View Full Version : I'm making an executive decision...

February 25th, 2010, 08:14 AM
...I've made appointments for myself and my dd for Friday with the lady who use to cut it. I know, I know,.....I SWORE I would NOT return to her but honestly, she knows how to give an awesome cut. Seriously, she can cut my hair in such a way that it grows out sooooo nicely and I can easily go a year before needing one again. We just have major styling differences. :rant:

I've been trying to live with my hair since it's hack job last Friday and it still gets to me. I suppose I would rather have nice looking shorter hair than long uneven hair. I want to enjoy my hair and that's not happening when I screw it up on my head all day, everyday. So I'm willing to sacrifice some length to gain a nice hemline so I feel I can wear it down. :( *sigh*

And concerning dd, I going to have the lady look at hers and see if anything can be done to make it look better and still manage a girly style. Fingers crossed and wish us luck! :)

February 25th, 2010, 08:28 AM
Good luck! If you really feel the need to do something different with your hair you should do it. If you like the way she cuts your hair it's OK I think. And I totally agree with you saying that shorter hair that looks healthy and nice is better than long hair that doesn't look how you want it to. Let us know if you like the result! :)

February 25th, 2010, 08:30 AM
do whatever will make you feel confortable and confident

February 25th, 2010, 08:34 AM
I know it can be a difficult job to cut your own hair, and it's harder to have patience with it when it's shorter and you can't just stick it up in a bun and wait for it to grow back out to try again. :flower: I wish you good luck and all happiness. It's important to love your hair, otherwise why would we all be doing this? :)

February 25th, 2010, 09:08 AM
Thank you all! :)