View Full Version : Tea Rinse?

April 7th, 2010, 04:59 PM
I am sorry if this has been discussed before, but I couldn't find posting on it-please direct me if needed.
Has anyone used a tea rinse to help with hair shine?I heard any kind of tea can be used and it's very healthy for your hair. I also heard you can use tea as a way to temp dye your hair-has anyone tried either of these ?Please let me know if this has worked for any of you. I:)

April 7th, 2010, 06:02 PM
I have used chamomile tea, made strong, cooled to warm, and left on. Then I let it sun dry while I do garden work. I think it brought out some of my light blonde streaks, but am not possitive. I like how it feels, anyway. And it smells good, too. ;)

April 7th, 2010, 06:08 PM
When I was about 16 I heard about this and decided to try it. I took a HEAP of regular teabags, seeped them in a teapot and once cooled dispersed it through my hair.

It did stain my hair (not permanently) and I had wicked curls but by the end of the night my hands were completely tea stained from having my hands in there and my hair was quite sticky.

I used to use chamomile on my face when I had pimples as I found it helped alot. The downside was that it lightened my eyebrows quite significantly so I guess it would have a blonding affect on hair.

April 7th, 2010, 06:16 PM
Thanks for the replys. I have very dark hair brown and I don't know if it will lighten it at all but I could try.:)

April 7th, 2010, 07:12 PM
I use a tea rinse often and I love it. I used black tea (from a packet) to dye it, and it worked! Because it was darker than my hair, my hair darkened (which was what I wanted). It faded, though, and I'm back to what I was before.

Otherwise, I use a tea rinse every few washes. I used a lighter tea than my hair colour last time and my Mum commented that my hair looked more golden, and she didn't know I'd used the tea. It's gone now though. It makes my hair feel really soft and shiny!

Good luck if you decide to do it! :)

April 8th, 2010, 01:08 AM
I do tea rinses as my acidic rinse after a dilluted baking soda wash.

I usually use one cheapy brand black tea bag in hot water and allow to cool. Then I dump it on my scalp and hair and massage in. Then I rinse well with regular shower water. I don't know if it has colored my already brown hair, but I doubt it. And the tea isn't strong enough to stain my hands, towels, or clothes.

I love this as a rinse instead of vinegars. Vinegar makes my hair limp and greasy feeling.

I've also tried dried lavender tea, lemon tea, adn chammomile. I like all of them!!

Purdy Bear
April 8th, 2010, 05:59 AM
My aunt had dark brown hair well into her 70s due to doing a tea last rinse. She just used black tea out of the pot (ie normal uk drinking tea) and tipped it over her head, she then did it up and went to bed with the rollers in.

Shes in her 80s now, but Iv not seen her in a while, I think she did mention she had started to let the grey come through.