View Full Version : Flat buns?

February 9th, 2010, 09:28 AM
I like to keep my buns close to my head (oops! that probably conjures up some very odd images of a contortionist!), but they generally stick out too much. The only updo I've been able to do that stays close to my head is a folded braid.

At my length -- almost APL -- (and beyond), what are some good bun choices that are fairly flat and can be done without an elastic and can be held with a single fork or stick?

Thank you in advance for any and all suggestions! :)

February 9th, 2010, 09:58 AM
A cinnamon bun is fairly flat.
kinda like this

February 9th, 2010, 10:04 AM
Thanks, Morguebabe. My cinnamon buns don't stay flat -- that's the problem. They just spiral up and out. :bigeyes: Any suggestions or tips?

February 9th, 2010, 10:08 AM
Thanks, Morguebabe. My cinnamon buns don't stay flat -- that's the problem. They just spiral up and out. :bigeyes: Any suggestions or tips?

I have that problem too! I just make sure I make the first 'loop' very tight, and the preceding 'loops' less tight. That probably makes no sense!

If it bumps out too much, I usually take it down. Sometimes the second time is the charm.

Also, I use Ficcares for most of my cinnabuns. This helps them stay flat against my head, which I can't get with sticks or forks.

February 9th, 2010, 10:10 AM
Thats cause you're making it into a bee butt bun....
When you're wrapping the hair around you have to lay it next to and not coil so hard it pulls under.... did that make sense?

linda g
February 9th, 2010, 10:10 AM
There might be a name for this, I just learned it from my sister.

If you start with a cinnabun kind of thing, and then flip one of the loops over, and fasten that. I usually use a hair fork to secure it.

Perhaps in someone with long hair, you would get a figure 8 or inifinity? But on my length, you get a half an infinity :D

In any event, this would lay flatter on your head.

February 9th, 2010, 10:12 AM
Pixna, I have the same problem at chin already. It's like my hair doesn't want to squish down - which in turn means I don't eat up a lot of stick/fork length, but if I want to use a clip that goes over the bun, nope, won't go.

Can you do the split loop bun (not sure what it's really called)? That's fairly flat to my head in a half up.

February 9th, 2010, 10:26 AM
It's not a bun, but what about the French twist? You're at a good length for that, and I usually find it to be more sleek than a bun.

February 9th, 2010, 10:26 AM
Once you make a bee butt bun, you can push the top part against your head so that the whole thing is laying against your head like a folded braid, then use fork or stick to secure. This will work better if your bun is horizontal --- rather than vertical | . And I'd recommend the french twist too. You can secure them with a stick or fork, but it's a little tricky (or at least it is for me).

February 9th, 2010, 10:31 AM
If you want to get it flatter than a cinnamon bun, I think the next step is to do something like a Vortex bun (http://forums.longhaircommunity.com/showthread.php?t=27288).

February 9th, 2010, 10:31 AM
I'm with you, Pixna, mine don't want to be flat, either, and I have some layers almost at waist. I'll be watching this thread.

February 9th, 2010, 10:50 AM
A flipped bun lays nice and flat. You might like that one, as it is quite pretty too. :)

February 9th, 2010, 10:53 AM
Yep, Morguebabe, you're right -- it's more like a bee butt than a cinnabun. I do try to keep the coils from going underneath, but if I don't have the bun tight, the fork won't hold it. Any ideas for what I can do? :confused:

Linda G., that's a good idea. I've actually been trying that (well, trying to do a figure 8 or infinity bun), but I'll be darned if I can even get a half-infinity. I end up with more of just a lump. :blueeek:

MandyBeth, could you explain what you mean by a "loop bun"? Are you referring to what Linda G. described?

Thanks, Roseate and Spidermom! I've been trying to do a French twist, but I just can't figure it out (or just can't do it -- one or the other or maybe both). I've watched videos even, but they are all for right-handed people, and my brain can't figure out how to "flip" the directions. In addition, my hair and fingers are just battling it out. I end up with a perfectly revolting rat's nest. :bigeyes: Any suggestions for how a lefty can do a French twist? (Esp. a lefty who's all thumbs?)

Anje, that Vortex bun is AMAZING, isn't it?!! I don't think I have the patience or dexterity to do it, though. Can you come over to my house and help me??? :redgrin:

Deborah, could you please explain what a "flipped bun" is?

Restourceful, I hope you and I will eventually be able to figure this all out! At least we can cry on each other's shoulders if we can't! :o

February 9th, 2010, 10:53 AM
I have to make my bun really flat so it fits into my head covering. I use my fingers or my palm to keep that first loop flat against my head so that the other loops don't slide under it. I do use Amish pins, rather than a stick, but I could make a video for you if you think that would help at all. :)

February 9th, 2010, 10:55 AM
I have to make my bun really flat so it fits into my head covering. I use my fingers or my palm to keep that first loop flat against my head so that the other loops don't slide under it. I do use Amish pins, rather than a stick, but I could make a video for you if you think that would help at all. :)

Oooh, a video would be great, BlndeInDisguise! Thank you!!! Do you think a hair fork would work instead of Amish pins?

February 9th, 2010, 10:56 AM
The Hypno Bun (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sFeNYl-OK6Q) is pretty flat.

February 9th, 2010, 10:59 AM
The Hypno Bun (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sFeNYl-OK6Q) is pretty flat.

I love the look of that bun (and the music -- for some reason that always make me smile). Unfortunately, I don't have enough length yet to do it. :(

February 9th, 2010, 11:02 AM
I think the flat cinnamon bun actually gets easier when your hair is a little longer. When I first did them I had to do the outer layers pretty tight in order to make them wrap around--and in order to get the ends tucked under. Now that I have enough length for another coil it's easier to avoid an accidental bee-butt bun. That's probably not super-helpful, but if you're aiming for longer lengths it could be something to look forward to. It's been one of my happy discoveries over the last couple months.

February 9th, 2010, 11:03 AM
Pixna, are you ambisinistrous? :)

For me, the flattest bun that I can do is a kind of modified Nautilus. This woman here (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z0k3dD4qX34&feature=related) calls it a pencil bun. She is doing it sort of left-handed, as in, the hand the does the twisting of the loop is the left hand. The only part that you would have to modify for the left-handed version is which hand you use for the hair stick.

Your bun might not be as flat as mine, since I think your hair is a bit thicker, but it should hold with a single hair stick. For me, it holds better with a hair fork or with a stick accompanied by a couple of u-shaped pins or little jaw clips. It should get better as the hair gets longer and there is more length you can wrap around the base of the bun.

February 9th, 2010, 11:10 AM
Oooh, a video would be great, BlndeInDisguise! Thank you!!! Do you think a hair fork would work instead of Amish pins?

I don't have any experience with hair forks, but I would imagine it would work.

I'll go take a video now! :)

February 9th, 2010, 11:11 AM
It's the one when you loop your hair up over your hand (I use my first two fingers), then wrap the extra around the base - take the loop, split it in half and I tuck the right side thru the left, then either a stick, fork or Flexi pin thru the middle. It's pretty easy and fairly flat - I put it up today after I got tired of the tail not staying in, so this just gets the top back.

Found it - split bun (http://forums.longhaircommunity.com/vbjournal.php?do=article&articleid=159)

Dunno if it's ALWAYS flat, but with my short hair, it's pretty flat yet. It eats up more of the Flexi pin length (Large on the second notch) and I think the base can look neater as mine is pretty much a mess. A half up attempt at a Cinnamon bun on me - the L has too long of a pin, but that's the first size I can use the 8 part on because there is too much hair twisted together.

February 9th, 2010, 11:16 AM
frodolaughs, you are probably right. Well, at least I have something to look forward to, and that alone is encouraging! Thank you!

Pixna, are you ambisinistrous? :)

LOL!!! You had me running to the dictionary with that one! And, yes, it appears that I am indeed ambisinistrous. :laugh:

For me, the flattest bun that I can do is a kind of modified Nautilus. This woman here (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z0k3dD4qX34&feature=related) calls it a pencil bun. She is doing it sort of left-handed, as in, the hand the does the twisting of the loop is the left hand. The only part that you would have to modify for the left-handed version is which hand you use for the hair stick.

Your bun might not be as flat as mine, since I think your hair is a bit thicker, but it should hold with a single hair stick. For me, it holds better with a hair fork or with a stick accompanied by a couple of u-shaped pins or little jaw clips. It should get better as the hair gets longer and there is more length you can wrap around the base of the bun.

I've watched this video so many times (now and many times before this), and I know I SHOULD be able to do it, but I just can't. I believe you are right in that if I had more length it should be better/easier to do. I'm going to keep trying. This one looks like it is (or at least should be) a winner for me. Thank you!!

February 9th, 2010, 11:17 AM
Why not a braided bun? I find that you can lay the braid flat against your head really well.

I love the pencil one. It's a good standby and I use it all the time.

February 9th, 2010, 11:19 AM
MandyBeth, that's looks really interesting!! I'm definitely going to give this one a try. It's similar to the pencil bun (I think), but different. My hair is in a comfortable folded braid at the moment, so I don't want to take it down right now. But I will give this a whirl later on. Thanks!!

February 9th, 2010, 11:22 AM
Hi, Simone! The braided bun (and a folded braid) are what I've been relying on lately. I really like the way they look with my hair at its current length, and, yes, you're right, they do lay flat (at least flatter than anything else I've tried -- esp. flatter than my cinnabuns!). I appreciate your vote for them, and for the pencil bun. I've just GOT to make that one work -- it looks like such a reliable standby, and I'm sure once I can do it I'll like it. Now if only I can get my fingers and hair to cooperate and work together! :smirk:

February 9th, 2010, 11:49 AM
You know, it was only a few months ago that I started being able to make my cinnabuns more flat. I don't know if that was due to more length, or practice.


Yeah, I'm no help, sorry, LOL!

February 9th, 2010, 12:03 PM
You know, it was only a few months ago that I started being able to make my cinnabuns more flat. I don't know if that was due to more length, or practice.


Yeah, I'm no help, sorry, LOL!

Hahaha!!! Well, I appreciate your input regardless, SimplyViki. Plus, it's just helpful to know that things will get better for me (and my buns) in time. :)

February 9th, 2010, 12:14 PM
Well, I still can't manage a flat braid - not long enough to do an English braid and I apparently French braid wrong.

Twist wise, all I manage is to catch the attempt at a tail, then twist it up, clip it and let the ends do whatever they want. But if I twist left handed and push the clip in from the right to left, it stays better.

February 9th, 2010, 12:25 PM
Oh, and as far as the French twist goes--I can't do it to save my life, either. I've tried many times. When it holds, it looks so ugly I take it down immediately. And otherwise, it doesn't hold. My only consolation is that even torrinpaige can't do it (though for completely different reasons).

As far as ideas for making the cinnamon bun flatter--what if you make it loose, and then clip around the perimeter with little jaw clips or u-pins? It's not as elegant as a single hairstick bun, but it holds better at shorter lengths. With a hairstick bun, I find that sometimes it unravels during the day and I have to redo it. The jaw clip and the u-pin cinnamon buns hold well all day long and don't stick out.

February 9th, 2010, 12:25 PM
Well, I still can't manage a flat braid - not long enough to do an English braid and I apparently French braid wrong.

Twist wise, all I manage is to catch the attempt at a tail, then twist it up, clip it and let the ends do whatever they want. But if I twist left handed and push the clip in from the right to left, it stays better.

French braiding is beautiful, but it takes too much time and patience for my liking (I prefer "instant" updos). That's interesting that you twist left-handed and push the clip in from right to left. I couldn't do that. I'm a lefty all the way (except when I use a scissors -- I have to use my right hand with those for some reason). But in my head, imagining that (the clip going from right to left, with the twist being done left-handed), it seems like it would hold well.

February 9th, 2010, 12:29 PM
bumblebums, I'm glad to know I'm not the only one who can't master the French twist. And if Torrin can't do it either, I feel totally vindicated (since she can do ANYTHING)!! :smirk:

Yeah, you make a good point about the clips and pins. I'm sort of a purest in that way -- if I can't do it with a single fork or hairstick, then I don't want to try. I know, I know -- I'm stubborn. Still, I think there's a solution somewhere -- probably already in this thread or in other posts to come. I'm optimistic about it at any rate! :gabigrin:

February 9th, 2010, 12:48 PM
But in my head, imagining that (the clip going from right to left, with the twist being done left-handed), it seems like it would hold well.

Ok, not a good pic at all - or a good twist - but I just put it up in this. But it's twisted with my left hand counter-clockwise, then clipped up with the Fakei-8 I got from AeonF. I have no idea what the tail is actually trying to do, but I just gave up and held it up so you could see the clip.

Half up twisty thing (http://forums.longhaircommunity.com/album.php?albumid=4611&pictureid=63362)

February 9th, 2010, 01:11 PM
Looks good, MandyBeth! I'd have to stand on my head to put the clip in right to left, but you did a good job!

February 9th, 2010, 01:53 PM
XD. I recently just got my buns to stay flat as well.
And the only reason I can figure that they do is that I changed around and put them a little higher than I used to and I didn't wrap around so tightly.

February 9th, 2010, 02:14 PM
Eniratak, thank you for your message. It's interesting that someone with your great hair length is able to get her buns flat, and someone with my short length is having trouble. I think that making them looser will help -- the conundrum is that I don't have as much hair to play around with as you do, so making them looser is a little challenging. But I'm going to take your suggestions to heart and try higher and looser. Thank you!!

February 9th, 2010, 03:44 PM
Eniratak, thank you for your message. It's interesting that someone with your great hair length is able to get her buns flat, and someone with my short length is having trouble. I think that making them looser will help -- the conundrum is that I don't have as much hair to play around with as you do, so making them looser is a little challenging. But I'm going to take your suggestions to heart and try higher and looser. Thank you!!

You're definitely welcome. I hope it'll come in handy, if not now, then in the future when your hair is as long as mine! XD.

February 9th, 2010, 04:19 PM
Here's one that may work for you! The Magic Knot Bun (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ftpvK9OA1wI)

It uses 1 stick and is super secure. (I've worn it to the gym and it didn't loosen a bit.) If you're APL I think you should be able to pull it off.

I can't remember who I got the link from on here, but I loooove this bun!

February 9th, 2010, 05:11 PM
Looks good, MandyBeth! I'd have to stand on my head to put the clip in right to left, but you did a good job!

Aww, thankies!!! I'm thinking blech, it's fuzzy and not behaving today, I've got 1/2" of roots, the ends and various sections are not behaving - then man, I freaking need to trim my nails again!

I wonder if it's a length thing? Like my hair is still really short, so I'm still even fighting to get it to do a full rotation, so I give up, let the tail wrap around the base instead of everything coiling nicely - thus I get not what I think of to be a cinnamon bun, but rather a bee butt bun - thus, it doesn't squish down flat and I fight with things to get them clipped. But people who have lots more length are having a lot easier time getting nice flat buns and getting clips to stay.

Or maybe a taper thing? As in, if I'd let my hair grow into it's natural taper, maybe the ends would behave like the good hair it wants to be, and tuck in nicely, and lay flat - so I'm not trying to squish as much in as an end?

Guess we just have to convince our hairs to hurry up and grow for now and try things out along the way.

February 9th, 2010, 06:29 PM
My flattest bun is double Dutch braids, one bunned flat against my head and the other wrapped flat around it. You mentioned doing a braided bun, so I thought I'd just throw it out there - two braids are flatter than one! :p

I don't like sticky-out buns either, they make me look silly.

February 9th, 2010, 08:26 PM
Have you tried pinning each coil of a cinna bun against your head as you wrap it? That's how I get my flattest bun of all.

I demonstrate it on my YouTube channel here. http://www.youtube.com/user/PrairieSunrise#p/u/6/GMfwBQxunmw

February 10th, 2010, 06:15 AM
Airisuu, the Magic Knot Bun looks interesting and easy -- thank you!! I just got my hair in a sort-of Pencil Bun -- after about fifty tries this morning (my arms are tired!) -- so I don't want to take it out to try the Magic Knot Bun just yet, but I will definitely give it a go later on. Have you ever tried it with a fork or U pin?

MandyBeth, I agree that more length will definitely give us more options in the bun department. I think that thicker hair is harder to bun at shorter lengths, and a bit of taper (once our hair gets longer) should help a lot. I agree that it's ironic that people with much longer hair can do flatter, neater buns -- just one more incentive for us to grow, grow, grow! :gabigrin:

Smokering, that is an intriguing idea. I have never tried doing a double-braided bun. I'm not sure if my hair is long enough to attempt that yet, but I will certainly put it on my list for the future, when I've got a bit more length. Thank you!

Stagecoach....WOW!!! Your hair is absolutely phenomenal!!! You have such dexterity with doing your bun (which turned out fabulous in the video!). Although I have Amish pins, I would prefer to just use one simple hair toy (like a fork or stick), if possible. Pins, however, would definitely help keep my cinnabun flatter, no question. Thank you for sharing the video and for your suggestion!!

February 10th, 2010, 08:37 AM
Airisuu, the Magic Knot Bun looks interesting and easy -- thank you!! I just got my hair in a sort-of Pencil Bun -- after about fifty tries this morning (my arms are tired!) -- so I don't want to take it out to try the Magic Knot Bun just yet, but I will definitely give it a go later on. Have you ever tried it with a fork or U pin?

Nope, but that's an interesting idea! Hmmm... I'd imagine it would have to be a strong-ish fork to survive the torque. (Tee-hee, that rhymed.) If I ever get ahold of a narrow metal fork, I'll give it a shot and let you know how it turns out!

February 10th, 2010, 06:50 PM
I don't know if this will be any help or not, but my cinnabuns turn out good and flat if i bun my hair really damp. Its my go-to style after washing.

February 10th, 2010, 07:56 PM
Pixna, you have an advantage over me with one length. All my layers are making even these seemingly good for APL hair difficult. I can get them to go up, but then they are so tight they hurt.:wail: If I leave them loose enough to not hurt, I've got enough shorter layers that they won't hold and parts are sticking out all over the place.:no::trainwreck:
Another reason to grow out layers. *sigh*

February 11th, 2010, 04:39 AM
flutterbudget, it's true -- wet buns definitely hold better and tighter and lay flatter. I'd like to avoid them for now, if I can, because bunning when my hair is wet leaves really wonky bun waves in my hair. They are there when I bun dry, but they are much worse when I bun wet.

restourceful, I hope your layers grow out soon (if that is what you want). Although it took me longer to trim them off as I grew out from a pixie, looking back on it now (and reading your post) makes me glad I did. Still, your hair looks beautiful, and it would be a shame for you to lose any length.

February 11th, 2010, 06:54 AM
Aww, thanks, Pixna.:flowers: I am content to keep them for now as I head toward waist. I may maintain there until I can trim away the longest layers a little, but I doubt I'll do away with them completely. I sorta like having some layers, just not the shortest ones I have between chin and shoulder at the moment.

February 14th, 2010, 03:37 AM
Here's one that may work for you! The Magic Knot Bun (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ftpvK9OA1wI)

It uses 1 stick and is super secure. (I've worn it to the gym and it didn't loosen a bit.) If you're APL I think you should be able to pull it off.

I can't remember who I got the link from on here, but I loooove this bun!

WOW! This one is great. Worked like a charm for my not even quite-APL-at-the-front hair. Neat! Thanks!

February 14th, 2010, 06:27 AM
WOW! This one is great. Worked like a charm for my not even quite-APL-at-the-front hair. Neat! Thanks!

It took me about a thousand tries to "get" the Pencil Bun, which I now can finally do (and I love!). My hair is just a drop too short for it, but I can still make it work, and that just means it should be great for at least the next year or so as my "go-to" daily bun. (Once my hair gets longer, I'll probably still rely on it, but I should be able to wear a variety of buns, if I can figure out how to do them).

The Magic Knot Bun looks like it should be just as easy to do, but I haven't yet gotten it to work. I think my hair may still be a tad too short for this one, combined with being a little too thick. Once my hair gets longer, I think it will work perfectly (if my all-thumbs hands and brain can coordinate for it). If I could master both of these, my bun repertoire would be perfect -- two excellent choices to turn to. But for now, I've just got one. I'll keep trying the Magic Knot, though -- hopefully I'll "get" it, eventually.

February 14th, 2010, 07:19 AM
If I don't do anything to prevent it, my cinnabuns will turn into bee-butts(what an odd thing to say) I have to make sure that it lays flat all the time through the coiling of the bun, and I have to use a hand to push it in and get a feel o how tight i should coil.

February 14th, 2010, 11:06 AM
Since I have had the same problem with my buns, I found lots of helpful posts in here! Thanks a lot :)

February 14th, 2010, 11:31 AM
My PRETZEL BUN (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ElSCHnzYtM8) is pretty flat. My Braided Pretzel bun (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8FT8X4JvQ7s) is flat too :)

I also saw a lady on Youtube named CinnamonCurls make a 4 strand cinnamon bun that is amazing!
It stayed very flat. HERE IS THE 4 STRAND VIDEO DEMO (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KSf1vv8oB6g)
:thumbsup:I love this style!It looks super comfy!I have not tried it yet but I plan on it.

February 14th, 2010, 12:55 PM
LadyLongLocks, your Pretzel Bun and Braided Pretzel Bun are gorgeous. Unfortunately, I don't have enough hair yet for either of them. You are an inspiration to my follicles to grow my hair longer!!! Your hair is without a doubt among the most gorgeous I have ever seen!!!

February 14th, 2010, 04:12 PM
LadyLongLocks, your Pretzel Bun and Braided Pretzel Bun are gorgeous. Unfortunately, I don't have enough hair yet for either of them. You are an inspiration to my follicles to grow my hair longer!!! Your hair is without a doubt among the most gorgeous I have ever seen!!!

Thank you very much Pixna!
You could still try the pretzel and only wrap it once, Or you could do 2 of them side by side!

The 4 strand might work if you do a ponytail first kind of high on the back of your head.

I guess it is frustrating not to have the length to do the buns you want. I only learned buns when I was at classic length so I never experienced buns at your length. I just wore ponytails a lot.

How about a French Twist?

February 14th, 2010, 04:22 PM
I wish I had been a better bunner when my hair was long previously. Sadly, it took a "second round" of growing out to make me understand and appreciate the value of a good bun. :) I'm going to have to look at your links again to see if I could do a pretzel with a single wrap. I think the 4-strand is too complicated for me right now -- I'm more of a simple kind of bun gal, or perhaps more of a simpleton when it comes to bunning. :smirk:

I'd love to do a French Twist, but it just doesn't work for me at all. I can't figure it out. I'm not sure if that's because I'm left-handed (which complicates bun directions for me to no end) or because my hair is just too thick at this length. It's probably a bit of both.

I just realized today that the reason I can't do a Magic Knot Bun is because the right-handed directions don't translate easily to left-handed bunners. I have to put the hairstick ABOVE the pony rather than below, twist the complete opposite direction, and do everything backwards. It's very disconcerting to try to figure out this stuff and invert everything. One of these days I should probably make some videos (which I also haven't figured out how to do) or instructions for left-handed bunning. Or maybe someone else will beat me to it. It amazes me how significant the differences are.

February 14th, 2010, 06:02 PM
I wish I had been a better bunner when my hair was long previously. Sadly, it took a "second round" of growing out to make me understand and appreciate the value of a good bun. :) I'm going to have to look at your links again to see if I could do a pretzel with a single wrap. I think the 4-strand is too complicated for me right now -- I'm more of a simple kind of bun gal, or perhaps more of a simpleton when it comes to bunning. :smirk:

I'd love to do a French Twist, but it just doesn't work for me at all. I can't figure it out. I'm not sure if that's because I'm left-handed (which complicates bun directions for me to no end) or because my hair is just too thick at this length. It's probably a bit of both.

I just realized today that the reason I can't do a Magic Knot Bun is because the right-handed directions don't translate easily to left-handed bunners. I have to put the hairstick ABOVE the pony rather than below, twist the complete opposite direction, and do everything backwards. It's very disconcerting to try to figure out this stuff and invert everything. One of these days I should probably make some videos (which I also haven't figured out how to do) or instructions for left-handed bunning. Or maybe someone else will beat me to it. It amazes me how significant the differences are.

Pixna--I know what you mean. I am what they call "cross-dominant"--born left-handed, but retrained to write with my right hand... When I was a teenager, I noticed that there were some tasks that I still used my left hand for, so I decided that for all new skills, I would learn them with both hands. So now I can do certain things with either hand--bunning included.

One of these days, when I get enough ambition, I will try to translate the right-handed directions for the left handed.

By the way, jcortese is a leftie--you might have a look at her styles page (http://www.io.com/~cortese/hair/styling.html)! We are both a long way away from many of her styles, but they are all sketched for the left hand.

There should be a left-handed styles thread on LHC. I don't feel left-handed enough to start one, but someone has to.

linda g
February 14th, 2010, 06:15 PM
I wish I had been a better bunner when my hair was long previously. Sadly, it took a "second round" of growing out to make me understand and appreciate the value of a good bun. :) I'm going to have to look at your links again to see if I could do a pretzel with a single wrap. I think the 4-strand is too complicated for me right now -- I'm more of a simple kind of bun gal, or perhaps more of a simpleton when it comes to bunning. :smirk:

I'd love to do a French Twist, but it just doesn't work for me at all. I can't figure it out. I'm not sure if that's because I'm left-handed (which complicates bun directions for me to no end) or because my hair is just too thick at this length. It's probably a bit of both.

I just realized today that the reason I can't do a Magic Knot Bun is because the right-handed directions don't translate easily to left-handed bunners. I have to put the hairstick ABOVE the pony rather than below, twist the complete opposite direction, and do everything backwards. It's very disconcerting to try to figure out this stuff and invert everything. One of these days I should probably make some videos (which I also haven't figured out how to do) or instructions for left-handed bunning. Or maybe someone else will beat me to it. It amazes me how significant the differences are.

Ha! I am right-handed, and I just tried doing a French Twist "the other way". It took me a few very weird tries, and I finally got it to go the other direction. And it feels funny.

When my left handed daughter learned how to knit, my mom taught her by demonstrating across from her (as if looking in a mirror) instead of next to her. I wonder if doing a mental flip to make the instructions as if in a mirror would help?

February 15th, 2010, 04:40 AM
Bumblebums, that's a fascinating story! I am most definitely left dominant, although there are some things I do better with my right hand (ping-pong, bowling, using a scissors). But bunning HAS to be left-handed for me; there is no way I can accomplish it with my right hand. Thank you for the link to jcortese's album. It's great to see a finished left-handed bun! For now, I need styles for thick but much shorter hair than hers, preferably with pictures or a video. I think maybe I'll start that left-handed thread, since I feel such a strong need for it. I can't believe it took me so many years to figure out why I had so much trouble bunning!! :doh:

Linda, isn't it interesting how different a bun can be doing it left-handed? Sometimes it's like a mirror image and that can work (like how your mother taught your daughter to knit -- that was a cool approach!). Other times it's not just flipped sideways but upside down (as with how I need to do a Magic Knot Bun). I'm hoping there are a fair number of other lefties here who can shed some light on left-handed bunning.

February 17th, 2010, 12:23 PM
WOW! This one is great. Worked like a charm for my not even quite-APL-at-the-front hair. Neat! Thanks! Yaaaay I'm so glad it works well for you too! :D

The Magic Knot Bun looks like it should be just as easy to do, but I haven't yet gotten it to work. I think my hair may still be a tad too short for this one, combined with being a little too thick. Once my hair gets longer, I think it will work perfectly (if my all-thumbs hands and brain can coordinate for it). If I could master both of these, my bun repertoire would be perfect -- two excellent choices to turn to. But for now, I've just got one. I'll keep trying the Magic Knot, though -- hopefully I'll "get" it, eventually.
Hmmmm, I wonder if it's because your hair is so much thicker? In that's the case, I think you may still be able to do it only with half your hair. (If that makes sense?) I've found that works great as a half-updo as well, and with your lovely thick hair I'm sure your knot-bun will be much more impressive. (My hair is only ii so when I just put up half my bun is kinda... small, hehehe.)

February 17th, 2010, 01:52 PM
Hmmmm, I wonder if it's because your hair is so much thicker? In that's the case, I think you may still be able to do it only with half your hair. (If that makes sense?) I've found that works great as a half-updo as well, and with your lovely thick hair I'm sure your knot-bun will be much more impressive. (My hair is only ii so when I just put up half my bun is kinda... small, hehehe.)

Wow, Airisuu, I think you're on to something!! I hadn't even considered the thickness of my hair being an issue for this bun, but I just tried a half-up, as you suggested, and it worked beautifully, and it looks really cool, too. WOW! What a super idea. Thank you!!!!!! :flower:

February 17th, 2010, 02:03 PM
Pixna - I think we have a similar problem. Too much hair! Our ponytails should not be wider than the length.....

I just pratice lots of buns at half up - some stick, some don't. LadyLongLock's pretzel bun is good with me for half up, but it takes two sticks for me - tho I think a fork would work instead, just haven't tried it. My hair is laughing at any attempts with jaw clips, it likes to pop the springs.

Otherwise, I do a cinnabun/bee butt attempt, stick in the bottom , thread thru bun, then flip it over and put the stick back thru. I can't say that's real logical, but oh well....

February 17th, 2010, 03:11 PM
Pixna - I think we have a similar problem. Too much hair! Our ponytails should not be wider than the length.....

I just pratice lots of buns at half up - some stick, some don't. LadyLongLock's pretzel bun is good with me for half up, but it takes two sticks for me - tho I think a fork would work instead, just haven't tried it. My hair is laughing at any attempts with jaw clips, it likes to pop the springs.

Otherwise, I do a cinnabun/bee butt attempt, stick in the bottom , thread thru bun, then flip it over and put the stick back thru. I can't say that's real logical, but oh well....

Yup. Well, my hair is a lot longer than my ponytail circumference, but I know what you mean. I never really realized before that my hair is that thick and that updos would be an issue for this reason. That cinnabun/bee butt attempt of yours sounds interesting. You should post a pic of it! :)

February 17th, 2010, 03:18 PM
I'm over 5" circumference. I have a 2" pony stub yet. Thus, no ponytails yet. Another 6 or 7 months before I'll try one.

February 17th, 2010, 04:50 PM
That cinnabun/bee butt attempt of yours sounds interesting. You should post a pic of it! :)

Ask and ye shall recieve. Tis a mess and need natural light for color, plus I faded it out a bit to show my hair better since the ends that are popping out all over weren't helping.

Or, what happens when you redo a bun on dry hair without any product to assist in keeping the fuzz stuck down.


February 17th, 2010, 05:02 PM
As a Ballerina we tend to keep our buns quite flat and the best style i find is either a french twist or 2 buns (one high and one underneath that). When your hair gets longer maybe a figure of 8? I guess it depends on how flat against your head you want it to be.
Some girls give theirs a tap with the back of a brush before they pin it to flatten it out.

February 18th, 2010, 04:24 AM
As a Ballerina we tend to keep our buns quite flat and the best style i find is either a french twist or 2 buns (one high and one underneath that). When your hair gets longer maybe a figure of 8? I guess it depends on how flat against your head you want it to be.
Some girls give theirs a tap with the back of a brush before they pin it to flatten it out.

Ah yes, the Ballerina Bun. Those are usually held flat with massive quantities of pins, and my mission is to find a naturally flat style that can be held with a single stick or fork. When my hair was long previously, I did do figure 8s, but they never seemed all that secure for me. So far, the Pencil Bun seems to be the flattest and most secure. I'm wondering if you might want to try that for ballet, but remove the stick after you make it and secure it with pins instead. It might be easier to do (and hold better) than the standard cinnabun.

Milui Elenath
February 18th, 2010, 04:50 AM
This is kind of off topic but for left handed instructions with pictures you can either save and flip them horizonatally in photoshop or another program or hold up a mirror to them. I wish youtube had a flip function . . . it doesn't does it?:hmm:

February 18th, 2010, 05:52 AM
This is kind of off topic but for left handed instructions with pictures you can either save and flip them horizonatally in photoshop or another program or hold up a mirror to them. I wish youtube had a flip function . . . it doesn't does it?:hmm:

Unfortunately, I don't have that kind of software, and I don't think that lefties should have to go to such efforts to get clear directions. Also, not all directions can just be flipped -- sometimes, for example, it is necessary to go under rather than over when bunning left-handed. I've never seen a flipped video -- that would be an interesting feature!

February 18th, 2010, 05:53 AM
This is kind of off topic but for left handed instructions with pictures you can either save and flip them horizonatally in photoshop or another program or hold up a mirror to them. I wish youtube had a flip function . . . it doesn't does it?:hmm:

Not that we know of, though it would be useful. There's a dedicated thread now about left-handed bunning: http://forums.longhaircommunity.com/showthread.php?t=42590&page=4

Milui Elenath
February 18th, 2010, 06:18 AM
Unfortunately, I don't have that kind of software, and I don't think that lefties should have to go to such efforts to get clear directions. Also, not all directions can just be flipped -- sometimes, for example, it is necessary to go under rather than over when bunning left-handed. I've never seen a flipped video -- that would be an interesting feature!

Aha! Under rather than over - :cheese: thanks I've just realised that's why I can't get a particular bun correct (from pics and written directions). I agree It would be nice to not have to go to such effort!

Thanks for the link Bumblebums I hadn't seen it.

February 24th, 2010, 07:55 AM
YAY!!! I finally mastered the Magic Knot Bun!!! It's flat, it's secure, and it's lovely. Thank you, Chloe!!! :flower:

February 24th, 2010, 12:52 PM
YAY!!! I finally mastered the Magic Knot Bun!!! It's flat, it's secure, and it's lovely. Thank you, Chloe!!! :flower:

Way to go, Pixna! :cheer: I can do that one but it has so many sticky outy parts I don't really like it much yet. I can do the pencil bun now, though, with only one sticky outy part that I just put one pin in. All thanks go to you for asking for flat bun suggestions. :flower:

February 24th, 2010, 01:00 PM
Thank you, Restourceful! I'm so glad you are able to do these two buns too (not counting the sticky outy parts). Some of my hair doesn't seem to want to get tucked under the Magic Knot Bun, but I'm having a productive conversation with my ends and we're trying to work this out. ;) What's great about both of these buns is that we should be able to do them even as our hair gets longer, so we can kind of "grow into" them, if you will. That's really reassuring for me!

Thanks again. And kudos to you, too!! :toast: