View Full Version : Just got my first hair fork!!

March 9th, 2010, 04:57 AM
I just had to post! I ordered a Baerreis nautilus 5"FPL in curley maple, and I just got back from the post office to gladly find it had arrived!!! And I must say.....I will never use another hairpin again! LOL or at least try not to. It feels soooo goooood! Of course I had the box open and the fork in my hair before I even made it to the car LOL. My hair is in a plain old bun. It feels secure but not tight. I don't have to readjust because of those little hairs being pulled in certain places. And it is so LIGHT! I was worried about the FPL, because I have waist length hair, and it is fine, so I thought it may be a little long. However, after posting here asking for others advice, I decided on the 5". In truth, I probably could have gone with a 4"FPL, but I love that the fork is big and you can really see it in my hair. And it gives my hair room to grow into the fork. This will last me a good while. The day after I ordered this, I went fork crazy and ordered 2 from Grahtoe not knowing if the FPL would even work LOL. The others I ordered were a 4 1/2" FPL Lilli and a custom 4" FPL cedar moon. I am confident that those too will work perfectly. Oh, and I bought a WTW fork off the swap board yesterday at 4 1/2" FPL.
Before I got this fork, I had ordered 3 more.....and now, I am officially addicted....and I love it!
Thank you LHC, for the advice and the recommendations.
Time to go play with my new toy some more! :D

March 9th, 2010, 05:02 AM
Hehe, it's awesome getting new toys. I got my first hair fork last week. Within in seconds of ripping the package open it was in my hair, then out again, then in again, trying out all sorts of styles. Forks seem to hold just that little bit more securely than a hairstick at times.

I got another new toy this morning, so I'm currently trying that one out. Exciting times.

March 9th, 2010, 05:30 AM
Hehe, it's awesome getting new toys. I got my first hair fork last week. Within in seconds of ripping the package open it was in my hair, then out again, then in again, trying out all sorts of styles. Forks seem to hold just that little bit more securely than a hairstick at times.

I got another new toy this morning, so I'm currently trying that one out. Exciting times.

LOL exactly! I have ordered a cpl hairsticks, and some blanks to make my own. Still haven't gotten those yet, but I went to the teeeeeny tiiiiny craft store on base today and picked up a cpl cute pink cat beads and red mushroom beads for the top.
i also have it in my mind to go out into the woods once the snow has melted to make my own whittled rustic hairsticks. I want to eventually make my own forks, but I don't have power tools for that, and I don't think you can make them without. For now, I will leave y forks to the professional toy makers LOL

March 9th, 2010, 05:56 AM
Hooray for forks! They are just great. :) I have one I use to secure my bedtime hair, and you know that's got to be good. I'm delighted with how comfortable they are. And they hold so well.

Enjoy your new addiction. ;)

March 9th, 2010, 07:02 AM
Congratulations, deviantkitten!!! I am starting on my hair-fork addiction path, too. :blueeek: Enjoy them! I can't wait to get mine as well. :gabigrin:

Hooray for forks! They are just great. :) I have one I use to secure my bedtime hair, and you know that's got to be good. I'm delighted with how comfortable they are. And they hold so well.

Embee, how do you wear a fork in your hair to bed???

March 9th, 2010, 07:05 AM
Hehe - yays!!! I'm right in there with you, deviantkitten and Pixna. I need a cheaper hobby. :p

March 9th, 2010, 07:13 AM
I need a cheaper hobby. :p

Truer words were never said!! I need a cheaper hobby as well as a separate room or vault to store all my hair toys. They are taking over my life!! :bigeyes:

March 9th, 2010, 07:22 AM
No pictures?

Carrie Ingalls
March 9th, 2010, 08:18 AM
Congrats on your first fork! I only have one, but I have been wearing it constantly since I got it in September 09. Love and take care of all your pretty new forks and they should last a very long time. :)

Pixna, I too sleep in my hair fork (a 60th st.), I find it very comfortable and it keeps my hair contained. I am usually a stomach/side sleeper, though I do sometimes sleep on my back with no problems. I just wear it in my regular updo (these days it is usually my failed figure eight). Sometimes the fork has slid out by morning and other times it has held like a rock.

March 9th, 2010, 08:33 AM
Carrie, I'd be so afraid of breaking the fork or poking holes in my pillow. I'm impressed that your hair, your fork, your pillow, and you have done so well with this. What size fork do you need to hold your incredible length? (Just curious--as it would probably take me about ten more years to reach your length!)

March 9th, 2010, 08:34 AM
Grats! :D
I got my fist pair of hairsticks today too. But I wasnt so lucky. The website I ordered them from said: "Thick hairsticks for long and thick hair" and then there was a picture showing that they really did seem rather large. Well, they came today and I was so disapointed. The hairsticks are thiner than most regular pencils! :( yea, so much for the "large hairsticks". At least they were cheap, 2.4€ pair.