View Full Version : baby baldys?

May 1st, 2008, 12:32 AM
I'm not sure if I should be worried, but lately I'm finding all these mini-bald-spots around my head. Today I misted my hair (I guess it's not really misting if your hair comes out dripping wet...) and did my night-time french braid. When I was done and looked in my 3-way mirror to check it out, I saw that I pulled one of the top sections of the braid too high and exposed some of my scalp. In the middle of it is one of those spots (visible because it's white and the hair around it is just my roots being pulled in different directions, so it's not as big as it seems.)


http://img247.imageshack.us/img247/1057/baldy1ja8.th.jpg (http://img247.imageshack.us/my.php?image=baldy1ja8.jpg)

http://img210.imageshack.us/img210/4784/baldy3wz0.th.jpg (http://img210.imageshack.us/my.php?image=baldy3wz0.jpg)

They're clickable, by the way, if you want a better look.
Could anyone tell me if these are just those normal spots where hair is less common or something or is it something I should be iffy about? They're not that big so I'm not freaking out, but it's still weird because I've never found them before. Or maybe I just never paid attention :shrug:.


May 1st, 2008, 01:40 AM
Well, I'm not an expert, but that looks kinda iffy to me. Maybe you pull your hair too tight when you're braiding it and have pulled some out? It may be a sign of something more serious, though. Just to be safe, I would see a doctor.

May 1st, 2008, 01:44 AM
It could just be the way your hair parts - some people refer to it as scalp cleavage around here. That said, it could be worth getting it checked by your doctor, to make sure it's not a medical issue.
Have you been shedding more than usual lately?

Have you heard of Moonchaser's Sweet Success Oil? I know some people on LHC have had some luck stimulating hair growth in thin patches using this oil, but I haven't used it myself.


May 1st, 2008, 02:59 AM
It could also be something old. I have two of those mini bald spots, one is from a bicycle accident and the other one is from when I had chickenpox when I was 5 and could not resist to scratch. Both of them are really small and almost invisible, but I can feel the small bald spots there. Sometimes the hair on scalp scars does not grow back.
Maybe it could be something like this and you joust did not notice it before. But if you donīt remember any old accidents where scalp skin was hurt you should visit a dermatologist and see if there is something wrong with your skin, before it getīs worse.

Mary <><
May 1st, 2008, 05:17 AM
If it were me, I would see a doctor of some sort. That can be a sign of internal trouble, or it might be nothing, but there is only one way to find out and that is to look in to it. I am more in to holistic healthcare, personally. Do you have a holistic practicioner where you live?

May 1st, 2008, 07:04 AM
I'd keep an eye on them, maybe try applying one of the oils or Monistat (see that monster thread) and see if they re-grow hair. Also make sure you don't have the hair pulled unusually tight in that area. Massage them a little or maybe stimulate with a BBB.

If you don't see re-growth, and you can't attribute them to scars like Finoriel, I'd go see a dermatologist within a month or so. It's scary (especially around here) to mention it, but I've heard of alopecia starting with a smallish bald spot or two.

May 1st, 2008, 07:34 AM
I'd keep an eye on them, maybe try applying one of the oils or Monistat (see that monster thread) and see if they re-grow hair. Also make sure you don't have the hair pulled unusually tight in that area. Massage them a little or maybe stimulate with a BBB.

If you don't see re-growth, and you can't attribute them to scars like Finoriel, I'd go see a dermatologist within a month or so. It's scary (especially around here) to mention it, but I've heard of alopecia starting with a smallish bald spot or two.

Agree with the monistat. Also check this site http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Alopecia_areata Yours doesn't look anywhere close to it but it's better to keep an eye & probably see a doc about it

May 1st, 2008, 07:44 AM
I would say that is scalp cleavage. I have it like crazy all over the back of my head - my hair grows in swirls. When I pull my hair back in a certain way they pop out and look just like that. They are even visible on my crown when my hair is down, and always have been. I am not balding, my hair just parts itself and grows away from the spots in different directions, giving the appearence of gaps. If my hair is back tightly they appear larger.

I have to admit I hate they way they look, but they are easy to cover by loosening sections of hair.

My dad has cowlicks all over his head too. In pictures of him when he was younger, his hair sprouts up in all directions. :)

May 1st, 2008, 07:56 AM
well it could be just scalp clevage as the pp says , now that I noticed your hair in some special sort of braid in the picture. I get that too when I french braid sometimes

May 1st, 2008, 08:43 AM
If this is a recent development you should see your general practitioner for blood tests and if nothing is found then a dermatologist. I would hold off on monistat until I knew more, but I'd try it if the doctors could not help me.

May 1st, 2008, 09:41 AM

I thought the thread said "Baby Daddy's"

oppssss :blushes:

May 1st, 2008, 10:01 AM
My mom had something like that. She went to the doctor, but I don't know if she got anything for it. What helped was that she used some EOs applying them on the scalp. After a few weeks it cleared up completely. I'm not sure what EOs she used though or if it was related to it clearing up. Sorry I couldn't be more specific! But, if it's the same thing my mother had, then it's treatable. :flower:

If you want, I can email her and ask for her EO recipe.

The essential oils were put into jojoba oil, not used straight.

May 1st, 2008, 10:06 AM
Well, I see scalp cleavage, but we all get that. However, there's a little spot right next to her finger in the second picture, a little smaller than the fingernail, where it doesn't appear any hair is growing.

Interestingly, there's an unreferenced statement on Wikipedia (maybe one of us should add a [citation needed] note {ETA: done!}) that it can be an adverse effect of Prilosec. You wouldn't have happened to have started taking that, have you, buttons?

May 1st, 2008, 12:03 PM
It could just be the way your hair parts - some people refer to it as scalp cleavage around here. That said, it could be worth getting it checked by your doctor, to make sure it's not a medical issue.
Have you been shedding more than usual lately?

Have you heard of Moonchaser's Sweet Success Oil? I know some people on LHC have had some luck stimulating hair growth in thin patches using this oil, but I haven't used it myself.


I though scalp cleavage too, but there's that little spot I'm pointing too (about half the size of my nail) where there isn't any hair at all.
Come to think of it...my shedding has gone up a lot, but I was thinking that was because I used MN for a while and stopped a few months ago because It didn't do much for me. People mentioned the shedding would go up after it :shrug:

It could also be something old. I have two of those mini bald spots, one is from a bicycle accident and the other one is from when I had chickenpox when I was 5 and could not resist to scratch. Both of them are really small and almost invisible, but I can feel the small bald spots there. Sometimes the hair on scalp scars does not grow back.
Maybe it could be something like this and you joust did not notice it before. But if you donīt remember any old accidents where scalp skin was hurt you should visit a dermatologist and see if there is something wrong with your skin, before it getīs worse.

I actually do have spots that looks a lot like the one in the picture no my shoulder and a centimeter below my hairline on my forehead from when I was 8 months old and had chicken pox with my mom. Maybe that's it! :)

If it were me, I would see a doctor of some sort. That can be a sign of internal trouble, or it might be nothing, but there is only one way to find out and that is to look in to it. I am more in to holistic healthcare, personally. Do you have a holistic practicioner where you live?

I'm going to check that out. I really have no idea if there are, but I live in a popular area so there must be one around. Thanks :)

If this is a recent development you should see your general practitioner for blood tests and if nothing is found then a dermatologist. I would hold off on monistat until I knew more, but I'd try it if the doctors could not help me.

Eek, a person scared of needles dreads that word. I'm scheduling an appointment with the doc. Thank you :D

My mom had something like that. She went to the doctor, but I don't know if she got anything for it. What helped was that she used some EOs applying them on the scalp. After a few weeks it cleared up completely. I'm not sure what EOs she used though or if it was related to it clearing up. Sorry I couldn't be more specific! But, if it's the same thing my mother had, then it's treatable. :flower:

If you want, I can email her and ask for her EO recipe.

The essential oils were put into jojoba oil, not used straight.

If it isn't too much trouble. I'm not ruling out anything right now, considering with every reply there's a new reason and every time it's a possibility ;)
Thanks a lot!

Well, I see scalp cleavage, but we all get that. However, there's a little spot right next to her finger in the second picture, a little smaller than the fingernail, where it doesn't appear any hair is growing.

Interestingly, there's an unreferenced statement on Wikipedia (maybe one of us should add a [citation needed] note {ETA: done!}) that it can be an adverse effect of Prilosec. You wouldn't have happened to have started taking that, have you, buttons?

Nope, I don't get "the burn. No prilosec usage as far as I remember. :D

May 1st, 2008, 12:05 PM

I thought the thread said "Baby Daddy's"

oppssss :blushes:

Lol :rolling: I actually thought of that when I previewed the post, but I didn't change it.

May 1st, 2008, 01:04 PM
Definitely see a doctor and don't let them brush you off. I wouldn't try monistat or any other concoction until you rule out possible health issues, if only so the spot can be looked at in its natural state.

I've seen similar things on other people though and there is a good chance you just never noticed it, especially since it's on the back of your head. There's also a decent chance that your bald spot could be trauma related without you remembering the incident, I have several scars that I don't recall getting and have had since I can remember.

May 1st, 2008, 01:58 PM
The bald spots looks exactly like the spots my son has as a result of chickenpox scars.

If I were you I'd try to see if the are growing, and if they're not just assume that they've been there for ever.

May 1st, 2008, 10:33 PM
The bald spots looks exactly like the spots my son has as a result of chickenpox scars.

If I were you I'd try to see if the are growing, and if they're not just assume that they've been there for ever.

I have about 5 chickenpox scars around my shoulders and one on my forehead, so I hope that's it and its nothing serious.
Thanks :)

May 1st, 2008, 10:34 PM
Definitely see a doctor and don't let them brush you off. I wouldn't try monistat or any other concoction until you rule out possible health issues, if only so the spot can be looked at in its natural state.

I've seen similar things on other people though and there is a good chance you just never noticed it, especially since it's on the back of your head. There's also a decent chance that your bald spot could be trauma related without you remembering the incident, I have several scars that I don't recall getting and have had since I can remember.

I'm thinking they're chickenpox scars or trauma scars. I've hit my head a few times :o and have other chickenpox scars, so I wouldn't be surprised.
I'll see a doctor just to be sure, thanks :D

May 1st, 2008, 10:56 PM
My mom had something like that. She went to the doctor, but I don't know if she got anything for it. What helped was that she used some EOs.

Okay, I got an email back.

She said she first went to the doctor so they could rule out fungus. They told her it could be stress related since she tested negative for fungus. So, yeah, I'd go with the doctor before you try anything else. I hope it's just old scars! :)

Here's the website with the recipe she followed: http://altmedicine.about.com/cs/herbsvitaminsek/a/Alopecia_2.htm