View Full Version : I'm bummed and need a new hair toy, help me decide

May 2nd, 2008, 02:24 PM
I finished a top last night I've been working on for about a week in the evenings. It looked super cute in my head...not so cute done :( It's a mock wrap top with half being chocolate brown and half being aqua...maybe someday I'll learn how to dress myself.

After all my hard work to end up with something I am just not sure about has me bummed. So I've decided I need a new hair toy, unfortunately I have somewhat expensive taste so I can only have one.

Do I want a Bronze Jewelers screw, a Ficcarismo, a Millenium, a Super Clip or an Innovation?

Or do I want something entirely different...?

I do have several sticks (so many I'm not sure how many...need to post on the swap board eventually), but I have no screws, I have 2 Maximus's and a Dolphin on the way. Ficcares are freaky comfy if I use it in the right updo and don't choke the poor thing and have it spit hair all over.

May 2nd, 2008, 02:26 PM
If you want to ensure that you'll feel better with the new toy, I would suggest buying something that you KNOW will work. Otherwise, if you get it and it doesn't, then you're back to feeling bummed!

I'm sorry the top didn't work out. Maybe you could dye it to all the same color?

May 2nd, 2008, 02:35 PM
Euphony, those colors are interesting together - REALLY. I have a pair of slate blue pants I wear all the time with a milk-chocolate colored mock wrap top and it looks very good together! Maybe you'll like it more if you wear it with the right skirt??? Something perhaps close in color to the chocolate brown part of the top? I'd love to see a picture of the top....

I'm all for self-medicating with a new hair toy. I agree that you should go with something that you know works, but add a little twist and get it in an unexpected color! Something maybe a little wild for you? I could totally see you with an animal print Ficcare....grrrrrrr!

May 2nd, 2008, 02:49 PM
I agree with all the previous posters. Go with what works, but go for a daring color too! Good luck :)

May 2nd, 2008, 02:52 PM
Hmmm. You've got fairly massive thickness, don't you? You might want a Superclip. I've heard nothing but good about them from the people here with big hair. Otherwise, I'd vote for the Bronze Jewelers screw, or maybe a hair dagger (BJ or Nightshade's).

May 2nd, 2008, 03:20 PM
Okay, I'm leaning toward a Ficcarismo because it seems to be just like the Maximus except in looks. Considering I have 2 Maximus's and soon will have a Dolphin that is pretty similar to the Maximus I'm thinking I want the streamlined look of Ficcarismo. I gotta say though I think I'm gonna have to pass on the animal print idea...unless I make a top to go with it...:grin:

So you all wanna help me pick out a color? I have a gold primavera and dark blonde in the Maximus and the Dolphin I'm waiting for is a honey marble.

I'll try posting a pic of the top I made. This is the material I have set aside to make a skirt with that is supposed to go with the top: http://www.ciaspalette.com/images/320x320/wfab0290.jpg

I told my husband last night that perhaps the skirt will be so loud it'll drown out the screaming of the top LOL

ETA: Ohhhhhh my, I didn't know Nightshade was making daggers...

May 2nd, 2008, 03:33 PM
I absolutely adore my screw from BJ, so I'm a little prejudiced.

BTW, I LOVE aqua and brown together!

May 2nd, 2008, 03:36 PM
If you get a BronzeJeweler screw, I could live vicariously through you. Eh? Doesn't that sound like an attractive prospect? That's one of my biggest lemmings, but I can't justify the cost right now.

If you already have several Ficcares, but no screws, I know which I'd vote for! But that's me.

Nightshade's daggers look pretty cool!

May 2nd, 2008, 03:51 PM
I absolutely adore my screw from BJ, so I'm a little prejudiced.

BTW, I LOVE aqua and brown together!
I'm thinking if I don't get a screw this time, I'm going to get one next time I buy a toy (wow does that sentence sound very ummm hmmm...never mind).

I'm also thinking I'll need another toy in about a month ;)

ETA: Nightshade's daggers do look cool!

May 2nd, 2008, 06:51 PM
I'm thinking if I don't get a screw this time, I'm going to get one next time I buy a toy (wow does that sentence sound very ummm hmmm...never mind).

I'm also thinking I'll need another toy in about a month ;)

ETA: Nightshade's daggers do look cool!

I believe that I heard somewhere that buying new hair toys is very patriotic. :)

May 2nd, 2008, 07:36 PM
I love brown and aqua together too! I also love that material pattern for the skirt. As far as the new hair toy, I can't help you there. There are just too many choices. :gabigrin: Where did you find a dolphin clip?

May 2nd, 2008, 08:50 PM
I love brown and aqua together too! I also love that material pattern for the skirt. As far as the new hair toy, I can't help you there. There are just too many choices. :gabigrin: Where did you find a dolphin clip?
I traded a blue jean Maxima with the lovely Hypnotica for it.

I agree, buying hairtoys is very patriotic :D

May 3rd, 2008, 01:22 AM
Can someone explain the patriotic? I mean I buy from overseas mostly.. how can that be patriotic? *giggle*

Cinnamon Hair
May 3rd, 2008, 03:18 AM
Can someone explain the patriotic? I mean I buy from overseas mostly.. how can that be patriotic? *giggle*

Easy. You're an honorary American patriot! (assuming you buy US products)

May 3rd, 2008, 03:49 AM
Ohhhhh ok :D Now it makes sense again *giggles*

May 3rd, 2008, 05:53 AM
I traded a blue jean Maxima with the lovely Hypnotica for it.

I agree, buying hairtoys is very patriotic :D


Blue Ficcare with silver (white) boarder and red hair.....does the colours remind you of something...?

I guess I'm a patrioic to the world because I shop all around it. GO EARTH!

May 3rd, 2008, 09:29 AM

Blue Ficcare with silver (white) boarder and red hair.....does the colours remind you of something...?

I guess I'm a patrioic to the world because I shop all around it. GO EARTH!

I'm the same way ~ GO EARTH!!

Funny, hadn't thought about the blue with silver in the beautiful red hair of yours!