View Full Version : Oil makes hair sticky now - help

April 17th, 2010, 01:45 PM
I wash my lengths in conditioner.

After the wash, I put SMT in. The SMT has:
- 75 cl conditioner (cheap good washing conditioner)
- 1 TB honey
- 2 ml glycerine
- 2 ml aloe konc
- 1 TB of shea butter and avocado oil (NOT virgin)

So far so good. But if I want extra oil in my hair after the wash, hair get sticky, or like I had had some kind of wax (styling wax) on.

Why? Is it the "all conditioner" wash, or is it the shea butter (too much of it, it can be waxy?)?

I did not have this problem when I washed in SLS-free shampoo or egg or herbs.

The oils I have tried is Camellia oil (virgin japonica, but the pale yellow with almost no smell is much better) and coconut oil.

Since I have had scalp problem with hair loss, I can't wash in the above for now. I use a special shampoo on my scalåp and CO on the lengths.

April 17th, 2010, 02:27 PM
It seems like a very heavy conditioning. Usually when I SMT, I wash with Conditioner afterwards. Somtimes overdoing it on the glycerin makes hair feel over conditioned, too. 2 ml sounds like a lot of glycerin...I find that by adding it by the drop seems to work the best for me. :)

April 17th, 2010, 02:39 PM
Shea butter can be very heavy on its own, that I know. But it that mix? Not sure. You could to leave it out for one wash and see what happens.

What oil you use to oil your hair? Some oils might be too heavy or not really pure. I have argan oil that is not pure and feels sticky to the touch even though it's supposed to be oil (though my hair doesn't get sticky). I've read camellia oil is very light, so you might what to try it, or some other light oil instead.

April 17th, 2010, 03:05 PM
Shea butter can be very heavy on its own, that I know. But it that mix? Not sure. You could to leave it out for one wash and see what happens.

What oil you use to oil your hair? Some oils might be too heavy or not really pure. I have argan oil that is not pure and feels sticky to the touch even though it's supposed to be oil (though my hair doesn't get sticky). I've read camellia oil is very light, so you might what to try it, or some other light oil instead.
I used to use camellia oil, but the last I bought was virgin, green and smelled a bit. Did not feel as good in hair as the usual.

So I have tried coconut oil now.

It isn't that the hair feels heavy or over conditioned, it feels sticky like from a bit of styling wax.

The feeling is not there if I do not oil, and every time I oil I think it will be ok.

I oil and condition rather heavy, yes, but I did that before too. If over oiled then, it became oily, not at all sticky.

I read about shea that it could leave a waxy feeling on skin, so maybe it can in my hair too? I could try skipping it to see if it is the cause.

April 17th, 2010, 03:12 PM
It seems like a very heavy conditioning. Usually when I SMT, I wash with Conditioner afterwards. Somtimes overdoing it on the glycerin makes hair feel over conditioned, too. 2 ml sounds like a lot of glycerin...I find that by adding it by the drop seems to work the best for me. :)
Hi! I take 2 ml and have read that 1-5, not more than 5 percent is ok. So I thought 2 percent would be ok, but maybe it still is too much, not for non wanted drying effect but for stickiness.

But I can try skipping it to see if it is the cause.

Maybe I have increased both shea and glycerin and one of them is the cause. I have to skip one at the time to see what happens.

I have slowly increased my oil amount in my SMT/treatment, and this is the amount that I do not have to wash out. It leaves my hair great, but sometimes it want more oil after it has dried. I have had very dry hair that can take a lot of oil.

It also differ between conditioners. Some of them can leave my hair really oily with this amount of oil, but a good "washing conditioner" seems to take the oil well.

April 18th, 2010, 10:11 AM
My hair feels waxy when I use shea butter. Honey makes my hair sticky and tangled if I don't shampoo it out. Try paring down your recipe and then adding things back in until you find out which is the offending ingredient. You probably don't need so much stuff in one treatment, anyway.

April 18th, 2010, 11:18 AM
My hair feels waxy when I use shea butter. Honey makes my hair sticky and tangled if I don't shampoo it out. Try paring down your recipe and then adding things back in until you find out which is the offending ingredient. You probably don't need so much stuff in one treatment, anyway.

Thanks for your input too.

I will try excluding and adding the stuff to see what makes what.

The strange thing is thas everything is fine until I put other oil on after the hair has dried. Often the day after the wash when it is dry and I can see if it needs more oil. I prefer rather a bit too much oil than a bit too little.

It's is a very good treatment (if not putting oil on after).

April 19th, 2010, 09:30 AM
Am I correct in reading 75 cl of conditioner = 750 ml conditioner? The rest of the mix doesn't sound particularly concentrated, if this is what you used.

I find shea makes my hair feel sticky, and I've gotten sticky-feeling hair from really overdoing the amount of honey in an SMT-like mix (something like 33-50% honey), but that doesn't look likely from your proportions, if I'm reading it right.

Have you tried clarifying your hair? It might be a good first step, in case some buildup is causing this. Otherwise, maybe experiment with oils, or with misting your hair with water or a solution rather than oiling it when it feels dry. Maybe investigate the proteins/amino acids you put on your hair -- my hair feels rough on the ends when it gets too much, which some people might describe as sticky. Hope that gives you some ideas.

April 20th, 2010, 04:48 AM
Am I correct in reading 75 cl of conditioner = 750 ml conditioner? The rest of the mix doesn't sound particularly concentrated, if this is what you used.
Ooops, no, it should be 75 ml, 0,75 dl.

I find shea makes my hair feel sticky, and I've gotten sticky-feeling hair from really overdoing the amount of honey in an SMT-like mix (something like 33-50% honey), but that doesn't look likely from your proportions, if I'm reading it right.No, I don't use very much honey, but it could be the shea, maybe the glycerine (but I use no more than 2 %).

Have you tried clarifying your hair? It might be a good first step, in case some buildup is causing this. Otherwise, maybe experiment with oils, or with misting your hair with water or a solution rather than oiling it when it feels dry. Maybe investigate the proteins/amino acids you put on your hair -- my hair feels rough on the ends when it gets too much, which some people might describe as sticky. Hope that gives you some ideas.I have tried clarifying. And no amino acids for now.

I cut down on the shea for the wash yesterday, and I will find out what happens tonight when IO comb and oil a bit.

I must had one teaspoon of shea before, maybe too much.