View Full Version : OILY scalp/upper hair problems!! HELP!

March 29th, 2010, 09:08 AM
I don't know what to do!! I am trying to not wash my hair more than once a week to minimize damage, but if I don't wash every 2 days, my hair looks like I have brushed Crisco through it, it is awrul!

What I have tried:

No poo
CO only
No cones
Not condioning/oiling above ears


March 29th, 2010, 09:12 AM
Have you tried scalp only washes, and then CO from ears down?
Here's a good article on it, and I do that wash and it helps tremendously. I can stretch my washes way more, my scalp was horribly oily before. :)

March 29th, 2010, 09:19 AM
Thank you!! I will certainly give that a whirl...................I need something that will work!!:confused:

March 29th, 2010, 09:27 AM
I don't know what to do!! I am trying to not wash my hair more than once a week to minimize damage, but if I don't wash every 2 days, my hair looks like I have brushed Crisco through it, it is awrul!

What I have tried:

No poo
CO only
No cones
Not condioning/oiling above ears


Going from washing every 2 days to once a week is a bit of a jump. You might have more luck with a more gradual transition. Try washing every 3 days for a couple of weeks, then every 4 days, and so on.

Generally, the gentler your washing method, the more likely you are to be successful. By "no poo", I assume you mean BS/ACV? Have you tried cutting down on the proportion of BS in your mix?

March 29th, 2010, 09:36 AM
Would like to chime in to say that it is possible for some people to have healthy, damage-free hair even when they wash frequently. Less washing does not always equal healthy hair/scalp.

Not saying it is impossible for you to stretch your washings. I don't know what your hair or scalp are like. But, I have an oily, flaky scalp and if I don't wash at least every other day (mostly every day), my scalp goes bonkers with oil and itchies. I tried to stretch washes and it was disastrous.


March 29th, 2010, 09:48 AM
I agree with AJN; I wash my scalp only every two days with diluted shampoo, and condition from the ears down. And my hair is good shape. It is not necessary to skip washing in order to have the healthiest hair, especially for those of us who produce a lot of natural oils and sebum.

March 29th, 2010, 09:48 AM
Hi LoveMyLongHair,

This is the one and only problem I have with my hair as well. Let us all know what finally works for you. I'll try it.

March 29th, 2010, 10:04 AM
Hi LoveMyLongHair,

This is the one and only problem I have with my hair as well. Let us all know what finally works for you. I'll try it.

Thank you ladies! Summerwarmth, I will definately repost and give an update on what works!!


March 29th, 2010, 02:12 PM
I agree with AJN; I wash my scalp only every two days with diluted shampoo, and condition from the ears down. And my hair is good shape. It is not necessary to skip washing in order to have the healthiest hair, especially for those of us who produce a lot of natural oils and sebum.

I'm with these ladies. I tried for months to stretch it out, and I can now sometimes take it out to day 3, but for the most part it's every other day, or else!

What I want to add to that, though, is that I tried Snowymoon's Moisture Treatment for the first time last week, and I was very pleasantly surprised by how my scalp reacted. I added some tea tree oil to the recipe, and left it on my whole head for an hour. On day 3 after the SMT I was just starting to look a little funky, instead of being the oil slick I'd usually be, and I had way less itching than usual during that period. I can only assume that giving the scalp some moisture attention helps it to produce less sebum... for me anyway.

March 29th, 2010, 03:04 PM
Would like to chime in to say that it is possible for some people to have healthy, damage-free hair even when they wash frequently. Less washing does not always equal healthy hair/scalp.

Not saying it is impossible for you to stretch your washings. I don't know what your hair or scalp are like. But, I have an oily, flaky scalp and if I don't wash at least every other day (mostly every day), my scalp goes bonkers with oil and itchies. I tried to stretch washes and it was disastrous.


I agree with this. Not everyone can go without shampoo or frequent washings. If your hair looks like you've brushed crisco through it, you're an oily head and probably could use a wash with some SLS free shampoo. :D

June 1st, 2010, 09:08 PM
Something else to consider: if I go for more than a day without washing, my length becomes drier. I think the oil over-thickens it and locks out moisture. For that reason, I think washing more often contributes to the health of my hair.

June 1st, 2010, 09:19 PM
I'm not sure if it's been suggested but have you tried a Boar Bristle Brush? My hair is pretty oily too, and I've gone WO and stretching between washes. This is the only thing that helps to get the oils to my ends along with pre-scritching/preening/massaging. It won't stop your hair from being oily but if you're tryna stretch your washes like I am, I would definitely give it a try. :)

June 1st, 2010, 09:22 PM
I can't stretch out washings either. Its every other day shampoo or it looks flat and greasy... and towards the end of that 2nd day its not looking great at the roots! I just wash it when it needs it. It doesn't seem to hurt things.