View Full Version : the texture of my hair has changed ??

April 2nd, 2010, 12:44 PM
:( Ok so this is really worrying me. I've noticed some hairs on my head and the texture of them has changed. They look all wiry and curly and dry.

If you looked at my hair overall its quite healthy and its only me thats noticed the hairs. There was probably about 5 that were like that and everytime i looked at my hair more appeared.

I dont know what could of caused it.
I use herbal essences conditioner. Ive been using it for a year because its my favoruite. The hairs that have gone strange are only on the very the top where i have a few split ends. The rest of my hair on the bottom is really really healthy and i havent seen any there.

I cut some of the hairs out because from root to tip they were really dry and wiry. They looked almost crimped.
I wonder if its something to do with my health? I dont colour, straighten, curl or so anything to my hair!!
There isnt a whole lot as ive said but what if next week, month i wake up wih my whole head of hair wrecked?? :(

I'm only 17 so its worrying me. I know it sounds vain or over the top but i thought i would ask here because i know how passionate everyone is about their hair.
thanks so much,

April 2nd, 2010, 12:49 PM
Are they baby hairs? Maybe they're barely growing out, that's how they would normally look. Or maybe you've been in the sun too long.

April 2nd, 2010, 01:04 PM
Are they baby hairs? Maybe they're barely growing out, that's how they would normally look. Or maybe you've been in the sun too long.

Nope i dont go into the sun.. theres not much sun where i live.

April 2nd, 2010, 01:14 PM
hmmmm....are they regular long hairs? There was a post a while ago about coarse hairs, maybe its one of them. I sometimes get them, like thick wiry strands once in a while at the top of my head, it's not that bad. It's normal, and it definitely won't happen to your whole head. :p

April 2nd, 2010, 01:28 PM
Funny, there was just another thread up about this... here. (http://forums.longhaircommunity.com/showthread.php?t=33446) I wonder if this happens more in the springtime or something?

I get these hairs too, here and there. They're kinky-curly, coarser and darker than the rest of my hair. I think they're natural, and they've never taken over my head! Don't worry.

April 2nd, 2010, 04:52 PM
I have a few patches of hairs like that growing. I always have, even when I was younger like you. It's normal, from what I hear. :)