View Full Version : Getting asked "Is your hair fake?"

March 17th, 2010, 11:10 PM
I was studying with some classmates this evening. I was wearing my hair in tiara braids--two English braided pinned around my head. The guy across from me asked, "That hairpiece--the hair across your head...is it fake?"

I was surprised, since no one had ever asked me that question before. I said no and then everyone at the table had a nice conversation about hair. However, his question made me feel hurt, for some reason. :( I guess it seemed to undercut all the work I put into having real, long hair 24/7/365.

Has anyone here ever been asked if your hair is fake? How did you react?

P.S. When I was a child, I was nearly platinum blond. My hair has darkened as I've grown up, looking like you can see to the left. When I braid it, the ends of my braids are slightly lighter than the new growth at my hairline, so I suppose the slight color difference made it a legitimate question on his part. :shrug:

March 17th, 2010, 11:24 PM
I actually take it as a compliment? Last year when I had butt-length hair, it was very fashionable for young women to put in extremely long hair extensions (I think it's still fashionable now since extension salons are popping up all over the place) to get really long and thick hair, but it's an expensive investment. People would ask if my long hair was fake and I would invite them to tug lightly on my hair to prove that it was real and they'd all have this envious expression on their face and tell me how lucky I was that I didn't need extensions.

March 17th, 2010, 11:26 PM
First your hair is absolutely lovely! now, yep have been asked some times if i wear a wig or a fake braided bun. it makes me feel weird at first, but getting used to the questions now, since my hair has gotten so shiny (Catnip rinses once a week after poo and before condish.) that when i wear it down (once a year maybe twice.) the shine maybe makes it look fake? i've never understood why people have to ask such questions. but love to let it down when i wear the braided bun and have people gasp at the length and the shine and color, then i rebraid and bun again and go on with my day.

March 17th, 2010, 11:28 PM
I've gotten it just once, a few years back when my hair was longer. I was wearing it in a (rather large) bun and an older lady asked me if I used a hairpiece in it.

It was kind of nice, actually, because then we spent a little time talking about the elaborate updo's she used to wear in the 60's, which she had used falls and rats for. I didn't take it as a slur against my hair or anything.

March 17th, 2010, 11:31 PM
my hair isn't long enough to be asked that, but it's definitely a compliment. When people ask "is it fake?" they are basically implying that it's too good to be real!

Heavenly Locks
March 17th, 2010, 11:31 PM
Most people think that 'fake' hair looks very close to perfect :) I'd take it as a compliment. After all, people pay for fake hair don't they? They must want hair like yours...

March 17th, 2010, 11:53 PM
In highschool I had waist-BSL length hair and I would always do crown braids or dutch braids and a lot of people asked me if it was fake. When it was down though no one would think that.

March 17th, 2010, 11:56 PM
Thank you everyone, for the compliments and thoughts! With new perspective I feel much better about the question. I can see it as a compliment now. :)

Where I live, hair extensions are very uncommon.

I too like those moments when someone asks about my hair and I can show them. :oops:

Those elaborate '60s updos sound cool. Always on the lookout for another way to wear my hair. Might have a look on Youtube.

Heavenly_Locks, thanks for bringing up the money thing. I have always considered the money I spend on hair products/toys an investment in my hair, but I never thought about paying for the actual hair itself! :)

March 18th, 2010, 12:07 AM
I've never been ask out right but I've had people allude to the fact they thought my bun was fake. When I take it down I usually get "Ohhhhh your hair is long".

When my hair is up my bun is strawberry blond, my scalp hair is my natural dark blond/light brown. It looks like I slapped a red hair piece on.

I wouldn't take it negatively. Long hair, especially as long as yours is pretty rare in many areas they probably just assumed it "had" to be fake.

March 18th, 2010, 12:34 AM
I've gotten it a few times, and the first time I didn't really think about it because I had big gorgeous curls I was extremely proud of, so I responded about the curls beeing "fake", achieved by alot of work.
It wasn't until later it occured to me that she might have thought I was wearing a wig (or extensions).

The time it made me happiest was in Sweden, when a guy of pakistani origin, working right next to a store they sold hair extensions from India asked if the hair was my own or if I had been next-door and gotten extensions. Wich was just WOW! My fine scandinavian hair beeing compared with thick indian hair, and even by someone whose every single female relative probably has insanely thick gorgeous hair like they sell for insane prices next-door to his place of work... wow.
Every time I think about that one, it gives me a confidence-boost :D

I think it's generally meant as a compliment when people ask that. Just check the threads here about Yulia Timosjenko, that Ukranian lady with the elizabethan braid. Most of us seem to thik it's fake, just because it's too perfect (and doesn't correspond with the pictures of her hair beeing lose).

March 18th, 2010, 12:55 AM
my hair isn't long enough to be asked that, but it's definitely a compliment. When people ask "is it fake?" they are basically implying that it's too good to be real!

I totally agree. You should take that as a compliment. in answer to your question, no, I've never been asked f my hair is fake. :( I wear it down a lot so I guess people can see it's all me. :p

March 18th, 2010, 01:47 AM
Here this one will give you a VERY big laugh. While sitting outside on break a couple drove up and stopped. The lady then asked me "Where did you get your hair piece?" OMG!! All i could do was say um i grew it. Everyone at work got a huge laugh out of it.

Robbi Dehlinger
March 18th, 2010, 02:04 AM
When some folks see very long hair, it is hard for them not to ask this I think??

many cannot see long hair as anything but VERY high maintance and cannot believe that folks can or will yake the time??

March 18th, 2010, 02:41 AM
I get it frequently. At first I was irritated, I think it started around classic length that people asked this, but in the meantime I just tell them that itīs not fake and if they are really curious I tell them a bit of the statistics. How fast hair grows, how fast it gets longer when one does not go to the stylist every 4 weeks :p, how often I self-trim, how much money that saves me per year :gabigrin: etc. that kind of thing.
I think itīs just so uncommon that someone has the patience to grow hair in that length that most people assume it just has to be an artificial hairpiece. Like the ones of the celebrities on TV. Says more about the person asking this question than about your hair :wink: heīs probably watching too many red-carpet shows.

March 18th, 2010, 03:09 AM
Once I was brushing my hair at bathroom in a shopping mall and some girl came to me to ask if it's my hair or extensions and if they are extensions, where did I get them done.

She looked bit disappointed it is my real hair.

Few days ago some girl in club asked me the same question (she had chinlenght hair). When I told her it's indeed my own hair, she said it's "wicked cool".

I don't think it's offensive... many people wear extensions of all kinds, and it's not even celebrities anymore.

March 18th, 2010, 03:43 AM
I´d take it neither as a compliment nor as an insult. He wanted to know, so he asked. :shrug:

Chamomile betty
March 18th, 2010, 04:36 AM
Sometimes when I wear my hair up I'll get asked if it's one of those hair scrunchi things. I think it's because I have so much thick hair.
I think it really depends on the tone of the person asking. They make think your hair is so beautiful it cannot be real. Or they are being a sarcastic not nice person.

You know your hair is real and how much effort you put into it.

March 18th, 2010, 04:44 AM
Oh yes, I get asked it phrased differently - it's usually "My god, is your hair all real?" - and it's asked in the sort of way that the person KNOWS it is, but just has to find a way to start a conversation!

I take it as a compliment - people usually say really lovely things, and I think there is an element of almost not believing anyone could get their hair that long. Hair extensions are very common around here, but my hair is such an odd colour that really, no one would pay to have it like this!

On the bus the other day a young woman (late teens/early 20s) - who had beautiful long hair herself, almost waist length - asked me the most common question I get : "How did you get your hair so long?" I told the truth (well, it is for me!) - I just don't cut it! (Or do that every-6-weeks-trim so many people are told is essential if you are growing your hair. Nope. None of that.)

March 18th, 2010, 05:42 AM
I often get asked if my hair is real. I just reply, "all of it but the colour". Especially when it was pink, people just couldn't believe you could have almost bum length pink hair in relatively good condition.

I did get told the other day I have "the most well done and real looking extensions" that this bloke had ever seen. I wasn't impressed. My boyfriend overheard and punched the bloke in the arm. He's very protective about my hair. Fortunately it was all taken in good humour as it wasn't a hard punch. Still, I was put out having someone think I had extensions. I always think extensions look horrible.

March 18th, 2010, 06:28 AM
i think you should take it as a compliment... the comment made was probably referring to the fact your hair looked so perfect and nice like a newly brought expensive hair piece!

i would not worry about it!

i left my hair down the other day (which is a rare event) and my friend asked me if i had clip on extensions lol... she meant becoz it was so long and perfect... i laughed and joked it was!

March 18th, 2010, 06:38 AM
Definitely a compliment! When my hair was classic length I used to get asked all the time if I colored my hair, because it was this shiny golden blonde color that was very striking. It wasn't because it looked fake - it was because it looked "too good" to be "natural" in these people's eyes, or because they wanted to go out and get whatever dye I used so they could make their hair the same color. It felt great to be able to say, nope it's all natural.

March 18th, 2010, 06:40 AM
When my hair was long and I was asked this, it seemed to me that the person asking if/wishing that she could have hair like that as well - kind of "where can I get that?" I think the disappointment comes when they find out they can't have the instant gratification of simply walking into a store and plunking down money, that they have to put in the time and work to grow and learn to care for their real hair :)

March 18th, 2010, 07:14 AM
I've gotten asked that once. It seemed like a compliment to me, since I think the implication was that they were impressed with the length and condition of my hair.

March 18th, 2010, 07:22 AM
I have been asked 3 or 4 times if my hair was fake. It only ever happened when my hair was quite short, and all within the span of a week. It was weird. Someone said my hair looked like doll hair. I don't know what that means.

I hate when people feel the need to make rude comments.

March 18th, 2010, 07:51 AM
I would invite them to tug lightly on my hair to prove that it was real and they'd all have this envious expression on their face and tell me how lucky I was that I didn't need extensions
joiekimochi, I've been told I was "lucky" to have such long healthy hair, too. And I've been a bit insulted by that and told the person saying it (in a nice way) that I'm not "lucky", I've spent years and years growing and caring for my hair. Being lucky is winning the lottery. Having long, healthy-looking hair is definitely not about luck.

March 18th, 2010, 07:57 AM
I have been asked that maybe twice in twenty years. I thought it to be an odd question. :confused:

March 18th, 2010, 09:43 AM
I usually take it as a compliment. It's the same as saying "Wow, you're hair is really long! (or gorgeous)" Whenever I wear it down, I have quite a few people ask if it's extentions because I dont' wear it down so much and it's getting fairly long now.

Actually, just this last weekend, my boyfriend's aunt asked me if they were extentions. I can see how she thought that though. I haven't seen her in months and I'm not sure if she's *ever* seen me with my long hair down since I had waist length hair which has been quite a while since I don't see her often. haha

But, personally, it always seems like they're just saying that my hair is gorgeous and shockingly long to them. And they always seem to be impressed when I say it's my real hair.

March 18th, 2010, 09:56 AM
I've been asked twice if my hair was real (not fake), which still implies that they thought it might be fake. Both times, when I said that yes, it was real, they complimented me on how nice it looked, and the first girl even said she was really envious and told me I should never cut it short.

March 18th, 2010, 10:03 AM
I agree with everyone who said to take it as a compliment! Long hair that looks excellent is very rare. A lot of times it takes fake hair to achieve that look!

You shouldn't feel hurt! What you should have done was giggled at him and then said, "No! Is yours?" Then sit smiling, waiting for a reply. That would have been funny, then you could have gotten the upper hand, and the people around would most likely have laughed at him.

He may have been trying to start a conversation with you, I dunno? Usually if a guy is going to go out on a limb and ask a "personal" question/try to comment on a girl's hair/clothes/appearance, he is either acting dumb or being brave. We guys don't know how to go about things like that, so it could accidentally come off as being negative :shrug:

I've asked a few girls in my lifetime if their hair was real and some of them said that it was fake/extensions. Nevertheless, I told them it looked great!

March 18th, 2010, 10:05 AM
I'd take it as a compliment! They probably thought your hair looked so perfect in in such good shape, that there was no way it could be real!

March 18th, 2010, 10:05 AM
I'd take that as a compliment (: He was probably in awe of the style as well as the length! Your long hair makes you stand out.

Last summer at work, I would always wear my hair in a bun to keep it out of the way. The one time I wore a ponytail, a few new employees asked "Where did you get your extensions done? They look fantastic!" They were so shocked when I told them it was my real hair.

March 18th, 2010, 10:45 AM
I get asked if my color is real, since it's very different in winter and summer.. I just tell them "No, it's photoshopped" :D (okay, don't mind my sense of humour)

I'd be glad someone mistook my hair for extension, it would mean it's kinda perfect and shiny and healthy..

March 18th, 2010, 11:28 AM
I get asked if my hair is real when I do vortex buns. I think it's because my normal buns are on the small side and a vortex bun will cover so much more space.

I take it as compliment. I don't really think people really think it's fake, more it's "too good to be true"

On the other hand, my mother in law who's not always the brightest bunny was genuinely surprised when she saw my hair down (at the time it was barely APL) she had assumed that all the buns she had seen for the last year were clip ons.

March 18th, 2010, 01:36 PM
I've gotten it just once, a few years back when my hair was longer. I was wearing it in a (rather large) bun and an older lady asked me if I used a hairpiece in it.

It was kind of nice, actually, because then we spent a little time talking about the elaborate updo's she used to wear in the 60's, which she had used falls and rats for. I didn't take it as a slur against my hair or anything.

In the 60s people used to tug my mums hair all the time when she was out because they thought her thick, long black hair (think vintage Cher on a good day) was a wig. Who knows what they'd have done if it had been a piece.

I've been asked it both ways and never really taken offence. I'm glad they asked rather than assume it was fake.

We can't help it if we have flawless hair that's too good to be true. What luck! :rolleyes:

March 18th, 2010, 03:04 PM
I've been asking plenty of times is my hair real when I wear it in a ponytail.

March 18th, 2010, 03:12 PM
I'd take that as a compliment (: He was probably in awe of the style as well as the length! Your long hair makes you stand out.

Last summer at work, I would always wear my hair in a bun to keep it out of the way. The one time I wore a ponytail, a few new employees asked "Where did you get your extensions done? They look fantastic!" They were so shocked when I told them it was my real hair.

That's a real compliment. Congrats. :D

March 18th, 2010, 03:42 PM
No, not even when I had extensions. I would dye my hair and the extension hair so that it looked very real. Sometimes I use to wish people would know that it was fake so that I would not have gotten the comments I got when I quit wearing extensions such as "why would you cut off such beautiful long hair" and things like that.

March 18th, 2010, 04:58 PM
I get that all the time, mostly at work. I work in a predominantly minority school and I think the kids there are just used to women with long hair having extensions or a weave. They even look at my scalp for tracks.

People don't mean anything by it; they just think your hair is pretty and aren't used to seeing natural hair of your length and/or health.

March 18th, 2010, 07:41 PM
Someone asked if my hair was real when it was worn down before--I guess extensions are that commonplace? Who knows. Likes yours, my hair is also lighter at the ends... except it goes from dark brown at the roots to an almost reddish/brown color on the ends. I think it looks pretty cool when I hold the ends up and compare :)

Anyway, he was probably confused because of the unique hairstyle as well, and he's not used to seeing such long braids like that. I would take it as a compliment! :flower:

March 18th, 2010, 08:54 PM
I used to get this all the time when my hair was past tailbone. People would ask "is that all yours?" And I always felt like saying, nah, I just stole it off that bald guy over there. :P

March 18th, 2010, 10:38 PM
I get asked if my hair is fake, if it is dyed, if the wave is natural a lot, and it's a bit annoying. I suppose fakery is just so commonplace now that people are just curious. I'd take it as a compliment (like the others said.

March 18th, 2010, 10:57 PM
I've never actually been asked if the hair itself was real but I have been asked other sorts of questions such as:
"Where did you get that color?" Response "God *looks up*"
"How did you get those curls?" Response "Let it dry"
"That's natural isn't it?"pointing out my curl and color (Just a simple smile and nod suffices)

Ooh and one of my favorites which was asked by one of my classmates who already new I was rocking the natural style "What side of your family do you get your red hair from?" The funny part is that this classmate had met my parents and had seen their natural colors. So it was funny that I did have to respond "well my mom is red headed and my dad is red headed so I don't know where it came from"

March 18th, 2010, 11:05 PM
I was never asked it but this one friend of mine did reach up and grab my pigtails at the roots. She played it off as playing with my hair but I could tell she was checking to see if they were extensions.

I am not offended or anything simply because she is a touchy feel-y kind of person and I feel comfortable enough around her to let her do that and not feel violated. For the most part I take the "did you get extentions" questions as a compliment as that is an indication they are not willing to make such an effort to grow long healthy hair. :D it's my happy box in a way.

Bill D.
March 18th, 2010, 11:22 PM
My hair has darkened as I've grown up, looking like you can see to the left. When I braid it, the ends of my braids are slightly lighter than the new growth at my hairline, so I suppose the slight color difference made it a legitimate question on his part. :shrug:

This color difference is very common as the ends tend to get lighter due to more exposure to sun. Most people are not aware of this, though.

Bill D.

March 19th, 2010, 11:06 AM
I can see how you may have felt hurt, but I was once asked the same thing in another way- someone asked "Is your hair real?" I took it as a compliment though... I suppose because I could say "yes, it is real" with confidence. The person that asked me would have to go get hair extensions, when my hair shows patience and good hair care.

March 19th, 2010, 11:50 AM
I've only been asked that once. . .at a Halloween party. . .a long time ago.

I think I had on some sort of gypsy costume with scarves. My hair was BS length or so at the time, super thick with a blunt hemline.

They couldn't tell if my hair was a wig or not.

I didn't take it as a compliment or an insult. . .I chalked it up under, they've been drinking and confuse easily. . .we must pardon them for their foolishness. lol

March 19th, 2010, 12:43 PM
I love it when people ask me that!!! I think "wow, my hair looks good enough that someone would be willing to pay to have it!!"

March 19th, 2010, 05:25 PM
However, his question made me feel hurt, for some reason. :( I guess it seemed to undercut all the work I put into having real, long hair 24/7/365.

I take it as an insult if one of my friends would ask this. I don't fake. i don't have fake nails or lashes or hair. In my opinion fake hair is an easy way to get a long wonderful hair and I don't like cheating. Either you grow it or you don't. Fake hair is a wig and if you don't have cancer or other har loss diseace then you just have to grow your hair to the lenght that you desire Everything other is cheating and lyeing.

March 19th, 2010, 07:30 PM
Hair dressers aalways ask my sister and my hair colour is natural, once they find out it is they go on about how beautiful it is, how they wish they could have it, how expensive it would be to get the same effect through dying and then how we should never cut our hair.

March 19th, 2010, 10:47 PM
As an aspiring longhair (growing out years of flat iron damage to a chin-length haircut, finally at APL but still awkward and short), I spend a lot of time "hairgazing", especially when I'm taking the bus or train to work.

I don't ask women this question, but I do often find myself kind of awestruck by someone's exceptionally well-cared-for hair. It's literally stunning. As someone who is working hard every day just to try and get it out of an awkward phase, to see someone's beautiful hair cascading down his/her back in perfect condition, glossy and gorgeous, is hypnotizing! I have definitely been caught staring more than once.

I think the people asking these questions are stunned like I am, they just don't know how to talk to strangers about their hair!

March 20th, 2010, 02:10 AM
I used to get this all the time when my hair was past tailbone. People would ask "is that all yours?" And I always felt like saying, nah, I just stole it off that bald guy over there. :P
:rollin: That is too funny

Purdy Bear
March 20th, 2010, 03:08 AM
One guy on a bus, lent forward and yanked my hair, when I turned round to have a go, he said he was just checking to make sure it wasn't a wig!

At the time I had about 30 % hair loss underneath due to my Alopecia.

The twist on this was that he came to work for the same company as me and told everyone he thought I was wearing a wig. So I upturned my head and showed him my considerable patches. He always turned red when he saw me after that.