View Full Version : Can _____ Be Frozen?

March 18th, 2010, 03:03 AM
Ok its generic but the title is kind of self explainitory :p. Nowthat ive learned i can freeze henna i get sporatic thoughts about what else can be frozen :) and since its a conveinient method of storage i thought id just leave the title blank and people can add on. Right now im wondering if coconut milk can be frozen. I know avacados can be frozen but they are a higher percentage total fat than a can of coconut milk so i was wondering if it would end up separating or something hinky?

Its been a long time sine ive done a coconut milk soak, mainly because i wasnt used to being able to hid greasy hair if i couldnt get it all out but also becasue i would never end up using the full can and i cant stand to waste. So anyone tried it? If it can be frozen how did it defrost, was it liquidy or easily mixed?

Also you think freezing banannas would be worh it? Ive never done a caramel treatment (which if remember correctly calls for banana) and i havent tried those in my hair for a while either. While im at it what do you think about yogurt? Still worth using it its been frozen?

Thanks all,

March 18th, 2010, 03:24 AM
I wouldn't freeze bananas. My aunt forgot a few in her car overnight when it was just below zero, and they were horrible come morning.

March 18th, 2010, 07:22 AM
Freezing bananas makes them go similar to that blackness you want them to be when you make banana cake. Can you imagine how nasty a banana tree with old black bananas would look like/smell. Gross. Anyways yogurt you can freeze, sometimes it has a weird texture after, but if you're just putting it in your hair then it shouldn't be too bad.

March 18th, 2010, 09:26 AM
I freeze bananas...They aren't the most beautiful things when you pull them out (and I wouldn't eat them like you would with a reg banana) but for smoothies or banana bread they work fantastically.

I would say they would work just fine for a carmel treatment if you froze them until you needed them, just be prepared for them to look very very ripe.

March 18th, 2010, 09:45 AM
You can freeze bananas. You just don't want to thaw them to eat. You either eat them frozen and blended up as a smoothie or "ice cream", or you cook them up in banana bread/cake or some other recipe. :ponder: Or it could be thawed and mashed as baby food, because the baby won't care, and mushier stuff is better anyway.

Just make sure you don't leave the peel on when you freeze them. Peel them first, otherwise it'll be next to impossible to take the peels off without thawing them.

You can freeze most fruits, but their texture changes dramatically when they thaw. You pretty much can only use them for smoothies and such after freezing them.

I wouldn't imagine it'd make any difference in a hair treatment.

March 18th, 2010, 09:48 AM
Have you never eaten a chocoloate dipped frozen banana??? :inlove:

You just don't want to thaw them once they're frozen...icky.

March 18th, 2010, 09:59 AM
I freeze bananas all the time- for banana bread and the caremel treatment. I make up the caremel treatment up ahead so I always have some ready to use.

March 18th, 2010, 02:47 PM
Just another person who freezes bananas when they turn black. It's a good way to accumulate a few for banana bread. I've left the peel on, but then you're better off cutting off an end and squeezing out the thawed banana goo. As long as we're freezing food, I'm known to toss a loaf of fresh bread in the freezer, which allows me to stock up a little. I also freeze shredded cheese -- the result isn't as good as fresh, but it doesn't go bad that way. If you freeze yogurt, you're going to lose a good portion of the active cultures. I don't know how it handles freezing texture-wise, but be aware that some of the nutritional benefits are lost.

Back on topic, you cannot freeze indigo or buxus, or they'll lose their dyeing ability.

March 18th, 2010, 02:58 PM
Oh good, so I'm not the only on.

Yes definitely peel the banana before freezing. Trying to peel a rabidly (or rapidly...) thawing banana sucks, its squishy, cold and sometimes slimy. Not fun.

March 18th, 2010, 06:17 PM
Oh good, so I'm not the only on.

Yes definitely peel the banana before freezing. Trying to peel a rabidly thawing banana sucks, its squishy, cold and sometimes slimy. Not fun.

I thought only mammals got rabies.....

But yes, I also freeze bananas, tho' then I tend to take them and dip them into the chocolate shell sauce. That way I get all the chocolate I want.

Umm, otherwise, I don't think I want the chocolate in my hair. Might be messy.

March 18th, 2010, 06:26 PM
I thought only mammals got rabies......

HAHAHAHA. What? You never heard of the vicious roving gangs of rabid bananas???? There horrible in Brazil! :eyebrows:

March 18th, 2010, 07:44 PM
I also freeze shredded cheese -- the result isn't as good as fresh, but it doesn't go bad that way. If you freeze yogurt, you're going to lose a good portion of the active cultures. I don't know how it handles freezing texture-wise, but be aware that some of the nutritional benefits are lost.


I love gnawing on frozen shredded cheese. My mum does this because when we go to the states the cheese is literally half the price as in Canada. So yeah, we buy in bulk and then shred it right before it gets mouldy. I love it because it means less cheese shredding and knuckle cutting.

March 19th, 2010, 06:12 AM
Lol~ I used to pick the cheese bits off frozen pizzas as a kid and eat them.

I freeze bananas all the time as well. Actually they come out great when I slice them lengthwise and brush some lemon juice across.

Gothic Lolita
March 19th, 2010, 06:20 AM
I like freezing berries in these litte plastic containers made for ice cubes. Just put them in there, put water on them and freeze! Wonderful when it's hot or when you want something tasty in your drink.