View Full Version : Thank you all so much!

April 7th, 2010, 07:00 AM
I feel all gushy to you all :o and wanted to thank you for all the time you put in this forum, especially the articles! I was sort of thinking I was limited to a couple of braids (which are great, btw, but I wanted more, too!), being somewhere between APL and BSL depending on where I measure...and not sure what I could do. And all your pictures of long, gorgeous hair, with jealousy-inspiring updos! Well, after a couple of hours in the articles section, I Am Inspired! I, too, may be able to wear an amazing updo. So thank you, thank you, thank you!!!
Off to the old archived articles....

April 7th, 2010, 12:17 PM
I feel the same way about LHC. This is my second time 'round with long hair. The first time my only 'do' was to braid & bun. (on a good day) I usually wore it down. NOW, I'm stylin' !!
French braid, dutch, side braids, combo's, buns, hair sticks, & I've got the proper tools for my hair now. The right hair pins & the right products, oiling, etc. make such a difference. Frustration level is w-a-y down.
I've printed out lots of info from the articles section.

I know how you feel. :D