View Full Version : Braveheart and Hair

February 26th, 2010, 12:25 PM
I watched Braveheart last night and I hadn't seen it in quite some time... I had forgotten how awesome Princess Isabelle's hair is! I really enjoy Medieval hair styles and clothes. I couldn't find many pictures on the Internet of her, so I took a few screen captures of my own.









I really like the wrapped braid she has in a few scenes. I'm not really sure what it's wrapped with, but it looks pretty. She also has some sort of chain or beads braided into her braid in a few scenes, too, but I don't think I have a picture of that.

February 26th, 2010, 12:47 PM
I love the hair in Braveheart, specially Princess Isabelle's, below knee length and the braids and up do's. Plus Mel's hair looked great too. (not to mention he is so drop dead gorgeous!)

I love everything about the movie, also love medieval styles in hair and clothes. Must admit it was this movie that made me convinced i wanted super long hair, i have dreamed often of having hair just as long as Princess Isabelle's.

Thanks for sharing, loved to watch the stills and made me want to watch Brave Heart again. Haven't in a while, too sad for me in parts, specially the end of Wallace, so unjust!

February 26th, 2010, 12:49 PM
I am with you on this, I watch it sometimes just to look at the clothes and hair..and I love her whisper to the king ...:queen: so very "YES" moment! i wonder though , how do they get those things to stay in the hair, like the on in pic #5...?

February 26th, 2010, 12:55 PM
You mean the wrapping, bunnyhare? not sure exactly, but i once bought this braid wrapper and it had a comb on one end that stuck to the hair at the beginning of the braid and then you simply closed the rest of the wrapper with velcro. but i am not sure how they did it in the movie.

Ohhh yes! that whisper as he died was perfect!


February 26th, 2010, 12:57 PM
Thanks for sharing, loved to watch the stills and made me want to watch Brave Heart again. Haven't in a while, too sad for me in parts, specially the end of Wallace, so unjust!

My fiance saw it for the first time last night, and he told me he didn't like it because the ending was sad! I tried to console him by pointing out that at the end, Scotland gains its independence, but he didn't like that :)

You're right, though, Braveheart is one of those movies that can be too sad to watch often. I have a friend who refuses to watch Dances With Wolves because it makes her weep everytime she sees it. A few tears came to my eyes as Wallace died, but I've been getting better about crying during movies lately. I still cry like a little girl at the end of All Dogs Go to Heaven, though :)

February 26th, 2010, 12:59 PM
I am with you on this, I watch it sometimes just to look at the clothes and hair..and I love her whisper to the king ...:queen: so very "YES" moment!

Oh yes, that is probably my favorite moment in the whole film!

February 26th, 2010, 01:01 PM
when i first read the title of this thread i thought it has about mel gibson's hair :))

February 26th, 2010, 01:59 PM
:eyebrows:I never could see what the big whoop was about Mel Gibson before that movie came out! Put a man in a kilt and some extensions, and suddenly I'm intrigued...:eyebrows:

February 26th, 2010, 02:51 PM
I never could see what the big whoop was about Mel Gibson before that movie came out! Put a man in a kilt and some extensions, and suddenly I'm intrigued...

Seriously. :)

Also, is it possible to get those great looks without extensions and hairpieces? I hope so..... even if I can't I'm still growing! I also think I need to rethink the whole only-growing-to-waist/hip thing.....

February 26th, 2010, 03:12 PM
My fiance saw it for the first time last night, and he told me he didn't like it because the ending was sad! I tried to console him by pointing out that at the end, Scotland gains its independence, but he didn't like that :)

You're right, though, Braveheart is one of those movies that can be too sad to watch often. I have a friend who refuses to watch Dances With Wolves because it makes her weep everytime she sees it. :)

You've mentioned two of my favorite long hair films, Braveheart and dances with wolves. :) Sophie Marceau's hair was awesome as princess Isabella. I loved Rodney Grant's hair as Wind in his hair and whoever played Smiles a lot. ;)

February 26th, 2010, 03:39 PM
I love Braveheart! They have such amazing styles of hair and clothing. Very fun to watch.

February 26th, 2010, 03:45 PM
I loved Rodney Grant's hair as Wind in his hair and whoever played Smiles a lot. ;)[/QUOTE]

Seriously - Dances With Wolves was darn near porn for me.

February 27th, 2010, 10:46 AM
My fiance saw it for the first time last night, and he told me he didn't like it because the ending was sad! I tried to console him by pointing out that at the end, Scotland gains its independence, but he didn't like that :)

Not liking Braveheart is like... not liking Ice Cream!! It just doesn't seem possible! :D

February 28th, 2010, 11:37 AM
You've mentioned two of my favorite long hair films, Braveheart and dances with wolves. :) Sophie Marceau's hair was awesome as princess Isabella. I loved Rodney Grant's hair as Wind in his hair and whoever played Smiles a lot. ;)

I love Wind In His Hair! His hair is so lovely, and so is he!

Not liking Braveheart is like... not liking Ice Cream!! It just doesn't seem possible! :D

LoL... I know!

February 28th, 2010, 11:55 AM
I watched Braveheart last night and I hadn't seen it in quite some time... I had forgotten how awesome Princess Isabelle's hair is! I really enjoy Medieval hair styles and clothes. I couldn't find many pictures on the Internet of her, so I took a few screen captures of my own.









I really like the wrapped braid she has in a few scenes. I'm not really sure what it's wrapped with, but it looks pretty. She also has some sort of chain or beads braided into her braid in a few scenes, too, but I don't think I have a picture of that.

Fake hair was *really* common in the middle ages, especially for the more complex styles. The first picture style is called "cauls," and was often fake hair, or a kind of "earmuff" pad that was decorated. These were then either pinned into the hair, or set into netting or onto a hat, coronet, or crown (depending on station and occasion). Sometimes, the cauls were not even the same color as the hair. I have a black velvet set decorated with glass jewels and gold trim, hung on a gold coronet that is the earmuff style above (I uploaded here, but it's a really bad pic: http://farm5.static.flickr.com/4003/4395076611_22f33d0204_o.gif) , and a set that matches my hair (blonde) in the "tube" style (I'll see if I can find a picture of that).

Getting some of the styles without fake hair or extensions is possible, but some aren't. The tube style caul, for example, would be very, very difficult without fake hair. The "earmuff" style is easier, but most of the women I've talked to have problems getting it to stay in place without taping/sewing it there, which is cumbersome (and can require a second person).

February 28th, 2010, 01:58 PM
I just watched this movie recently as well! Hadn't seen it in several years. This has always been one of my favorite hair movies, despite the fact that most of the hair in that movie is a bit, um, nasty. :P At least it's realistic in that sense, though... don't you just love movies in which the protagonist falls out of of a plane into an ocean, swims to shore, and then wades out of the water with perfectly dry, coiffed hair. Lol.

February 28th, 2010, 02:34 PM
Seriously - Dances With Wolves was darn near porn for me.

I know I know ! :eyebrows:

September 7th, 2010, 07:55 AM
I'm bringing this thread back just because I watched this movie again last night and searched on google for photos of her hair in this and this thread was the first link in google! Definatly drool worthy hair, she pulls it off wonderfully. I was wondering what the point of those veils she has on that are tightly wrapped around her head and chin though, like in the first photo. Was is purely decorative?

September 7th, 2010, 08:47 AM
Thats what I love about medieval movies like this, there is always long beautiful hair :) I also really liked the actress who played Guinevere from First Knights hair.

September 7th, 2010, 09:22 AM
I'm not a big fan of the story, don't know why, but yes, the hair and outfits are stunning :)

September 7th, 2010, 07:41 PM
I love this movie and Princess Isabelle's hair is jsut gorgeous I would die to have a braid like hers :) I also love historical movies an dthis is one of my favorites!!!

September 7th, 2010, 07:56 PM
Oh, gorgeous! I haven't seen that movie before, but looks like some great hair! :D

Isadora Lewie
September 9th, 2010, 01:44 PM
Cool hair indeedio, but just so as you all know - Braveheart is not a historical movie and most Scots are mortified that Mel Gibsons version of 'history' is presented to the world as authentic.

I'm no historian so can't point out all the plot holes but take me on my word at this one, Scotland did not get it's independence.

Historian friends tell me that William Wallace died when the French princess was five years old, he also never met Robert the Bruce.
AND he apparently fought as a mercenary soldier on the side of the English.

The Braveheart story is mostly made up in the movie - there was a William Wallace, he did lead a rebellion, there is an 'auld alliance' between the French and the scots. Beyond that it's all artistic license.

Good popcorn fun though! :-) me and my fifteen year old loved shouting, 'they will never take... Our freedohhhhhhm!'

We definitely saw ourselves as the renegades :-)

January 5th, 2012, 12:40 AM
Don't kill me for resurrecting this thread yet again, but I was looking for some pictures of Isabella's hair on google and one of the links led here.
Seriously, I think I found my dream hair. :blueeek:
I think I may have to lengthen my goal length! (and buy some really pretty dresses ;))

May 2nd, 2015, 10:38 AM
Braveheart was one of my late husbands favorite movies. He absolutely loved long, long hair. I intend to grow it out as long as it will go for him and for myself.