View Full Version : Spots

April 4th, 2010, 12:51 PM
Since I started my hair care 10 days ago, I started having some small spots, mainly around my mouth, the things I have added this last 10 days:
1- increased my doze of sea kelp, I had it before but just increased it in the last 10 days
2- Started MSM yesterday
3-Started silica complex
4- Started oiling my hair

I have been having biotin for ove a year now, that never caused me sports even thought I have been taking 6000mcg daily.

So does sea kelp cause spots or is it something else?

April 4th, 2010, 01:15 PM
Hi :)

I believe this is just your body purging impurities..the kelp will do that. However, if you still have spots way after a month, reducing your kelp dose should help.

good luck! :)

April 4th, 2010, 01:27 PM
The same thing happened to me after starting a kelp supplement.
I also broke out around my mouth and on and next to my nose.
Just small pimples, but it was terrible for me because I have a long (and traumatic) history of acne and now that I'm finally acne-free I freak out if I have one pimple (maybe this sounds overdramatic, but I had acne for so long and psychologically it ruined me).

I quit the kelp right away, used Purif-Ac (Roc) cream at night and now the pimples are gone (I broke out last week).

April 4th, 2010, 01:31 PM
Thanks, am glad to know it was the sea kelp that did it, I have been taking a small dose since Feb, i.e. around 150mg of iodine in it, but in the last 10 days I increased the dose to another tablet that contained 245 mg iodine, maybe I should go back to my old smaller dose? Or do you think the spots may go away by themselves?