View Full Version : *How to Manage neatly growing out a Bob that was Razored*

March 22nd, 2010, 08:55 AM
Okay, I would like to start off by saying.....:rant::rant::rant:I said it before and I'll say it again, I got my beyond BSL hair cut into a bob, a few months back. I made the mistake of letting my hairdresser use a razor for layers and styling, because I have thick hair, and without doing this, the cut would not look right. Since then I have noticed the texture is dry, the ends are split and it is overall just choppy. I don't know what to do!!! I want to grow it out to all one length and my hair used to be soft and manageable without a split end in sight. It's even more frustrating knowing that I am working towards a goal, that I already had and foolishly ruined!!! So... here is my question, Do I go get my ends re-trimmed with scissors to smooth the razored splits and lose a little length now, or wait a few months and then go in to do it after I've gained some length. As much as it would kill me I was considering the first option, so I may grow it out healthy from the start and get my nice texture back. Let me know what you guys think... Thanks so much!!
*Happy Growing*

March 22nd, 2010, 09:12 AM
I'd get it re-trimmed with scissors now so that the damage can't work its way further up the length of your hair. All the best! :flower:

hanne jensen
March 22nd, 2010, 09:14 AM
Try the best of both worlds. Dust a tiny bit every month. Then, you'll get some growth. Try reading Nightshade's article on growing out damaged hair.

Good luck!

March 22nd, 2010, 09:32 AM
Try the best of both worlds. Dust a tiny bit every month. Then, you'll get some growth. Try reading Nightshade's article on growing out damaged hair.

Good luck!

This. You don't have to lose a ton of length, but tiny micro-trims to nip the ends off. Good luck!

March 22nd, 2010, 10:27 AM
The razoring is often fairly far up the length, so a big chop doesn't help as much. Little trims often - about 1/4" to 1/2" inch every 4-6 weeks - are what I'm on right now, and it's SLOW, but it does keep me from chopping off the 8" of damage and starting over with a pixie.

March 22nd, 2010, 10:53 AM
You may want to look up Styg, though you may have to go into the archives. She had a heavily razored cut that she grew out to classic before cutting back. I always admired her hair :inlove:

March 22nd, 2010, 11:13 AM
I'd also go with the dusting, I just got my razor cut ends trimmed to blunt in my pixie grow-out quest.

I thought I'd heard a razor was a bad idea on your hair texture, ok on fine, straight hair but a disaster on coarser or wavier hair...:confused:

March 22nd, 2010, 12:44 PM
I'm in the same boat as you, although my hair isn't too damaged. I'm treating my hair like gold, oiling my ends, and just being extra careful - so they seem to be staying in pretty good shape. I'm letting my hair grow to my collarbone (about 2 more inches), then I'll get 1/2" cut. Then, I'll grow to APL and cut another 1/2" off. That should at least get rid of my razored ends while I gain some length.

I had BSL hair too that I chopped off and now I regret it, so I know how you feel!

March 22nd, 2010, 12:49 PM
I would do a microtrim.

March 22nd, 2010, 12:52 PM
I'd also go with the dusting, I just got my razor cut ends trimmed to blunt in my pixie grow-out quest.

I thought I'd heard a razor was a bad idea on your hair texture, ok on fine, straight hair but a disaster on coarser or wavier hair...:confused:

I have fine hair and I had bangs (which were pretty straight, being that my hair does't start to wave until about SL) a while back. I got them razored and they were just full of splits. I don't think razors are good for anyone's hair.

March 22nd, 2010, 12:53 PM
Isn't it a terrible thing? Knowing that we did it to ourselves? I get so upset when I think about it, it was just a snip and my long locks were gone! Truly goes to show you that (usually, especially in this case), the "Grass ISN'T always greener on the other side. My hair is pretty much to collar bone and slightly shorter in the back, and I think I am going to dust/trim. I figured about 1/2 inch as well. That way hopefully the journey to even it all out will be easier. I can't wait to get to at least APL as my mini-milestone!

March 22nd, 2010, 02:07 PM

Make sure you don't frazzle it like say if you use a hair dryer, also keeping it protected from the sun in the summer months. Regular oilings, keeping it under hat/bandana even. I regularly had monthly/2monthly trims getting rid of my razored bob over a year and half. The cut i have now was done with scissors and no heat styling. Though to preserve length the dusting is a good option! Just micro amounts removed.
Hope thats sorta helpful:)

September 8th, 2018, 10:22 AM
Oh my goodness I cannot stand it when I've gotten my hair cut and they insist on trying to think out, or "texturize" my hair which just means adding choppy layers (I too have naturally thick hair). This is probably why I have trouble finding a stylist, mostly because I just want one to listen when I ask for a straight across trim/cut. (Boring perhaps but I like how clean it looks)

September 9th, 2018, 08:56 AM
Oh my goodness I cannot stand it when I've gotten my hair cut and they insist on trying to think out, or "texturize" my hair which just means adding choppy layers (I too have naturally thick hair). This is probably why I have trouble finding a stylist, mostly because I just want one to listen when I ask for a straight across trim/cut. (Boring perhaps but I like how clean it looks)

Have you ever heard of Feye's self-trimming instructions:

A lot of people here use these to get a blunt cut. And if your hair is about APL, you can do this yourself, if shorter have someone help you out; I'm sure you can find someone. Very hard to make mistakes with!