View Full Version : Yoghurt for the Scalp?

Purdy Bear
April 11th, 2010, 12:01 PM
I know yoghurt is good for you internally, but has anyone tried rubbing it in the scalp.

My scalp is pretty dry, and since I have yet to try my oils, I was wondering what I could use instead and came up with Yoghurt.

I wonder if Cucmber would work the same way, after all you put it on your eyes!

What other foods do you think would make good scalp moisterizers?

NB: I have Alopecia Univarlis so have more scalp then hair.

NNB: I do have some hair regrowth :cheese::cheese::cheese:

April 11th, 2010, 12:25 PM
I don't know, but I recently discovered it helps my acne when applied topically to my face!

I wonder...I have some yogurt in the 'fridge that I let expire, which was why I was using it for other applications.

April 11th, 2010, 12:30 PM
I always wondered about coconut milk or heavy cream. They seem like they would be soothing.

My step-daughter has a problem with thinning hair. We tried many things and so far henna has helped her.Every time she had new hair come in , it would fall out. She has been using henna for six months now and her new hair is hanging in there.