View Full Version : Cones to No Cones = No Splits to Splits

March 27th, 2010, 05:17 PM
I joined LHC in September of 2009 and at that stage I was using cones and heat of 220 degrees twice a week and had a very itchy scalp. I did not have a split end to speak of and was amazed that my hair was in that condition.

Now 6 months later, I have taken cones and heat out of my routine, I SMT and coconut milk soak twice a week, oil often as well as S & D whenever I can. Notice I said S & D. Back in September I had no splits.

Now that I have stopped heat and cones my hair has many splits. They are everywhere and I cannot fathom that in 6 months my hair could have taken such a dive particularly since now I am taking "care" of my hair and being so much nicer to it.

I know many of you will say that the splits are from the straightener I was using twice a week - but I did that for many years and splits were NEVER an issue for me - not in all that time. I should point out here that I used to cut my hair about once every six to eight months and now I haven't had a cut for about a year.

So I have come up with a plan and I am wondering if anyone else is in the same boat.

I am going to continue with my current wash routine however I am going to use a coney product on my ends with each air dry to see if this reduces the splitting.

Has anyone tried this and have they noticed an improvement or am I at the point of no return?

Do I simply just need a trim? The problem is that I am growing out layers and don't want to trim those as this means I am back where I started.

Argh! :confused:

March 27th, 2010, 05:20 PM
The cones were probably hiding the damaged state your hair was in. Now that the cones are gone from your hair, you can see your hair's "true" condition.
I would suggest going for a microtrim and maybe slowly working cones back into your routine if you feel that will help you. For example, a no-cone shampoo, a low-cone conditioner, and possibly a serum.

March 27th, 2010, 05:32 PM
I do understand what you are saying and that was what I was thinking, but a split is a split isn't it? I would not think that cones could necessarily hide a split altogether. I really honestly did not have any splits. I went through my hair over and over and never found one.

Now I find them constantly. What I'm thinking is that the cone coating was stopping the ends from splitting and now that there is no coating, my hair is left to fend for itself. Does that seem feasible?

March 27th, 2010, 05:40 PM
When I went no-cone my hair felt amazing... for a couple of weeks. Then it took a terrible dive. It wasn't just splitting more, it was also straw-like and odd, not like my hair at all...

Now I use the sulphate-free shampoo that I used all along (The Body Shop's Honey Moisturising Shampoo), and I alternate between a coney conditioner (The Body Shop's Honey Moisturising Conditioner) and a cone-free conditioner (The Body Shop's Nettle Oil Balancing Conditioner).

Which conditioner I use depends on how my hair's feeling that day, how I plan on wearing it, what the weather's like, etc... I'm very flexible about it and just "listen" to what my hair's telling me that day. I have much happier hair now. :agree:

I do think that some hair just really likes cones, in fact I'm certain mine does. However it is better off not having them every single time.

Give yourself the freedom to mix it up a bit. It doesn't have to be all or nothing. :)


What I'm thinking is that the cone coating was stopping the ends from splitting and now that there is no coating, my hair is left to fend for itself. Does that seem feasible? This is exactly what I feel is true of my hair.

March 27th, 2010, 05:41 PM
I had the same thing happen when I switched to no-cones. It IS annoying!

I do believe that from years of having the hair cuticle coating cones on my strands, they had sort of been smoothed and 'weighed down' into not showing their splits. I know that I could not have acquired this many splits in the time since switching to no-cone, so the only reasonable explanation for me is that they had to have been there before and are only now visible.

Interesting thought on cones possibly keeping the ends from splitting further - though I would imagine that healthy strong hair should be able to withstand splitting on its own if it is handled with a decent amount of care.
You could try some S&D, that is helping me, and micro trims as suggested.

Good luck - I know how you feel. My hair is littered with them, but I am determined to prevail over them!

March 27th, 2010, 05:42 PM
I don't particularly buy into the idea that cones "hide" splits. I use moderate-heavy cone conditioner and I can still see splits in my hair. I have gone cone free before and my hair didn't look any different (didn't suddenly see splits and white dots I had not seen before) it just tangled like a son of a gun!

IMO it sounds as if your hairs likes cones. If that is the case then I would simply recommend going back to using the products you use to use. Nothing will fix split ends so you could either sit down and do some major S&D or get a small trim.

Cones aren't evil if your hair likes them.

March 27th, 2010, 06:05 PM
Thanks everyone. I went cone free because of my scalp which itched like crazy and I had dandruff. Now that I don't use cones on my scalp is virtually itch free. So that is my dilemma which is why I thinking of treating the ends to some cones and leaving the scalp with no cones.

I do S & D pretty much every night and finding many many splits which has been getting worse by the weeks.

Guess it is time for a trim but I really don't want to just yet. Was waiting to get to waist (about 8 months) and then trimming every 3 months to even up layers) - (hates to deviate from plans).

March 27th, 2010, 06:05 PM
...I should point out here that I used to cut my hair about once every six to eight months and now I haven't had a cut for about a year...Do I simply just need a trim? The problem is that I am growing out layers and don't want to trim those as this means I am back where I started.

I think this may be your problem, here. If I trim twice a year, I get no splits. None. I recently went a year without trimming, and towards the end of the year, got splits. The trim took care of it. Your hair might just need a real trim once a year or so if you want to avoid splits.

Don't worry, even if they dust your layers you won't be "back where you started" unless they really go overboard; you should have what, about 5-6" growth since your last trim? Try a barber rather than a salon; they tend to be less likely to get "creative" with your hair, and just take what you ask.

You can add cones too, if your hair likes them, but that won't fix the splits you've already got.

ETA: Oops, we were posting at the same time! Don't mean to ignore you. If you want to wait 8 months for a trim, go for it, just grit your teeth against the splits! :)

March 27th, 2010, 06:26 PM
If the cones bother your scalp but your ends like them, why not just apply a cone product from the ears down?

March 27th, 2010, 06:32 PM
I sometimes use a 'cone-containing serum on my ends even though I use a 'cone-free conditioner. I do feel it offers me some protection. My hair is dyed and my ends are pretty bad though.

Silver Strands
March 27th, 2010, 07:11 PM
I went cone free for 2 days last week and ended up cutting a couple strands that had tied themselves into tiny knots.
That doesn't happen when I use cones.

Cones prevent friction and provide protection.

I just can't get the same results when using oils.
The only thing I manage to get with oils is oily hair.

March 27th, 2010, 07:23 PM
I tried going cone free a couple years ago based on what everybody said, but it didn't work out for me either. I started getting tons of split ends and was constantly S&D. I ended up having to get at least an inch or two cut off. I agree with what Silver Strands said above about cones providing protection. It's not that I never find any splits with cones, so I don't think it hides them, but I do find far fewer and can go much longer without a trim. If you're trying to grow your hair out, this is important!

March 27th, 2010, 07:51 PM
I had a similar situation when I switched to cone free products. But at the same time, I started using a BBB and may have been a little overzealous. I think that played a part in how many splits I had. I ended up cutting off 1 1/2 inches a few months later. Now that I've put the BBB away, save for the occasional use, and only on the top third of my length, I've noticed less splits and damage.

I don't think cones are the end all-be all of hair evils, I do think there is a time and a place to use them in my hair/hair type. I've been wearing it up most of the time, so staying away from cones has been pretty easy.

OP-Maybe you could go with a few small trims every 4-6 weeks to get rid of the bulk of the splits and maintain (and protect) from there?

March 27th, 2010, 08:13 PM
It could well be that your silicone conditioner had a better balance of what your hair needs (moisture, protein perhaps) than your silicone-free conditioner. Additionally, as others have said, it could be that the silicones themselves helped protect your hair by giving more slip and a bit of a coating. It's also possible that the silicones hid existing splits quite effectively, though I still notice my splits when I use a silicone serum in my hair, so it doesn't seem to be something that happens for all people, or with all silicone products, at least. Finally, your sig picture shows your hair at about BSL. I don't know what your habits are with wearing it loose, but many people start to pick up more splits at about that length, apparently because their hair becomes long enough to get leaned against and rubs on chair backs.

Is it possible that your S&D scissors aren't sharp? If you S&D with dull scissors, the hairs will re-split fairly soon. Combined with what new splits you might have gotten from any of the above (and simply going for a longer time than you did previously without a thorough trim), this might make the splits multiply.

Go back to the cones, if you wish. If your hair was in good conditioner with them before even with you straightening, it will probably respond well when you return to them. You can always apply a coney conditioner only to the length, below your scalp. Splits will still need to be trimmed off, of course, but the real key is always to minimize how many new split ends you get.

March 27th, 2010, 10:11 PM
If your scalp is happy without cones that don't use cones on your scalp.

I only use conditioner from my ears down (unless I'm doing a DT), if I used it on my scalp my hair would be even flatter then it already is!

March 27th, 2010, 10:15 PM
Less trims will mean more splits. And, I use cones and still have splits--what is your lifestyle like? I work outdoors and my hair takes a good beating--between dust, dirt, wind, snow and anything else in between, I started to notice a huge change in my ends when I began working outdoors/in the elements.

I've noticed oilings have helped my ends a LOT, and I still get trims every 3 months, though they are micro trims. I usually get a bit trim (1 inch) once a year.

Don't lose hope and remember, cones are not the devil---it's just some people have had allergic reactions to them. I'm a firm believer in trying new things, but also finding what works for yOUR hair. :)

March 27th, 2010, 11:45 PM
Can anyone suggest a good coney conditioner?


March 28th, 2010, 01:32 AM
I'm currently using the Tresemme 24 hour body (I think that's the name) conditioner and I am liking it very much. I have had pretty good luck with all the tresemme conditioners I have tried.

I also like Pantene (I know I know Pantene is teh devil!) when I want something heavier.

March 28th, 2010, 03:52 AM
Is it possible the scissors you use aren't sharp enough? I think I might have done this, because I have verrrry few split hairs and decided maybe I should trim some of the ends off the hairs that never got cut, and then guess what? Got a few splits! Oo.... Mine are hair cutting scissors too.. just a little old.

March 28th, 2010, 05:52 AM
Well I have thought about this. My scissors are hair cutting ones but they are just cheapies from the supermarket ($10) and they are about a month old. I guess they could have been a little blunt to start with but then, how would I know that for sure?

March 28th, 2010, 06:28 AM
I don't think silicones are bad, the shampoos required to take them out are...that's why i don't use them anymore.

March 28th, 2010, 07:15 AM
I am not sure if I had splits or not before LHC, because I never looked for them before, but now I do S&D and I do have them. However they are teeny-tiny and not horrifying to me. I was mostly off cones for about 4 months before joining LHC (I did WO but used a serum sometimes after curling my hair which had cones). I don't think cones had any part in my having more or less splits.

March 28th, 2010, 08:17 PM
Well I bit the bullet and went and had a trim today. The hairdresser was lovely and sat down and discussed my hair at length before I'd even made an appointment. I told her I was trying to grow it long and wasn't regularly using heat anymore like I had onceetc. She cut off no more than an inch in any one place. Some of the bits on the floor were tiny, the longest I saw was 1 inch and when I took a photo on my stripey shirt it looks to be just under an inch.

I decdided to let her blowdry and straighten it - she used a heat protectant and I figured that since I'm mostly kind to my hair, once in a while it is ok. It also meant that she could shape it again once it was dry and get the ends really blunt which was what I was wanting. I'm surprised to note that I actually have a subtle U shape rather than a V shape (which I thought I had). This is good news as that's what I'm going for at goal anyway.

I have to say that my ends feel so much better, like 100% better. I hadn't realised just how much like velcro they were. It does remain to be seen how they feel once I wash with my regular routine.

I ended up buying Kerastase Resistance Shampoo and a Nutritive Mask which I'm going to use once a week.

I'll watch for splits now and will trim my hair every six months.

I really wasn't wanting to cut but honestly, it was worth it because it really does feel and look so much better even with only that little bit cut off. I'm back to where I was in half of January but that's not all that much really in the scheme of things and I'd rather have my hair looking great all the way to the end rather than just at the end (goal of waist). I also didn't want to get to waist and have to trim a couple of inches off due to damage.


March 29th, 2010, 05:53 PM
Same thing happened to me when i went no cones, hair tangled and looked dry as hay, felt horrible. i've never seen splits on my hair, except when i went no cones. maybe the splits did not show because i used to trim every 2 months. now that i've gone for over 9 months without trimming and went back to cones hair behaves lovely. had to trim an inch off last february due to uneven hemline (which i hate to have.) and not planning to trim until at least sept. i use a lot of cones, plus changed from Coconut oil to Shea Butter and almond oil. some people's hair just need and desire cones, mine demands cones, if i do not give it cones it tangles (imagine standing in the vortex of a tornado for days. ) that badly tangled.

Gave it what it wants and hair looks and feels lovely, healthy and soft. no splits and little breakage. since your scalp cannot handle condish, just try condish from ears down, or shoulders down. that should take care of the problem, also change one thing at a time. to make sure you know what helps and what does not. I had to change poo, wait a month, then condish wait another month and finally oil to realize it was the coconut oil that was causing all the dry hay feeling to my hair.

HTH. happy growing.

March 29th, 2010, 05:56 PM
Your trim looks great!

March 29th, 2010, 06:36 PM
My hair did not like coconut oil.... My hair always seemed in WORSE condition when using it! So I switched to Argan oil with some cones in it.... My hair is in much better condition now!!! I still don't use shampoos or conditioners with cones, though. Cones aren't COMPLETELY evil, just something to be used in moderation!

March 29th, 2010, 07:27 PM
I tried the no-cone routine also. My scalp hated the lack of detergent in washing. My hair hated the lack of cones and decided to tie itself in rebellion into lots of little knots. Which mean my scalp is itchy, so I want to scratch it more, which ruffles up the hair, and now I've got damage from the knots.

Now, my hair does accept the use of SLS with a heavy no-cone conditioner, with a coney product over the frizz prone areas.

March 29th, 2010, 07:49 PM
I have been dealing with this issue as well. I am glad I am not alone. I never used to get splits and now they are everywhere!! I am going to go back to my old hair care routine, Pantene, get a trim and hope for the best. I also Hennaed which left my hair beautifully colored but dry. :(

March 29th, 2010, 08:32 PM
I never noticed damage when using cones until I went off cones and then I could see more of how damaged my hair really was. I also realized my hair is too slipery with cones and is difficult to keep in updos. Updos stay so much better if I don't use cones. I was also developing itchy scalp so I also went SLS free in my shampoo (buy it from health food store) and my scalp is finally happy.

My hair loves SMT and I do that about once a week or so. Also I have wavy hair with layers I'm
trying to grow out and it seems like wavy, layered hair develops splits easier than hair that is all
one length. I love to sit in front of a sunny window and trim al my splits. Its kind of addicting! Another thing that has helped reduce splits is sleeping with a satin sleep bonnet at night and using a wide seemless comb when detaingling my hair. Oh, I also wear up my hair all the time.

March 29th, 2010, 10:03 PM
Still wearing my hair straight from the other day. Interesting that I have been rained on, on and off for the past few hours on and no frizz.

The only problem is that my scalp is feeling that itchy feeling again so there is definitely something in the Kerastase that she used on me that has a reaction with my scalp. I think I will go with the advice of Rhiannon7 and keep the conditioner but use it only from the ears down. Hopefully they will take back the shampoo or else let me swap it for something else.

Thanks guys - good to know that I'm not alone. I have been such an advocate for no SLS and no cones but having seen the results I had, I really had to do a double take and ask myself if it was really working for me.

I guess it will always be a trial and error to see what works and what doesn't.

March 30th, 2010, 06:32 AM
You could always test again if cones hide splits. Just put some on and ta-daaa you should have no splits! personally I don't buy it. Some people's hair simply likes cones.

March 31st, 2010, 09:51 PM
I'm with you. I don't think cones will cover splits that are already there - I just think they might provide some defense against them starting in the first place.

Anyways, I've trimmed now and I'll be using a coney condish and see if I have better luck in 6 months. I phoned my hairdresser and my last cut was August 8th 2009 so that means it was 7 months ago. So if my theory works, in 6 months I should be in the same boat timewise but with less splits. Let's see!