View Full Version : Signs of an impending growth spurt?

March 17th, 2010, 03:12 PM
This morning my hair felt awkward. I dont know exactly how to explain it. My usual way of doing it felt a little off. I also had an out of the blue and unexpected urge to cut it.

I suddenly had an epiphany. These must be the "signs" that my hair is getting ready to have a growth spurt or go into a new length phase and my mind isnt ready to deal with it yet.

In the past, this new length transition awkward phase has been responsible for many a sudden impulse to cut. I realized that if I had some guideposts and knew ahead of time the signs that a new transition was near that it would make it easier to resist any odd cutting impulses and just be aware of it and go into the new phase easier.

Once I realized that this suddent urge to cut was really just a transition sign, the urge left. I was excited that my hair was getting ready to spurt again. I was wondering if anyone else had these sorts of signs or warnings that a new phase was coming and what other people's impending spurt signs might be.

March 17th, 2010, 06:22 PM
I see that your hair is straight, but mine is wavy/curly, and my cowlicks/layered parts always act up before a spurt. It's like some of the layers grew a little bit and are now in the "sticking out" part of the wave pattern. I always just want to chop them off, but then in a month my hair looks considerably longer!

March 17th, 2010, 06:35 PM
I am definitely feelings this right now, my layers are finally getting longish and since I have wavy hair they just look crazy and messy. :-/