View Full Version : Hard/soft water question

March 26th, 2010, 08:34 PM
So, I was thinking about how every week I shower in 3 different places. At school, where I shower most at, the water is moderately hard. At home, where the water is moderately soft. And at my boyfriends house, where the water is pretty hard. Could this possibly be bad for my hair? I poo and condish every day, so I dunno! What do you think?

March 26th, 2010, 08:38 PM
I don't know. I don't like artificially softened water, that is for sure. I went on a trip once, two weeks in a hotel with a water softener. Nothing would rise off!!

I think DBF's old house had hard water maybe? My hair was tangly after a CO wash, I mean tangled like mad. I like the water where I used to live (parents), and here. Same city water source, but my Dad says we get our water from a different source than they do. He even told me the lake ours comes from. The water in the new apt leaves my hair even softer and silkier.

March 26th, 2010, 08:42 PM
I can't stand soft water either. It's a good think I wash my hair mostly at school because the water is not too hard and not too soft. My hair always gets so frizzy after I shower at my boyfriend's house, even though I treat it exactly the same there as at school and at home.

March 26th, 2010, 08:43 PM
I have extremely hard water here. I don't think it is bad for hair but it does make certain hair cleansing routines more difficult. I also use ACV more than I would in softer water, I think.

March 27th, 2010, 02:01 PM
I was getting definite mineral buildup on my hair from very, very hard water. It also affected my henna results, so I went in search of a chelating shampoo before another henna, to strip away some of the mineral buildup. Did some research on this issue, before going to the time, trouble, and money of water softening, and found out that very hard water causes mineral buildup on hair and scalp, makes the hair more brittle, clog hair pores in the scalp, and if left to build up too much, can cause hair breakage, thinning hair at the scalp, and poor growth. The only way to know if your water is hard enough to pose a problem is to have it tested. HTH.

* I noticed the difference mostly because I moved - where I lived before, the water was fine. Where I am now, my hair was getting dry, brittle, and the scalp was getting thin spots. Nothing else in my routine had changed, still taking vitamins, no medical issues.