutting, dyeing, & frying my hair with abandon) I'd just think "mmmmkay" about my paternal grandmother's semi-famous (well locally..lol) hair. I just chalked it up to my father's hair worship( He'd joke that my mom lured him in w/long hair then chopped it just before the wedding..like a 'bait and switch' trick).

Now that I'm actually trying to grow it, I'm hoping like crazy for some sort of genetic inheritance for length. I don't know tho'. ...My texture is just so different. OTOH there are ladies online with similar textures who are at or past my goal length.

Also, I wish I'd inherited the jet-black hair instead of off-black/soft-black. I think that's one reason that I was so into haircolor ( which i'm intuiting is pretty much a no-no for my hair profile to retain length) for so long.

April 22nd, 2010, 09:43 PM
I am mostly Greek, with a smidge of Scottish thrown in, with dark blonde 3a hair. I have pretty standard thick, curly Greek hair, but much lighter in color than any of my relatives. They have true brown hair in a variety of darknesses, but my hair is a dark dark golden blonde. I'm guessing that the color comes from more of the Scottish side.

There are fair-haired Greeks in my family line that settled in the New England area; they came from a particular area in Greece near Sparta that somehow never got defeated by the invading darker haired Turks... anyhow.. :D

My dad (full blooded Greek) has very wavy (2c) and very thick dark dark brown hair that, at almost 68, he has to have thinned at the barber shop so it lays right. His father (whom he is the spitting image) had dark brown hair, who when he died was STILL more pepper than salt, and his mother had strawberry blond hair that I think might have had some wave. My mother, who was half Greek, half Irish/English/Scotts, had brownish-reddish hair that was on the fine and wavy side, and on the thin side. They used to say she was a blond as a child though. Her mother, who was where the Irish/English/Scotts came from, had flaming red hair in pictures (we never met her), and her father had very curly dark brown hair in pictures (we also never met him). I have mid-brown, fine-medium in texture, 2a/b in wavyness, and iii in thickness. My sister is blond, natural, and has identical hair type as mine.

But yeah, point is: Most of my immediate family are Mostly Greek, have thick, wavy hair that is on the finer side of medium in texture.

April 22nd, 2010, 10:22 PM
...I got a little sad now. I'm Croatian and I fit this to an absolute T.
Mousy brown natural hair, widow's peak, coarse hairline hair, thick and volume. Also many Croatians have relatively similar hair waves, ranging from 1b/c to 2a. (My father, the jet black coarse 3b being the exception)
My father has similar hair to your fathers'. My father's hair is incredibly thick and has a tendency to be oily. I don't know mama's hair colour or type- she went gray at 15 and got partially scalped when she was a child and was malnourished- this affected her hair colour and thickness.

I agree about the waves. It seems like the longer my hair gets, the wavier it is. I hide my widows peak with a side parting. ;) The coarsies are a bit of a pain to deal with sometimes, but argan oil does a lovely job on them.

Here's the funny thing: I know as many dark, 2c-3b Croats as fair, 1b-2a's. I don't know much about Croatia; are there two distinct ethnic groups in the country, perchance?

That's a good observation. Perhaps it depends where you live? (Coastal/inland?) My parents were from Velemeric.

April 22nd, 2010, 10:27 PM
That's a good observation. Perhaps it depends where you live? (Coastal/inland?) My parents were from Velemeric.

It'd be interesting to find out...

Like I say, I know very, very little about the country, and I'm only commenting based on people I know who have immigrated to Australia, or the children of such people.

April 23rd, 2010, 12:25 AM
I'm First Nations (Northwest Coast of Canada) and French Canadian, which has goodness-knows what in it.

I have thick, somewhat coarse hair. It's usually very wavy, but it comes and goes..

UP Lisa
April 23rd, 2010, 07:08 AM
I'm 1/4 each of Finnish, German, Irish, and Scandinavian. My hair is baby-fine and wavy. Dark Blonde.

April 23rd, 2010, 07:23 AM
1/2 Swedish-my mother's grandparents all came from Sweden.(blonde)
My Dad is mainly English, German and Spanish.(dark brown)
My hair is a lt-medium chestnut, wavy and VERY fine.
My hair is much finer than any female on my mothers side of the family who are Swedish and have full, wavy hair.
My Dad has always kept his hair short so it looks straight, but hard to tell if he has any wave or not because I've never seen it long.
I have two brothers, one has thick wavy hair- they other has very fine hair like mine that's 3a ringlets, and is thinning on top. They have dark blonde/lt brown hair.
My oldest son has 3a thick hair(chestnut brown)
youngest son has fine, wavy hair like mine(dh has thick hair)(dark blonde)

April 23rd, 2010, 09:58 AM
Well, I'm a bit of a mutt, but here is my approximate heritage:

25% Polish
25% Welsh
25% German
20% English
5% mix of French, Irish, Belgian, Dutch, and Norman/Viking (with ancestors coming from all of the Scandinavian countries, except for Iceland)

My hair is fine and of normal thickness, and straight as a pin. Blonde, also.

Interestingly, before my grandparents on each side married, almost all of my ancestors living here in the US married people of the same background (e.g. English married English, German married German).

April 23rd, 2010, 08:47 PM
Categorizing my hair type is my favorite thing when I'm bored :p

You could say I'm German/ Japanese. But my heritage is a bit more complex.

German side: Spaniard (Basque), Czech with a line to the silk road on the czech side but can't determine where exactly.
Japanese side: My grandfather was Ainu

My hair:

I inherited many asian chracteristics but my hair is lighter and finer.
- very straight, a true 1a
- heavy and 'moist'
- medium strands (0.06 -0.07mm) most really smooth surface like fine hair, some have a different texture due to my illness though (from ear to ca.APL)
- gets stringy fast, like to clump together
- very slippery, holds no volume
- fast but uneven growth, tapers easily
- very dark brown color (tends to look almost black in some light) with neutral undertone and slight golden shimmer (shines very light in some light), I seem to have a few reddish hairs here and there, some are golden too. My nape hair is lighter....my color is very confusing, yes -.- (I'm growing out henna)
- Its very easy to manage and control.
- Not prone to damage.
- loves oils.
- stifness is a bit higher (hair has a high flexibility when bent)

thats all I can think of for now...

April 24th, 2010, 04:47 PM
My father has similar hair to your fathers'. My father's hair is incredibly thick and has a tendency to be oily. I don't know mama's hair colour or type- she went gray at 15 and got partially scalped when she was a child and was malnourished- this affected her hair colour and thickness.

I agree about the waves. It seems like the longer my hair gets, the wavier it is. I hide my widows peak with a side parting. ;) The coarsies are a bit of a pain to deal with sometimes, but argan oil does a lovely job on them.

That's a good observation. Perhaps it depends where you live? (Coastal/inland?) My parents were from Velemeric.
Haha, it has a big difference. I come from coastal croatia, the part that was largely affected by the roman empire. (darker hair, darker skin, curls, coarseness). The more mainland part was affected by Turkey and the Huns, therefore yielding straight, coarse hair. The northern parts are mostly slavic, yeilding characteristic thinner, finer, lighter and straighter hair. I got the color from some northern relatives, the texture from my relatively mainland mom, and my dad is Coastal so he gets the wooly dark hair.

Its surprisingly diverse, and yes there are a lot of us in Aussie. My family nearly moved there, but we chose Canada instead cause we fear giant spiders.

April 24th, 2010, 05:20 PM
I'm Irish, English, Italian, and Greek predominantly. I've been told my hair looks like the Irish ancestors---dark reddish blonde, very volumous and curly. It also grows like a house afire...usually a good inch-plus a month. My sister, OTOH, has the fine, straight, slow-growing, black hair of our Italian and Greek relatives. :D

May 1st, 2010, 10:23 AM
Typical Canadian mix - half French (father's side), half Welsh (mother's side), half Scottish (father and mother's side) - oh wait, this math is wrong! :D. Super fine, very slightly wavy, cowlicks, light-to-medium ash brown.

May 1st, 2010, 10:33 AM
My heritage is Irish via both of my parents. My hair is fine and thin, and was red when I was a child. It's since faded to a beigeish brown color but I henna.

My SO's heritage is Polish. Her hair is the thickest I've ever seen. When she kept it long, her ponytail measured over 6".

May 1st, 2010, 10:45 AM
I think that everyone's heritage is complex. I just like to call myself the typical Heinz57 American and leave it at that! :P My kids will be even more Heinz57-ish, heck, with each generation it will just keep getting more and more complex. The way I look at it, there is probably stuff in each of our ancestries that would be very surprising...

My Heinz57 hair is naturally mostly straight, with ever so slight of a wave (1a/1b). The individual strands are fine (F) but together they add up to a thickness on the high end of ii. The color is naturally a light blonde, level 8 or 9.

E's Heinz57 hair is naturally curly 3b/3c. The individual strands are coarse (C) and very thick (iii). The color is very hard to pinpoint-- being some sort of dark-ish ashy brown that can look like everything from dark ash blond to very dark brown, depending on the lighting.

Lady Mary
May 1st, 2010, 10:54 AM
I'm Irish, Scottish and English. My hair is thin, stick straight and red. I am also sporting the white skin, freckles and green eyes to match.

My father (English and Scottish) has dark brown hair and blue-green eyes. My mother (Irish) has dark brown hair, green eyes and freckles. I think the red hair skipped a generation or two, some of my ancestors have it but no one recent. I'm not really sure what my dad's parents hair looked like (never met them) all the photos are in black and white. My mother's parents had dark brown hair in their youth.

May 1st, 2010, 01:11 PM
I'm from the Netherlands (and my great-grand mother was German, but that won't make much difference ;)) and my hair is 1b-f-ii (= straight but not stick straight, fine and medium thickness), medium brown (always has been) and can grow till at least classic (that's the longest it has ever been before I trimmed off some split ends).
I have a sister with straight, dark blonde hair and one with medium brown wavy hair. My mom's hair used to be medium brown and very wavy and my dad's hair black and straight.

May 1st, 2010, 07:11 PM
Both sides of my family are primarily of Norwegian and Swedish descent, but my mom's side had a little Celtic thrown in. My hair is 3a, F/M, ii. My mom's side is primarily a mix of light browns and reds, and I share my wavy/curly texture with them. I share my color with my Swedish grandmother whose was brown-black. If it matters, we're all fair. lol Although my mother and I seem to share peachy skin tones, she's freckled and I'm not (but she and my brother are redheads.)

May 1st, 2010, 07:21 PM
I am an odd mix of Russian, French and a teeny bit Japanese. My hair is really different from anyone elses's since I am adopted and my family members all have pin straight hair. My hair is typically 2a-2b, dark brown and the individual strands are very thick. Some days my hair is silkier and pretty straight then other days it is wavy and fluffy. I think that is the Japanese and European genes fighting it out :)

May 1st, 2010, 07:32 PM
Wow, it's so interesting to read about all the different hair types! :)

Haha, it has a big difference. I come from coastal croatia, the part that was largely affected by the roman empire. (darker hair, darker skin, curls, coarseness). The more mainland part was affected by Turkey and the Huns, therefore yielding straight, coarse hair. The northern parts are mostly slavic, yeilding characteristic thinner, finer, lighter and straighter hair. I got the color from some northern relatives, the texture from my relatively mainland mom, and my dad is Coastal so he gets the wooly dark hair.
Wow, that's great information! My mother is pale...and I'm guessing her hair is fine, but dad is darker and has ridiculously thick dark hair.

Its surprisingly diverse, and yes there are a lot of us in Aussie. My family nearly moved there, but we chose Canada instead cause we fear giant spiders. They aren't that common, I promise! :D Actually, I've never seen a giant spider...I really don't want to, either! :p

May 1st, 2010, 11:39 PM
It's so funny, when I was younger (and cutting, dyeing, & frying my hair with abandon) I'd just think "mmmmkay" about my paternal grandmother's semi-famous (well locally..lol) hair. I just chalked it up to my father's hair worship( He'd joke that my mom lured him in w/long hair then chopped it just before the wedding..like a 'bait and switch' trick).

Now that I'm actually trying to grow it, I'm hoping like crazy for some sort of genetic inheritance for length. I don't know tho'. ...My texture is just so different. OTOH there are ladies online with similar textures who are at or past my goal length.

Also, I wish I'd inherited the jet-black hair instead of off-black/soft-black. I think that's one reason that I was so into haircolor ( which i'm intuiting is pretty much a no-no for my hair profile to retain length) for so long.
LOL!!! Hilarious. My father loved playing in my mothers hair. He adored the thickness. He use to give her scalp massages every night!!(sighs)

I'm so hoping like crazy I inherit the length like so many women in my family. My hair doesn't have a problem with growing, but with the shrinkage and all you don't see the true length. But anyways who cares, my hair is never down. It's in a bun 95% of the time, and the other 5% is down for special occasions:)

BTW don't worry. You will reach your hair goal in time. Just a little patience(well a lot:)) and you'll get there. I see your trying to get to waist, so am I. I'm almost there, just have to wait till this year is over. We shall see:)

May 2nd, 2010, 02:38 AM
Wow... I don't even know how my heritage influenced my hair. As far as I can see, the hairtypes in my family and outside my family are the same as Caucasoid hair types. It's just that everyone is dark brown- or black-haired.

My mom's hair is coarse, wavy and thick; my dad's is finer and straighter. I got my dad's hair, even though I was born with curls... which is strange. My brother has wild tight waves that are pretty coarse.

May 2nd, 2010, 02:46 AM
Hi, My background is arabic. My parents were both originally from the southern part of Iraq so I'm not mixed in anyway.
my hair is very curly. My mother has wavy hair and my father has african american type of hair...so I guess i got a little bit of both parents.
Arabic people have all hair types....from super straight to wavy to super curly to a fro.:)

May 2nd, 2010, 09:22 AM
I am a full mut-american
Got Italian(50&#37;), german(25%), english, Native american (very diluted, not sure which tribes), African american (also very diluted), and many more

I have dark-medium brown hair(many shades) with some red and blonde strands...
Hair grows anywhere from .5in-1.5in a month
I have mostly med-thinner hairs, with some course mixed in
about 4in thickness....
I shed less then 30 hairs a day, most days closer to 15 or less

Wispy hairs all around the hair line...they grow in all lighter brown then darken and thicken as they grow...

My hair is kinda wavy....mostly straight

May 2nd, 2010, 09:56 AM
Cool thread lorali!
So my heritage:
Mum- Thai and chinese
Dad- Polish and English

Mum has always had thick coarse hair which is black, Which grows so wonderfully, she has growing out and cutting pff cycles for the last 5 years. she started greying in 40s and dyes her roots regularly with her powder water mix Thai dyes.
Dad was a medium blonde until 10 then it gradually darkened to auburn brown, was a long haired Harley & Triumph motorbike rider in his teens and 20s.
Met mum in his early 20s short haired & clean shaven, office worker. In his 30s to 40s grew his coarse rich auburn brown curls past APL, beard was grown too (approached APL). Mum plaited both for him:D He still has a thick head of wavy grey, light brown and chestnut flecks which is kept short. My hair sorta looks like his sisters hair before she frazzled her hair with perm and bleach.
When i was a baby i had sparse hair which was silky and patchy and a golden brown. I have the thin hair in the family, the layering doesn't help i guess:rolleyes: though im accepting them for now and not as annoyed by them in my hair like a few months back.

May 2nd, 2010, 10:09 AM
I'm Finnish, but my mum's side of the family has Swedish roots. Almost the entire family has medium or dark brown and very fine hair. My mum has really fine hair with spiral curls, and I feel a bit sad that I didn't inherit her curls, only slight waves. On the other hand, I do have slightly coarser hair that I've probably inherited from my dad who has completely Finnish heritage. We've all got a widow's peak and a somewhat standard growth rate of just a little over 1 cm a month.

May 2nd, 2010, 10:57 AM
Boy, Am I mixed here!

Greatgranmom was from Native south-america heritage (brown skin, stick as an arrow black hair), while greatgranddad was from holland, thick blond wavy hair, on the other side of the family, I have some italian (wich makes my dad have his head full of fluffy soft, wavy gray hair, he will not go bald!) and mom, has thick ash hair 1b, (seriously, she uses 2 ponytails and each is as thick as my whole head).

So, my bigger sister has lots and lots of hair, medium brown, my middle sister has pointing arrow super black shiny hair, and I have somewhat 1b hair, very regular that straight if combed, but can wave a liiitle bit if I braid damp, for example. :)

May 2nd, 2010, 12:22 PM
I'm mostly "pure" danish. My mom is a curly redhead with beautiful blue/grey eyes. My little brother is very blond with icy blue eyes. Then my dad is very dark, black curly hair, darkbrown eyes and dark skin. My family on my farthers side has "gypsie blood" running in their blood. My hair is very straight, fine, and blond redish. But my skin is darker than I like and I get tanned very easily. (I want pale white porcelain skin.)And my eyes are dark brown as well. Both my mom and dad's hair are very thick and coarse.

May 2nd, 2010, 09:44 PM
I'm mostly Irish and Scottish with a dash of German (we think) and a good bit of Native American thrown in there too. I'm not sure how much Native American, my family had a problem with women being "adopted" into their husbands' families when they got married and cutting all ties to their heritage in the process.

I've got iii/M hair that used to be ruler straight and blond when I was little and darkened up around age 5 or 6 and developed a few waves a few years after that, though my hair hates to hold any curl or wave that it doesn't naturally have, i.e. I got a perm put in when I was around 10 and even though I followed all the stylist's instructions, it fell out within a couple of weeks.

May 2nd, 2010, 10:49 PM
dddddddeeeeeeeeeeellllllllllllllllllllllllllllllet ttttttttttteee

May 3rd, 2010, 05:17 AM
I'm spanish. My hair is wavy with some occasional curls, medium and dark brown, but really faded because the sunlight (my ends are like three tones lighter than my roots).

My mother's hair is very dark brown (almost black), fine, thin and straight.

My father's hair is dark blonde, wavy, coarse and thick.

May 3rd, 2010, 05:18 AM
I think I'm pure Chinese. (We don't know what my mom is as we don't know who were her birth parents, but my hair is like my dad's anyway.)

My hair is 2a, medium, mostly wavy with some spiral curls. It's very shiny when I manage to make it straight. It also hold curls very well. Most of the time it doesn't tangle even if I wear it down all day, it also doesn't seem to have splits or other damage. I really like how easy it is to take care of it. I wash it with shampoo bars only, no conditioner.

May 3rd, 2010, 05:37 AM
3/4 English and 1/4 Scottish
naturally mid brown hair but very multi textured , fine on top and very thick and corse from ears down, wavy and will twirl if left entirely alone.
Grows at 0.5 per month happily .

May 3rd, 2010, 09:49 AM
Totally forgot to put my hair type in.

Well, since henna'ing, it's a wee bit thicker, which is nice. My hair is about a 1b, pretty straight, and a ii in thickness and medium coarsness, but I do manage to have a LOT of hair. When my friend was henna'ing it, she said it was actually quite deceptive :D

May 3rd, 2010, 04:01 PM
Not much to tell here, just a plain and simple Norwegian girl with what I am told some Irish genes down the line.

Natural haircolor is medium dark ash colored, moves somewhat towards green (yup!:eyebrows:)

Strands are fine, I can`t really say I have super much of it...?

Hairtype: 1-b-f-ii

Cool thread!:)

May 3rd, 2010, 04:39 PM
Nationality - British [born and bred in England]

Ethnicity - Bangladeshi

Women on both sides of my family were lucky enough to grow floorlength hair and my dad's side still had a fair amount of hair on top even into their late 60s. No male on either side had long hair, so I'm the first to give it a try, but I wish I'd started 10 yrs ago. Oh well, better late than never :)

May 3rd, 2010, 05:43 PM
Family is entirely from Palestine with the exception of my parents, who were raised in Jordan.
I was born and raised in the USA.

My hair is 2c/3a, M/C, ii/iii. It's pretty much the same as every other person in my family: extremely dark brown (almost black), thick & course, and curly/wavy. I enjoy it :)

May 3rd, 2010, 06:17 PM
My primary background is Scottish/German and I have very fine hair, with a medium ash blonde colour. It's very thin at the front but quite thick at the back. I think like many blondes, I have very fine hair but quite a bit of it.

May 3rd, 2010, 06:46 PM
Part Ukrainian, part Polish, some Russian and a good helping of Jewish here :)
3a, medium texture; naturally dark-dark brown.
Both my mom and gran (Jewish side) have jet-black, very coarse and super-thick hair.

May 5th, 2010, 03:52 PM
I like to call myself a Wisconsin Hybrid: Scottish, Irish, English, German, and Dutch.

My mom has thin, fine medium brown hair (before the greys) Dad had almost black very curly hair. Dad's father had auburn hair (his nickname was "Rusty").

As a child I had fine very blonde to white hair, one brother had course brown to auburn hair, and the other brother was a strawberry blonde. Now that we are all in our 50's, the one with the dark hair is almost bald on the top of his head but has very few greys even though he is the oldest. The other brother's hair is similar to mine....dark blonde to light brown and wavy with a liberal sprinkling of grey.

May 5th, 2010, 06:34 PM
I'm of about 3/4 Irish ancestry with about 1/4 German. I'm not really sure where I get my hair from since it's thicker and curlier than my parents, brother, or any of my relatives. It's medium in thickness and texture and somewhere between wavy and curly. It was reddish blonde growing up and turned ashy when I got into my 20's.

May 5th, 2010, 06:37 PM
I'm English/Irish/Scottish and I have thick, coarse, wavy red hair :)

May 5th, 2010, 10:23 PM
I'm half English and half Portuguese. My hair is naturally meidum/light brown with lighter highlights and extremely strait.
If I could choose I'd definately want asian hair, I like having strait hair but I feel mine is too thin and weak.
I'm actually really glad I don't have red hair, even though it's one of the most desirable hair colors. I don't dislike it on others, but I know I'd hate it on myself.

Crazy Diamond
May 6th, 2010, 12:40 AM
I'm German/Czech by heritage and my hair is quite soft and fine, culy, medium thickness and golden blonde.

May 6th, 2010, 03:30 AM
Sorry - double post.

May 6th, 2010, 07:23 PM
I'm of German and Austrian descent, with a tiny bit of Native American thrown in there (Apache tribe to be exact!) and my hair type is 3a/M/iii.

May 7th, 2010, 09:58 AM
I'm 100% Hungarian. My hair is dark brown, 2c/3a, M/C. My mother's hair is very fine, I think i (it's short so I don't know, she's always had short hair), and straight. My father has very thick, M/C hair. If it was long I think it would be 2c. Both of my parents have brown hair. Fortunately, I inherited my dad's hair. :)
My mom's mother has silver hair, there is not any other colour in it. My other granny's hair is not grey, although she is almost 70.

May 7th, 2010, 01:07 PM
My ethnicity is a mix of mostly German and then English, with some French, Scottish, Ukranian, Native American, and even more minor bits of other things like Welsh, Irish, Spanish, and one Scandinavian ancestor that I know of. My European friends say that I look German.

My hair is 2bMii, but was a iii before a series of stress sheds, post BC pills sheds, and a post- partum shed over the last several years. My natural color is a cool toned (almost ashy) brown, that can look medium to dark, depending on the lighting and how much oil I have in it. I used to think my hair was reddish brown and it got ashy with age, but then my Mom reminded me that I used to always use a henna shampoo and conditioner that gave my hair the red tones. Many of my hair photos are from after I used henna a couple of years ago.

My parents both have dark brown hair, my Mom's is much like mine. My Dad's is darker and less wavy than mine (he is mostly German, my Mom is more mixed-but mostly English). Both of my Grandmothers had lighter hair colors, one had dark blonde (now grey) and the other had strawberry blonde (now white). I guess the dark hair came from the grandfathers?

My DH is from Southern India, and he had wavy black coarse hair. Our DD has wavy hair with spiral curls at the ends, and it is dark brown, and medium in texture and thickness.

One of my friends is half Croatian, half Serbian and he has wavy brown hair that varies a lot in darkness with the lighting.

May 7th, 2010, 01:09 PM
I'm 100% Hungarian. My hair is dark brown, 2c/3a, M/C. My mother's hair is very fine, I think i (it's short so I don't know, she's always had short hair), and straight. My father has very thick, M/C hair. If it was long I think it would be 2c. Both of my parents have brown hair. Fortunately, I inherited my dad's hair. :)
My mom's mother has silver hair, there is not any other colour in it. My other granny's hair is not grey, although she is almost 70.

My 100% Hungarian grandmother is still only 40% grey at 78. Interesting!

May 7th, 2010, 09:36 PM
I'm Irish, Italian, Blackfoot and a smidgen English. My hair is 2b/c, F, i as far as I can tell. As far as color goes...it's an auburnish brown. When I'm in the sun (which I avoid since the Irish skin won out) it gets redder.

My dad's side leans toward red, my mother's more towards brown, some almost black. My mother, sisters and brother were all white blond until around 9/10 years old and then they all progressed towards a shade of brown. I was never blond, more red as a child.

May 9th, 2010, 05:56 AM
As far as I know I'm completely Dutch, maybe we've got some Belgian roots somewhere that I'm not aware of.
I'm a typical redhead - fair freckly skin, grey blueish eyes and red, coarse straight hair. Often people say that I look like I've got Irish blood.
I have no clue where that came from, all my relatives are either light or dark blonde and have a different skin colouring than me. Although, my brother was born with literally fire-like red hair but after a few months he went bald and became dark blonde.

May 9th, 2010, 06:03 AM
50% north east asian
25% white caucasian
12.5% latin caucasian
12.5% latin american

my hair`s dark brown/black, kinda fine/medium and naturally curly... I sometimes find individual reddish and blond hair which is kinda strange.
People say I look like a vampire with my fair-skin dark-hair contrast.

May 9th, 2010, 06:20 AM
I'm a mutt, but mostly German, Scandinavian, and Scottish. I've got pretty thick hair, I guess a 2. When its short its really curly, but would be more wurly at waist length, and its somewhat coarse. When I was a kid I had carrot top red hair and hazel eyes. My hair has darkened somewhat to have a little bit more of a brown tone in it, but still clearly red. I henna it anyways. =)

Both my parents have very dark brown/black straight hair. I have the exact color eyes as my mother though. She's got that Scottish porcelain skin, hazel eyes, and thick dark hair look. I've only ever met my paternal grandparents a few times, but apparently I am a reincarnation, red hair and all, of my grandmother.

This is a very interesting thread.

May 9th, 2010, 07:16 AM
I'm spanish. My hair is wavy with some occasional curls, medium and dark brown, but really faded because the sunlight (my ends are like three tones lighter than my roots).

My mother's hair is very dark brown (almost black), fine, thin and straight.

My father's hair is dark blonde, wavy, coarse and thick.

I am 3/4 Mexican and 1/4 Spanish. My hair is fine, and straight. I also have loads of it. My ends are like yours 3 tones lighter than my roots. They have a lot of copper and red.

May 10th, 2010, 06:52 AM
This is an interesting thread, I'd say. Genetics is a fascinating area for me.

Family heritage: My nationality is Finnish. That means that different kinds of races are mixed here: Nordids, Baltids (and Samis). My grandma (from mother's side) has lived in the Russian area before the Second World War, so I'm sure there are slavic genes also. Sometimes I also wonder, whether I have those Sami genes. The people living in Lapland, had quite similar hair type as mine. But that's just a thought based on suspicions.

Parents: Well, both parents have thick hair, a little of bit wavy/frizzy like 1b but mostly straight. Dad had its own as a naturally copper shade, although nowadays it's just gray. Mum had light and cold shade as a child, but nowadays her roots are much darker. And no gray hair is seen. :) The time will show whether I've got the genes from her or from the other side? The males from my mother's heritage seems to have thick hair, but get bald in their early 20's. That's sad.

About my hair: There are rumours, that people living in Finland, have fine or medium hair and i/ii. IMO curliness differs a lot, but of course afro curls are not common. I also consider that C is very rare type here. Most of my friends have different kind of type than mine, 1b M ii/iii. It is actually quite similar to Emichiee's hair type. Most of time my hair is just sleek straight, but especially the humid weather and short haircut help to design a little messy waveness. But never defined and beautiful curls, blah. I can create curls quickly on my hair, just with a braids. But curls won't last easily in my head, a few hours and form is straight again. My hair is very strong, and just like Asians, its doesn't dye out easily by chemicals and heat. Tangles are quite rare, although many times colored ends are starting to stick to each other. But that's quite obvious for waist-length chemically treated hair, isn't it? As a shorter and virgin hair, it never tangled. Growth rate is about 1.5 cm to 2cm, I guess. That's annoying because I have to get my roots retouched often.

My hair colour: That's just like my mum's. My natural colour was ashy blonde as a little girl. It changed slowly to dark blonde, and I haven't seen the original colour clearly since the 1990's. Hopefully it has darkened more, nowadays I'm using dark brown colours regularly. My natural colour had a hint of warm hues, but the main shade is ashy/cold. The sun lightened the colour especially in summer to more golden tone. (The copper tone from dad, but less bright. ) The light colour is clearly inherited from the slavic grandma, although her hair type was very different (F/i)

May 11th, 2010, 03:37 AM
Im Irish, Spanish and English. My mom who is Spanish was born with fine blonde hair and same with her mother. Her father had black hair, and her brothers inherited his dark hair. However, after time, my mom`s hair darkened to brown.

My father has red hair, and was born with blonde hair. His hair is very thick and wavy. His siblings have light red hair and strawberry blonde hair with the same texture. But some of his other siblings have dark brown hair that is thick.

My little brother has bright orange hair which is wavy, my sisters have dark brown hair one has fine hair and the other has really thick wavy brown hair.

I on the other hand, was born with fine blonde hair and for my first 10 years, my hair was dark blonde and wavy at the ends because it was so long. Now my natural color hair changed to light brown and is pretty fine although it appears a bit thick because of the chemical damage. When my hair was at it`s longest it was still wavy at the ends, but still fine.

May 25th, 2010, 09:47 AM
I'm Italian/Slovenian. My Dad had a head full of curls (as does my oldest brother). Mine has some natural wave and courseness to it. I was always a dirty blonde until I started to turn silver. I'll never have that sleek shiny flat hair that I so envy! :D

May 31st, 2010, 11:38 PM
I'm Norwegian and German. My hair is most definately red (naturally). It's straight but not pin staright, I have some wave at the ends.

June 1st, 2010, 10:52 AM
I´m spanish, and my hair is darkest brown with natural red highlights. Is very healthy and strong, but in the past I was a stupid who liked to dye her hair, and I din´t care enough...Now, my hair is OK, but it can be so much better:rolleyes:

June 1st, 2010, 12:55 PM
My parents are from Argentina but I think before that my family is form spain, but one grandma's family is like native south american. my hair is really dark brown, sometimes it looks black and mostly straight and thick too.

June 1st, 2010, 01:51 PM
I'm just plain English. Both my parents are from England. Although one grandma has lots of european genetics, French, Irish all sorts. I have pale pink under toned skin that burns in the sun. Blue eyes and light brown, has become more golden hair thats fine in texture with a bit of natural wave. Been getting natural blonde highlights from the sun too which I'm liking. People have said I look like I have an English rose complexion? Not sure exactly what that is though...I guess they must mean pale skin, blue eyes and brown hair?

June 1st, 2010, 02:42 PM
Im Italian with a bit of native American Indian.....

Most people tend to say that my hair looks indian but I dont think its as dark as most indians Ive met... and it seems wavier.

June 3rd, 2010, 08:20 AM
Half Scottish, Half English, brown thickish hair which I dye orange (one day it will be ginger!), an 'English rose' complexion with a lot of freckles :) None of the family are quite as pale as I am..... dad has black hair, mum had gingery-brown. sisters blonde? we dont know where that came form....

June 3rd, 2010, 03:21 PM
Irish/Italian here. I have wavy/almost curly hair with thick but not coarse strands (they behave like baby fine hair but are pretty thick, not at all wiry or hard, weird, I know), and my natural color is a tawny-ish color. I was a black haired baby and it slowly lightened over the years and neutralized at about age 10.
My father has the same natural color and my mother has the same texture. :D

June 5th, 2010, 09:23 AM
Same here, interestingly we have the same hair type and colour... My mum and sister have much softer (but still thick), blond hair and both look more "Saxon" than me and my father, who look more Irish, (pale skin, greenish eyes, darker hair).

I'm 70% Irish (from north Ireland, so no red hair, just ash brown), a little German and French, and a tiny bit Columbus Indian (Native American, while PC, seems so...fuddy. No offense intended!). We have very similar hair types, and it seems to be linked to being predominantly Irish. My mom's hair is 1b/f/i/ii, and warm light brown, while Dad's hair is 2b/2c/c/iii and jet black (he looks mostly Cherokee, while I look like a little Irish girl, hah). Mine is ashy mid-dark brown. The only proof of my Cherokee is my bone structure (influenced by, but not identical), and the fact that my hair is incredibly coarse (like a horse's mane).

June 5th, 2010, 09:45 AM
This is a great thread, I guess I'll throw my two cents in.

I'm African American and I have 3b/3c hair. Its naturally frizzy curly with no products. With products I can achieve nice ringlets.

I tend to find that my hair is easily damaged, I can't take any color or chemical processing. And I try to minimize heat usage. (I've only straightened my hair 3 times this year so far). My friend claim I have a "nicer" hair texture for my race...I just think it is what it is. My father has wavy hair, I guess I take after him.

June 5th, 2010, 12:08 PM
I love this thread! Thanks so much for starting it, loralie. :)

I am -- to my understanding -- mostly German and French. My hair is medium brown with red and gold highlights with lots of depth and variation in color. When I was a little girl it was a very dark brown but lightened as I got older. I also have quite a bit of gray and have had a good sprinkling since I was 12.

It is fine in texture but I have a TON of it, every hairdresser I have ever gone to tell me I have hair enough for three people. The best of both worlds, I think. :)

Browsing through the other comments, almost all of the people with hair similar to mine in category and color have a significant amount of French and German blood. Go figure. :)

June 6th, 2010, 07:35 PM
I'm of Scottish decent, and have naturally dark brown wavy/curly hair. The hair strands themselves are fine, but I have a lot of hair so it looks thick.

June 6th, 2010, 08:05 PM
I'm 1/4 Russian, 1/4 Belorussian (mother), 1/2 Ethnic Russian Jewish (Father - Ethnic difference characteristics due to centuries of segregation). I may also have some Central Asian ancestry through my great grandmother. My hair is dark brown, coarse, and rather wavy (2b).

Mother's hair - Medium, brown, and wavy (2a).
Father's hair - Black, coarse and 3b curly.

June 7th, 2010, 01:00 PM
My ancestry is Irish on my Mothers side, English on my Fathers side, and I managed to get my Fathers dark thick curly/wavy hair. My Mum has red hair on her side, but unfortunately that didn't come out in me, I dream of having natural red hair! My Father however, went gray in his teens, which unfortunately is pretty much what I did too! My Mum didn't go gray until her 40's, so I know I didn't get any hair related traits from my Mum, yet I look exactly like her in the face, I just got my Dad's hair, almost exactly.

June 8th, 2010, 03:27 PM
I am 50% south Asian (Indian) and 50% mixed European (mostly German). My husband is 50% Armenian and 50% mixed European, so our boys are 25% Indian, 25% Armenian, and 50% mixed European. One looks pretty Indian (very dark hair and dark eyes) and one doesn't look Indian or Armenian at all.

My hair is less coarse than most Indian hair, and there's some fine hairs thrown in to the mix. It's pretty wavy, too; I think wavier than most Indian hair is.

June 8th, 2010, 03:37 PM
I'm Mexican and My hair type is thick, wavy and curly (waves and at the middle of my hair I start to have big curls) and the color it's a dark brown with red undertones *wich are getting stronger because of henna glosses ) :D hope this helps !

June 8th, 2010, 03:44 PM
dark puerto rican here. everyone always thinks I'm mixed [black & white] or dominican but noo I'm definitely puerto rican (non-spanish speaking type :p) My father is dark like me and his parents are puerto rican. The reason we are dark is because his side of the family is taino (native puerto ricans) while on the other hand, my mother is light puerto rican. She has strawberry blonde hair, freckles, green/blue/hazel eyes (they change color I swear). Her parents have spaniard ancestors, irish, scottish, french, and some other stuff.

The outcome with me is dark puerto rican with white people hair. Its thin and curly and I can do anything I want with it. I also have a smidge of freckles on my cheeks.

this is my mom - sorry I just have to show off how much she doesn't look like me lol
http://photos-c.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-ash1/hs300.ash1/22736_1191717112786_1224147355_30416894_2440024_s. jpg

June 8th, 2010, 03:55 PM
Still so fascinating guys! I'm sorry this got out of control and I can't reply to everyone but it's seriously so interesting to read all of this! Thank you all for sharing! :D

We should write a book. Haha!

June 8th, 2010, 04:32 PM
oh and I forgot to talk about the natural color of my hair. It grows in dark brown, almost black - I call it faded black. But it highlights easily by the sun. Not reddish but more like orange. And if I go long enough without dyeing it the ends will turn blonde.
not a good pic but its like this model
I've been dyeing my hair since I was 10 because it looks "unnatural" So I always dyed it dark brown.

June 8th, 2010, 04:52 PM
Half semetic and my other half is a mix of English, Irish, Scottish, French, a tiny bit of German, and a good percentage of Cherokee and Souix.

My hair is stick straight and extremely fine. I probably got it from my maternal grandmother along with some of her color (she was the red side of audburn, I'm on the brown side. No one else got any of her reds but me, though). I look very European unless I've had some sun, wherein my semetic and Native American features become more prominent as my skin darkens. I also don't burn easily, thanks to these same genetics.

June 8th, 2010, 05:07 PM
I'm 50+&#37; German (Dad is 100%, Mom is a little bit), a bit Irish, French, and who knows what else (Mom was adopted).

I have Dark blonde/light brown hair that has a tiny bit of red, along with Hazel eyes. My sister has bone straight mdedium thickness dark golden blonde hair & blue eyes.

What do we have in common? We are both glow-in-the-dark pale!

June 12th, 2010, 10:01 AM
I'm 75% Dutch and 25% unknown - the mystery is my father's father, who was ashamed of his rather hillbilly upbringing and didn't talk about origins. Our best guess is Scotch-Irish, from our family name and his place of origin within the US.

Where this figures into hair is that my mom's side, 100% dutch immigrants (they all came over to America in the 1850s-1870s), everyone's hair is thin and light, except for the redheaded cousins who somehow got wiry, thick hair.

Pictures of my father from the 70s show his gorgeous wavy shoulder length locks. My brother, who had ringlets as a baby (ringlets!!) is growing his hair out now and it is amazingly thick and wavy. I can remember mild waves back when my hair was BSL but they've straightened out - from the weight and length, I assume.

I'm thankful for my dad's mysterious heritage for giving me hair thicker than my mom's, but still so jealous that my brother got the waves.

July 22nd, 2010, 11:19 AM
I am Korean, Hawaiian, and White. I think I definately got my hair from my Hawaiian roots, it is wavy and kind of thick.

July 22nd, 2010, 11:26 AM
I can't remember if I responded, but this is fascinating stuff!

Irish, German, English here. Started out white-blonde, darkening to an ash color with red glints as a teenager, then a deeper brown-red in my 20s, which I've been dying more auburn for the past two years. This is the pattern my mom's hair followed. The greys have started in as of two or three years ago. She still has most of her hair, however, thickness-wise (she does chop it off) which makes me hopeful to avoid too much loss as I get older. :)

July 22nd, 2010, 11:43 AM
I'm a mutt - Norwegian, Irish, English, and who knows what else! I'm a quarter Norwegian, which is the largest segment, probably about a sixteenth Irish, and then a ton of tiny little pieces of just about everything else! I have hair that's pretty straight, but has nice body and gets a little wavy as it gets longer. Medium brown, and very thick!

July 22nd, 2010, 11:46 AM
Good thread!

Dad- Euro blend of German, English, Finnish, Swedish
Mom- Filipina

Dad's side seems to have fine wavy hair, though with his sisters I can't really tell because I think they do perms or curls or whatever. All brown shades mostly mousy.

Mom's is straight, shiny and black.

Mine is black and Fine-Medium as far as I can decipher. It's mostly straight but keeps some wave.

July 22nd, 2010, 11:58 AM
I'm Polish and I have my 2a, F, ii hair. I have dark brown hair that I LOVE the colour of!

My dad had gorgeous 2a M ii dark brown hair until he went completely bald and my mum has 2b M ii hair that is naturally dark brown.

However, my twin brother has 1b M iii that is mid-blonde and was white blonde when he was a baby. We have two cousins aswell that are blonde but the rest of us (2 grandparents, 2 aunties, 1 uncles, 5 other cousins) all have dark brown 2a-3c M ii/iii hair.

July 22nd, 2010, 01:12 PM
I don't know a lot about my origins, but I'm mostly Irish and French, with some German..maybe some English too. My natural haircolor is a warm dark blonde. Lots of people with Irish ancestors in this forum!!!! At school, in the dental hygiene department where I study, an Irish ladie came up to me and asked: Are you Irish? I talked with her a bit. I was really surprised, I study in a French school.

July 22nd, 2010, 09:10 PM
This has nothing to do with me, but I wanted to post that my ex-boyfriend/still best friend/ occasional friend with benefits (EBSBFOFWB, duh) is one quarter Wintu, a Native American tribe. His hair is THICK THICK THICK and that interesting color of brown that is so dark it's almost black, yet still brown (like coffee, maybe?) and it has a ton of wave to it, but no curl. Did that make sense? It SCREAMS Native American.

I'm Scottish and French so naturally I have somewhat unremarkable hair that refuses to behave :D It's thick but fine, like it seems thick when you try to braid it but it compresses a lot into really thin braids when you do. Did that make sense, again?

July 22nd, 2010, 09:49 PM
I'm 100% Cajun. I don't think any particular traits are associated with that. Everyone in my immediate family has dark brown hair, but my aunt had light brown and I assume my grandmother did too though I never saw it when it was any color but gray.

July 30th, 2010, 03:15 PM
My heritige is Danish/Irish/British and I have very fine hair. Its naturally medium blonde although I stopped dying it golden blonde recently and discovered its more of a medium silver blonde which was a nice surprise as I assumed it would have gone mousey by now :s

July 30th, 2010, 03:55 PM
I'm Native American (The tribe's Aztec, I believe), Spanish, Irish, German, and French.
My hair's thick and almost black, because I take after my father's side, which is the Native American and Spanish. My brother takes after my mom, and his hair's light brown, medium thickness, and doesn't grow that fast.

July 30th, 2010, 04:34 PM
My family is a huge mix; English, Scottish, Irish, German, Swedish, Bohemian, Danish, Native American, and who knows what else!

I have fairly thick (diameter as well as amount) dark brown hair with red highlights (at the temples mostly). My hair has just enough wave to look like it is never brushed if it is down.

What I always found intersting was the difference between my sisters and me. My older sister had incredibly thick, coarse red hair, with brown eyes. My hair is not as thick as hers was, and I have green eyes. My younger sister's hair is a little thinner than mine, and was blonde growing up, but has darkened into auburn, and she has blue eyes.

July 30th, 2010, 04:50 PM
I'm 50&#37; Italian (dad has coarse, densely packed on his head, super wavy hair, dark dark brown) 50% Norwegian (mom has very fine 2c/3a hair, pony thickness i, medium brown). I ended up with medium thickness hair, but TONS of it. My hair is very densely packed onto my scalp and my pony circumference is 5." My natural color is a medium/dark ash blonde and WAY curlier than my mom's. My brother ended up with darker brown hair that's closer to 3a curls and medium/fine in texture, resulting in a ii thickness. I was always the outlier in my family with the blonde hair. We could blame "the milkman" if I weren't the spittin image of my daddy-o. :)

While I do love having thick hair (it feels luxurious when it's long and cascading down my back), it is HOT and it needs to have so much more length than most people for styling. I'm super glad about the curls, too. All in all, the combination has given me thick, shiny hair that is strong and resilient. I am least happy about the color, hence my lifelong experiments with bleach, dye, and now henna! :)

July 30th, 2010, 05:39 PM
I'm Cherokee, English, Irish, Scots, Welsh, French, and maybe some German, and my hair is somewhere between fine and medium in texture, thick in terms of amount of hair (my ponytail is about 5.5" inches around), and dark reddish brown. It's also wavy, but it's been getting curlier as I get older for some odd reason. Maybe because I'm taking better care of it than I used to.

July 30th, 2010, 06:11 PM
I am of Puerto Rican decent. According to Wikipedia...Puerto Ricans are largely the descendants of Europeans, Taíno, Africans or a blend of these groups which has produced a very diversified population.

On my father's side there's tight kinky curly black hair. On my mother's side a smörgåsbord ranging from blond to almost jet black and texture from pin straight to mine, 3b/c.

July 30th, 2010, 06:42 PM
I'm mostly British with some Dutch, German, Irish and French-Canadian thrown in and I am also part African-American and Cherokee Indian because my mother is multiracial. She had very thick, kinky hair but it was always reddish-blonde. I also have very thick, coarse hair too but not to the extent hers was.

July 30th, 2010, 07:04 PM
I'm a mutt, mostly western European (Irish, Scottish, British, German, some Scandinavian) and Mi'kmaq (Native American). I've got dark brown hair with red and gold highlights. The strands are medium in terms of coarseness. I do have a lot of hair, but the last time I measured I thought I was right on the boarder between medium and thick. Then I measured again today and discovered I am in fact a solid iii. It's also quite wavy and depending on the humidity can be downright curly.

It's interesting to see the variation in my family - my dad's hair was black and very thick, coarse and curly. He had a natural 'fro back in the 60s/70s and my mom always described it as Brillo. ^.^ My mom's is more like mine - finer in comparison to my dad's, but she has a lot of it. Her hair is the silkiest feeling and the most cooperative in the family. It's probably the same color as mine, maybe slightly lighter (it's hard to remember since she's dyed her hair for years and I think she probably has lots of gray now). Her's is no where near as wavy, flyaway, and unruly as mine though - I guess that's my dad's Brillo influence. My brother's hair is very dark brown - it looks black, but on closer inspection you can see it's not. His is much coarser than mine, not quite like my dad's though. He has way more curl to his hair than I do- it's shoulder length now and he's got natural banana curls at the ends that a lot of girls would kill for.

July 30th, 2010, 07:13 PM
I'm a mutt, but I am of the following descent...

English, Danish, German, Russian, French, Dutch, Portuguese, Sweedish/Finnish, Native American (Wintu), Irish, and who knows what else.

I have thick, finely-textured (I'm not sure about the fine part) hair that is neither straight nor wavy. I was born with thick (enough for several babies), dark hair and eyes. My hair color has pretty much stayed the same, which is a medium brown with red and golden tones. You know, just normal, European hair. :D I was the only baby in my family besides my dad who was born with thick, dark hair while everyone else was born blond.

I have two sisters (one full, one half, not that it matters) who were both born blonde-haired and blue-eyed, but their hair darkened to dark blonde as they got older. They both have more wave pattern to their hair than me, but they both have considerably thinner hair than I do.

My mother has medium-dark blonde hair that is even straighter than mine and is also thinner, 1aFi/ii. My dad has dark brown, 2c/3a hair that is not quite as thick as mine, but is the closest in terms of thickness. I remember when all my family got haircuts at the same time and we'd collect the hair into ponytails afterward. Mine was the thickest, then my dad's, then my sister's, than my mom's.

Most of the relatives on my mom's side have fine, thin, blonde hair while my dad's side is more of a variety. I cannot think of any relative whose hair is thicker than mine.

What irks me is that even though we have similar strand thickness, my dad and sister get classified as having M hair while mine gets classified as F.

ETA: I saw my dad today and he has hair that is between APL and midback length. I was shocked to find out that his hair isn't as thick as I thought it was. :O He had his hair tied back in a rat-tail/catapillar and his ponytail must have been 1/3 of my thickness, which is similar to my sister's thickness. And no, he isn't balding, either.

I have no idea where I got my thickness came from, but I am quite grateful for it.

July 31st, 2010, 04:55 AM
I am Arabic (Palestinian from both my father and mothers' side) and I have long curly (soft textured) hair thats very thick. The color is chestnut with some very subtle blonde highlights. my dad used to be very blonde until he turned 18 his hair turned the same color as mine (thats how i remember him of course :P since i wasn't around when he was blonde) both my sister and brother were born with golden blonde hair thats darkening to dirty blonde. (i think their hair is going to change like my father's to chestnut but i am not sure).

August 2nd, 2010, 01:32 AM
I find this thread very interesting! :twocents:

I'm the average American mashup. My father's side is full Norwegian, but my mother's side is a bit hard to trace, because my grandmother on that side was adopted. We know there's some Irish and British from my mother's father, but my mother's mother is a mystery. Her complexion tends toward Mediterranean, and she has coarse, curly hair.

I got my father's baby-fine, wavy Nordic hair, but my brothers got my grandmother's thick, coarse curls. When I was born, I had near-platinum blonde hair, which slowly darkened to a light, mousey brown with ashy undertones. I found it boring, so I've been dyeing it since I was 11. :laugh:
I'm not sure how I ended up with such thin hair, but I've always felt a bit cheated that I didn't have my brothers' bounteous locks. :p During his surfer phase, my middle brother had collar-length hair that curled up into a perpetual 'fro. :)
My mother's hair used to be coarse and thick as well (and classic length! I'm so jealous!), but it has thinned and gotten finer as she's aged. She also got the stereotypical "mom" cut when I was born, and has kept very short hair ever since. :(

As for the future, I've a good chance of turning into a Renegray! :) My father has been silver since 40, my mother has been graying (somewhere under the dye) since 44, and my father's mother has a gorgeous, full head of snow white hair even as she's reaching her 80s! :cheer:

August 2nd, 2010, 09:36 AM
I'm 75% Romanian and 3/5 Greek.My hair is 2a dark blonde.:)

August 2nd, 2010, 10:02 AM
I'm from Finland and have a very typical finnish hair, fine light texture and original colour is light brown, hate it

August 2nd, 2010, 10:17 AM
I'm half Iranian (dad's side), and my mom's side is a mash of European stuff (french, irish, ect.)

I think my hair takes more after my dad. It's not as dark as his (his was black) but it's darker than mom's. It's wavy/curly like his. (mom's is pretty much straight). It's very thick.
It seems to be pretty much stereotypical middle eastern hair.

August 2nd, 2010, 06:56 PM
I'm predominately English, with some German (about 1/4) and Swedish (about 1/8th). My mom's hair is very straight and M/C, almost black. My dad's hair is softer and wavier. It used to be light-medium ashy brown, but is now mostly gray. My dad's siblings went gray pretty early (his sister started going REALLY gray around 20), but my mom's brother is 51 and still mostly brown.

My hair is just a teensy bit wavy, probably F/M, and naturally dark brown with warm tones. It holds curl OK and- my favorite thing- doesn't split unless I really abuse it. My sister is a natural redhead with the thickest hair I have ever encountered in real life. Hers holds curl/wave better than mine, but it is also more coarse.

August 2nd, 2010, 07:08 PM
Half Greek, half Italian.

My hair is brown and will go in soft, loose ringlets when left to its own devices.

August 3rd, 2010, 01:45 PM
I'm 1/8th sinti gypsy and the rest is assumed to be dutch, german and a tiny pinch of french. My hair is 1aFiii in a colour that varries from dark blonde to medium brown.

My dutch mother has 2a/bFii(i) hair, she's naturally blonde and her mother is naturally ginger. My fathers family all have very black hair, going from nearly blue-black to brown-black depending on who's hair it is. This is the family with the gypsy roots. Their hair looks like asian hair, 1a or 1b and N/C in structure. In inherited the straight dark hair from them, but got my mothers very dutch fine structure.

So my hair actually makes perfect sense. I'm 100&#37; sure the flat straightness of my hair is from the gypsy side as except for that single line in my family everyone has hair ranging from a bit wavy to nearly curles, and my gypsy family line have perfectly straight hair like mine.

It also has some other odd qualities, for example my hair ignores chemical dye. It just won't work. I tried 4 times when I was young and had no clue how bad it was (14 to be exactely), and none of it stuck on any longer then 2 weeks; not even 'extra permanent formula'. In big contrast, my hair d&#243;es react well with henna and it'll be visible until its grown out completely, meaning &#243;ne henna head will last a few years.

Either way its interesting to read about people's hair. I've observed a lot of hair, and common in my area is wavy fine hair. If my greatgrandmother wasn't a sinti, I'd have that hair too, but I like my gravity obeying flat straight hair, it makes my hair mine :)

August 3rd, 2010, 01:56 PM
I'm mostly Irish and a quarter Hungarian with English and German mixed in there somewhere. I have medium hair but lots of volume, ii/iii. I tend to take after my dad who is mostly Irish. My mom is half Hungarian and she has fine hair. We all have wave except for my sister who has thick course straight hair... where she came from I don't know, maybe the milk man! haha.

August 3rd, 2010, 11:09 PM
I'm 100% Chinese (Shanghainese) with 1a / M / i hair.

In artificial light, my roots appear dark brown, gradually lightening to a medium-dark brown at the ends. Then if I go out in the sun, my roots look more like soft black with mahogany highlights, and light mahogany, almost a burnt orange colour, at the ends. I definitely get my hair from my mom's side of the family; lots of long hairs among her sisters & their children! My dad's hair was the true black people usually associate with East Asians, but the texture was coarser.

My hair is resolutely, determinedly straight and will not hold any kind of wave or curl for more than half an hour. It's also extremely slippery, so regular hair elastics and simple ponytail styles are exercises in futility. Hair sticks work best for me. The upside is that it air-dries perfectly straight in less than half an hour and rarely gets tangled. I haven't owned a brush since high school! (^(oo)^)

Growth rate is pretty decent; it takes 9 months to get from waist to TBL. Hitting TBL is my signal to cut back to waist length again. Strangely, I almost never get split ends. I check for them every month, but I probably find 20 a year at most.

August 4th, 2010, 09:57 AM
i'm indian and i have black/natural brown hair.
all indians have dark hair. but within india different people from different regions have different types of hair. like most keralites i know have wavy-curly hair and north'eastern people have straight hair. i'm eastern indian and have kinda straight hair.
but, there are lots of exceptions to this rule.

August 4th, 2010, 09:59 AM
I'm Native American (The tribe's Aztec, I believe), Spanish, Irish, German, and French.
My hair's thick and almost black, because I take after my father's side, which is the Native American and Spanish. My brother takes after my mom, and his hair's light brown, medium thickness, and doesn't grow that fast.

Wait, I'm Apache Indian too, forgot about that.

Tennessee Rose
August 4th, 2010, 10:14 AM
I would feet perfectly to an Iberian Peninsula Standard which is the place where I'm from. My hair is brunnette with red shades, thick with big (sometimes well defined) curls and frizzy in the back side. Altough when I was a kid I was blond. Besides curls have been there my whole life. I guess I have no mixes, I'm like a mustang 100&#37; pure spanish breed.

August 4th, 2010, 10:30 AM
I'm Irish, so of Celtic ancestry (mainly Irish but a bit of Scottish, Cornish and Breton thrown in too).

No one in my family has straight hair, we're all either wavy or very curly. Dark brown, Red, Auburn, dark blonde and Chocolate brown are the hair colours in my family.

My hair is 2a, so wavy, but I do have some very curly days sometimes, and the colour is brown with some natural auburn tints that show up in the sunlight :). I'm told I get my hair colour from my great great grandmother on my mom's side, but I'm not sure, since a lot of them are very red haired apart from my grandpa who had the same colour as me.

My hair is medium in thickness and tends to frizz a lot in humidity, but not in rain thankfully, since I love the rain :)

I have brown eyes too, we don't all have blue eyes like it's believed ;)

August 4th, 2010, 11:14 AM
On my father's side I have African, Taino, Irish, and Spanish ancestry. On My mother's side I have African, Taino, Spanish, Israeli, and Irish ancestry. Both my parents have 3b/3c/4a dark, black hair and both of them are Spanish speaking Dominicans. Weird huh? My mother is light skinned and my father is dark skinned. My father is now bald but my mother's hair grows at about .5" a month.

My hair is a combo of the both of them. I have 3c/4a, dark, thick hair while the actual strands are fine, and medium skin tone. My hair grows at 1" per month.

Tennessee Rose
August 4th, 2010, 11:23 AM
my mother's hair grows at about .5" a month. Five INCHES a month???? Really. That's about 12.5 cm per month I don't thing it happens in any human being. Are you sure you put the right number in there?

August 4th, 2010, 11:35 AM
I think you missed the decimal point, Tennessee Rose.

I'm massively Scotch-Irish (my biological grandfather was from Ireland), and one of my first cousins and his son belong to a Cherokee tribe in California, I think, but there's more blood on that side of the family. My hair's a solid 1b when dry and not permed, and my roots appear to be coming in a dark coppery blonde. My hair's pretty thick on both sides of the family (thinking of changing my hairtype), but I don't know about greys. My dad's still got brown hair, my mom went full-gray (if she'd stop dyeing) before 18, and my maternal grandmother only ever got a dash of salt and one streak right at her widow's peak.

August 4th, 2010, 11:37 AM
Interesting thread ... I am quite a mutt, so I have no idea which nationality my hair takes after. My father is Native American and Greek, and my mother is Mexican and Spanish. My hair is definitely like my mother's - extremely thick with a bit of wave to it and wild, with a mind of its own. I also have her premature gray, which is that metallic white. Though to be fair, I have noticed that early gray is a common trait in both my Indian and Mexican family members.

Growing up, mom had super long thick hair that she could practically sit on, but she cut it short about 20 years ago saying that it was too much hassle to take care of. Dad on the other hand, has always been a longhair ... but now that he's 76, he doesn't have as much on top ;)

Tennessee Rose
August 4th, 2010, 11:43 AM
I think you missed the decimal point, Tennessee Rose.

Yeah...Thank you I already noticed. :justy: I was freaking out! Hehe.

August 4th, 2010, 11:55 AM
LOL at Tennessee Rose! That is too funny. I would have been shocked if it did grow five inches a month! LOL!

Tennessee Rose
August 4th, 2010, 01:12 PM
LOL at Tennessee Rose! That is too funny. I would have been shocked if it did grow five inches a month! LOL!
Hahahaha! Sorry I was a bit absent-minded.

August 28th, 2010, 02:28 PM
I'm German, part Danish and part Dutch, a naturally light ashy blonde.
My hairtype's 1a/b, C, iii - unusual for an blonde.

To me it seems that ashy blond and merely straight hair is nothing unusual in Germany.

August 28th, 2010, 02:41 PM
I am mostly Native American, with a lot of unspecified mutt muddying the waters beyond that. I know one of my great grandmothers on my mother's side was Scandinavian, though, which is why I'm so pale, for a red man. 1c/2a / M/C / iii -like it says in the side bar. My hair waves a little, and sticks out everywhere (it doesn't lay together very well...), but has random corkscrew spirals in single hair form, and its heavy with some coarse hairs, it's brown, and SUPER thick, we're talking 5+ inches on a ponytail.

My mom's hair is black, coarse like wire and thick, but she's also china white and all freckles. My dad's hair is black fine and medium to thin, now that he's an old man, but he shows a lot of red in his skin like Grandpa.

August 28th, 2010, 02:43 PM
My known ancestry includes Irish, Scottish, English, and Cherokee. I have straight, blonde hair that is mostly fine.

August 28th, 2010, 02:53 PM
I'm 1/2 Norweigan, 3/4 Czech, 1/4 Irish. My hair is naturally strawberry blond (I'm ignoring the grays). My parents and I have had this conversation because my hair is so unique to the family gene pool. My father says his uncle on his mother's side (Irish) had hair like mine. Both my parents and my sister have relatively straight "normal" brown hair.

August 28th, 2010, 02:59 PM
I'm 1/2 Norweigan, 3/4 Czech, 1/4 Irish. My hair is naturally strawberry blond (I'm ignoring the grays). My parents and I have had this conversation because my hair is so unique to the family gene pool. My father says his uncle on his mother's side (Irish) had hair like mine. Both my parents and my sister have relatively straight "normal" brown hair.

Oops. not 3/4 - just do the math, obviously I can't lol!

August 29th, 2010, 02:47 AM
What a great thread!!

I'm American-- part Irish, English, African, and Seminole, Cherokee, and Mohawk Indian.

While I love my hair and know it's special, I've never understood exactly why. No one has hair like it, not even those of my relatives who are the same ethnic background. My family has always teased me about "where did all that hair come from?" When people haven't seen me in a long time, one of the first things they exclaim is "your hair's still the same!" Some guys who belong to a local club nicknamed me "the tall girl with the hair." When I found out I said, "don't you mean, all the hair?" And the guy I was talking to said, "No. Just 'The Hair'." And my hair has completely fascinated all of my boyfriends. They say it's like I have 2 full heads of hair on one head.

One hairdresser told me I have a lot of hair follicles, like people of African descent, and long hair, like whites and Asians. The few people whom I allow to touch it (everyone wants to, people are crazy) are always surprised that my hair is very soft and fine, because it's so thick they expect it to be coarse. It takes 1.5 -2 hours to cut and blow dry, and a day to air dry. On humid days, it has anti-gravity properties. The terminal length appears to be BSL-- it's never been longer than that, although I have relatives with waist length hair. But their hair's texture is very different from mine.

Some idiot hair-dresser accidentally cut it to my shoulders once, and it was as thick as it was long. I looked ridiculous, and I had to get a passport photo taken that same day, so my insane look was immortalized.

As a child, my hair so flummoxed my mom that she just put it in 2 braids and hoped for the best. Then I graduated to a ponytail, and I realized if I ever wanted to have an actual hairstyle, I'd have to figure out how to manage my hair on my own, because no one else knew what to do. If I released it from the pony tail, it looked like it was about to levitate right off my head.

I'd already developed my interest in hair conditioning by then, and I was always mixing up things to put in it. I got it chemically straightened when I was 14, and while it was cool for a while to have totally different hair, it just wasn't me.

My hair is very curly when wet, but straight-ish when dry. The front has always had the texture of kinky hair, except it's straight. Straight and very frizzy, almost wiry. The rest of my hair has a totally different feel and look. Sometimes it's like different hairs are from different races, rather than all 3 races producing a single new kind of hair.

This used to drive me crazy, but the right conditioners, cut, and styling techniques give it a uniform, beautiful texture. I also always condition it, because I know some of the things I do damage my hair. But I decided long ago that my goal is not to go through life with perfectly un-damaged hair. It's to show it off to its best advantage, have it look the way I want it to look, and get out of the house before noon. For that reason, I don't wear make-up. I decided I'd rather spend time playing with my hair than playing with my face, which I'm perfectly happy with.

I always classify my hair as very damaged/fragile, even though it's strong and in great shape, and I condition it continuously. I'll leave conditioner in for several days at a time if I can, and I use that smelly Aphogee protein. Lately, henna has made an amazing difference in the texture and controllability.

My hair's naturally many different shades of brown to very, very dark brown, with some red strands, and now some premature gray.(That's what the henna's for. I don't have the makings of a Renegray.)

Sadly, my hair's unusual nature doesn't really come across in photos. It looks like very thick, wavy APL hair, but whatever that extra quality is that everyone makes a fuss about doesn't come across. My photos get lots of compliments, but people say you have to see me in person to experience what my hair's really like.

August 29th, 2010, 02:58 AM
I'm English with Irish and Scottish grandparents. I am definitely very very English (pinkish skin, rudy complexion, blonde-brown hair, brown eyes). However my hair's texture is quite different from all of my other family members, as not only is it very thick it's also really bloody coarse. Which no one in my family has!

I asked my mum about it once and apparently someone on my mum's side back in the 19th Century married a Chinese woman (which at the time caused a bit of a scandal *rolls eyes*) and it's possible that's the source. This is obviously just pure speculation, based on the fact that chinese hair tends to be very coarse. It'd be cool if it were true, like a random throwback gene.

Either way I love my hair, even if it does snap hairsticks and hairbands on a regular basis.

September 1st, 2010, 09:40 AM
I'm such a mix, it would be hard to tell where my hair came from. I'm German, Welsh, Irish, Scottish, English, Dutch, Cuban, and a hint of American Indian.

September 3rd, 2010, 04:08 AM
I am Colombian. I dont know why my hair is dark blonde. I only have spanish blood somewhere. But i guess my family can have some other type, maybe from scandinavia, (im living in finland and girls here have very similar hair than mine). Is hard to know in my country those bloodlines.

My real hair is dark blonde, 1b and I am just learning all those things you put about your hair. (I have been here 1 hour, very new :P).
My hair is very thin, and after i dye is becoming a little curly, is nice to have some waves.

September 7th, 2010, 03:34 PM
100&#37; (American)-Chinese, as far as I know. Mom definitely has wavy hair, with some salt. I envy the amount of shine she has, and her hair is so sleek now! For my parents wedding, she wore her hair down, and it was at least hip length. I think everyone on my mom's side has wavy hair, but I don't know about grandpa.

Dad's side is harder to pinpoint, since his hair has always been short. One of my dad's sisters has chin length, almost straight hair, while the other has long, wavy hair that is most likely at least partially the result of styling.

My little sister has fairly straight hair, which is really pretty and shiny. She won't let me braid and style it, though :(

That leaves me with hair that is black, coarse and wavy. I used to think my hair was only a little wavy, but now I think it's probably close to 2a than the 1b/1c that I currently have under my profile. The waves are probably making themselves known now that I've stopped using a brush, and being more careful with my hair, haha.

September 9th, 2010, 06:30 AM
I am Colombian. I dont know why my hair is dark blonde. I only have spanish blood somewhere. But i guess my family can have some other type, maybe from scandinavia, (im living in finland and girls here have very similar hair than mine). Is hard to know in my country those bloodlines.

My real hair is dark blonde, 1b and I am just learning all those things you put about your hair. (I have been here 1 hour, very new :P).
My hair is very thin, and after i dye is becoming a little curly, is nice to have some waves.

My mom is from south america too, yet I have dark blonde/light brown hair 1b too that I got from her side :P We also have light eyes, so im guessing they were from europe, dont know where though.

September 15th, 2010, 09:25 AM
On my father's side I have African, Taino, Irish, and Spanish ancestry. On My mother's side I have African, Taino, Spanish, Israeli, and Irish ancestry. Both my parents have 3b/3c/4a dark, black hair and both of them are Spanish speaking Dominicans. Weird huh? My mother is light skinned and my father is dark skinned. My father is now bald but my mother's hair grows at about .5" a month.

My hair is a combo of the both of them. I have 3c/4a, dark, thick hair while the actual strands are fine, and medium skin tone. My hair grows at 1" per month.

Same here! I am Dominican and African American. I have mostly 4a textured hair with a little 4b. I don't quite know my growth rate though.

September 20th, 2010, 06:54 AM
Waow! K la K!! Another Dominicana on here. Do u relax your hair or are you natural?

September 21st, 2010, 10:47 AM
I'm Indian, Cambodian, and Chinese. My hair is naturally black and wavy. It's thick (not as think as Native American hair) and I have a lot of hair so if I don't do something with it after I shower, it gets everywhere lol
It tends to get frizzy but after I shower I put in leave-in conditioner and braid it. :D

September 21st, 2010, 01:27 PM
New here and finding this thread interesting.

Mom's side: grandfather is Metis- French(maybe)/Chippewa-Cree, grandmother: Welsh

Dad's side: grandfather is Welsh with maybe a splash of Italian, grandmother is Russian (possibly Russian-jewish) from Odessa.

My maternal grandmother had firecracker red hair, and I had a few red highlights in my hair before it started to go a bit grey. That red all went grey first. My hair is most like my maternal grandfathers with some pretty native-straight style hair, but I have plenty of baby-wisp fine hair around my temple and hairline that never gets long and does a few little weird things.

I studied with a wig-mistress for a couple years and apprenticed in wigmaking. We'd classify hair as european, asian or african based soley on texture/quality of shaft. I think most 1-3a, m/c hair would be classified as asian and the type most often used for wigmaking. That hair could come from a variety of countries, though, and as often from India as any of the Pacific Rim countries.
The most expensive is the european, simply because it's finer, a bit easier to tie and can work better for fronting a wig, but I still prefer working with the asian as it's most close to my own hair type. I've not made wigs with curly hair, though, so I can't really make sweeping statements like that without stating that.

I wondered when I joined here if there was perhaps a population of particular hair types from ethnically specific places. The americas are such a hodge-podge of nationalities, you could really end up with a variety of hair types, but it seems there tends to be a type of hair we expect from different areas elsewhere around the world where a specific population spent quite a bit more time in one location. Is that a naive assumption on my part?

September 21st, 2010, 01:49 PM
Mom's side: French, Cherokee (Native American)
Father's side: French-Canadian, Czechoslovakian

I don't know where I got my curls from. Some of my family members on both sides have a bit of wave, but the majority have straight. I'm like the black sheep with these curls and my mom had not a clue how to style my hair so I spent my entire teenage years making a mess of it. My daughter's hair is curlier than mine.

September 21st, 2010, 02:50 PM
My nationality/heritage is horribly complicated haha
40% German
10% English
5% Italian
5% either Irish or French (the subject of much family debate at reunions)
20% Native American
20% African
For the sake of simplicity I usually just say 50% German 25% Native American 25% African

I used to have what was described by my teacher in cosmetology school as "the ideal blend of Caucasian hair and African hair" which baffeled me because I've fought an uphill battle against my curly locks for as long as I can remember. (I used to have Shirley Temple ringlet curls and hated them with a passion, although everyone else thought they were adorable *cringe*)

It sounds strange but my hair type is making a change... A drastic one:
I have fine curly hair. The curl size has gotten bigger in recent years. I used to be able to trap a pencil in the curls, this (thankfully) is no longer the case. My German/Native American genes seem to be kicking in more and I have sections that are slightly wavy to straight and the parts that are still curly are much less so. The color is also quite interesting. The vast majority is a very dark chocolatey brown, but I have a shock of gray in the front (which I lovingly refer to as my "Rogue streak" fashioned after Rogue from X-men) and some dispersed throughout my hair, I also have some red and blonde strands that sometimes make themselves known, but it's rare. If I continue on this road, I might have beautiful waves in like 5-10 years. Unfortunately, as my hair has never been one to cooperate, this makes styling a nightmare. Lately, as I've been trying to eliminate heat/chemicals from my routine, dutch braids seem to be the only way to get my hair to do anything other than frizz uncontrollably (other than using heat). When I can get it to cooperate, it looks lovely because the lighter hairs reflect the light in a very interesting way.

It's also very soft. Both of my grandparents (English/German, Native American/German with the Italian and Irish/French) on my mother's side have rediculously soft, fine hair, from whom I inherited everything but my curls and a portion of my skin color (darkish) from.

September 21st, 2010, 03:15 PM
I'm half Mayflower-American (so mostly English), and half Mennonite (northern German, with probably Russian/Ukrainian genes too).

My hair is medium brown, medium texture, 1a/b, and I have a fair amount of it (ii/iii depending when and how I measure).

I see a lot of women of Mennonite/Hutterite heritage who not only have hair that looks like mine, they also have similar facial features, but I don't know how I got this hair if I look at my immediate family. My mom's side is all ultra-fine, wavy-curly, and quite thin. Women on my dad's side start out with thick, wavy hair, and then in their late 30s/early 40s a whole lot of it it falls out and never grows back and they cut it short and get perms to cover the bald spots. I'm really hoping it's from having lots of babies really close together and not something genetic.

Wicked Princess
September 21st, 2010, 05:50 PM
I'm half Filipino and half English. I think my hair is naturally straight (from what I can see of old pictures and vaguely remember), but I did perm it a few years ago and the curl hasn't fallen out completely yet. It's also very dark, and the strands are more coarse. This coincides with my mother's hair, so I'm assuming my hairs attributes are predominately from her!

September 22nd, 2010, 09:12 AM
I'm half English, half German, with the German side originating from eastern Europe/Russia area a few generations back. I have my mum's hairtype - straight, slippery, comparatively fine and brown, though mine is much darker than hers. My dad has much more awesome hair - almost black, coarser, with soft rolling 2c/3a curling waves. I've seen pictures from when he was younger and had it long, and it was beautiful! I'm sad that I didn't inherit it. All the hair on my mum's side is like hers - apparently the curly red Scots hair in my granddad's family didn't make it down the generations either.

October 15th, 2010, 09:54 PM
I'm 3/4 Irish, 1/4 Scotish.
Mum= Black, curly, fast growing hair.
father= apparently dirty blonde, once had waist length hair before he met my mum he cut it off
Mum's parents: 1 Irish, 1 pure Irish heritage born in Australia
paternal gparents: 1 Irish, 1's parents were Scotish.
I have: darkest ash blonde hair, curly, slowgrowing at the moment, fine but quite a bit of it, fizzy/wavy at times, but left to dry naturally and it's all curls. Hates to be straightened, always turns into kinks. Even after having put a relaxer thru it, refused to stay straight. A few trims later bounced up into curls (not that i mind, I love my curls. however put a brush through them and POOF! I look like I've brushed out a perm)

October 16th, 2010, 12:11 AM
I'm a Jew with Jewey hair. :)

My father is from Latvia.

October 16th, 2010, 06:08 AM
Im scandinavian, and so is my hair! Very scandinavian hair... I would prefer a thicker and stronger hair.
Also, you dont really see super long hair around here, i think its because of the hairtype most people have. Im usually the one with the longest, and my hair is really not that long.

October 16th, 2010, 06:39 AM
I'm 25% Dane, 25% Scottish and 50% Faroese.

I must say my hair reminds mostly of Faroese hair. I've gotten the thickness of my mother's (Who is the Faroese) hair. Even just a trim at the salong causes the wheels of the chairs to get stuck, on both her and myself. My mums hairdresser usually complains with a smile that she's been cutting for an enternity, while there's still the same amount of hair on the head left. The manager at a salong went in once I've been there, and thouth that the girl who done my hear had gone Edward Scissorhands on me and that I now had to be bald because there was hair over half the floor (I had had BSL and cut into a cute bob that time). :D Also, all Faroese people I've meet has really thick hair that is either wavy or curly. Could be the moist weather, or genetics. It's strong too, and feels like a more silky version of sheep wool. :p

I don't know much of the rest with hair on my mothers side, except for it being all kinds of colours.

My dad's side, the Danish/Scottish... that hair is much finer, the finest being the danish side, and being stronger in the difference of colour. Either rich dark chocolate brown, or real scandinavian blond, no middle things.

October 16th, 2010, 07:16 AM
I am Dutch and have European hair

October 16th, 2010, 12:49 PM
I'm about half and half German and Irish, and I have 1c/2a hair that dries in curls but goes to gentle waves when I comb it out. It's somewhere between blond and brown with a goldishred ( yes, new word) look in the sun. It's very thick as a whole, but the individual strands are just medium. My sister has the same heritage as me, but her hair is flame-red naturally.

October 16th, 2010, 04:22 PM
Wow...there are a lot of ethnic mixes here :) Makes me feel at home. I'll just throw in my two-cents then.

Nationality: Kinda hard to say nationality has to do with my hair type because ppl can come from the same region and look completely different ;-) Doesn't do it justice, at least for me.

Ethnicity: Wow...where do I start. Both of my parents are mixed-race. My father is Caucasian, W. African and Cherokee. He was very fair/light tan with dark, 3b hair, as were much of my family on their side. Fair skin and dark, curly hair. Just beautiful. My mother is W. African (Gullah), Seminole and Spaniard with very soft, 4a hair and medium brown skin that's practically ageless. She's 51 without a SINGLE wrinkle!

I came out with 3b/3c M/C hair (IDK what happened there, some of that N. American happened cause NETHER of my parents have coarse hair). tan skin like my father's and HAIRY arms...When I got older and noticed this, I was like WTF... People joke and say that I was switched at birth, but when I tell them about my background, they're like, "Ahh...I see..."

October 16th, 2010, 07:31 PM
What an interesting idea for a thread!

My dad's family is extremely German, with a tiny dash of Irish thrown in. They all have fair skin, light eyes and fine, thinish hair ranging from all shades of blonde to sandy brown. My dad's hair is curly and light brown, with a peppering (salting?) of gray now, but honestly not that much for his age.

My mom's family is very mixed. They're largely Lebanese and French, and after immigrating to the US mixed with Creole and Cajun. They all have dark brown eyes, dark complections (for caucasions) and thick dark hair. My mom's hair was always straight, thick and almost black. She started graying in her early 20's, and it's a beautiful bright white/silvery gray.

Other than being pale, I don't think I get anything from my dad. Nothing physical anyway. I have virtually the exact same personality. :rolleyes: I have dark eyes, and my mom's features. My hair is not as dark as hers, but much darker than anyone in my dad's family, and much thicker. I'm already 26 and no sign of grays yet, but I really hope to get my mom's when they come.

October 17th, 2010, 07:06 AM
@ Vermelha: Hey girlie! Long time no see! (Afrodominicana from fotki)

October 17th, 2010, 07:32 AM
I'm 1/2 Irish 3/8 German and 1/8 Native American. My hair is 1c, each strand is very think and I have very thick hair, which I think is the only thing I got from the Native American. My hair color though is a medium to light brown.

October 18th, 2010, 03:48 PM
I'm half italian, quarter croatian, quarter polish and ukrainian. I have thin strands of hair, but a good amount of it. It's wavy and a medium ash brown. My dad is fully italian, dark dark brown hair, medium thickness and wavy. My mom is Croatian, Ukrainian, and Polish. She has pretty thin hair, though it used to be the same as my thickness, curly 3a i'd say, light brown in color. Both my brothers have thick wavy dark dark brown hair like my dad.

Whoa. This is almost exactly my ancestry, minus the croation and plus sicilian.

My hair is almost this exact same texture and color as yours (before dyes). So cool, I always felt like no ones hair was like mine. :D

October 18th, 2010, 11:21 PM
I am half Russian, quarter Mexican Indian and the rest is native american, german etc. I have thick curly black hair.

October 18th, 2010, 11:46 PM
I'm Dutch...

And I have A LOT of dark brown, extremely curly, coarse, thick hair, that forms locks after two days of not combing. I probably have the most un-dutch dutch hair.

People mostly say that my hair looks moroccan (there are a lot of moroccans in holland).

October 19th, 2010, 12:27 AM
I am the first American born in my family. Woo! Go USA. :)

My father is Sicilian. My dads side has French and Arab influence. His hair was blond with a white blotch in the front when he was young (currently 75). Texture: Wavy

My mother is Honduran. My mothers side is Afro indigenous. Momma's hair is the darkest of blacks and straight, thick, shiny, and grows without limits (Currently 60).

Me= Brown hair, straight, thin, yet shiny. Growth..er...slow :(

I honestly think my poor body thought it was being overloaded. Hah. My Cuban American boyfriend seems to love it, but I feel like a soup with every veggie, meat, cheese, and herb in the cabinet. I like soup.

October 21st, 2010, 02:19 PM
My father's side is French & French Canadian. My mother's side is English with a wee bit of Scots-Irish thrown in (however, that side of the family came to the America's about 6 years after the pilgrims landed, so they're pretty much just American now. . . LOL).

Everyone in my family (both sides) has wavy, thick hair. I have extremely straight, normal hair that doesn't hold a curl for more than 30 minutes even if you threaten it. I'm also peculiarly pale (I refer to it as my deathly pallor), while everyone else (even the English side) can get at least a slight tan. I think I might be a mutant.

October 21st, 2010, 02:25 PM
I'm from Norbegian heritage, and both my mom, dad and brother have very thick hair. Me and my mother had light blonde hair, but both our hairs became darker as the years pasts. Now she has mouse blonde hair, and my is blonde, even thought it's darker under were the sun never gets through (I get lighet hair in the summer even though I'm not much out in the sun). My dad has thick and very stiff,almost black hair. It's healthy, it's just wierd. He told be about this one time when he was a student one of the hairdressers tried to give him the same hairstyle as James Bond, and she tried for several hour before she gave up:o
My brother has the same hair as my father, only brown.

all of us has very thick hair, my mother had curls (she lost them when she got me), and the rest of us have straight hair. But I know my aunt (my moms sister) has very thin hair, and my uncle (dad's brother) have very fine, curly hair, and I also know that my dad was surprised neither of his kids got red hair, as my grandmother :p

October 21st, 2010, 02:28 PM
My moms side has german and norwegian. She has thin, fine, very blond hair.
My dads side has some french canadian and a little american indian. Most of his family has almost black to brown, medium, wavy/curyly hair.
Mine is wavy, medium, and brown colored.

October 24th, 2010, 10:27 AM
I am from Germany and have about 1c hair - sometimes more wavy, sometimes more straight.

October 24th, 2010, 10:58 AM
I'm Scottish with some very watered down Eastern European and East Asian genetics.
My hair is medium ash brown with the occasional auburn fleck which is odd considering my natural base colour. If I even try to lighten it, it goes orange though. Sun-fading keeps the ash colour more than bleach though if I allow it to happen.

Texture-wise, it's medium coarse, very resilient and there's a lot of it. It won't taper to any particularly visible extent unless it's layered. At the moment, there's only a very slight wave to it and it drys pretty straight although it used to be almost curly when I was younger.

I have weird hair:)

October 24th, 2010, 09:50 PM
I'm African American with 4ab hair. The key to hair growth for me is retention so I have to be extra gentle with my hair to protect the ends.:)

October 25th, 2010, 12:21 AM
German, Irish, Scottish, and Cherokee my hair is between a 2b/c with a mix of fine and medium strands i have a ton of hair it tends to split.

October 25th, 2010, 04:25 AM
I am Norwegian, one of my great grandfathers was German. I think some of my ancestors where from Sweden as well, but I am not sure. I do not know of any others from other nations in my family tree but I do not have a record of it very high up the tree, my grandmother was teased that she looked Asian when she was a child, not in her coloring but in her facial features, an artist even wanted to hire her as a young woman to paint her as a Geisha. However there is no record of an Asian in my family tree so it would have to be past the point we know, and then we are well into the 1800 where such a joining would be rather frowned upon so it is unlikely that my family tendency of slanted almond shaped eyes and some Asian like facial features is anything but coincidence.I only really know my mother's side of the family.

Half the members of my family have really think hair that is rather wild and who is very strong, I have this hair type, it also hold it's color long as several of my grand aunts have kept their original hair color long into old age. The other half of the family have very thin and fine hair. My grandmother was blond, my grandfather had black hair, my mother is a brunette, my natural hair color is dark blond, my father if I remember correctly have light brown hair. I have thick hair with rather coarse strands. My hair is very straight and do not hold curls at all.

October 25th, 2010, 06:16 AM
I'm Hungarian, but I have German/Jewish origin from my father side, (they all had black hair and blue eyes) and my Mom's father had Polish ancestors, and her mom (who had black hair her entire life) had Croatian/Italian ones. My hair is chocolate brown, 1b/1c and quite coarse.

October 25th, 2010, 08:05 AM
I'm of Caribbean-South American & Native American descent
I don't know my natural hair texture because it is permed- but I know that when it wasnt permed I HATED it and it was really hard to manage!!! I guess because I didnt know how to care for my hair, and even after I got it permed I still didnt know how to care for it, until I started reading up on how to care for hair.... fast forward 2 years and I have bveen actively growing my hair for one year, my hair is now mid-back lenght and I still get it permed every 6-8 weeks.

My mom is native american-Bermudan and her hair is bra-strap length. she hotcombs it.

My sisters hair ranges in lenght from bra-strap to mid-back length. I'm aiming for knee length hair!!!!!

October 25th, 2010, 08:24 AM
I'm from Ireland and I have ash blonde wavy hair its not very thick just medium. Both my perants are Irish but they both have very dark hair. My dads hair is black, very thick and very very curly. My mom has straight dark brown nearly black hair. Neither of my parents have grey hair yet so hopefully my hair will take after theirs. Here in Ireland Irish peoples hair varies alot from curly red hair to black hair to natural blonde. I think most people here in Ireland have wavy/curly hair. Its rare to find anyone with naturally very straight hair here.

anna francesca
October 25th, 2010, 09:19 AM
Im half German half Indian/American. My mothers family (german side) has Italian roots though, so a lot of thick black hair from there. And definetley untamable curly hair form the Indian side. My grandfather (from the german german side :)) has very light hair, I have some thin caucasian hair and the other is really coarse black curly hair.

I find that the Indian hair is extremely untable, thick, curly and fast growing, while the caucasion hair is relativley thin and almost invisible in electric light. I also get more split ends with the caucasian hair.

For some reason my hair is not a mix of two hairtypes but just two things on the same head :confused:

Anyone with 'conflicting' hairtypes on the same head outhere???

October 25th, 2010, 09:32 AM
I'm a pure canadian, so all of my ancesters are french (I think ....). I have fine hair, lightly wavy, and naturally dark blond. My mother has very curly hair, and she's dark blond too. My sister has stick straight hair, but she's light blond. I don't know if it's, for me, a nationality thing or an heredity thing hahaha

October 28th, 2010, 05:19 PM
@ Vermelha: Hey girlie! Long time no see! (Afrodominicana from fotki)

Hey you!!!! It's been a WHILE!!!

November 7th, 2010, 10:13 AM
My dad comes from a slavic background (Czech, Polish, Russian) and I don't really know how to classify my mom's background except to say that it's German-Swiss and English.
My brothers got hair much more similar to my mother's (thicker and darker than mine) whereas I got hair very similar to my father's (blonde and fine).

November 19th, 2010, 02:27 AM
My Mum's side of the family are all from Finland and I have definitely inherited her hair type, my Dad's side I am a bit unsure but there is some Scottish in there somewhere.

My hair is thin, fine, straight and a dark ashy blonde.

November 19th, 2010, 02:36 AM
Im about 3/4ths Italian and a fourth Native American Indian.

I have dark, near black hair. Thick and slightly wavy . .......go figure lol

November 23rd, 2010, 10:14 AM
Im about 3/4ths Italian and a fourth Native American Indian.

I have dark, near black hair. Thick and slightly wavy . .......go figure lol

You have very beautiful, dark hair. ;)

November 23rd, 2010, 10:32 AM
I am Norwegian but my great grandfather on my mothers side was born in Sweden. My hair is pin straight and fine and it couldn`t hold a curl even is was paid to do it:) The colour is now some sort of a golden- or medium blonde. It was more of a darker blonde when I was a child.

November 24th, 2010, 09:37 AM
Italian-Irish Fine&Thin:( . dark dark brown

November 24th, 2010, 09:52 AM
You have very beautiful, dark hair. ;)

Thank you muchos.....If you saw it a bit closer you would see some sparkles off in there though......:o

November 24th, 2010, 05:02 PM
I am half Moroccan and half irish.

For moroccans, it varies greatly. Some have extremely straight hair, some have very frizzy and even afro like hair. It is usually coarse and thick. Irish usually have curly fine hair or straight.

My mum has coarse thick hair, when she was younger it was really frizzy but as she got older it turned a little more straight and soft, same thing has happened to me. My dad has thin fine straight hair, he used to be blonde but it turned black as he got older.

My hair is thick, wavy and coarse, very dark brown close to black :)

November 24th, 2010, 07:39 PM
Dad- Italian and Greek- dark dark brown curly hair
Mom- Danish and English - light brown, super straight hair

I got medium brown, with a tint of auburn, curly hair. Since I started EVOO treatments the tints of auburn have been getting more noticeable.

Both my Grandfather(one Danish/English and the other Greek) had red hair. My grandma's was a dark blond and my yaya's was black, my other yaya had a nice auburn color. My fiance is Native American, Scottish, and Irish, with curly brown hair. so it will be interesting to see what our future children's hair will look like.

November 24th, 2010, 08:08 PM
Pashtun... my hair's dark brown that goes very light almost red in the sun, quite thick and quite straight. It grows really fast(or so it seems) and is happier in the heat :D ... it also seems to have streaks of light brown in it that I didn't notice until a few months ago. I don't dye it.

Would love some curl :( I've abused it quite a bit with curlers/straighteners for years but it's resilient and haven't had many split ends or frizz.. it does look dull if I don't wash it properly for even a couple of days though or greasy if I even attempt to use conditioner.

While it's true some Pakhtuns are blonde or ginger... it is very rare. I'm glad my hair is dark :D