View Full Version : Pre-poo or Hot Oil Treatment?

April 9th, 2010, 11:47 AM
I'm confused about doing a pre-poo (or pre-wash) and hot oil treatment. Are hot oil trmts for after you shampoo or before?

If it's before, what's the difference between that and a pre-poo?

If it's for after a shampoo, does all of the oil come out with just a rinse? Or do I do a ACV rinse? Do I need to condition afterwards?

Also read about people doing "heavy oiling" - is this the same as a pre-poo? And does it matter how long I leave on the oil? I'm gonna be using coconut.

So confused! :confused:

April 9th, 2010, 04:51 PM

Coconut oil is wonderful! Hot oil treatments are generally for before you shampoo. When I use coconut oil I generally do it .... ways depending on what I feel like doing:

1: as a pre-poo treatment. I leave it on a couple of hours with a shower cap before shampooing. For a hot oil treatment, I advise mixing it with another oil such as olive or avocado oil (heat up the other oil and add a bit of coconut oil). This way, you won't be wasting the coconut oil.
2: As an over night treatment. I oil and braid my hair, wrap it in a silk headwrap and wash the oil out the next day (or two...)
3: After washing my hair while it is still very damp. This locks in the moisture. Be very gentle when oiling damp/wet hair.

Oils help to keep the proteins and moisture in your hair.

April 9th, 2010, 07:33 PM
My oiling habits vary, usually i'll heavily oil the night before washing my hair. By heavy oiling i mean slathering the stuff on so that my hair looks wet with it. After washing i do a light oiling, this is where i put just a teensy bit on to smooth the hair but without it looking oily.
A hot oil treatment is just where you heat the oil up a bit (not too hot though) then apply quite alot of it to soak your hair then wash out after a while.
You cn leave the oil in for ages if you want, i used to keep my hair smothered in it adding more each day
HTH :)

April 10th, 2010, 09:44 AM
thank you girls! this absolutely helps me :D