View Full Version : Thinking about giving up CO-ing

March 9th, 2010, 09:58 AM
I've been a CO washer since October 2009 and I've been thinking about giving up CO-ing lately.
My hair is OK with CO washes but I have as much splits as before. :( I don't have any problem with cleanness or shine, though.
But where I live there are only two conditioners (I mean brands) which are cone-free, Nivea and Garnier Fructis and they are not cheap to use as much of them as I do and washing my hair takes so long with double CO washes (about twice as much time as it takes with shampoo).
So, I'll try using shampoo again but I'm a bit anxious about it. I feel this will be a step back to my old routine when I treated my hair badly. :rolleyes: Maybe I'm a bit obsessed that everything I had done with my hair before joining TLHC was bad...

Does anyone have experience about giving up CO-ing and using shampoo again?

March 9th, 2010, 10:05 AM
I didn't CO for long. It left my hair limp; I like more body to it.

I've had consistent good results from CWC twice a week (or oil/wash/condition). I dilute the shampoo in about 1/2 cup water. I saved an empty shampoo bottle and mix my solution fresh every time.

March 9th, 2010, 11:01 AM
Two thoughts - you don't have to give it up altogether. I will do maybe 2 normal shampoo/conditions to every CO wash. Also, I found I only need one application of conditioner. What I've been doing lately is applying a thinner, cheaper conditioner to the scalp down to the ears then a richer one on the length.

I actually find my CO washes are quicker than my normal ones (where I shampoo twice and then condition, having to detangle after each step). The way I CO, I detangle my dry hair, apply the conditioner, put a plastic shower cap on and leave for an hour, then simply rinse out.

March 9th, 2010, 12:01 PM
Hmm my hair has always enjoyed CO - I didn't even have a transition period. Good luck finding something that works for you!

March 9th, 2010, 01:04 PM
I tried to put conditioner on it once and leave it but I didn't get the same results as I did with double washes. Maybe because my hair is a bit greasy. I have to wash my hair every other day because it is very flat on the second day after washing and I can't wear it down then. It looks greasy even if it is not. :confused:

I didn't have a transition period either. Nobody noticed I don't use shampoo! ;)

When I wash my hair the 'usual' way it's much quicker. Put shampoo on it, rinse, conditioner, rinse, ready. I always shampood it once and didn't detangle during the washing.

I'll give another chance to my old shampoo... If my hair is not soft or shiny I'll start CO-ing again. :D

Thanks for the replies! :)

March 9th, 2010, 01:11 PM
I've tried CO but it hasn't worked for me - I've just started doing CWC and so far I like it

March 10th, 2010, 01:31 AM
I COed for a month or so and really loved what it did for my hair, but then I started shedding like mad, so I stopped. I was quite sad to quit, but what's the point of having nice hair if there isn't going to be much of it?

Information on CO is what brought me to LHC in the first place, and it was a sort of "gateway" method that led me to taking really good care of my hair and being smart about what would and would not work for my hair. It was a bit disheartening to give it up. But hey, you have a treasure trove of great information on this site, and if there's one thing I learned is that some things work for some people and not others. Going back to shampoo isn't going to make you go dunk your head in bleach and then flatiron it :p

As far as how I went back to shampoo, I now use Trader Joe's Tea Tree Tingle. It's sulfate free and cone free, so I can just wash only my scalp and condition the rest, without buildup and without needing to shampoo my length. (The conditioner isn't very moisturizing, but I solved that by adding some heated honey to it.) So far, my hair is pretty happy, and the shedding is back to normal.

What did you like about CO? Did it help you stretch washes? I'm just curious as to why you started CO and perhaps that can give you a goal in creating a new washing routine. For example if it's just to avoid damage on your length from harsh detergents, CWC would work just fine.

March 10th, 2010, 06:20 AM
When I tried CO I thought it meant condition ONLY and did not realize that many people alternate with shampoo or other clarifying washes. Maybe that would help?

My hair stays cleaner longer when I CWC. CO gets it clean and makes the ends softer, but also makes my scalp itchier and crustier. At the moment I alternate - CO every 4 days, then CWC, then a week, then WO or CO again, then 4 days, then CWC. I use very little product - most of my hair's 'moisture' comes from leave-ins (Fox's shea butter, oiling, and Goth Rosary as a leave in), which I only use on my length.

You can also try mixing conditioner with honey - I did this last night for a CO wash, left it on until the end of my shower, and it got my hair nice and clean and did not use very much conditioner.

Also, do you have the brand 'Swiss O Par' where you are? They are cheaper and 'cone free (some 'flavors' anyway). Here in Germany the Alverde line from DM are really good 'cone free products that are not so expensive...

good luck!

March 10th, 2010, 07:19 AM
I'd suggest adding a CWC wash now and then. I don't have a set time to do a CWC. I do one when I feel like it. Also you might need to do a clarifying wash with a clarifying shampoo once in a while. Every now and then most hair seems to like to have a clean slate. CO isn't an "all or nothing" kind of thing. Switching things around works well for me.

March 10th, 2010, 07:47 AM
I think there isn't Swiss O Par here... But there is Alverde. I always do shopping in dm. :crush:
I tried an Alverde conditioner and it made me a horrible build-up... That's the third cone-free condish I've found so far but it didn't work for me. I like Nivea and Garner Fructis, I've never had any problem with them, I've never even had to clarify. :)

The main cause I thought I'd stop CO-ing is that it takes a long time to wash my hair.

I hoped I'd be able to stretch washes with CO-ing but I couldn't because my hair is always very flat on the second day after washing...

I have more time on weekends so I'll do CO washes then and on weekdays when I'm in a hurry I'll use shampoo. It will be OK this way, I think. :) If shampoo makes my hair dry, I'll go back to only CO washes.

March 10th, 2010, 08:02 AM
I have more time on weekends so I'll do CO washes then and on weekdays when I'm in a hurry I'll use shampoo. It will be OK this way, I think. :) If shampoo makes my hair dry, I'll go back to only CO washes.Try using diluted shampoo on just your scalp. Keep if off your ends.

March 10th, 2010, 08:20 AM
I've started using shampoo on my scalp a bit more lately. One thing I've noticed, though, is that my scalp can get a bit dry and tight feeling after shampooing. Probably means I should stick with the milder stuff, dilute it, or keep using the "ultra-moisturizing" shea butter SLES body wash that my scalp seems to like.

March 10th, 2010, 09:31 PM
You could always try doing a CWC method. I went off of CO when I realized my scalp didn't like the be slathered in conditioner.

What I do is use a small bit of shampoo only of my scalp hair, and only use conditioner on the length. You really don't need to let the conditioner sit for a long time on the length as it wont be greasy under normal circumstances.