View Full Version : Hair Scare

April 12th, 2010, 04:52 AM
Ok, so last night I was caterpillaring my hair for the night (I don't like to braid very often because I find I get a lot of bent ends when I do) I picked up a hair band without looking at it and got it like 4 wraps around when suddenly my fingers got all gummed up in something sticky. I looked up in the mirror and saw this white/yellowish gunk all over the band and my fingers. My first thought was maybe it was reside from an SMT or something but no, it was VERY sticky and gummy and HARDENING fast. It was like some kind of adhesive!

I had a horrible time getting the hardening sticky band out of my hair and now I had this freaky unknown substance in my hair!!! I don't use shampoo anymore if I can help it, but I keep a bottle of clarifying shampoo for occasional use if needed and thank goodness I did, I didn't even wait to take off my clothes, I just hopped in the tub and washed my hair as quick as I could before it dried anymore. THANKFULLY whatever this junk was it came out with the shampoo. But it felt HORRIDLY stripped after so I did a heavy oiling with Vatika and caterpillared it (after carefully inspecting each band) for the night. My hair drank up a lot of the oil so I'm going to oil it AGAIN and let it sit a few hours then do an herb wash to remove it.

I have no idea what that stuff was or how it got on my hair band, nothing else in my hair box had anything on it :confused:. Oh well, at least I was able to get it out! it was right up just under my ear so if I had to cut it out, I'd have basically had to go pixie :run:!!

April 12th, 2010, 05:31 AM
:blueeek: That's horrible! :bigeyes:
But at least you could wash it out. Hopefully it didn't cause much damage. :confused:

April 12th, 2010, 05:36 AM
I just found something similar on a comb. It turned out to be a skin cream that had dripped out of it's container and gone hard. It was really weird but the smell gave it away. Luckily I saw it before I ran the comb through my hair.