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April 5th, 2010, 09:59 AM
Hi! I'm a 32 year-old mother of 4 with #5 due in 11 weeks. My hair and I go way back :) Throughout my childhood I envied people with long beautiful hair but I was always really easy to convince to get a new cut. Plus, I have a good "short hair face," according to my mom anyway. I have had girl mullets and super short pixie cuts. I have had halfway decent perms and really, really awful perms (sometimes in conjunction with the girl mullets!)
Since I graduated high school I have mostly had long hair. I colored it in my teens but that has long since grown out and been cut off and I am back to my natural hair-colored hair. Thankfully it was red when I met my husband and by the time he figured out it was from a bottle, he was too smitten with the rest of me to care :D
I cut off about 8 inches when I was pregnant with my oldest, donated 15 and 13 inches to Locks of Love after the births of #2 and 3 respectively. Somehow I managed to NOT cut off a major portion of it while pregnant with #4 but the urge to cut it all off in the third trimester is STRONG. I am struggling mightily at the moment not to whack it all off again.
It tends to be dry so I tend to blame that on myself and think, "If I just cut it off one more time, I'll take better care of it and it won't get like this again..." but that never seems to happen. So here I am, hoping to be inspired by all the beautiful long hair and success stories, and to glean information on how to heal and protect my own so that I will love it. And hopefully y'all will be able to talk me down off the ledge when I think it might be best just to bob it again and worry about it later. I would like nothing better than to have it down below my bottom (a sort of symbol of feminine beauty ingrained in my mind since I was a tiny tyke reading Little House on the Prairie). After measuring this morning, I have about 18 inches to go (at least when it's dry :))
Thanks for listening to me ramble. Most people think I'm nuts to bother so much with my hair and tell me to go buy some shampoo and conditioner and stop being neurotic, but I hope here I'll be able to find some folks who will be more constructive than that.

April 6th, 2010, 06:36 AM
Hello and welcome! I'm new here too. I can relate to a lot of what you are saying...I love changing my hair which is what makes growing it so difficult for me! You're back to your natural color? I don't think I've seen my natural color since high school and I"m now 40...lol. I can't give up my color-treating to grow it long, but I have decided to stop using the bleach...(but not my peroxide...lol). Anyhow, I think your attempts to resist cutting will be well supported here. Good luck to you! :)

April 7th, 2010, 07:22 AM
Thanks for the welcome! I actually had an almost really bad dye experience a few days before my wedding. I freaked out and made a deal with God that if my hair would just NOT look like Cyndi Lauper's for my wedding, I would never dye it again. He kept His end of the bargain so I have kept mine (even though I don't really think He works that way :)) And really, I'm happy now that my hair is all mine again so it's not too tempting to color it any more.

April 7th, 2010, 07:43 AM
Most people think I'm nuts to bother so much with my hair and tell me to go buy some shampoo and conditioner and stop being neurotic.

Sounds as if you've come to the right place - welcome!:hifive: