View Full Version : Multi quote practice needed anyone? :p

February 25th, 2010, 09:38 AM
Okay, since I heard that some of us need practice with how to multi quote :wink: thatīs what the test board is for. Please test away :D

It works like this:
Click the "+ button on the bottom right of the post, to the right of "Reply With Quote" if you plan to quote more people than just one person. The plus sign will turn into a check mark letting you know it was clicked.

Next you hit the "+ button under the post of the next person you would like to quote. The plus sign there will also turn into a check mark.

Repeat if you want to quote more people.
At the last person you want to quote click "Reply With Quote", this opens the reply box with all the quotes it it.
(Do not click "+ or "Reply" at the last person to quote, that does not seem to work.)

Too complicated? Okay.

Step by step guide:

Click the "+ button for this thread.

February 25th, 2010, 09:38 AM
Click the "+ button for this thread, too.

February 25th, 2010, 09:39 AM
But click the Reply With Quote button for this thread.

If you don't know when the last post you will want to quote is, you can substitute using the "+Reply to Thread" button at the bottom of the page for "Reply With Quote". It should still have all your quoted posts saved and ready to use.

ETA: Or see here for another method. (http://forums.longhaircommunity.com/showthread.php?p=992438#post992438)

February 25th, 2010, 09:40 AM
Okay, since I heard that some of us need practice with how to multi quote :wink: thatīs what the test board is for. Please test away :D

It works like this:
Click the "quote+" button if you plan to quote more people than just one person.
Next you hit the "quote+" button under the post of the next person you would like to quote.
Repeat if you want to quote more people.
At the last person you want to quote click "quote", this opens the reply box with all the quotes it it.
(Do not click "quote+" or "reply" at the last person to quote, that does not seem to work.)

Too complicated? Okay.

Step by step guide:

Click the quote+ button for this thread.

Click the quote+ button for this thread, too.

But click the quote button for this thread.

And it should look like this.
:cheese: for everyone when it works :D

February 25th, 2010, 10:57 AM
Okay, since I heard that some of us need practice with how to multi quote :wink: thatīs what the test board is for. Please test away :D

It works like this:
Click the "quote+" button if you plan to quote more people than just one person.
Next you hit the "quote+" button under the post of the next person you would like to quote.
Repeat if you want to quote more people.
At the last person you want to quote click "quote", this opens the reply box with all the quotes it it.
(Do not click "quote+" or "reply" at the last person to quote, that does not seem to work.)

Too complicated? Okay.

Step by step guide:

Click the quote+ button for this thread.

Click the quote+ button for this thread, too.

But click the quote button for this thread.

And it should look like this.
:cheese: for everyone when it works :D

Yes? Does it? :ponder:

:D Hey, this works!

February 25th, 2010, 11:23 AM
Okay, since I heard that some of us need practice with how to multi quote :wink: thatīs what the test board is for. Please test away :D

It works like this:
Click the "quote+" button if you plan to quote more people than just one person.
Next you hit the "quote+" button under the post of the next person you would like to quote.
Repeat if you want to quote more people.
At the last person you want to quote click "quote", this opens the reply box with all the quotes it it.
(Do not click "quote+" or "reply" at the last person to quote, that does not seem to work.)

Too complicated? Okay.

Step by step guide:

Click the quote+ button for this thread.

Click the quote+ button for this thread, too.

But click the quote button for this thread.

Thank you, Finoriel :flowers:

February 25th, 2010, 11:40 AM
Okay, since I heard that some of us need practice with how to multi quote :wink: thatīs what the test board is for. Please test away :D

It works like this:
Click the "quote+" button if you plan to quote more people than just one person.
Next you hit the "quote+" button under the post of the next person you would like to quote.
Repeat if you want to quote more people.
At the last person you want to quote click "quote", this opens the reply box with all the quotes it it.
(Do not click "quote+" or "reply" at the last person to quote, that does not seem to work.)

Too complicated? Okay.

Step by step guide:

Click the quote+ button for this thread.

Click the quote+ button for this thread, too.

But click the quote button for this thread.

Ooh, cool! That was a lot easier than I thought! Thanks so much for the tutorial :)

February 25th, 2010, 04:29 PM
good idea :)

February 25th, 2010, 04:50 PM
Okay, since I heard that some of us need practice with how to multi quote :wink: thatīs what the test board is for. Please test away :D

It works like this:
Click the "quote+" button if you plan to quote more people than just one person.
Next you hit the "quote+" button under the post of the next person you would like to quote.
Repeat if you want to quote more people.
At the last person you want to quote click "quote", this opens the reply box with all the quotes it it.
(Do not click "quote+" or "reply" at the last person to quote, that does not seem to work.)

Too complicated? Okay.

Step by step guide:

Click the quote+ button for this thread.

Click the quote+ button for this thread, too.

But click the quote button for this thread.
:p I knew how to do this already, but it looked like fun, so I joined in, too. :cheese:

February 26th, 2010, 02:47 PM
Okay, since I heard that some of us need practice with how to multi quote :wink: thatīs what the test board is for. Please test away :D

It works like this:
Click the "quote+" button if you plan to quote more people than just one person.
Next you hit the "quote+" button under the post of the next person you would like to quote.
Repeat if you want to quote more people.
At the last person you want to quote click "quote", this opens the reply box with all the quotes it it.
(Do not click "quote+" or "reply" at the last person to quote, that does not seem to work.)

Too complicated? Okay.

Step by step guide:

Click the quote+ button for this thread.

Click the quote+ button for this thread, too.

But click the quote button for this thread.

Another one who already knows, but just couldn't resist the fun. :D

February 26th, 2010, 02:50 PM
This thread reminds me of a German children´s game Ich packe meinen Koffer. :D

February 27th, 2010, 03:15 AM
Yes? Does it?

Hey, this works!

Thank you, Finoriel

Ooh, cool! That was a lot easier than I thought! Thanks so much for the tutorial

good idea
Of course it works :wink: youīre welcome. If you know how it works itīs always easy ... but until one knows it takes some time. :p Donīt ask how often I tried and failed until I found out how it works.

I knew how to do this already, but it looked like fun, so I joined in, too.

Another one who already knows, but just couldn't resist the fun.
:laugh: And now we can even quote others.

This thread reminds me of a German childrenīs game Ich packe meinen Koffer.

Hrhr indeed it has something of the game. Not sure if thereīs a "Iīm packing my bag"-game in English speaking countries though.
Iīve always been packing my bag with a pen and some paper :p so I can make a list with the things Iīm packing in there.

natt i nord
February 27th, 2010, 06:11 AM
Okay, since I heard that some of us need practice with how to multi quote :wink: that´s what the test board is for. Please test away :D

It works like this:
Click the "quote+" button if you plan to quote more people than just one person.
Next you hit the "quote+" button under the post of the next person you would like to quote.
Repeat if you want to quote more people.
At the last person you want to quote click "quote", this opens the reply box with all the quotes it it.
(Do not click "quote+" or "reply" at the last person to quote, that does not seem to work.)

Too complicated? Okay.

Step by step guide:

Click the quote+ button for this thread.

Click the quote+ button for this thread, too.

But click the quote button for this thread.

And it should look like this.
:cheese: for everyone when it works :D

Wanted to have fun too! :D

For those who don't know, the game works the following:
Child A Says 'Ich packe meinen Koffer und nehme mit: Einen Stift' (-> I'm packing my bag and take: A pen)
Child B says the same, repeats what Child A took and adds an own thing. So: ''Ich packe meinen Koffer und nehme mit: einen Stift, eine Uhr' (-> I'm packing my bag and take: A pen, a watch)
Then Child A says this again, repeats what was taken until that point (watch, pen) and adds something again.
Then it's Child B's turn again.

As soon as the first one forgets something or mixes up the order the game is over. :)

February 27th, 2010, 07:47 AM
:p I knew how to do this already, but it looked like fun, so I joined in, too. :cheese:
It's fun isn't it?

This thread reminds me of a German childrenīs game Ich packe meinen Koffer. :D

That made me smile. :)

:laugh: And now we can even quote others.

Yes, it's a hoot!!! :rollin: The way I do multi-quoting, my last step is different from yours, but I'm not going to mention it and confuse anyone, because your way is just as easy. :lipssealed:

February 27th, 2010, 07:56 AM
Yes, it's a hoot!!! :rollin: The way I do multi-quoting, my last step is different from yours, but I'm not going to mention it and confuse anyone, because your way is just as easy. :lipssealed:

Oh no! :scared: Now you confused me.

:wink: You can always open another practice thread "Multiquote for advanced learners - method II" or so :silly: or just tell us how you do it here. Iīm sure everyone does things different and maybe some people like your method better. You never know.
And inquiring minds want to know. Please? :o Seriously such hints kill me.

natt i nord
February 27th, 2010, 08:01 AM
I think she just does it the way you described but she doesn't click on 'Quote' at the last post. I think she clicks 'Quote +' there as well and uses the 'Reply'-button in top or at the bottom of every page.

February 27th, 2010, 08:54 AM
Oh no! :scared: Now you confused me.

:wink: You can always open another practice thread "Multiquote for advanced learners - method II" or so :silly: or just tell us how you do it here. Iīm sure everyone does things different and maybe some people like your method better. You never know.
And inquiring minds want to know. Please? :o Seriously such hints kill me.

Okay, okay, I'll tell you. :laugh:

I think she just does it the way you described but she doesn't click on 'Quote' at the last post. I think she clicks 'Quote +' there as well and uses the 'Reply'-button in top or at the bottom of every page.

Yes, that's right. I'll describe it in Finoriel's fashion. A lot of people goof this up by hitting the wrong "reply: button.

February 27th, 2010, 08:56 AM
Method # 2

Step by step guide:

Click the quote+ button for this post.

February 27th, 2010, 08:57 AM
Click the quote+ button for this post, too.

February 27th, 2010, 08:58 AM
Click the quote+ button for this third post, too.

February 27th, 2010, 09:00 AM
Now hit the big Reply button on the lower left side of the page, right below the posts--where you would normally hit to reply to any normal post.

February 27th, 2010, 09:01 AM
Method # 2

Step by step guide:

Click the quote+ button for this post.

Click the quote+ button for this post, too.

Click the quote+ button for this third post, too.

Now hit the big Reply button on the lower left side of the page, right below the posts--where you would normally hit to reply to any normal post.

And the result is the same!

February 27th, 2010, 02:03 PM
good idea :)

This thread reminds me of a German childrenīs game Ich packe meinen Koffer. :D
Is that like Follow the Leader? or Simon Says? ;)

Now hit the big Reply button on the lower left side of the page, right below the posts--where you would normally hit to reply to any normal post.
Ahha, there is another way to do it. I've always done it the other way. It is always good to know more than one way to do something.

February 27th, 2010, 02:14 PM
And the result is the same!
Magic :D
I always messed that up because I used the wrong reply button... but *psst* donīt tell anyone :wink:

Is that like Follow the Leader? or Simon Says? ;)

Hmm not really, I think. I just have a vague idea how Simonīs game works though.
The bag-packing game is a memory training one.
The first person says "Iīm packing a pencil into my bag."
The second person then has to pack a pencil and something else, like a brush, so they say "Iīm packing a pencil and a brush into my bag."
The third one has to pack the pencil, the brush and something else.
And so on.
Game over is when someone messes up :p which of course has to be noticed by the others, which is difficult when the bag got heavy because of a gazillion things in there and no one remembers if the brush came before the pencil or after the comfort blanket :silly:

natt i nord
February 27th, 2010, 02:32 PM
Simon says works the following -
There's a group of children and a 'leader'. The leader tells the group things to do, for example 'stand up' or 'sit down'
But the group must only follow when the leader begins the sentence with 'Simon says'. Otherwise they are to ignore the command. Everyone who makes a mistake is out of the game, the last one left wins.

That's the way I know it.

February 28th, 2010, 05:37 AM
Ahha, there is another way to do it. I've always done it the other way. It is always good to know more than one way to do something.

I agree. :agree:

Magic :D
I always messed that up because I used the wrong reply button... but *psst* don´t tell anyone :wink: :lipssealed:

Hmm not really, I think. I just have a vague idea how Simon´s game works though.
The bag-packing game is a memory training one.
The first person says "I´m packing a pencil into my bag."
The second person then has to pack a pencil and something else, like a brush, so they say "I´m packing a pencil and a brush into my bag."
The third one has to pack the pencil, the brush and something else.
And so on.
Game over is when someone messes up :p which of course has to be noticed by the others, which is difficult when the bag got heavy because of a gazillion things in there and no one remembers if the brush came before the pencil or after the comfort blanket :silly:

We play this game here too. I just don't remember what we call it. :ponder: I think it goes by many names. Sometimes it's done in song too.

Notice I had to do a handmade quote in there too. :)

Simon says works the following -
There's a group of children and a 'leader'. The leader tells the group things to do, for example 'stand up' or 'sit down'
But the group must only follow when the leader begins the sentence with 'Simon says'. Otherwise they are to ignore the command. Everyone who makes a mistake is out of the game, the last one left wins.

That's the way I know it.

Yes, that's it, exactly. :D

February 28th, 2010, 01:14 PM
Okay, since I heard that some of us need practice with how to multi quote that´s what the test board is for. Please test away

It works like this:
Click the "quote+" button if you plan to quote more people than just one person.
Next you hit the "quote+" button under the post of the next person you would like to quote.
Repeat if you want to quote more people.
At the last person you want to quote click "quote", this opens the reply box with all the quotes it it.
(Do not click "quote+" or "reply" at the last person to quote, that does not seem to work.)

Too complicated? Okay.

Step by step guide:

Click the quote+ button for this thread.

Click the quote+ button for this thread, too.

But click the quote button for this thread.

And it should look like this.
for everyone when it works

Yes? Does it?

Hey, this works!

Thank you, Finoriel

Ooh, cool! That was a lot easier than I thought! Thanks so much for the tutorial

good idea

I knew how to do this already, but it looked like fun, so I joined in, too.

This thread reminds me of a German children´s game Ich packe meinen Koffer.

Of course it works you´re welcome. If you know how it works it´s always easy ... but until one knows it takes some time. Don´t ask how often I tried and failed until I found out how it works.

And now we can even quote others.

Hrhr indeed it has something of the game. Not sure if there´s a "I´m packing my bag"-game in English speaking countries though.
I´ve always been packing my bag with a pen and some paper so I can make a list with the things I´m packing in there.

Wanted to have fun too!

For those who don't know, the game works the following:
Child A Says 'Ich packe meinen Koffer und nehme mit: Einen Stift' (-> I'm packing my bag and take: A pen)
Child B says the same, repeats what Child A took and adds an own thing. So: ''Ich packe meinen Koffer und nehme mit: einen Stift, eine Uhr' (-> I'm packing my bag and take: A pen, a watch)
Then Child A says this again, repeats what was taken until that point (watch, pen) and adds something again.
Then it's Child B's turn again.

As soon as the first one forgets something or mixes up the order the game is over.

It's fun isn't it?

That made me smile.

Yes, it's a hoot!!! The way I do multi-quoting, my last step is different from yours, but I'm not going to mention it and confuse anyone, because your way is just as easy.

Oh no! Now you confused me.

You can always open another practice thread "Multiquote for advanced learners - method II" or so or just tell us how you do it here. I´m sure everyone does things different and maybe some people like your method better. You never know.
And inquiring minds want to know. Please? Seriously such hints kill me.

I think she just does it the way you described but she doesn't click on 'Quote' at the last post. I think she clicks 'Quote +' there as well and uses the 'Reply'-button in top or at the bottom of every page.

Okay, okay, I'll tell you.

Yes, that's right. I'll describe it in Finoriel's fashion. A lot of people goof this up by hitting the wrong "reply: button.

Method # 2

Step by step guide:

Click the quote+ button for this post.

Click the quote+ button for this post, too.

Click the quote+ button for this third post, too.

Now hit the big Reply button on the lower left side of the page, right below the posts--where you would normally hit to reply to any normal post.

And the result is the same!


Is that like Follow the Leader? or Simon Says?

Ahha, there is another way to do it. I've always done it the other way. It is always good to know more than one way to do something.

I always messed that up because I used the wrong reply button... but *psst* don´t tell anyone

Hmm not really, I think. I just have a vague idea how Simon´s game works though.
The bag-packing game is a memory training one.
The first person says "I´m packing a pencil into my bag."
The second person then has to pack a pencil and something else, like a brush, so they say "I´m packing a pencil and a brush into my bag."
The third one has to pack the pencil, the brush and something else.
And so on.
Game over is when someone messes up which of course has to be noticed by the others, which is difficult when the bag got heavy because of a gazillion things in there and no one remembers if the brush came before the pencil or after the comfort blanket

Simon says works the following -
There's a group of children and a 'leader'. The leader tells the group things to do, for example 'stand up' or 'sit down'
But the group must only follow when the leader begins the sentence with 'Simon says'. Otherwise they are to ignore the command. Everyone who makes a mistake is out of the game, the last one left wins.

That's the way I know it.

I agree.

We play this game here too. I just don't remember what we call it. I think it goes by many names. Sometimes it's done in song too.

Notice I had to do a handmade quote in there too.

Yes, that's it, exactly.

^ My padawans, no thread too small or too large to multi-quote, there is!
Let the force flow through you and let go of confusion and feelings, you must! :luke:

Hey Finoriel did you by any chance start this thread to help out LJ? *snickers*
She had a lot of trouble in another thread! ;)

EDIT: Crap! There is such thing as a thread too big to mult-quote, IF it has over 10 images/smiley's! LOL :o I had to manually remove them!

February 28th, 2010, 01:36 PM
^ My padawans, no thread too small or too large to multi-quote, there is!
Let the force flow through you and let go of confusion and feelings, you must! :luke:

Hey Finoriel did you by any chance start this thread to help out LJ? *snickers*
She had a lot of trouble in another thread! ;)

EDIT: Crap! There is such thing as a thread too big to mult-quote, IF it has over 10 images/smiley's! LOL :o I had to manually remove them!

Yep, that 10 image thing will get you every time! :laugh:

February 28th, 2010, 01:51 PM
Yes, that's it, exactly. :D
Aah okay. I got confused because I vaguely remember that some of my friends had a Senso (probably no one remembers this 80s game though) and some of them called it Simon... if memories are not screwed that is.

Hey Finoriel did you by any chance start this thread to help out LJ? *snickers*
She had a lot of trouble in another thread! ;)

I made it because it´s an unknown feature, a lot of people are challenged with and the mod-team eventually merges the row-posted single quotes to keep the boards tidy.
So I thought it would be a good idea to make a practice thread where everyone can just try how it works. Also if someone is challenged with creating a multi quote we now have a useful thread to link. Much more effective than just explaining it every time the question comes up. Learning by doing so to say.

February 28th, 2010, 02:44 PM
Okay, since I heard that some of us need practice with how to multi quote :wink: thatīs what the test board is for. Please test away :D

It works like this:
Click the "quote+" button if you plan to quote more people than just one person.
Next you hit the "quote+" button under the post of the next person you would like to quote.
Repeat if you want to quote more people.
At the last person you want to quote click "quote", this opens the reply box with all the quotes it it.
(Do not click "quote+" or "reply" at the last person to quote, that does not seem to work.)

Too complicated? Okay.

Step by step guide:

Click the quote+ button for this thread. Just trying to see if it works for me

February 28th, 2010, 02:47 PM
This thread reminds me of a German childrenīs game Ich packe meinen Koffer.

Of course it works :wink: youīre welcome. If you know how it works itīs always easy ... but until one knows it takes some time. :p Donīt ask how often I tried and failed until I found out how it works.

And now we can even quote others.

Hrhr indeed it has something of the game. Not sure if thereīs a "Iīm packing my bag"-game in English speaking countries though.
Iīve always been packing my bag with a pen and some paper :p so I can make a list with the things Iīm packing in there.

Wanted to have fun too!

For those who don't know, the game works the following:
Child A Says 'Ich packe meinen Koffer und nehme mit: Einen Stift' (-> I'm packing my bag and take: A pen)
Child B says the same, repeats what Child A took and adds an own thing. So: ''Ich packe meinen Koffer und nehme mit: einen Stift, eine Uhr' (-> I'm packing my bag and take: A pen, a watch)
Then Child A says this again, repeats what was taken until that point (watch, pen) and adds something again.
Then it's Child B's turn again.

As soon as the first one forgets something or mixes up the order the game is over. :)

It's fun isn't it?

That made me smile.

Yes, it's a hoot!!! The way I do multi-quoting, my last step is different from yours, but I'm not going to mention it and confuse anyone, because your way is just as easy. :lipssealed:

Method # 2

Step by step guide:

Click the quote+ button for this post.

Click the quote+ button for this post, too. I got it! Yay!!!:):D :cheer:

February 28th, 2010, 03:00 PM
Okay, since I heard that some of us need practice with how to multi quote :wink: that´s what the test board is for. Please test away :D

It works like this:
Click the "quote+" button if you plan to quote more people than just one person.
Next you hit the "quote+" button under the post of the next person you would like to quote.
Repeat if you want to quote more people.
At the last person you want to quote click "quote", this opens the reply box with all the quotes it it.
(Do not click "quote+" or "reply" at the last person to quote, that does not seem to work.)

Too complicated? Okay.

Step by step guide:

Click the quote+ button for this thread.

Click the quote+ button for this thread, too.

But click the quote button for this thread.

Dude! I always wondered how that worked. Thanks!

Edit to add- We played Ich packe meinen Koffer in the German class I took, it was fun. I remember playing a game very similar here (US), I think we were packing for a picnic...something like that.

February 28th, 2010, 03:48 PM
Aah okay. I got confused because I vaguely remember that some of my friends had a Senso (probably no one remembers this 80s game though) and some of them called it Simon... if memories are not screwed that is.

I made it because it´s an unknown feature, a lot of people are challenged with and the mod-team eventually merges the row-posted single quotes to keep the boards tidy.
So I thought it would be a good idea to make a practice thread where everyone can just try how it works. Also if someone is challenged with creating a multi quote we now have a useful thread to link. Much more effective than just explaining it every time the question comes up. Learning by doing so to say.

Yeah I was pulling LJ's leg! This was a great idea though!
BTW: On the limit 10 smiley's quoting, is that because they carry over to much information (in Bytes) or is it just a regulation on limiting all images to 10 to keep from "clogging" up a thread? Because those smiley's are fairly small in size and no where near the size of a .jpg or .bmp

Thanks Much!

February 28th, 2010, 03:54 PM
Nope, didn't work.

March 1st, 2010, 01:29 AM
Yeah I was pulling LJ's leg! This was a great idea though!
BTW: On the limit 10 smiley's quoting, is that because they carry over to much information (in Bytes) or is it just a regulation on limiting all images to 10 to keep from "clogging" up a thread? Because those smiley's are fairly small in size and no where near the size of a .jpg or .bmp

Thanks Much!

I donīt exactly know the reason for the img limit. But I always thought itīs because smileys and photos are images. And itīs the photos that are intended to be limited. That it also limits the smileys is just a side effect, because the software does not restrict by size it restricts by the type of img. Just a guess though.

Nope, didn't work.
It did not work because you just quoted my first post, but you left out the second and third post. :) at least it seems like this. What did you do exactly, maybe we can figure it out what went wrong.

March 1st, 2010, 04:56 AM
Nope, didn't work.

Make sure that when you press the Quote+ button, it changes to Quote- for each quote that you use. Sometimes, when my browser's cache needs emptying I can't make that happen. Try clearing your brower's cache and cookies, log in again and see if that makes a difference.

I donīt exactly know the reason for the img limit. But I always thought itīs because smileys and photos are images. And itīs the photos that are intended to be limited. That it also limits the smileys is just a side effect, because the software does not restrict by size it restricts by the type of img. Just a guess though.

I think you're exactly right. It's related to the restriction of too many images of any size in a single post.

March 1st, 2010, 04:57 AM
I got it! Yay!!!:):D :cheer:

It's fun once you know how, isn't it? :D

March 1st, 2010, 02:01 PM
AH, I see Finoriel! Thanks for clearing that up! I've wondered about that for a while now.

March 2nd, 2010, 06:39 PM
Magic :D
I always messed that up because I used the wrong reply button... but *psst* donīt tell anyone :wink:

I do that all the time. I go back a page, then try again, so I have the Quote+ button

And your game, that's what I make the kids play on the first few days of school to help them learn each others' names. "My name is Tbear and I'm taking a toothbrush. Her name is Finoriel and she is taking a flag . . . " etc

EDIT: Crap! There is such thing as a thread too big to mult-quote, IF it has over 10 images/smiley's! LOL :o I had to manually remove them!

Yep, sometimes it is difficult to decide which smilie to ditch. Poor little ditched smilie, voted out of the post . . . :(

I got it! Yay!!!:):D :cheer:
Yay! :wethree:

Nope, didn't work.
Try again, dear. Go post by post clicking on the Quote+ buttons for each person's post.

AH, I see Finoriel! Thanks for clearing that up! I've wondered about that for a while now.

There is one more thing I do, because I'm a ditz. I click all of the Quote+ buttons as I want. Then I end up not knowing what to do, I don't have a post to do the final "Quote" for. I end up quoting the last post, then deleting it. :writer: Works for me.

One final note. When I quote, or multiquote, I delete the info that I don't need quoted. It confuses me when a quote box is so long I'm not sure whose post it is, the OPs or the quoters. :writer:

April 14th, 2010, 08:12 AM
Okay, since I heard that some of us need practice with how to multi quote :wink: thatīs what the test board is for. Please test away :D

It works like this:
Click the "quote+" button if you plan to quote more people than just one person.
Next you hit the "quote+" button under the post of the next person you would like to quote.
Repeat if you want to quote more people.
At the last person you want to quote click "quote", this opens the reply box with all the quotes it it.
(Do not click "quote+" or "reply" at the last person to quote, that does not seem to work.)

Too complicated? Okay.

Step by step guide:

Click the quote+ button for this thread.

Click the quote+ button for this thread, too.

But click the quote button for this thread.

ETA: Or see here for another method. (http://forums.longhaircommunity.com/showpost.php?p=992438&postcount=18)

Let's see....

April 24th, 2010, 01:19 AM
Okay, since I heard that some of us need practice with how to multi quote :wink: thatīs what the test board is for. Please test away :D

Click the quote+ button for this thread.

Click the quote+ button for this thread, too.

But click the quote button for this thread.

ETA: Or see here for another method. (http://forums.longhaircommunity.com/showpost.php?p=992438&postcount=18)

Now it all makes sense!

April 24th, 2010, 01:31 AM
Okay, since I heard that some of us need practice with how to multi quote :wink: thatīs what the test board is for. Please test away :D

It works like this:
Click the "quote+" button if you plan to quote more people than just one person.
Next you hit the "quote+" button under the post of the next person you would like to quote.
Repeat if you want to quote more people.
At the last person you want to quote click "quote", this opens the reply box with all the quotes it it.
(Do not click "quote+" or "reply" at the last person to quote, that does not seem to work.)

Too complicated? Okay.

Step by step guide:

Click the quote+ button for this thread.

Click the quote+ button for this thread, too.

But click the quote button for this thread.

ETA: Or see here for another method. (http://forums.longhaircommunity.com/showpost.php?p=992438&postcount=18)

Cool!!! :cheese:

April 24th, 2010, 05:08 AM
Did it work?

ETA: Awesome idea! Thanks.

Okay, since I heard that some of us need practice with how to multi quote :wink: that´s what the test board is for. Please test away :D

It works like this:
Click the "quote+" button if you plan to quote more people than just one person.
Next you hit the "quote+" button under the post of the next person you would like to quote.
Repeat if you want to quote more people.
At the last person you want to quote click "quote", this opens the reply box with all the quotes it it.
(Do not click "quote+" or "reply" at the last person to quote, that does not seem to work.)

Too complicated? Okay.

Step by step guide:

Click the quote+ button for this thread.

Click the quote+ button for this thread, too.

But click the quote button for this thread.

ETA: Or see here for another method. (http://forums.longhaircommunity.com/showpost.php?p=992438&postcount=18)

April 26th, 2010, 12:13 AM
Okay, since I heard that some of us need practice with how to multi quote :wink: thatīs what the test board is for. Please test away :D

It works like this:
Click the "quote+" button if you plan to quote more people than just one person.
Next you hit the "quote+" button under the post of the next person you would like to quote.
Repeat if you want to quote more people.
At the last person you want to quote click "quote", this opens the reply box with all the quotes it it.
(Do not click "quote+" or "reply" at the last person to quote, that does not seem to work.)

Too complicated? Okay.

Step by step guide:

Click the quote+ button for this thread.

Click the quote+ button for this thread, too.

But click the quote button for this thread.

ETA: Or see here for another method. (http://forums.longhaircommunity.com/showpost.php?p=992438&postcount=18)

Nice. Thanks for the info. I was wondering how to do this.

May 11th, 2010, 04:17 PM
Okay, since I heard that some of us need practice with how to multi quote :wink: thatīs what the test board is for. Please test away :D

It works like this:
Click the "quote+" button if you plan to quote more people than just one person.
Next you hit the "quote+" button under the post of the next person you would like to quote.
Repeat if you want to quote more people.
At the last person you want to quote click "quote", this opens the reply box with all the quotes it it.
(Do not click "quote+" or "reply" at the last person to quote, that does not seem to work.)

Too complicated? Okay.

Step by step guide:

Click the quote+ button for this thread.

Click the quote+ button for this thread, too.

But click the quote button for this thread.

ETA: Or see here for another method. (http://forums.longhaircommunity.com/showpost.php?p=992438&postcount=18)

Awesome! You are such a great teacher.
:cheese:for me and :bowtome: for you!

Bluegrass Babe
July 5th, 2010, 07:34 PM
Step by step guide:
Click the quote+ button for this thread.

I think the 1st one worked!

Click the quote+ button for this thread, too.

Ditto for the 2nd one!

But click the quote button for this thread.

ETA: Or see here for another method. (http://forums.longhaircommunity.com/showpost.php?p=992438&postcount=18)

Better not confuse myself!:p

July 14th, 2010, 09:25 PM
Okay, since I heard that some of us need practice with how to multi quote :wink: thatīs what the test board is for. Please test away :D

It works like this:
Click the "quote+" button if you plan to quote more people than just one person.
Next you hit the "quote+" button under the post of the next person you would like to quote.
Repeat if you want to quote more people.
At the last person you want to quote click "quote", this opens the reply box with all the quotes it it.
(Do not click "quote+" or "reply" at the last person to quote, that does not seem to work.)

Too complicated? Okay.

Step by step guide:

Click the quote+ button for this thread.

Click the quote+ button for this thread, too.

But click the quote button for this thread.

ETA: Or see here for another method. (http://forums.longhaircommunity.com/showpost.php?p=992438&postcount=18)

omg fancy!!

July 15th, 2010, 02:03 AM
Step by step guide:

Click the quote+ button for this thread.

Click the quote+ button for this thread, too.

good idea :)

Thank you, Finoriel:)

August 26th, 2010, 06:44 AM
Okay, since I heard that some of us need practice with how to multi quote :wink: thatīs what the test board is for. Please test away :D

It works like this:
Click the "quote+" button if you plan to quote more people than just one person.
Next you hit the "quote+" button under the post of the next person you would like to quote.
Repeat if you want to quote more people.
At the last person you want to quote click "quote", this opens the reply box with all the quotes it it.
(Do not click "quote+" or "reply" at the last person to quote, that does not seem to work.)

Too complicated? Okay.

Step by step guide:

Click the quote+ button for this thread.

Click the quote+ button for this thread, too.

But click the quote button for this thread.

ETA: Or see here for another method. (http://forums.longhaircommunity.com/showpost.php?p=992438&postcount=18)

Thanks Finoriel! I never understood how it was done till now.

August 28th, 2010, 03:00 AM
Okay, since I heard that some of us need practice with how to multi quote :wink: thatīs what the test board is for. Please test away :D

It works like this:
Click the "quote+" button if you plan to quote more people than just one person.
Next you hit the "quote+" button under the post of the next person you would like to quote.
Repeat if you want to quote more people.
At the last person you want to quote click "quote", this opens the reply box with all the quotes it it.
(Do not click "quote+" or "reply" at the last person to quote, that does not seem to work.)

Too complicated? Okay.

Step by step guide:

Click the quote+ button for this thread.

Click the quote+ button for this thread, too.

But click the quote button for this thread.

ETA: Or see here for another method. (http://forums.longhaircommunity.com/showpost.php?p=992438&postcount=18)

Ha! Thanks, I needed this :)

August 29th, 2010, 11:33 AM
Now it all makes sense!

Cool!!! :cheese:

Did it work?

ETA: Awesome idea! Thanks.

Thank you, Finoriel:)

OMGosh, I think I finally may be able to DO it! I could swear I tried this before and it didn't work (and even NOW I find myself thinking "I won't believe I did it, til I SEE it!")

August 29th, 2010, 11:33 AM
Freakin' A, I did it! Thanks, Finoriel! I needed an "idiot-proof" way to remember it, and you provided that! :happydance:

September 19th, 2010, 08:38 PM
Method # 2

Step by step guide:

Click the quote+ button for this post.

Click the quote+ button for this post, too.

Click the quote+ button for this third post, too.

Just had to jump in and test if this works for me :p
(please don't let me be the only idiot who has a massive fail at this)

Haha YES it worked!

December 4th, 2010, 04:57 AM
Ooh, cool! That was a lot easier than I thought! Thanks so much for the tutorial :)

Okay, since I heard that some of us need practice with how to multi quote :wink: thatīs what the test board is for. Please test away :D

It works like this:
Click the "quote+" button if you plan to quote more people than just one person.
Next you hit the "quote+" button under the post of the next person you would like to quote.
Repeat if you want to quote more people.
At the last person you want to quote click "quote", this opens the reply box with all the quotes it it.
(Do not click "quote+" or "reply" at the last person to quote, that does not seem to work.)

Too complicated? Okay.

Step by step guide:

Click the quote+ button for this thread.

Click the quote+ button for this thread, too.

But click the quote button for this thread.

ETA: Or see here for another method. (http://forums.longhaircommunity.com/showpost.php?p=992438&postcount=18)

Easy! Thanks!

December 4th, 2010, 06:13 AM
But click the quote button for this thread.

ETA: Or see here for another method. (http://forums.longhaircommunity.com/showpost.php?p=992438&postcount=18)

Well how about that? I never could figure that out. You are so sweet Finoriel!

ETA: Guess I still can't figure it out.

December 4th, 2010, 06:14 AM
Okay, since I heard that some of us need practice with how to multi quote :wink: that´s what the test board is for. Please test away :D

It works like this:
Click the "quote+" button if you plan to quote more people than just one person.
Next you hit the "quote+" button under the post of the next person you would like to quote.
Repeat if you want to quote more people.
At the last person you want to quote click "quote", this opens the reply box with all the quotes it it.
(Do not click "quote+" or "reply" at the last person to quote, that does not seem to work.)

Too complicated? Okay.

Step by step guide:

Click the quote+ button for this thread.

Click the quote+ button for this thread, too.

But click the quote button for this thread.

ETA: Or see here for another method. (http://forums.longhaircommunity.com/showpost.php?p=992438&postcount=18)

Did it work this time?

ETA: WOOT!!!!!!

December 4th, 2010, 07:33 AM
Well how about that? I never could figure that out. You are so sweet Finoriel!

ETA: Guess I still can't figure it out.

Woot.testing.testing.1 2 3.testing.

December 4th, 2010, 07:34 AM
Well how about that? I never could figure that out. You are so sweet Finoriel!

ETA: Guess I still can't figure it out.

Did it work this time?

ETA: WOOT!!!!!!

still testing yup yup testing

C. sinensis
December 12th, 2010, 08:30 PM
Okay, since I heard that some of us need practice with how to multi quote :wink: thatīs what the test board is for. Please test away :D

It works like this:
Click the "quote+" button if you plan to quote more people than just one person.
Next you hit the "quote+" button under the post of the next person you would like to quote.
Repeat if you want to quote more people.
At the last person you want to quote click "quote", this opens the reply box with all the quotes it it.
(Do not click "quote+" or "reply" at the last person to quote, that does not seem to work.)

Too complicated? Okay.

Step by step guide:

Click the quote+ button for this thread.

Click the quote+ button for this thread, too.

But click the quote button for this thread.

ETA: Or see here for another method. (http://forums.longhaircommunity.com/showpost.php?p=992438&postcount=18)

Whoa! Amazing! =D
I'd just been copy-pasting...

January 19th, 2011, 11:10 AM
:thumbsup: Got it, thanks!

April 18th, 2011, 01:30 PM
Just trying links to see if they work !


April 18th, 2011, 02:14 PM
I hit multi quote on some other threads long ago, so I need to get rid of them here :D

So I guess I can say that although I just recently joined this community, I have been lurking for months! lol. So I cannot say it is my 1 year anniversary here with LHC or that all of my growth is due to this site but I can say I have been doing a few of the things mentioned on here already on my own from research! But I still did not know of the damage that different products can cause or that frequent trimming hair only leads to....well...shorter hair. lol. :) I also can say that with many of the new things I have learned I have seen significant growth since I started to change my hair routine :). Anyways, on to the photos! haha.

Nice growth, and love that shine! =)

Thank you all! I am looking forward to my next post! :) Waist length is my goal!

April 19th, 2011, 02:33 PM
Okay, since I heard that some of us need practice with how to multi quote :wink: thatīs what the test board is for. Please test away :D

It works like this:
Click the "quote+" button if you plan to quote more people than just one person.
Next you hit the "quote+" button under the post of the next person you would like to quote.
Repeat if you want to quote more people.
At the last person you want to quote click "quote", this opens the reply box with all the quotes it it.
(Do not click "quote+" or "reply" at the last person to quote, that does not seem to work.)

Too complicated? Okay.

Step by step guide:

Click the quote+ button for this thread.
Ohh! it works!

Click the quote+ button for this thread, too.

I had been wondering how the quote+ button worked

But click the quote button for this thread.

ETA: Or see here for another method. (http://forums.longhaircommunity.com/showthread.php?p=992438#post992438)

And now I know :-)

June 28th, 2011, 03:01 PM
multi quote practice

Okay, since I heard that some of us need practice with how to multi quote :wink: thatīs what the test board is for. Please test away :D

It works like this:
Click the "quote+" button if you plan to quote more people than just one person.
Next you hit the "quote+" button under the post of the next person you would like to quote.
Repeat if you want to quote more people.
At the last person you want to quote click "quote", this opens the reply box with all the quotes it it.
(Do not click "quote+" or "reply" at the last person to quote, that does not seem to work.)

Too complicated? Okay.

Step by step guide:

Click the quote+ button for this thread.

Click the quote+ button for this thread, too.

But click the quote button for this thread.

ETA: Or see here for another method. (http://forums.longhaircommunity.com/showthread.php?p=992438#post992438)

June 28th, 2011, 03:02 PM
Ohh! it works!

I had been wondering how the quote+ button worked

And now I know :-)
sweet! i got it too!

multi quote practice

August 14th, 2011, 12:45 AM
Just trying links to see if they work !


I hit multi quote on some other threads long ago, so I need to get rid of them here :D

oh yeah i can quote

good times

August 14th, 2011, 12:53 AM
Okay, since I heard that some of us need practice with how to multi quote :wink: thatīs what the test board is for. Please test away :D

It works like this:
Click the "quote+" button if you plan to quote more people than just one person.
Next you hit the "quote+" button under the post of the next person you would like to quote.
Repeat if you want to quote more people.
At the last person you want to quote click "quote", this opens the reply box with all the quotes it it.
(Do not click "quote+" or "reply" at the last person to quote, that does not seem to work.)

Too complicated? Okay.

Step by step guide:

Click the quote+ button for this thread.

But click the quote button for this thread.

ETA: Or see here for another method. (http://forums.longhaircommunity.com/showthread.php?p=992438#post992438)

I've always wondered how others do this. I'm just seeing if I got it!

November 30th, 2011, 01:57 AM
Okay, since I heard that some of us need practice with how to multi quote :wink: thatīs what the test board is for. Please test away :D

It works like this:
Click the "quote+" button if you plan to quote more people than just one person.
Next you hit the "quote+" button under the post of the next person you would like to quote.
Repeat if you want to quote more people.
At the last person you want to quote click "quote", this opens the reply box with all the quotes it it.
(Do not click "quote+" or "reply" at the last person to quote, that does not seem to work.)

Too complicated? Okay.

Step by step guide:

Click the quote+ button for this thread.

Click the quote+ button for this thread, too.

But click the quote button for this thread.

ETA: Or see here for another method. (http://forums.longhaircommunity.com/showthread.php?p=992438#post992438)

I did it! :D

January 1st, 2012, 07:47 PM
I hit multi quote on some other threads long ago, so I need to get rid of them here :D

Ohh! it works!

I had been wondering how the quote+ button worked

And now I know :-)

multi quote practice

Yay, my 1st time! :cheese:

Cara Heather
February 7th, 2012, 08:31 PM

Cara Heather
February 7th, 2012, 08:32 PM
to quote ??

Cara Heather
February 7th, 2012, 08:33 PM
And it should look like this.
:cheese: for everyone when it works :D

Yay, my 1st time! :cheese:

to quote ??

:O i think i got it

March 30th, 2012, 11:40 AM
Okay, since I heard that some of us need practice with how to multi quote :wink: thatīs what the test board is for. Please test away :D

It works like this:
Click the "quote+" button if you plan to quote more people than just one person.
Next you hit the "quote+" button under the post of the next person you would like to quote.
Repeat if you want to quote more people.
At the last person you want to quote click "quote", this opens the reply box with all the quotes it it.
(Do not click "quote+" or "reply" at the last person to quote, that does not seem to work.)

Too complicated? Okay.

Step by step guide:

Click the quote+ button for this thread.

Click the quote+ button for this thread, too.

But click the quote button for this thread.

ETA: Or see here for another method. (http://forums.longhaircommunity.com/showthread.php?p=992438#post992438)

got it! neat.

March 30th, 2012, 06:20 PM
Okay, since I heard that some of us need practice with how to multi quote :wink: thatīs what the test board is for. Please test away :D

It works like this:
Click the "quote+" button if you plan to quote more people than just one person.
Next you hit the "quote+" button under the post of the next person you would like to quote.
Repeat if you want to quote more people.
At the last person you want to quote click "quote", this opens the reply box with all the quotes it it.
(Do not click "quote+" or "reply" at the last person to quote, that does not seem to work.)

Too complicated? Okay.

Step by step guide:

Click the quote+ button for this thread.

Click the quote+ button for this thread, too.

But click the quote button for this thread.

ETA: Or see here for another method. (http://forums.longhaircommunity.com/showthread.php?p=992438#post992438)

Did I do it?

March 30th, 2012, 06:23 PM
Yay! Thanks Finoriel. Always wondered how ppl do this lol. I think I replied to about 10 quotes one by one in a thread the other day. Think I may have killed it

June 9th, 2012, 03:33 PM
Okay, since I heard that some of us need practice with how to multi quote :wink: thatīs what the test board is for. Please test away :D

It works like this:
Click the "quote+" button if you plan to quote more people than just one person.
Next you hit the "quote+" button under the post of the next person you would like to quote.
Repeat if you want to quote more people.
At the last person you want to quote click "quote", this opens the reply box with all the quotes it it.
(Do not click "quote+" or "reply" at the last person to quote, that does not seem to work.)

Too complicated? Okay.

Step by step guide:

Click the quote+ button for this thread.

Click the quote+ button for this thread, too.

But click the quote button for this thread.

ETA: Or see here for another method. (http://forums.longhaircommunity.com/showthread.php?p=992438#post992438)

Yay! Thank you!

June 9th, 2012, 03:50 PM
Okay, since I heard that some of us need practice with how to multi quote :wink: thatīs what the test board is for. Please test away :D

It works like this:
Click the "quote+" button if you plan to quote more people than just one person.
Next you hit the "quote+" button under the post of the next person you would like to quote.
Repeat if you want to quote more people.
At the last person you want to quote click "quote", this opens the reply box with all the quotes it it.
(Do not click "quote+" or "reply" at the last person to quote, that does not seem to work.)

Too complicated? Okay.

Step by step guide:

Click the quote+ button for this thread.

Click the quote+ button for this thread, too.

But click the quote button for this thread.

ETA: Or see here for another method. (http://forums.longhaircommunity.com/showthread.php?p=992438#post992438)

Cool! I haven't done this before. Thanks!

Wildcat Diva
June 10th, 2012, 12:19 AM
Yay! Thanks Finoriel. Always wondered how ppl do this lol. I think I replied to about 10 quotes one by one in a thread the other day. Think I may have killed it

Cool! I haven't done this before. Thanks!

Yay! Thank you!
Think I got it?

July 3rd, 2012, 03:52 PM
Okay, since I heard that some of us need practice with how to multi quote :wink: thatīs what the test board is for. Please test away :D

It works like this:
Click the "quote+" button if you plan to quote more people than just one person.
Next you hit the "quote+" button under the post of the next person you would like to quote.
Repeat if you want to quote more people.
At the last person you want to quote click "quote", this opens the reply box with all the quotes it it.
(Do not click "quote+" or "reply" at the last person to quote, that does not seem to work.)

Too complicated? Okay.

Step by step guide:

Click the quote+ button for this thread.

Click the quote+ button for this thread, too.

But click the quote button for this thread.

ETA: Or see here for another method. (http://forums.longhaircommunity.com/showthread.php?p=992438#post992438)

Yay! Im so glad this was linked to! So helpful.

July 3rd, 2012, 04:12 PM
Thank you so much!

July 3rd, 2012, 11:26 PM
Yay! Im so glad this was linked to! So helpful.

Thank you so much!

OMGosh, I think I finally may be able to DO it! I could swear I tried this before and it didn't work (and even NOW I find myself thinking "I won't believe I did it, til I SEE it!")


August 16th, 2012, 02:03 AM
Okay, since I heard that some of us need practice with how to multi quote :wink: thatīs what the test board is for. Please test away :D

It works like this:
Click the "quote+" button if you plan to quote more people than just one person.
Next you hit the "quote+" button under the post of the next person you would like to quote.
Repeat if you want to quote more people.
At the last person you want to quote click "quote", this opens the reply box with all the quotes it it.
(Do not click "quote+" or "reply" at the last person to quote, that does not seem to work.)

Too complicated? Okay.

Step by step guide:

Click the quote+ button for this thread.

Okay, done.

Click the quote+ button for this thread, too.

Done again.

But click the quote button for this thread.

ETA: Or see here for another method. (http://forums.longhaircommunity.com/showthread.php?p=992438#post992438)

I hope I did this right.

August 16th, 2012, 02:06 AM

Thanks Finoriel, your instructions were awesome. Now off to the Mane land to use it. Thanks for the practice run, I couldn't figure it out myself.

August 16th, 2012, 03:05 AM
Okay, since I heard that some of us need practice with how to multi quote :wink: thatīs what the test board is for. Please test away :D

It works like this:
Click the "quote+" button if you plan to quote more people than just one person.
Next you hit the "quote+" button under the post of the next person you would like to quote.
Repeat if you want to quote more people.
At the last person you want to quote click "quote", this opens the reply box with all the quotes it it.
(Do not click "quote+" or "reply" at the last person to quote, that does not seem to work.)

Too complicated? Okay.

Step by step guide:

Click the quote+ button for this thread.

Click the quote+ button for this thread, too.

But click the quote button for this thread.

ETA: Or see here for another method. (http://forums.longhaircommunity.com/showthread.php?p=992438#post992438)

Yay! It worked! This has been driving me mental for ages, I just couldn't work it out and its not even complicated :o Now like MeowScat I've off to Mane land! :D

August 16th, 2012, 03:41 AM
Okay, since I heard that some of us need practice with how to multi quote :wink: thatīs what the test board is for. Please test away :D

It works like this:
Click the "quote+" button if you plan to quote more people than just one person.
Next you hit the "quote+" button under the post of the next person you would like to quote.
Repeat if you want to quote more people.
At the last person you want to quote click "quote", this opens the reply box with all the quotes it it.
(Do not click "quote+" or "reply" at the last person to quote, that does not seem to work.)

Too complicated? Okay.

Step by step guide:

Click the quote+ button for this thread.

Click the quote+ button for this thread, too.

But click the quote button for this thread.

ETA: Or see here for another method. (http://forums.longhaircommunity.com/showthread.php?p=992438#post992438)

Aha! Hahaha!

I was wondering!:cheese:

August 16th, 2012, 04:35 AM
I know perform multiquoting :)
Thanks !

Okay, since I heard that some of us need practice with how to multi quote :wink: thatīs what the test board is for. Please test away :D

It works like this:
Click the "quote+" button if you plan to quote more people than just one person.
Next you hit the "quote+" button under the post of the next person you would like to quote.
Repeat if you want to quote more people.
At the last person you want to quote click "quote", this opens the reply box with all the quotes it it.
(Do not click "quote+" or "reply" at the last person to quote, that does not seem to work.)

Too complicated? Okay.

Step by step guide:

Click the quote+ button for this thread.

And it should look like this.
:cheese: for everyone when it works :D

good idea :)

August 17th, 2012, 11:08 AM
Okay, done.

Done again.

I hope I did this right.
did it work?


Thanks Finoriel, your instructions were awesome. Now off to the Mane land to use it. Thanks for the practice run, I couldn't figure it out myself.
Let's see

I know perform multiquoting :)
Thanks ! yay!!

February 1st, 2013, 04:19 AM
aha! Hahaha!

I was wondering!:cheese:


i know perform multiquoting :)
thanks !


did it work?

Let's see


March 7th, 2013, 02:07 AM
Testing to see how order works with this thing...

But click the quote button for this thread.

ETA: Or see here for another method. (http://forums.longhaircommunity.com/showthread.php?p=992438#post992438)

Okay, since I heard that some of us need practice with how to multi quote :wink: thatīs what the test board is for. Please test away :D

It works like this:
Click the "quote+" button if you plan to quote more people than just one person.
Next you hit the "quote+" button under the post of the next person you would like to quote.
Repeat if you want to quote more people.
At the last person you want to quote click "quote", this opens the reply box with all the quotes it it.
(Do not click "quote+" or "reply" at the last person to quote, that does not seem to work.)

Too complicated? Okay.

Step by step guide:

Click the quote+ button for this thread.

Click the quote+ button for this thread, too.

Yup, first post clicked equals first post quoted. I should have known that, but I keep wondering...

September 2nd, 2013, 11:25 AM
Method # 2

Step by step guide:

Click the quote+ button for this post.

Click the quote+ button for this post, too.

Click the quote+ button for this third post, too.

Ah-hah! (oops, you didn't have us quote+ the post with the instruction to click "Reply to Thread" just above the Quick Reply box). Ok. This will help me, I often don't know when the last one I want to quote is, and if I'm spanning several pages, it gets frustrating to go back and find that last one.

September 2nd, 2013, 11:36 AM
I hit multi quote on some other threads long ago, so I need to get rid of them here :D
Hmmm, I quoted this one, and the multi-quotes I used in the previous post showed up. From what you say, quotes will carry across threads. Now I need to find another test thread to see if that works.

ETA: No, it doesn't.

September 16th, 2013, 12:27 PM

Thanks Finoriel, your instructions were awesome. Now off to the Mane land to use it. Thanks for the practice run, I couldn't figure it out myself.

to quote ??

Yay! Thanks Finoriel. Always wondered how ppl do this lol. I think I replied to about 10 quotes one by one in a thread the other day. Think I may have killed it

Thank you so much!

Please work! :pray:

September 16th, 2013, 12:28 PM
Yay! :joy:

December 22nd, 2013, 05:10 PM
Okay, since I heard that some of us need practice with how to multi quote :wink: thatīs what the test board is for. Please test away :D

It works like this:
Click the "+ button on the bottom right of the post, to the right of "Reply With Quote" if you plan to quote more people than just one person. The plus sign will turn into a check mark letting you know it was clicked.

Next you hit the "+ button under the post of the next person you would like to quote. The plus sign there will also turn into a check mark.

Repeat if you want to quote more people.
At the last person you want to quote click "Reply With Quote", this opens the reply box with all the quotes it it.
(Do not click "+ or "Reply" at the last person to quote, that does not seem to work.)

Too complicated? Okay.

Step by step guide:

Click the "+ button for this thread.


Click the "+ button for this thread, too.

::fingers crossed::

But click the Reply With Quote button for this thread.

If you don't know when the last post you will want to quote is, you can substitute using the "+Reply to Thread" button at the bottom of the page for "Reply With Quote". It should still have all your quoted posts saved and ready to use.

ETA: Or see here for another method. (http://forums.longhaircommunity.com/showthread.php?p=992438#post992438)

I think I did it. WAHOO!

December 28th, 2013, 01:09 PM
Another quick test...

December 28th, 2013, 01:12 PM

Thanks Finoriel, your instructions were awesome. Now off to the Mane land to use it. Thanks for the practice run, I couldn't figure it out myself.

Yay! :joy:

Another quick test...

I think I did it right, I hadn't done it in a while so I forgot. I love this practice thread. :)

January 8th, 2014, 12:17 PM
Okay, since I heard that some of us need practice with how to multi quote :wink: thatīs what the test board is for. Please test away :D

It works like this:
Click the "+ button on the bottom right of the post, to the right of "Reply With Quote" if you plan to quote more people than just one person. The plus sign will turn into a check mark letting you know it was clicked.

Next you hit the "+ button under the post of the next person you would like to quote. The plus sign there will also turn into a check mark.

Repeat if you want to quote more people.
At the last person you want to quote click "Reply With Quote", this opens the reply box with all the quotes it it.
(Do not click "+ or "Reply" at the last person to quote, that does not seem to work.)

Too complicated? Okay.

Step by step guide:

Click the "+ button for this thread.

Click the "+ button for this thread, too.

But click the Reply With Quote button for this thread.

If you don't know when the last post you will want to quote is, you can substitute using the "+Reply to Thread" button at the bottom of the page for "Reply With Quote". It should still have all your quoted posts saved and ready to use.

ETA: Or see here for another method. (http://forums.longhaircommunity.com/showthread.php?p=992438#post992438)

Let's see if I can do it...

Yay :)

January 21st, 2014, 07:23 AM
Yay! :joy:

Another quick test...

Testing, testin..

August 6th, 2014, 06:32 PM
Click the "+ button for this thread, too.

But click the Reply With Quote button for this thread.

If you don't know when the last post you will want to quote is, you can substitute using the "+Reply to Thread" button at the bottom of the page for "Reply With Quote". It should still have all your quoted posts saved and ready to use.

ETA: Or see here for another method. (http://forums.longhaircommunity.com/showthread.php?p=992438#post992438)

And it should look like this.
:cheese: for everyone when it works :D

Ok did it work... Did it work?

August 6th, 2014, 06:33 PM
Click the "+ button for this thread, too.

But click the Reply With Quote button for this thread.

If you don't know when the last post you will want to quote is, you can substitute using the "+Reply to Thread" button at the bottom of the page for "Reply With Quote". It should still have all your quoted posts saved and ready to use.

ETA: Or see here for another method. (http://forums.longhaircommunity.com/showthread.php?p=992438#post992438)

And it should look like this.
:cheese: for everyone when it works :D

Ok did it work... Did it work?

Woooooo! It did hahaha

August 6th, 2014, 08:22 PM
Okay, since I heard that some of us need practice with how to multi quote :wink: thatīs what the test board is for. Please test away :D

It works like this:
Click the "+ button on the bottom right of the post, to the right of "Reply With Quote" if you plan to quote more people than just one person. The plus sign will turn into a check mark letting you know it was clicked.

Next you hit the "+ button under the post of the next person you would like to quote. The plus sign there will also turn into a check mark.

Repeat if you want to quote more people.
At the last person you want to quote click "Reply With Quote", this opens the reply box with all the quotes it it.
(Do not click "+ or "Reply" at the last person to quote, that does not seem to work.)

Too complicated? Okay.

Step by step guide:

Click the "+ button for this thread.

Click the "+ button for this thread, too.

But click the Reply With Quote button for this thread.

If you don't know when the last post you will want to quote is, you can substitute using the "+Reply to Thread" button at the bottom of the page for "Reply With Quote". It should still have all your quoted posts saved and ready to use.

ETA: Or see here for another method. (http://forums.longhaircommunity.com/showthread.php?p=992438#post992438)

:O Whoa!!!

February 26th, 2015, 01:47 PM
Okay, since I heard that some of us need practice with how to multi quote :wink: thatīs what the test board is for. Please test away :D

It works like this:
Click the "+ button on the bottom right of the post, to the right of "Reply With Quote" if you plan to quote more people than just one person. The plus sign will turn into a check mark letting you know it was clicked.

Next you hit the "+ button under the post of the next person you would like to quote. The plus sign there will also turn into a check mark.

Repeat if you want to quote more people.
At the last person you want to quote click "Reply With Quote", this opens the reply box with all the quotes it it.
(Do not click "+ or "Reply" at the last person to quote, that does not seem to work.)

Too complicated? Okay.

Step by step guide:

Click the "+ button for this thread.

Click the "+ button for this thread, too.

But click the Reply With Quote button for this thread.

If you don't know when the last post you will want to quote is, you can substitute using the "+Reply to Thread" button at the bottom of the page for "Reply With Quote". It should still have all your quoted posts saved and ready to use.

ETA: Or see here for another method. (http://forums.longhaircommunity.com/showthread.php?p=992438#post992438)
And...the verdict is?

August 4th, 2015, 11:57 AM
good idea :)

Does it work?

This thread reminds me of a German childrenīs game Ich packe meinen Koffer. :D

Lol, I think it might!

I think she just does it the way you described but she doesn't click on 'Quote' at the last post. I think she clicks 'Quote +' there as well and uses the 'Reply'-button in top or at the bottom of every page.

Lettuce see...

Click the quote+ button for this post, too.


Click the quote+ button for this third post, too.


February 7th, 2016, 07:49 AM
Okay, since I heard that some of us need practice with how to multi quote :wink: thatīs what the test board is for. Please test away :D

It works like this:
Click the "+ button on the bottom right of the post, to the right of "Reply With Quote" if you plan to quote more people than just one person. The plus sign will turn into a check mark letting you know it was clicked.

Next you hit the "+ button under the post of the next person you would like to quote. The plus sign there will also turn into a check mark.

Repeat if you want to quote more people.
At the last person you want to quote click "Reply With Quote", this opens the reply box with all the quotes it it.
(Do not click "+ or "Reply" at the last person to quote, that does not seem to work.)

Too complicated? Okay.

Step by step guide:

Click the "+ button for this thread.


Click the "+ button for this thread, too.


But click the Reply With Quote button for this thread.

If you don't know when the last post you will want to quote is, you can substitute using the "+Reply to Thread" button at the bottom of the page for "Reply With Quote". It should still have all your quoted posts saved and ready to use.

ETA: Or see here for another method. (http://forums.longhaircommunity.com/showthread.php?p=992438#post992438)

whoa. I've been copy pasting all this while :D

April 9th, 2016, 05:18 PM


whoa. I've been copy pasting all this while :D
Umm checking to see if works

April 9th, 2016, 05:18 PM
Okay, since I heard that some of us need practice with how to multi quote :wink: thatīs what the test board is for. Please test away :D

It works like this:
Click the "+ button on the bottom right of the post, to the right of "Reply With Quote" if you plan to quote more people than just one person. The plus sign will turn into a check mark letting you know it was clicked.

Next you hit the "+ button under the post of the next person you would like to quote. The plus sign there will also turn into a check mark.

Repeat if you want to quote more people.
At the last person you want to quote click "Reply With Quote", this opens the reply box with all the quotes it it.
(Do not click "+ or "Reply" at the last person to quote, that does not seem to work.)

Too complicated? Okay.

Step by step guide:

Click the "+ button for this thread.

Click the "+ button for this thread, too.

hmm how about now?

April 9th, 2016, 05:20 PM
Okay, since I heard that some of us need practice with how to multi quote :wink: thatīs what the test board is for. Please test away :D


Click the "+ button for this thread.
Okay I'm trying again

April 25th, 2016, 03:18 PM
Okay, since I heard that some of us need practice with how to multi quote :wink: thatīs what the test board is for. Please test away :D

It works like this:
Click the "+ button on the bottom right of the post, to the right of "Reply With Quote" if you plan to quote more people than just one person. The plus sign will turn into a check mark letting you know it was clicked.

Next you hit the "+ button under the post of the next person you would like to quote. The plus sign there will also turn into a check mark.

Repeat if you want to quote more people.
At the last person you want to quote click "Reply With Quote", this opens the reply box with all the quotes it it.
(Do not click "+ or "Reply" at the last person to quote, that does not seem to work.)

Too complicated? Okay.

Step by step guide:

Click the "+ button for this thread.

Click the "+ button for this thread, too.

good idea :)

Now hit the big Reply button on the lower left side of the page, right below the posts--where you would normally hit to reply to any normal post.

Simon says works the following -
There's a group of children and a 'leader'. The leader tells the group things to do, for example 'stand up' or 'sit down'
But the group must only follow when the leader begins the sentence with 'Simon says'. Otherwise they are to ignore the command. Everyone who makes a mistake is out of the game, the last one left wins.

That's the way I know it.

Tested, it works great, thanks!

April 25th, 2016, 03:19 PM
Testing what the "plain" reply is at the bottom of every post--

April 30th, 2016, 04:54 AM
Okay, since I heard that some of us need practice with how to multi quote :wink: thatīs what the test board is for. Please test away :D

It works like this:
Click the "+ button on the bottom right of the post, to the right of "Reply With Quote" if you plan to quote more people than just one person. The plus sign will turn into a check mark letting you know it was clicked.

Next you hit the "+ button under the post of the next person you would like to quote. The plus sign there will also turn into a check mark.

Repeat if you want to quote more people.
At the last person you want to quote click "Reply With Quote", this opens the reply box with all the quotes it it.
(Do not click "+ or "Reply" at the last person to quote, that does not seem to work.)

Too complicated? Okay.

Step by step guide:

Click the "+ button for this thread.

Click the "+ button for this thread, too.

But click the Reply With Quote button for this thread.

If you don't know when the last post you will want to quote is, you can substitute using the "+Reply to Thread" button at the bottom of the page for "Reply With Quote". It should still have all your quoted posts saved and ready to use.

ETA: Or see here for another method. (http://forums.longhaircommunity.com/showthread.php?p=992438#post992438)

I've got sixpence. Jolly jolly sixpence

April 30th, 2016, 10:36 AM
Okay, since I heard that some of us need practice with how to multi quote :wink: thatīs what the test board is for. Please test away :D

It works like this:
Click the "+ button on the bottom right of the post, to the right of "Reply With Quote" if you plan to quote more people than just one person. The plus sign will turn into a check mark letting you know it was clicked.

Next you hit the "+ button under the post of the next person you would like to quote. The plus sign there will also turn into a check mark.

Repeat if you want to quote more people.
At the last person you want to quote click "Reply With Quote", this opens the reply box with all the quotes it it.
(Do not click "+ or "Reply" at the last person to quote, that does not seem to work.)

Too complicated? Okay.

Step by step guide:

Click the "+ button for this thread.

Click the "+ button for this thread, too.

But click the Reply With Quote button for this thread.

If you don't know when the last post you will want to quote is, you can substitute using the "+Reply to Thread" button at the bottom of the page for "Reply With Quote". It should still have all your quoted posts saved and ready to use.

ETA: Or see here for another method. (http://forums.longhaircommunity.com/showthread.php?p=992438#post992438)

Like this?

H o n є y ❤
May 16th, 2016, 04:36 PM
Another one who already knows, but just couldn't resist the fun. :D

:p I knew how to do this already, but it looked like fun, so I joined in, too. :cheese:

good idea :)
Thanks! I've been wondering how to do this! Thank goodness lol

July 13th, 2016, 11:05 AM
Okay, since I heard that some of us need practice with how to multi quote :wink: thatīs what the test board is for. Please test away :D

It works like this:
Click the "+ button on the bottom right of the post, to the right of "Reply With Quote" if you plan to quote more people than just one person. The plus sign will turn into a check mark letting you know it was clicked.

Next you hit the "+ button under the post of the next person you would like to quote. The plus sign there will also turn into a check mark.

Repeat if you want to quote more people.
At the last person you want to quote click "Reply With Quote", this opens the reply box with all the quotes it it.
(Do not click "+ or "Reply" at the last person to quote, that does not seem to work.)

Too complicated? Okay.

Step by step guide:

Click the "+ button for this thread.

Click the "+ button for this thread, too.

But click the Reply With Quote button for this thread.

If you don't know when the last post you will want to quote is, you can substitute using the "+Reply to Thread" button at the bottom of the page for "Reply With Quote". It should still have all your quoted posts saved and ready to use.

ETA: Or see here for another method. (http://forums.longhaircommunity.com/showthread.php?p=992438#post992438)

Thank you for this! I was starting to feel like a gooberhead since I couldn't figure this out. :crazyq:

July 17th, 2016, 06:29 PM
Okay, since I heard that some of us need practice with how to multi quote :wink: thatīs what the test board is for. Please test away :D

It works like this:
Click the "+ button on the bottom right of the post, to the right of "Reply With Quote" if you plan to quote more people than just one person. The plus sign will turn into a check mark letting you know it was clicked.

Next you hit the "+ button under the post of the next person you would like to quote. The plus sign there will also turn into a check mark.

Repeat if you want to quote more people.
At the last person you want to quote click "Reply With Quote", this opens the reply box with all the quotes it it.
(Do not click "+ or "Reply" at the last person to quote, that does not seem to work.)

Too complicated? Okay.

Step by step guide:

Click the "+ button for this thread.

Click the "+ button for this thread, too.

But click the Reply With Quote button for this thread.

If you don't know when the last post you will want to quote is, you can substitute using the "+Reply to Thread" button at the bottom of the page for "Reply With Quote". It should still have all your quoted posts saved and ready to use.

ETA: Or see here for another method. (http://forums.longhaircommunity.com/showthread.php?p=992438#post992438)

Trying this out...

July 29th, 2016, 06:22 PM
Okay, since I heard that some of us need practice with how to multi quote :wink: thatīs what the test board is for. Please test away :D

It works like this:
Click the "+ button on the bottom right of the post, to the right of "Reply With Quote" if you plan to quote more people than just one person. The plus sign will turn into a check mark letting you know it was clicked.

Next you hit the "+ button under the post of the next person you would like to quote. The plus sign there will also turn into a check mark.

Repeat if you want to quote more people.
At the last person you want to quote click "Reply With Quote", this opens the reply box with all the quotes it it.
(Do not click "+ or "Reply" at the last person to quote, that does not seem to work.)

Too complicated? Okay.

Step by step guide:

Click the "+ button for this thread.

Click the "+ button for this thread, too.

But click the Reply With Quote button for this thread.

If you don't know when the last post you will want to quote is, you can substitute using the "+Reply to Thread" button at the bottom of the page for "Reply With Quote". It should still have all your quoted posts saved and ready to use.

ETA: Or see here for another method. (http://forums.longhaircommunity.com/showthread.php?p=992438#post992438)

Testing one two three?

July 29th, 2016, 06:23 PM
Awesome! Sorry I can't edit my excitement into the former yet, but thank you for putting this up.

October 12th, 2016, 06:16 AM
Testing this one..

October 12th, 2016, 06:17 AM
Like this?

Thanks! I've been wondering how to do this! Thank goodness lol

Thank you for this! I was starting to feel like a gooberhead since I couldn't figure this out. :crazyq:

Trying this out...

test number 2 :)

February 8th, 2017, 08:31 AM
Hmm ok there I'm testing it out. I've never been able to figure this out. Finally just found this section explaining it

February 8th, 2017, 08:31 AM
Ok I failed first try. Here is second go

February 8th, 2017, 08:32 AM
Nope can't quite get it to work. I guess it's bold text from here.

February 8th, 2017, 08:35 AM
Testing again. Hoping. Guessing another fail

February 21st, 2017, 06:09 PM
Okay, since I heard that some of us need practice with how to multi quote :wink: thatīs what the test board is for. Please test away :D

It works like this:
Click the "+ button on the bottom right of the post, to the right of "Reply With Quote" if you plan to quote more people than just one person. The plus sign will turn into a check mark letting you know it was clicked.

Next you hit the "+ button under the post of the next person you would like to quote. The plus sign there will also turn into a check mark.

Repeat if you want to quote more people.
At the last person you want to quote click "Reply With Quote", this opens the reply box with all the quotes it it.
(Do not click "+ or "Reply" at the last person to quote, that does not seem to work.)

Too complicated? Okay.

Step by step guide:

Click the "+ button for this thread.

Click the "+ button for this thread, too.

But click the Reply With Quote button for this thread.

If you don't know when the last post you will want to quote is, you can substitute using the "+Reply to Thread" button at the bottom of the page for "Reply With Quote". It should still have all your quoted posts saved and ready to use.

ETA: Or see here for another method. (http://forums.longhaircommunity.com/showthread.php?p=992438#post992438)

And it should look like this.
:cheese: for everyone when it works :D

This is a test, hope it works

April 12th, 2017, 06:11 AM
Okay, since I heard that some of us need practice with how to multi quote :wink: thatīs what the test board is for. Please test away :D

It works like this:
Click the "+ button on the bottom right of the post, to the right of "Reply With Quote" if you plan to quote more people than just one person. The plus sign will turn into a check mark letting you know it was clicked.

Next you hit the "+ button under the post of the next person you would like to quote. The plus sign there will also turn into a check mark.

Repeat if you want to quote more people.
At the last person you want to quote click "Reply With Quote", this opens the reply box with all the quotes it it.
(Do not click "+ or "Reply" at the last person to quote, that does not seem to work.)

Too complicated? Okay.

Step by step guide:

Click the "+ button for this thread.

Click the "+ button for this thread, too.

But click the Reply With Quote button for this thread.

If you don't know when the last post you will want to quote is, you can substitute using the "+Reply to Thread" button at the bottom of the page for "Reply With Quote". It should still have all your quoted posts saved and ready to use.

ETA: Or see here for another method. (http://forums.longhaircommunity.com/showthread.php?p=992438#post992438)

testing :D

April 12th, 2017, 08:34 AM
Hmm ok there I'm testing it out. I've never been able to figure this out. Finally just found this section explaining it

Ok I failed first try. Here is second go

Testing again. Hoping. Guessing another fail

This is a test, hope it works

So, there we should have a multi-quote. :)

April 19th, 2017, 07:06 AM
So, there we should have a multi-quote. :)

testing this stuff! :p

April 19th, 2017, 08:58 AM
this is a test, hope it works
you get a quote!

testing :d
and you get a quote!

so, there we should have a multi-quote. :)

everyone gets a quote!

Joyful Mystery
April 25th, 2017, 09:54 AM
Okay, since I heard that some of us need practice with how to multi quote :wink: thatīs what the test board is for. Please test away :D

It works like this:
Click the "+ button on the bottom right of the post, to the right of "Reply With Quote" if you plan to quote more people than just one person. The plus sign will turn into a check mark letting you know it was clicked.

Next you hit the "+ button under the post of the next person you would like to quote. The plus sign there will also turn into a check mark.

Repeat if you want to quote more people.
At the last person you want to quote click "Reply With Quote", this opens the reply box with all the quotes it it.
(Do not click "+ or "Reply" at the last person to quote, that does not seem to work.)

Too complicated? Okay.

Step by step guide:

Click the "+ button for this thread.

Click the "+ button for this thread, too.

But click the Reply With Quote button for this thread.

If you don't know when the last post you will want to quote is, you can substitute using the "+Reply to Thread" button at the bottom of the page for "Reply With Quote". It should still have all your quoted posts saved and ready to use.

ETA: Or see here for another method. (http://forums.longhaircommunity.com/showthread.php?p=992438#post992438)

Did I do this right? :)

June 6th, 2017, 05:03 AM
(...) Please test away :D (...)

Step by step guide:

Click the "+ button for this thread.

Click the "+ button for this thread, too.

But click the Reply With Quote button for this thread.

If you don't know when the last post you will want to quote is, you can substitute using the "+Reply to Thread" button at the bottom of the page for "Reply With Quote". It should still have all your quoted posts saved and ready to use.

ETA: Or see here for another method. (http://forums.longhaircommunity.com/showthread.php?p=992438#post992438)

Hehehe did this work? :p

June 7th, 2017, 01:56 AM
Okay, since I heard that some of us need practice with how to multi quote :wink: thatīs what the test board is for. Please test away :D

It works like this:
Click the "+ button on the bottom right of the post, to the right of "Reply With Quote" if you plan to quote more people than just one person. The plus sign will turn into a check mark letting you know it was clicked.

Next you hit the "+ button under the post of the next person you would like to quote. The plus sign there will also turn into a check mark.

Repeat if you want to quote more people.
At the last person you want to quote click "Reply With Quote", this opens the reply box with all the quotes it it.
(Do not click "+ or "Reply" at the last person to quote, that does not seem to work.)

Too complicated? Okay.

Step by step guide:

Click the "+ button for this thread.

let's see if this worked

June 7th, 2017, 01:59 AM
Okay, since I heard that some of us need practice with how to multi quote :wink: thatīs what the test board is for. Please test away :D

It works like this:
Click the "+ button on the bottom right of the post, to the right of "Reply With Quote" if you plan to quote more people than just one person. The plus sign will turn into a check mark letting you know it was clicked.

Next you hit the "+ button under the post of the next person you would like to quote. The plus sign there will also turn into a check mark.

Repeat if you want to quote more people.
At the last person you want to quote click "Reply With Quote", this opens the reply box with all the quotes it it.
(Do not click "+ or "Reply" at the last person to quote, that does not seem to work.)

Too complicated? Okay.

Step by step guide:

Click the "+ button for this thread.

Click the "+ button for this thread, too.

But click the Reply With Quote button for this thread.

If you don't know when the last post you will want to quote is, you can substitute using the "+Reply to Thread" button at the bottom of the page for "Reply With Quote". It should still have all your quoted posts saved and ready to use.

ETA: Or see here for another method. (http://forums.longhaircommunity.com/showthread.php?p=992438#post992438)

did it work now? :)

October 23rd, 2017, 02:51 PM
Nope can't quite get it to work. I guess it's bold text from here.

Testing again. Hoping. Guessing another fail

This is a test, hope it works

Wohoo! I couldn't quite figure this out on my own, great tutorial :D

January 10th, 2018, 02:01 PM
Did I do this right? :)

you get a quote!

and you get a quote!

everyone gets a quote!

testing this stuff! :p

So, there we should have a multi-quote. :)

This is a test, hope it works
Super cool!!! I was wondering how to do this!

prairie lark
March 26th, 2018, 08:50 AM
But click the Reply With Quote button for this thread.

If you don't know when the last post you will want to quote is, you can substitute using the "+Reply to Thread" button at the bottom of the page for "Reply With Quote". It should still have all your quoted posts saved and ready to use.

ETA: Or see here for another method. (http://forums.longhaircommunity.com/showthread.php?p=992438#post992438)

Method # 2

Step by step guide:

Click the quote+ button for this post.

Click the quote+ button for this post, too.

Click the quote+ button for this third post, too.

tessssssting :o

March 30th, 2018, 10:03 AM
good idea :)

Another one who already knows, but just couldn't resist the fun. :D

Ahhh, thanks for this thread. I'd forgotten how to do this.

Blue Mermaid
March 30th, 2018, 06:21 PM
Wohoo! I couldn't quite figure this out on my own, great tutorial :D

Super cool!!! I was wondering how to do this!

Ahhh, thanks for this thread. I'd forgotten how to do this.

Testing testing! Thank god for this thread..I could never figure it out!

April 7th, 2018, 05:22 PM
testing :D

April 7th, 2018, 05:23 PM
Testing testing! Thank god for this thread..I could never figure it out!

Ahhh, thanks for this thread. I'd forgotten how to do this.

testing :D

Test 2 :lol:

May 28th, 2018, 10:52 AM
Okay, since I heard that some of us need practice with how to multi quote :wink: thatīs what the test board is for. Please test away :D

It works like this:
Click the "+ button on the bottom right of the post, to the right of "Reply With Quote" if you plan to quote more people than just one person. The plus sign will turn into a check mark letting you know it was clicked.

Next you hit the "+ button under the post of the next person you would like to quote. The plus sign there will also turn into a check mark.

Repeat if you want to quote more people.
At the last person you want to quote click "Reply With Quote", this opens the reply box with all the quotes it it.
(Do not click "+ or "Reply" at the last person to quote, that does not seem to work.)

Too complicated? Okay.

Step by step guide:

Click the "+ button for this thread.

Click the "+ button for this thread, too.

+Reply to Thread[/B]" button at the bottom of the page for "Reply With Quote". It should still have all your quoted posts saved and ready to use.

Testing ..:D

May 28th, 2018, 10:57 AM
Okay, since I heard that some of us need practice with how to multi quote :wink: thatīs what the test board is for. Please test away :D

It works like this:
Click the "+ button on the bottom right of the post, to the right of "Reply With Quote" if you plan to quote more people than just one person. The plus sign will turn into a check mark letting you know it was clicked.

Next you hit the "+ button under the post of the next person you would like to quote. The plus sign there will also turn into a check mark.

Repeat if you want to quote more people.
At the last person you want to quote click "Reply With Quote", this opens the reply box with all the quotes it it.
(Do not click "+ or "Reply" at the last person to quote, that does not seem to work.)

Too complicated? Okay.

Step by step guide:

Click the "+ button for this thread.

Click the "+ button for this thread, too.

If you don't know when the last post you will want to quote is, you can substitute using the "+Reply to Thread" button at the bottom of the page for "Reply With Quote". It should still have all your quoted posts saved and ready to use.

And again! Trying to work out how to just quote a section..:D:rolleyes:

September 19th, 2018, 07:10 AM
Okay, since I heard that some of us need practice with how to multi quote :wink: thatīs what the test board is for. Please test away :D

It works like this:
Click the "+ button on the bottom right of the post, to the right of "Reply With Quote" if you plan to quote more people than just one person. The plus sign will turn into a check mark letting you know it was clicked.

Next you hit the "+ button under the post of the next person you would like to quote. The plus sign there will also turn into a check mark.

Repeat if you want to quote more people.
At the last person you want to quote click "Reply With Quote", this opens the reply box with all the quotes it it.
(Do not click "+ or "Reply" at the last person to quote, that does not seem to work.)

Too complicated? Okay.

Step by step guide:

Click the "+ button for this thread.

Testing! I hope I did this right! I want to be here a long time as I wait for my hair to grow... 😬

September 19th, 2018, 07:22 AM
I don’t know if I’m ever going to catch on to answering multiple posts

September 19th, 2018, 07:28 AM
Okay, since I heard that some of us need practice with how to multi quote :wink: thatīs what the test board is for. Please test away :D

It works like this:
Click the "+ button on the bottom right of the post, to the right of "Reply With Quote" if you plan to quote more people than just one person. The plus sign will turn into a check mark letting you know it was clicked.

Next you hit the "+ button under the post of the next person you would like to quote. The plus sign there will also turn into a check mark.

Repeat if you want to quote more people.
At the last person you want to quote click "Reply With Quote", this opens the reply box with all the quotes it it.
(Do not click "+ or "Reply" at the last person to quote, that does not seem to work.)

Too complicated? Okay.

Step by step guide:

Click the "+ button for this thread.

Click the "+ button for this thread, too.

But click the Reply With Quote button for this thread.

If you don't know when the last post you will want to quote is, you can substitute using the "+Reply to Thread" button at the bottom of the page for "Reply With Quote". It should still have all your quoted posts saved and ready to use.

ETA: Or see here for another method. (http://forums.longhaircommunity.com/showthread.php?p=992438#post992438)

Maybe I figured it out.... I feel like maybe my hair has grown whilst I’ve been here trying to learn this...

September 24th, 2018, 02:31 AM
How would I multiquote if the post was on another page other than the page I was on?

September 24th, 2018, 02:34 AM
How would I multiquote if the post was on another page other than the page I was on?

You do as you normally would, you click multiquote on all those you want to quote except for the last one, where you click reply with quote. They remain multiquoted even if you click to a new page to quote more.

September 24th, 2018, 02:37 AM
Thank you Estrid, I just did it now and it works!

September 24th, 2018, 02:43 AM
Thank you Estrid, I just did it now and it works!


October 22nd, 2018, 08:45 PM
Okay, since I heard that some of us need practice with how to multi quote :wink: thatīs what the test board is for. Please test away :D

It works like this:
Click the "+ button on the bottom right of the post, to the right of "Reply With Quote" if you plan to quote more people than just one person. The plus sign will turn into a check mark letting you know it was clicked.

Next you hit the "+ button under the post of the next person you would like to quote. The plus sign there will also turn into a check mark.

Repeat if you want to quote more people.
At the last person you want to quote click "Reply With Quote", this opens the reply box with all the quotes it it.
(Do not click "+ or "Reply" at the last person to quote, that does not seem to work.)

Too complicated? Okay.

Step by step guide:

Click the "+ button for this thread.

Click the "+ button for this thread, too.

But click the Reply With Quote button for this thread.

If you don't know when the last post you will want to quote is, you can substitute using the "+Reply to Thread" button at the bottom of the page for "Reply With Quote". It should still have all your quoted posts saved and ready to use.

ETA: Or see here for another method. (http://forums.longhaircommunity.com/showthread.php?p=992438#post992438)

I know this is really old, but it was really helpf. Thanks.

November 1st, 2018, 06:59 AM
Okay, since I heard that some of us need practice with how to multi quote :wink: thatīs what the test board is for. Please test away :D

It works like this:
Click the "+ button on the bottom right of the post, to the right of "Reply With Quote" if you plan to quote more people than just one person. The plus sign will turn into a check mark letting you know it was clicked.

Next you hit the "+ button under the post of the next person you would like to quote. The plus sign there will also turn into a check mark.

Repeat if you want to quote more people.
At the last person you want to quote click "Reply With Quote", this opens the reply box with all the quotes it it.
(Do not click "+ or "Reply" at the last person to quote, that does not seem to work.)

Too complicated? Okay.

Step by step guide:

Click the "+ button for this thread.

Click the "+ button for this thread, too.

yay it worked

ETA: kinda

November 1st, 2018, 07:00 AM
Okay, since I heard that some of us need practice with how to multi quote :wink: thatīs what the test board is for. Please test away :D

It works like this:
Click the "+ button on the bottom right of the post, to the right of "Reply With Quote" if you plan to quote more people than just one person. The plus sign will turn into a check mark letting you know it was clicked.

Next you hit the "+ button under the post of the next person you would like to quote. The plus sign there will also turn into a check mark.

Repeat if you want to quote more people.
At the last person you want to quote click "Reply With Quote", this opens the reply box with all the quotes it it.
(Do not click "+ or "Reply" at the last person to quote, that does not seem to work.)

Too complicated? Okay.

Step by step guide:

Click the "+ button for this thread.

Click the "+ button for this thread, too.

But click the Reply With Quote button for this thread.

If you don't know when the last post you will want to quote is, you can substitute using the "+Reply to Thread" button at the bottom of the page for "Reply With Quote". It should still have all your quoted posts saved and ready to use.

ETA: Or see here for another method. (http://forums.longhaircommunity.com/showthread.php?p=992438#post992438)

NOW it worked!

November 8th, 2018, 11:47 AM
Okay. That makes sense. Boom boom lol

November 18th, 2018, 03:43 PM
Okay, since I heard that some of us need practice with how to multi quote :wink: thatīs what the test board is for. Please test away :D

It works like this:
Click the "+ button on the bottom right of the post, to the right of "Reply With Quote" if you plan to quote more people than just one person. The plus sign will turn into a check mark letting you know it was clicked.

Next you hit the "+ button under the post of the next person you would like to quote. The plus sign there will also turn into a check mark.

Repeat if you want to quote more people.
At the last person you want to quote click "Reply With Quote", this opens the reply box with all the quotes it it.
(Do not click "+ or "Reply" at the last person to quote, that does not seem to work.)

Too complicated? Okay.

Step by step guide:

Click the "+ button for this thread.

Click the "+ button for this thread, too.

But click the Reply With Quote button for this thread.

If you don't know when the last post you will want to quote is, you can substitute using the "+Reply to Thread" button at the bottom of the page for "Reply With Quote". It should still have all your quoted posts saved and ready to use.

ETA: Or see here for another method. (http://forums.longhaircommunity.com/showthread.php?p=992438#post992438)

Thanks this was very helpful!

November 18th, 2018, 04:23 PM
[QUOTE=Finoriel;989647]Okay, since I heard that some of us need practice with how to multi quote :wink: thatīs what the test board is for. Please test away :D

It works like this:
Click the "+ button on the bottom right of the post, to the right of "Reply With Quote" if you plan to quote more people than just one person. The plus sign will turn into a check mark letting you know it was clicked.

Next you hit the "+ button under the post of the next person you would like to quote. The plus sign there will also turn into a check mark.

Repeat if you want to quote more people.
At the last person you want to quote click "Reply With Quote", this opens the reply box with all the quotes it it.
(Do not click "+ or "Reply" at the last person to quote, that does not seem to work.)

Too complicated? Okay.

Step by step guide:[COLOR=Green]


November 18th, 2018, 04:25 PM
Click the "+ button for this thread, too.

Test test test test.

November 29th, 2018, 09:12 AM
please lengthen your post to 10 characters . practice test

November 29th, 2018, 09:14 AM
another test

November 29th, 2018, 09:15 AM
Okay. That makes sense. Boom boom lol

another tes

March 30th, 2019, 09:18 PM
I'm guessing this is how but I suppose I'll find out.

March 30th, 2019, 09:19 PM
I'm guessing this is how but I suppose I'll find out.

Nevermind then.

April 18th, 2019, 11:47 AM
Okay, since I heard that some of us need practice with how to multi quote :wink: thatīs what the test board is for. Please test away :D

It works like this:
Click the "+ button on the bottom right of the post, to the right of "Reply With Quote" if you plan to quote more people than just one person. The plus sign will turn into a check mark letting you know it was clicked.

Next you hit the "+ button under the post of the next person you would like to quote. The plus sign there will also turn into a check mark.

Repeat if you want to quote more people.
At the last person you want to quote click "Reply With Quote", this opens the reply box with all the quotes it it.
(Do not click "+ or "Reply" at the last person to quote, that does not seem to work.)

Too complicated? Okay.

Step by step guide:

Click the "+ button for this thread.

Click the "+ button for this thread, too.

But click the Reply With Quote button for this thread.

If you don't know when the last post you will want to quote is, you can substitute using the "+Reply to Thread" button at the bottom of the page for "Reply With Quote". It should still have all your quoted posts saved and ready to use.

ETA: Or see here for another method. (http://forums.longhaircommunity.com/showthread.php?p=992438#post992438)

I think this worked

July 27th, 2019, 04:45 AM
I'm guessing this is how but I suppose I'll find out.

Nevermind then.

I think this worked

test test :)

August 15th, 2019, 05:21 PM
Okay, since I heard that some of us need practice with how to multi quote :wink: thatīs what the test board is for. Please test away :D

It works like this:
Click the "+ button on the bottom right of the post, to the right of "Reply With Quote" if you plan to quote more people than just one person. The plus sign will turn into a check mark letting you know it was clicked.

Next you hit the "+ button under the post of the next person you would like to quote. The plus sign there will also turn into a check mark.

Repeat if you want to quote more people.
At the last person you want to quote click "Reply With Quote", this opens the reply box with all the quotes it it.
(Do not click "+ or "Reply" at the last person to quote, that does not seem to work.)

Too complicated? Okay.

Step by step guide:

Click the "+ button for this thread.

Click the "+ button for this thread, too.

But click the Reply With Quote button for this thread.

If you don't know when the last post you will want to quote is, you can substitute using the "+Reply to Thread" button at the bottom of the page for "Reply With Quote". It should still have all your quoted posts saved and ready to use.

ETA: Or see here for another method. (http://forums.longhaircommunity.com/showthread.php?p=992438#post992438)

Thanks so much for this even if it was old, I've been struggling!

August 22nd, 2019, 04:30 AM
Okay, since I heard that some of us need practice with how to multi quote :wink: thatīs what the test board is for. Please test away :D

It works like this:
Click the "+ button on the bottom right of the post, to the right of "Reply With Quote" if you plan to quote more people than just one person. The plus sign will turn into a check mark letting you know it was clicked.

Next you hit the "+ button under the post of the next person you would like to quote. The plus sign there will also turn into a check mark.

Repeat if you want to quote more people.
At the last person you want to quote click "Reply With Quote", this opens the reply box with all the quotes it it.
(Do not click "+ or "Reply" at the last person to quote, that does not seem to work.)

Too complicated? Okay.

I try to write middle of this quote and see if it works.

Step by step guide:

Click the "+ button for this thread.

Click the "+ button for this thread, too.

But click the Reply With Quote button for this thread.

If you don't know when the last post you will want to quote is, you can substitute using the "+Reply to Thread" button at the bottom of the page for "Reply With Quote". It should still have all your quoted posts saved and ready to use.

ETA: Or see here for another method. (http://forums.longhaircommunity.com/showthread.php?p=992438#post992438)

Thanks for this tutorial, I hope I got it!

August 22nd, 2019, 04:32 AM
Okay, since I heard that some of us need practice with how to multi quote :wink: thatīs what the test board is for. Please test away :D

It works like this:
Click the "+ button on the bottom right of the post, to the right of "Reply With Quote" if you plan to quote more people than just one person. The plus sign will turn into a check mark letting you know it was clicked.

Next you hit the "+ button under the post of the next person you would like to quote. The plus sign there will also turn into a check mark.

Repeat if you want to quote more people.
At the last person you want to quote click "Reply With Quote", this opens the reply box with all the quotes it it.
(Do not click "+ or "Reply" at the last person to quote, that does not seem to work.)

Too complicated? Okay.

Step by step guide:

Click the "+ button for this thread.
Is this the part where I can write my stuff? Testing.

Click the "+ button for this thread, too.

But click the Reply With Quote button for this thread.

If you don't know when the last post you will want to quote is, you can substitute using the "+Reply to Thread" button at the bottom of the page for "Reply With Quote". It should still have all your quoted posts saved and ready to use.

ETA: Or see here for another method. (http://forums.longhaircommunity.com/showthread.php?p=992438#post992438)

September 25th, 2019, 08:13 AM
Okay, since I heard that some of us need practice with how to multi quote :wink: thatīs what the test board is for. Please test away :D

It works like this:
Click the "+ button on the bottom right of the post, to the right of "Reply With Quote" if you plan to quote more people than just one person. The plus sign will turn into a check mark letting you know it was clicked.

Next you hit the "+ button under the post of the next person you would like to quote. The plus sign there will also turn into a check mark.

Repeat if you want to quote more people.
At the last person you want to quote click "Reply With Quote", this opens the reply box with all the quotes it it.
(Do not click "+ or "Reply" at the last person to quote, that does not seem to work.)

Too complicated? Okay.

Step by step guide:

Click the "+ button for this thread.

Click the "+ button for this thread, too.

This thread reminds me of a German childrenīs game Ich packe meinen Koffer. :D

Success! My third post is from page 2, looks like the Reply with Quote+ button has been replaced by forum cookies simply remembering the quotes you selected when you go to the next page ? I'll test trying to multiquote from a different thread to see if that still works too...

ETA this quote is from the "Everyone who Wants to Test, Test Here!" thread

Testing size of new signature
Can't seem to do it with either of the techniques in this thread--selecting the "+ symbol and then using Reply With Quote, or "+ and then using the big reply button--but I can quote it from a different thread manually by copy-pasting a quote response in the other thread. It also seems to remember that I have pressed the "+ button in a different thread when I go back to it, so I'm guessing it's design choice so you don't accidentally quote from 7 different threads or something |D

February 8th, 2020, 03:50 AM
Okay, since I heard that some of us need practice with how to multi quote :wink: thatīs what the test board is for. Please test away :D

It works like this:
Click the "+ button on the bottom right of the post, to the right of "Reply With Quote" if you plan to quote more people than just one person. The plus sign will turn into a check mark letting you know it was clicked.

Next you hit the "+ button under the post of the next person you would like to quote. The plus sign there will also turn into a check mark.

Repeat if you want to quote more people.
At the last person you want to quote click "Reply With Quote", this opens the reply box with all the quotes it it.
(Do not click "+ or "Reply" at the last person to quote, that does not seem to work.)

Too complicated? Okay.

Step by step guide:

Click the "+ button for this thread.

Click the "+ button for this thread, too.

But click the Reply With Quote button for this thread.

If you don't know when the last post you will want to quote is, you can substitute using the "+Reply to Thread" button at the bottom of the page for "Reply With Quote". It should still have all your quoted posts saved and ready to use.

ETA: Or see here for another method. (http://forums.longhaircommunity.com/showthread.php?p=992438#post992438)

This is my very first post (slightly embarrassed!) I've just been lingering around on threads, nervously observing and yearning to respond :lol: I'm really eager to start posting and replying so this is super helpful practice, thank you!

April 12th, 2020, 03:17 AM
Thanks for this tutorial, I hope I got it!

Is this the part where I can write my stuff? Testing.

Success! My third post is from page 2, looks like the Reply with Quote+ button has been replaced by forum cookies simply remembering the quotes you selected when you go to the next page ? I'll test trying to multiquote from a different thread to see if that still works too...

ETA this quote is from the "Everyone who Wants to Test, Test Here!" thread

Can't seem to do it with either of the techniques in this thread--selecting the "+ symbol and then using Reply With Quote, or "+ and then using the big reply button--but I can quote it from a different thread manually by copy-pasting a quote response in the other thread. It also seems to remember that I have pressed the "+ button in a different thread when I go back to it, so I'm guessing it's design choice so you don't accidentally quote from 7 different threads or something |D

This is my very first post (slightly embarrassed!) I've just been lingering around on threads, nervously observing and yearning to respond :lol: I'm really eager to start posting and replying so this is super helpful practice, thank you!

Oh, finally I learned this, uhu.

April 13th, 2020, 02:25 PM
okay, since i heard that some of us need practice with how to multi quote :wink: Thatīs what the test board is for. Please test away :d

it works like this:
Click the "+ button on the bottom right of the post, to the right of "reply with quote" if you plan to quote more people than just one person. The plus sign will turn into a check mark letting you know it was clicked.

Next you hit the "+ button under the post of the next person you would like to quote. The plus sign there will also turn into a check mark.

Repeat if you want to quote more people.
At the last person you want to quote click "reply with quote", this opens the reply box with all the quotes it it.
(do not click "+ or "reply" at the last person to quote, that does not seem to work.)

too complicated? Okay.

step by step guide:

click the "+ button for this thread.

click the "+ button for this thread, too.

but click the reply with quote button for this thread.

If you don't know when the last post you will want to quote is, you can substitute using the "+reply to thread" button at the bottom of the page for "reply with quote". It should still have all your quoted posts saved and ready to use.

Eta: or see here for another method. (http://forums.longhaircommunity.com/showthread.php?p=992438#post992438)

yoooooo i've been copypasting for years what the heck

April 20th, 2020, 05:59 AM
This is my very first post (slightly embarrassed!) I've just been lingering around on threads, nervously observing and yearning to respond :lol: I'm really eager to start posting and replying so this is super helpful practice, thank you!

Oh, finally I learned this, uhu.

yoooooo i've been copypasting for years what the heck

Thank you very much for this tutorial - I'm new to posting (though I've been lurking for ages!), so this is super helpful

July 6th, 2020, 03:33 PM
Okay, since I heard that some of us need practice with how to multi quote :wink: thatīs what the test board is for. Please test away :D

It works like this:
Click the "+ button on the bottom right of the post, to the right of "Reply With Quote" if you plan to quote more people than just one person. The plus sign will turn into a check mark letting you know it was clicked.

Next you hit the "+ button under the post of the next person you would like to quote. The plus sign there will also turn into a check mark.

Repeat if you want to quote more people.
At the last person you want to quote click "Reply With Quote", this opens the reply box with all the quotes it it.
(Do not click "+ or "Reply" at the last person to quote, that does not seem to work.)

Too complicated? Okay.

Step by step guide:

Click the "+ button for this thread.

Click the "+ button for this thread, too.

But click the Reply With Quote button for this thread.

If you don't know when the last post you will want to quote is, you can substitute using the "+Reply to Thread" button at the bottom of the page for "Reply With Quote". It should still have all your quoted posts saved and ready to use.

ETA: Or see here for another method. (http://forums.longhaircommunity.com/showthread.php?p=992438#post992438)

Thank you so much!

March 16th, 2021, 09:07 PM
Okay, since I heard that some of us need practice with how to multi quote :wink: thatīs what the test board is for. Please test away :D

It works like this:
Click the "+ button on the bottom right of the post, to the right of "Reply With Quote" if you plan to quote more people than just one person. The plus sign will turn into a check mark letting you know it was clicked.

Next you hit the "+ button under the post of the next person you would like to quote. The plus sign there will also turn into a check mark.

Repeat if you want to quote more people.
At the last person you want to quote click "Reply With Quote", this opens the reply box with all the quotes it it.
(Do not click "+ or "Reply" at the last person to quote, that does not seem to work.)

Too complicated? Okay.

Step by step guide:

Click the "+ button for this thread.

Click the "+ button for this thread, too.

But click the Reply With Quote button for this thread.

If you don't know when the last post you will want to quote is, you can substitute using the "+Reply to Thread" button at the bottom of the page for "Reply With Quote". It should still have all your quoted posts saved and ready to use.

ETA: Or see here for another method. (http://forums.longhaircommunity.com/showthread.php?p=992438#post992438)

Testing, hopefully I read this right!

February 16th, 2022, 05:10 PM
Okay, since I heard that some of us need practice with how to multi quote :wink: thatīs what the test board is for. Please test away :D

It works like this:
Click the "+ button on the bottom right of the post, to the right of "Reply With Quote" if you plan to quote more people than just one person. The plus sign will turn into a check mark letting you know it was clicked.

Next you hit the "+ button under the post of the next person you would like to quote. The plus sign there will also turn into a check mark.

Repeat if you want to quote more people.
At the last person you want to quote click "Reply With Quote", this opens the reply box with all the quotes it it.
(Do not click "+ or "Reply" at the last person to quote, that does not seem to work.)

Too complicated? Okay.

Step by step guide:

Click the "+ button for this thread.

Click the "+ button for this thread, too.

Testing if I can write stuff here

But click the Reply With Quote button for this thread.

If you don't know when the last post you will want to quote is, you can substitute using the "+Reply to Thread" button at the bottom of the page for "Reply With Quote". It should still have all your quoted posts saved and ready to use.

ETA: Or see here for another method. (http://forums.longhaircommunity.com/showthread.php?p=992438#post992438)

Just testing this out :o thanks!

April 13th, 2022, 04:40 AM
Okay, since I heard that some of us need practice with how to multi quote :wink: thatīs what the test board is for. Please test away :D

It works like this:
Click the "+ button on the bottom right of the post, to the right of "Reply With Quote" if you plan to quote more people than just one person. The plus sign will turn into a check mark letting you know it was clicked.

Next you hit the "+ button under the post of the next person you would like to quote. The plus sign there will also turn into a check mark.

Repeat if you want to quote more people.
At the last person you want to quote click "Reply With Quote", this opens the reply box with all the quotes it it.
(Do not click "+ or "Reply" at the last person to quote, that does not seem to work.)

Too complicated? Okay.

Step by step guide:

Click the "+ button for this thread.

Click the "+ button for this thread, too.

But click the Reply With Quote button for this thread.

If you don't know when the last post you will want to quote is, you can substitute using the "+Reply to Thread" button at the bottom of the page for "Reply With Quote". It should still have all your quoted posts saved and ready to use.

ETA: Or see here for another method. (http://forums.longhaircommunity.com/showthread.php?p=992438#post992438)

It works! Thank you :)

June 7th, 2022, 07:44 PM
Okay, since I heard that some of us need practice with how to multi quote :wink: thatīs what the test board is for. Please test away :D

It works like this:
Click the "+ button on the bottom right of the post, to the right of "Reply With Quote" if you plan to quote more people than just one person. The plus sign will turn into a check mark letting you know it was clicked.

Next you hit the "+ button under the post of the next person you would like to quote. The plus sign there will also turn into a check mark.

Repeat if you want to quote more people.
At the last person you want to quote click "Reply With Quote", this opens the reply box with all the quotes it it.
(Do not click "+ or "Reply" at the last person to quote, that does not seem to work.)

Too complicated? Okay.

Step by step guide:

Click the "+ button for this thread.

Click the "+ button for this thread, too.

But click the Reply With Quote button for this thread.

If you don't know when the last post you will want to quote is, you can substitute using the "+Reply to Thread" button at the bottom of the page for "Reply With Quote". It should still have all your quoted posts saved and ready to use.

ETA: Or see here for another method. (http://forums.longhaircommunity.com/showthread.php?p=992438#post992438)
Isn't this fun!?

June 8th, 2022, 03:48 AM
Okay, since I heard that some of us need practice with how to multi quote :wink: thatīs what the test board is for. Please test away :D

It works like this:
Click the "+ button on the bottom right of the post, to the right of "Reply With Quote" if you plan to quote more people than just one person. The plus sign will turn into a check mark letting you know it was clicked.

Next you hit the "+ button under the post of the next person you would like to quote. The plus sign there will also turn into a check mark.

Repeat if you want to quote more people.
At the last person you want to quote click "Reply With Quote", this opens the reply box with all the quotes it it.
(Do not click "+ or "Reply" at the last person to quote, that does not seem to work.)

Too complicated? Okay.

Step by step guide:

Click the "+ button for this thread.

I am so pleased to have worked this out by myself before I came to this thread by posting in the tailbone to classic length thread:happydance: ; yet I had to mess it up with a typo in my reply (classin instead of classic......lol).
Oh well.....the perfectionist:rolleyes: in my has to accept being tired sometimes leads to typos.

June 8th, 2022, 04:06 AM
Just trying something out🤨

June 8th, 2022, 04:08 AM
Yes? Does it? :ponder:

:D Hey, this works!

Now it all makes sense!

Cool!!! :cheese:

Did it work?

ETA: Awesome idea! Thanks.

Just trying something out��

I am so pleased to have worked this out by myself before I came to this thread by posting in the tailbone to classic length thread:happydance: ; yet I had to mess it up with a typo in my reply (classin instead of classic......lol).
Oh well.....the perfectionist:rolleyes: in my has to accept being tired sometimes leads to typos.

I think I fully got it now ��.

December 5th, 2022, 08:07 AM
Click the "+ button for this thread, too.

Okay, since I heard that some of us need practice with how to multi quote :wink: thatīs what the test board is for. Please test away :D

It works like this:
Click the "+ button on the bottom right of the post, to the right of "Reply With Quote" if you plan to quote more people than just one person. The plus sign will turn into a check mark letting you know it was clicked.

Next you hit the "+ button under the post of the next person you would like to quote. The plus sign there will also turn into a check mark.

Repeat if you want to quote more people.
At the last person you want to quote click "Reply With Quote", this opens the reply box with all the quotes it it.
(Do not click "+ or "Reply" at the last person to quote, that does not seem to work.)

Too complicated? Okay.

Step by step guide:

Click the "+ button for this thread.
i did it

But click the Reply With Quote button for this thread.

If you don't know when the last post you will want to quote is, you can substitute using the "+Reply to Thread" button at the bottom of the page for "Reply With Quote". It should still have all your quoted posts saved and ready to use.

ETA: Or see here for another method. (http://forums.longhaircommunity.com/showthread.php?p=992438#post992438)

i finally get it

March 7th, 2023, 07:49 AM
Okay, since I heard that some of us need practice with how to multi quote :wink: thatīs what the test board is for. Please test away :D

Take one...

[QUOTE=Finoriel;989648]Click the "+ button for this thread, too.

Take two...

But click the Reply With Quote button for this thread.

Take three...

If you don't know when the last post you will want to quote is, you can substitute using the "+Reply to Thread" button at the bottom of the page for "Reply With Quote". It should still have all your quoted posts saved and ready to use.

ETA: Or see here for another method. (http://forums.longhaircommunity.com/showthread.php?p=992438#post992438)

Nailed it.

March 7th, 2023, 07:54 AM
Okay, since I heard that some of us need practice with how to multi quote :wink: thatīs what the test board is for. Please test away :D

Too complicated? Okay.

Step by step guide:

Click the "+ button for this thread.

And it should look like this.
:cheese: for everyone when it works :D

Just trying something out��


Nailed it.

Ah, second try. Iīm a slow learner.

March 7th, 2023, 07:57 AM

Ah, second try. Iīm a slow learner.

Not sure why I get "[QUOTE=Nefcerka;3982423][QUOTE=Nefcerka;3982422]". Do I delete too much of the code? This is probably not going to be my thing.

March 8th, 2023, 09:53 PM
Hopefully this works!

Edit: did not work:(

March 8th, 2023, 09:54 PM
But click the Reply With Quote button for this thread.

If you don't know when the last post you will want to quote is, you can substitute using the "+Reply to Thread" button at the bottom of the page for "Reply With Quote". It should still have all your quoted posts saved and ready to use.

ETA: Or see here for another method. (http://forums.longhaircommunity.com/showthread.php?p=992438#post992438)

Click the "+ button for this thread, too.

Okay, since I heard that some of us need practice with how to multi quote :wink: thatīs what the test board is for. Please test away :D

It works like this:
Click the "+ button on the bottom right of the post, to the right of "Reply With Quote" if you plan to quote more people than just one person. The plus sign will turn into a check mark letting you know it was clicked.

Next you hit the "+ button under the post of the next person you would like to quote. The plus sign there will also turn into a check mark.

Repeat if you want to quote more people.
At the last person you want to quote click "Reply With Quote", this opens the reply box with all the quotes it it.
(Do not click "+ or "Reply" at the last person to quote, that does not seem to work.)

Too complicated? Okay.

Step by step guide:

Click the "+ button for this thread.

Finally got it!

February 3rd, 2024, 11:03 AM
Okay, since I heard that some of us need practice with how to multi quote :wink: thatīs what the test board is for. Please test away :D

It works like this:
Click the "+ button on the bottom right of the post, to the right of "Reply With Quote" if you plan to quote more people than just one person. The plus sign will turn into a check mark letting you know it was clicked.

Next you hit the "+ button under the post of the next person you would like to quote. The plus sign there will also turn into a check mark.

Repeat if you want to quote more people.
At the last person you want to quote click "Reply With Quote", this opens the reply box with all the quotes it it.
(Do not click "+ or "Reply" at the last person to quote, that does not seem to work.)

Too complicated? Okay.

Step by step guide:

Click the "+ button for this thread.

Click the "+ button for this thread, too.

But click the Reply With Quote button for this thread.

If you don't know when the last post you will want to quote is, you can substitute using the "+Reply to Thread" button at the bottom of the page for "Reply With Quote". It should still have all your quoted posts saved and ready to use.

ETA: Or see here for another method. (http://forums.longhaircommunity.com/showthread.php?p=992438#post992438)

That was way easier then I thought it would be. I wondered what that button was for!