View Full Version : Have a laugh at this... Hair guard?????

February 26th, 2010, 12:09 AM
Not a seroius suggestion, I just happened across it and thought you all might get a quick joke or two out of it.


February 26th, 2010, 12:13 AM
ROTFLOL! now that is quite an invention. do you think it works with hair Classic to knee length?

Thanks for sharing, it is such a funny idea! I can just imagine myself sitting at the Chinese restaurant and pulling that out and putting it on. wonder how many people would actually use it?

February 26th, 2010, 12:18 AM
Love it! I actually had something eerily similar as a kid, a thing like this (http://www.amazon.co.uk/SHAMPOO-EYE-AND-FACE-SHIELD/dp/B002G2XBTM/ref=cm_cr_pr_pb_t/280-8122650-5099750) to keep shampoo out of my eyes when my mom was washing my hair. It fit a little differently but looked just as silly!

February 26th, 2010, 12:30 AM
Bwahahahaahahahahahaahahahaaahaaaa!!!!!!!!!!! :rollin:

Lucky for me, my hair is now past TB length. I can wear it down and its very length can actually hold all my hair back. I simply pull my hair over my back, and it will stay behind my back without once falling forward in front of my face when I bring my head down to eat.

But still seriously, maybe I'm just easily embarrassed but I would rather simply tie my hair back into a ponytail or a braid or a bun instead of wearing that thing. It looks like one of those cones that a poor injured dog would wear around his neck. :D

February 26th, 2010, 12:33 AM
Hey look, it's a daisy eating noodles! Ha ha! That's the funniest website.

Shermie Girl
February 26th, 2010, 12:34 AM
Bwahahahaha!! :rollin:

February 26th, 2010, 12:35 AM
Hee hee hee heeeeeeeeeee!!!!!

February 26th, 2010, 12:46 AM
Hahahahaha :D. Thatīs funny

February 26th, 2010, 12:50 AM
Bwahahahaahahahahahaahahahaaahaaaa!!!!!!!!!!! :rollin:

Lucky for me, my hair is now past TB length. I can wear it down and its very length can actually hold all my hair back. I simply pull my hair over my back, and it will stay behind my back without once falling forward in front of my face when I bring my head down to eat.

But still seriously, maybe I'm just easily embarrassed but I would rather simply tie my hair back into a ponytail or a braid or a bun instead of wearing that thing. It looks like one of those cones that a poor injured dog would wear around his neck. :D

Actually, that's a good point. When I chopped back my hair to APL, I had to hold it again while brushing my teeth.

February 26th, 2010, 12:54 AM
Hehee, I've see that before, and I have to either throw my hair behind my shoulders or put it up when I eat because I hunch over my food :D

It's also damn near impossible to eat ramen without hunching over it unless you bring the bowl to your mouth, so it makes sense :D

February 26th, 2010, 01:46 AM
Hehe :D brilliant

February 26th, 2010, 02:11 AM
Yes I had one of these too when I was little - for keeping shampoo out of your eyes. Wore it slightly differently or course.

February 26th, 2010, 02:24 AM
Really?? Why not just a head band??:shrug:

February 26th, 2010, 02:31 AM
Or a ponytail???? Does that person have to make self silly while eating noodles?? :D

February 26th, 2010, 05:33 AM
Okay, now that I have fallen out of my chair from laughing so hard..............lol. That is great! Anyways, what about all the hair hanging out the bottom? See, if it was me I would end up with my ends in the noodles even with the awesome pink hair guard.

February 26th, 2010, 06:39 AM
Hilarious! :D

February 26th, 2010, 06:47 AM
That looks silly!

But that's a shampoo hat (http://images.google.com/images?hl=en&client=safari&rls=en&q=shampoo+hat&oq=&um=1&ie=UTF-8&ei=u9CHS_OMK4fSMoOr2dIO&sa=X&oi=image_result_group&ct=title&resnum=7&ved=0CDoQsAQwBg), right? When I was a child, I used to wear it so that my eyes would not sting. Works really well.

February 26th, 2010, 06:47 AM
I was one of the mom's who put one of those things on my daughter's hair to rinse. She would freak out while I rinsed so I was desperate. She liked it.

February 26th, 2010, 06:51 AM
People are crazy :rolleyes: If your hair gets in your food, I would think you'd know to use a headband or put your hair in a ponytail :crazyq:

February 26th, 2010, 06:53 AM
Thanks for the laugh to start my day! But I'm with Nae - I'd end up with the ends of my hair in the noodles! :rollin:

February 26th, 2010, 06:58 AM
I like that this person's hair hangs down below the guard so despite looking silly, the hair is STILL not protected. But I must say, this would have come in handy for when I was eating a grapefruit yesterday. ;)

February 26th, 2010, 09:25 AM
You're supposed to hold the bowl up to your chin! it makes noodle-eating much easier.

February 26th, 2010, 09:33 AM
Ok...that's it :D

I want a leopard print one! I bet that would be very flattering for my shoulder length hair! ;)


It would come in handy for Halloween, though! ;)

February 26th, 2010, 11:03 AM
Oh that is hilarious! :rollin:

February 26th, 2010, 11:46 AM
Hilarious! Looks like a stray costume from the Wizard of Oz!

Looks dumb AND doesn't work, I wonder if they get extra Foolish Gadget points for that? Maybe there's a Foolish Gadget Hall of Fame?

I never saw those shampoo caps when my kids were little, they look kind of fun. I just trained my kids to tip their head back when I rinsed their hair so the water would run down their back, not toward their eyes.

February 26th, 2010, 11:56 AM
Hahahahahahahahhahaaaaaa that is silly! :rollin:

February 26th, 2010, 11:59 AM
:rollin: That is hysterical!

February 26th, 2010, 12:03 PM
I've been looking for something like this EVERYWHERE!!! My prayers have been answered!!! Thank you Jesus!!


Too funny... brightened my day!

February 26th, 2010, 12:23 PM
Haha!! I've actually seen this before, while flipping through a book of useless inventions at a Barnes & Noble store...not sure if thats going to take off :)

February 26th, 2010, 12:30 PM
The problem is not the dorky guard - it's then looking at other items they find. And then NEEDING those items.... Such as CAT ATTACK.... (http://foolishgadgets.com/201002/cat-attack-for-your-feline-friends/) Or Plant and books, all in one.... (http://foolishgadgets.com/201002/make-it-look-like-your-book-is-growing-with-grass-bookmarks/) And finally my nephews will LOVE me.... (http://foolishgadgets.com/201002/the-colorflame-birthday-candles/)

Yes, I have now ordered those lovely toys....

February 26th, 2010, 12:35 PM
Loved it! :D

Although I genuinely want an adult-sized shampoo hat! I have ear infections and can never keep the water out of my ears!

February 26th, 2010, 12:46 PM
Ii do prefer to put my hair up when eating, but I think its more psychological than physical , I would look so absolutley smashing in this foam daisy thingy-...yea no....

February 26th, 2010, 01:09 PM
looks funny but it is practical

February 26th, 2010, 01:17 PM
Daisy?? Where are y'all seeing a flower? I'm seeing a cupcake liner.....

February 26th, 2010, 01:24 PM
Daisy?? Where are y'all seeing a flower? I'm seeing a cupcake liner.....

So am I now you've mentioned it! :D

February 26th, 2010, 02:35 PM
Love it! I actually had something eerily similar as a kid, a thing like this (http://www.amazon.co.uk/SHAMPOO-EYE-AND-FACE-SHIELD/dp/B002G2XBTM/ref=cm_cr_pr_pb_t/280-8122650-5099750) to keep shampoo out of my eyes when my mom was washing my hair. It fit a little differently but looked just as silly!

Yes, I was another one who wore this. It worked though. In a way...better than noodle fae would anyway!

February 26th, 2010, 02:43 PM
Ahahaha, that looks so funny and cute! She looks like a flower... lol