View Full Version : Cutting your hair and the moon

Maid of Astolat
March 11th, 2010, 11:42 AM
I have heard for the longest time that cutting your hair with phases of the moon will affect how your hair grows....for example....cutting it in one phase will induce thicker growth, another will induce longer growth, and the final will induce slower growth. Does anyone have any experience with this...and if you have, does it actually work:confused: I'm not one to believe in all the silly horoscope stuff...but I do know that the moon affects many things.

A quick google search produced this information from this website: http://www.hairboutique.com/tips/tip001.htm

For faster hair growth:

Trim ends during the New Moon or during the First Phase of the Moon when the light of the moon is increasing.

The best astrological signs for faster, longer and healthier hair is the New Moon in Taurus, Cancer, Scorpio, Capricorn or Pisces.

When possible start a hair growth program with the New Moon in one of the most beneficial signs. Start by trimming a tiny bit of hair from your ends during the New Moon or First Phase of the Waxing (increasing) Moon.

For Thicker:

Trim ends during the Full Moon especially when the Full Moon is in Taurus, Cancer, Scorpio, Capricorn or Pisces. The Full Moon in Leo is especially beneficial since Leo is the sign of the Lion which is born with a full lush mane.

And finally:
Have chemical applications (straightening, relaxing, color, perm) applied during the Moon in Aquarius for the absolute best results

Madame J
March 11th, 2010, 11:50 AM
This thread (http://forums.longhaircommunity.com/showthread.php?t=35044&highlight=moon*+phase*) and this thread (http://forums.longhaircommunity.com/showthread.php?t=37042&highlight=moon*+phase*) will help, as will a search of "moon* phase*" in the Mane Forum. Also, Morrocco Method has up a more comprehensive chart of lunar hair care for this year here (https://morroccomethod.com/lunar-hair-chart).

March 11th, 2010, 11:52 AM
does it actually work:confused: I'm not one to believe in all the silly horoscope stuff...but I do know that the moon affects many things.

moon affect many things, i dont think how it will affect your hair when it comes to when you trim it.

unless... all the cultures who have thick hair all rush to the barber to have their hair trimmed.. all on the same day, when the moon is in the right phase.

i looked at some of the posts on the theads in the privious discussion, posted by Madame J. A lot of people seem to think, since it can't hurt, why not just go with the method?


what if the moon doesn't really affect your hair, but another planet, spaghetti monster or solar flares is really the one affecting your hair growth after trimming? following the wrong method could be detrimental to your path to the perfect hair.

horoscopes, phases of the moon theories (when its unscientific) is kinda silly.

in fact, solar flares have MORE to do with your hair then the moon. think about it.. solar flares can cause electronics to act in strange ways, produce more magnetic field and such. that's crucial when it comes to hair care for those who use curling iron, blow dryers and various electronic devices. sudden burst of solar dust can cause the atmosphere to temporary weaken and let in more ultraviolet rays into our atmosphere... if you happen to be outside, with your hair uncovered, the consequence could be dire! :eyebrows:

uh, yeah, i just made that up, if i spend a little more time, I could make it sound more convincing.

March 11th, 2010, 12:03 PM
I always trim my hair during new moon, not sure if it has an effect or not, but it can't hurt, can it?

I see it this way, 70% of our bodies is water, if the moon has such big an effect to the oceans why would we be immune to it? For the trimming part, it's done on new moon because that's the time when everything is supposed to grow well, plants as well as other more abstract things, like a relationship or a new hobby or project.

Madame J
March 11th, 2010, 12:08 PM
With the exception of solar flares, most astronomical bodies are going to interact with us gravitationally. So the sun and the moon would probably be the most significant forces. When you look at tides on Earth, they have mostly to do with the moon. The idea that the moon affects our bodies has to do with the idea that, since human bodies are primarily made of water, the moon will have the same "pull" on them as on larger bodies of water. So I still think that "it can't hurt" is a good attitude to take, since it's likely the moon is the dominant contribution to the astronomical effects on hair. You can drop the higher-order terms.

For example, you might think that Jupiter or the Sun could have an effect because they are larger, but because it is obvious that the gravitational pull of the moon is the dominant term in tidal motion, this doesn't hold empirically.

Personally, I used to do treatments with the phases of the moon, but I no longer bother, since I am lazy and often forget to check my lunar calendar.

March 11th, 2010, 12:59 PM
Personally, I used to do treatments with the phases of the moon, but I no longer bother, since I am lazy and often forget to check my lunar calendar.

are you still doing the same treatments? if you are, have you been noticing a difference since you might not be moon-phase-matching?

yes, our bodies are mostly water, and I am aware of how the moon affects our ocean tides. however, if the moon doesn't affect bodies of water the size of swimming pools. the amount of water in our body, compare to the largest man made swimming pool you can think of is drastic.
when you narrow it down to the moisture in your hair, in your head, the moon has zero effects on those liquid molecules.

my head is filled with sand, the moon has no affect on my hair :cheese:

arrrggh, when am i gonna be able to edit my posts??!?!?!

forgot to add, in regards to "it can't hurt"..

even according to my hocus pocus explanation, aligning hair treatment to moon phase still couldn't hurt, right?

what if there are "other forces" at work that we're not aware of? if people like me are ignorant on forces of the moon affecting my hair, isn't it possible followers of the moon phase theory are unaware of other possible influences? What if aligning hair trimming to certain moon phase is completely opposite of this "other" force, then isn't it detrimental to what moon-phasers are trying to achieve?

it can't harm? how do we know?

Madame J
March 11th, 2010, 01:07 PM
One more post, man! And, no, I'm not still doing the same treatments. After I'd been a member maybe 4-6 months, I greatly reduced the amount of time I spent on my hair. I'm basically back to wash, dry, go.

March 11th, 2010, 01:35 PM
I wouldn't bother doing anything hair related in sync with moon phases.

First, I do not believe in astrology, magic, or any other moon related hocus pocus.

Second, it doesn't make a lot of scientific sense. I know a lot about the moon's effects on the earth because I took a class on it last year and because I sail recreationally.

The moon does have a gravitational pull on the oceans on earth, but remember that there are 2 high tides every day. This is because the earth is spinning on its axis. The tides are highest in the parts of the ocean that the moon is directly above at the moment. The other less extreme high tide is on the exact opposite side of the world. The water on the opposite side of the earth as the moon is also at high tide because the moon effects the water directly under it the most with pull. The water on the sides of the earth will be pulled toward the moon so the "sides" of the earth adjacent to the moon are at low tide while the water on the opposite side of the earth from the moon will be deep and at high tide. This is how the tides work, so I can't see how that would help hair, since every day the moon would be over us once and give us a little pull.
The lunar phases are caused by the moon's orbit around the earth. The complete orbit takes almost a month, around 28 days. When the moon is on the opposite side of the earth as the sun, it is a full moon and when the moon is on the same side of the earth as the sun it is a new moon. The highest tides occur when the gravitation pull of the moon and sun are lined up during the new and full moons. These are called spring tides. The less extreme high tides are called neap tides and occur during the moon's quarter phases, but they aren't as relevant to this hair stuff. Even an unusually high spring tide created by the gravitational pull of the moon and sun working together would only last briefly because the earth is constantly spinning on its axis. The tide would be constantly moving around the world as the earth spins. Even if there was some way for hair to react to pull of the moon, I don't think the moon would be directly over head long enough during a spring tide to create any significant results. Also, the moon is overhead creating high tides every day, regardless of what lunar phase it is in so I do not see why it would matter which phase people cut their hair during.

One final note, the gravitational pull of the moon is only one ten-millionth of earth's pull. The reason why the moon is able to create tides at all is because the earth is spinning and this creates a centrifugal force that helps in creating tides. The earth's water is actually being "thrown" a bit in front of its rotation because of this centrifugal force. This, combined with the moon help to create the tidal water bulge. Keep in mind that tides are far more noticeable by the shore than they are off shore where the water may only rise 1.6 feet.

I know that was long and a bit...boring...but this lunar phase cutting thing bothers me because I believe it to be illogical so I felt the need to defend my position. What that big explanation was meant to get across is that we experience the moon's pull every day, regardless of the moon's phase, and because these tides last a relatively short amount of time and the earth's water is constantly moving, I do not see how the moon's pull could have any real effect on the way our body works. I also do not believe trimming hair can possibly effect the hair follicles at all. How do they know they are being trimmed?

Yarn Muse
March 11th, 2010, 02:05 PM
I also do not believe trimming hair can possibly effect the hair follicles at all. How do they know they are being trimmed?

That's what I think. No matter what effect the moon or other forces may have on us, how would the trimming of the ENDS of the hair really affect what the follicles are doing? I don't see the connection there at all. You might be helping the growth of your hair in the long run because you are getting rid of split ends so they can't travel up the hair shaft, but you aren't doing anything directly to the follicles when you trim.

March 11th, 2010, 02:27 PM
If you believe it will help, then cut using moon phases. It can't hurt. I check the Morrocco Method site for dates to trim. Sometime I manage to trim on one of the good days and sometimes I don't. I've never seen it make a difference. I've also found the moon charts to vary quite a bit :shrug: I'm sure you could find a chart that said it was a good day for about any day of the year.

March 11th, 2010, 02:30 PM
Imagining moon phases can affect hair growth seems very bizarre to me.

Maid of Astolat
March 11th, 2010, 07:23 PM
hehe...looks like I opened up a can of worms. It's really great to get all the opinions though. Personally...like I mentioned in the original post, I don't really believe in such silly nonsense, but I do believe that the moon has a certain effect on things. Not to mention, I am no creature of habit and would therefore fail quite miserably at the task of remembering exactly when I was supposed to trim.

March 11th, 2010, 07:31 PM
I use the Morocco method, but not always, depends on how my hair feels and what it needs. but i do try and follow this method. I mean if the moon affects everyone in some way, why would it not affect the hair?

December 23rd, 2010, 01:37 AM
For faster hair growth:

Trim ends during the New Moon or during the First Phase of the Moon when the light of the moon is increasing.

The best astrological signs for faster, longer and healthier hair is the New Moon in Taurus, Cancer, Scorpio, Capricorn or Pisces.

This thread (http://forums.longhaircommunity.com/showthread.php?t=35044&highlight=moon*+phase*) and this thread (http://forums.longhaircommunity.com/showthread.php?t=37042&highlight=moon*+phase*) will help, as will a search of "moon* phase*" in the Mane Forum. Also, Morrocco Method has up a more comprehensive chart of lunar hair care for this year here (https://morroccomethod.com/lunar-hair-chart).

I was inspired by this thread and those Madame J linked. I don't know if works, but sure is fun to plan! I want to limit my haircutting to maybe 2 to 4 times a year. Doing this I came up with these "good days" for growth and thickness for 2011: jan 18th (first quarter in cancer); april 10th (new moon in cancer); aug 6th (first quarter in scorpio) and nov 5th (first quarter in pisces).

This is where I learned what each phase does:
And when they'll be:

Morrocco Method didn't really say much how it works, the other is zodiac for those who believe. My sun and lunar sign were right about me, so I'll give it a shot.

December 23rd, 2010, 02:07 AM
Some peopel say that the moon affects women who give birth, but one doctor explained it like this to me.

The moon may affect you, but given the distance and how small you are, the wall in your room has just about as much affect on you as the moon does.

December 23rd, 2010, 02:09 AM
I guess it's not "just" about the moon anymore. Plus hair grows so slowly it doesn't need a "big impact" in lack of better words. Like I said, it's for those who believe in zodiac, I guess.

ETA: I actually liked that the other threads had a much better positive attitude than this one, I posted here because it was newer. :shrug:

Maybe someone could combine them into one.

December 23rd, 2010, 11:44 AM
I'm planning to trim on February the 18, which is full moon in Leo.
I don't believe in astrology, but I need to trim in February anyway, it will be a year since my last trim, and the 18 is friday (my wash day), so I thought why not? :)

December 23rd, 2010, 08:44 PM
This is one of those things you chose to believe in because its fun, not because you have expectations. I'm going to trim on Feb 18 because it forces me not to trim before that date.