View Full Version : Why doesn't this work / dry our hair?

March 22nd, 2010, 10:49 PM
Hey (:

My mom bought this natural, organic shampoos for both of us, They're definitely all natural and actually from a local ranch.
But it leaves my hair without life & actually kind of dry and rough, and also my mom's!
This is what mine contains:
-Spring Water from Eco-Ranch
-Olive Oil
-Castor Oil
-Coconut Oil
-Lemon Peels
-Lemon Essential Oil

This all look fantastic, yet our hair doesn't seem to think that too xD
So, any ideas on what could be happening? Should I put some water in it?

March 22nd, 2010, 11:18 PM
Just my guess, but I don't think oil actually moisturises hair, since it actually repels water. So perhaps it isn't doing enough conditioning on it's own, and is instead repelling moisture/water?

March 22nd, 2010, 11:19 PM
Lemon can be harsh on some people's hair. I know some people have had luck diluting their shampoo- try that out! Maybe in a small bottle, mix 1 part shampoo to 3 parts water? Try that, and see if it improves.

March 22nd, 2010, 11:39 PM
Lemon can be harsh on some people's hair. I know some people have had luck diluting their shampoo- try that out! Maybe in a small bottle, mix 1 part shampoo to 3 parts water? Try that, and see if it improves.

I agree that Lemon can be harash. it contain psoralen.

March 22nd, 2010, 11:53 PM
I use a conditioner that is all natural and also largely comprised of oils and it definitely leaves my hair dry. An oil only provides a barrier, sealing in moisture if it is already there, and sealing out moisture from the air. I figured that it needed a humectant, so I add a shot of melted honey to my conditioner and it really upped the moisturizing factor. Perhaps honey in your shampoo would help? Just a thought.

March 23rd, 2010, 01:12 AM
Lemon can be harsh on some people's hair. I know some people have had luck diluting their shampoo- try that out! Maybe in a small bottle, mix 1 part shampoo to 3 parts water? Try that, and see if it improves.

I agree. Using lemon juice turned my hair into hay :(

March 23rd, 2010, 01:38 AM
Lemon can be harsh on some people's hair. I know some people have had luck diluting their shampoo- try that out! Maybe in a small bottle, mix 1 part shampoo to 3 parts water? Try that, and see if it improves.


I agree. Using lemon juice turned my hair into hay :(

This was my experience as well. I think I'd ditch that shampoo if I were you. You and your mom clearly aren't benefiting from it. :rolleyes:

March 23rd, 2010, 02:05 AM
Do you use conditioner? maybe you should if you do not. and i agree, lemon is very harsh on some people's hair, specially if you do not give it extra moisture. you can also try doing an SMT, it helps alot with moisture.

The rest of the ingredients seem fine.

Good luck growing and finding the perfect product for your hair and your mom's.

March 23rd, 2010, 02:13 AM
Well, there are a lot of heavy oils in that shampoo. Could it be that your hair doens't respond that well to those?

Athena's Owl
March 23rd, 2010, 02:43 AM

It's a *shampoo?* It suds up, right?

I think I know what's going on.That ingredient list is lying to you. I hate it when people do this. It's mentioning the oils used and marketing itself as natural, so that tells me that this shampoo is SOAP.

Castile soap, which is supposedly more gentle than other soaps, but still.

Soap has a higher ph than commercial shampoos, even shampoo with rough surfactant cleansers like Sodium laureth and sodium lauryl sulfate. This natural shampoo is opening your hair cuticle quite a lot, and with no balancing process (hydrating conditioner/protein treatment) and an acidic cuticle closing rinse (apple cider vinegar in distilled water) the cuticles are staying open, leaving your hair quite porous, rough, and prone to tangling. Porous hair loses moisture quickly, and the open cuticle is more vulnerable to damage.

If you or your mom color or perm your hair, you're already dealing with a higher than virgin hair porosity because of those processes. If you or your mom regularly heat style your hair then you're dealing with more porosity than your hair has naturally. and this is before using a soap based shampoo that will open the cuticle more because of its alkalinity.

Some people can use castile soap as shampoo, and they like it fine. But it sounds like you and your mom are not those people.

March 23rd, 2010, 03:55 AM
-Lemon Essential Oil

I don't mean to alarm you but, i read somewhere that turmeric powder is used to slow unwanted hair growth. :(

I also know that lemon essential oil is photo-toxic, meaning it might create some serious sensitivity to sun.