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View Full Version : Suggestions for practical medieval-looking styles?

February 3rd, 2010, 03:33 PM
I'm going to a medieval fair this month, and I'll go dressed up as a manlike lady (can't stand to wear dresses, so I just went with high boots, hoses, tunic and vest). I kind of look like the typical "I want to be dress like a man, but showing that I'm a woman" fantasy heroine.

So, now I need a hair style to go with that. I'd like something practical, that looks like I'm able to do it myself (and that I can do myself) but also a bit "girly", to support the "but I am a lady" part.

If I can't find anything better, I'll go for some "fancy" braid: a 3D 4strand, a dutch, or something like that; but I'd like to find something a bit more sofisticated and lady-like.
I had thought about and Elling braid, or a braided gibson's tuck (do you know what I mean? topsie tail, then three/four/... braids looping in kind of 'do).

Any suggestions?

February 3rd, 2010, 04:17 PM
Crown braid? Looks kind of regal, yet practical.

February 3rd, 2010, 04:28 PM
Hair taping? Might not be period, but looks cool.

February 3rd, 2010, 04:46 PM
I agree with hair taping. It's easy AND practical.

February 3rd, 2010, 10:16 PM
Go for the Elling Braid. It's easy, secure, feminine, practical, and pretty. I spent last Saturday in that style for... fifteen hours or so.

February 3rd, 2010, 11:14 PM
The Victorian (braided Gibson tuck) is always a nice, easy, yet stylish way to go!

February 4th, 2010, 12:42 AM
Hair taping or crown braid with ribbon, they both look very medieval

February 4th, 2010, 01:22 AM
I think crown braids are so beautiful.

February 4th, 2010, 05:00 AM
There are some braiding styles in my updo album. (public)
Maybe there are some ideas there that you can use

February 4th, 2010, 05:58 AM
Go for the Elling Braid. It's easy, secure, feminine, practical, and pretty.

This is what I was thinking. I could see it going with the outfit described very well.

February 4th, 2010, 07:40 AM
Just wear a snood. It will be great with a "man suit" - a really fun contrast, but in the end it will blend, so it looks intentional. Then you don't have to worry about the hairstyle and can be comfy and awesome all day. :) Also, snoods and veils are the most true to reality medieval hairstyles in public, so it will counter your subversion and also be subversive of your subversion...fun layers of subversity. :)

February 5th, 2010, 07:12 PM
Thanks for all the suggestions!

I tried them those days, and I'm having problems with both the crown braid and the hair taping: I have thin hair, so it looks strange in both those styles (and, besides, I can't manage to do a proper crown braid that would help in that regard... I have to give up because my hair likes to tangle like mad when I try it...). And a bit of the same goes to the Victorian (thanks for telling me what's it's name, Gumball!)

Erech, you have wonderful hair! I wish I had enough hair, and long enough, so I could do some of the styles I've seen in your album. They're great.

The Elling braid is really comfy as long as I don't wear any kind of hood. Next time I'll try to do it higher, but right now it is a bit weird.

And the snood... I really like the concept, but I'm so tired of sewing right now that I don't know if I'll be able to make the snood itself (I can't buy it around here, and through internet it won't get here before the fair)...

Seems I'm stuck!

(but I'll find something :D)

February 5th, 2010, 07:19 PM
I think some guys in the middle ages just wore a plain braid down their back(Well, 1600s Scottish men, per family lore and a few odd drawings, which is sometimes lumped in with the middle ages), and that's normally seen as a feminine style. Guys did normally have shorter hair, but not buzzed and some did have pretty long hair. Maybe a loose braid with a ribbon at the end. It would still look "practical" and protect your hair, but look slightly more feminine than other styles could.

February 5th, 2010, 07:42 PM
A simple English braid is nice, especially if you do French ropes on either side of your head.

I'm personally partial to the Viking ponytail. It's very comfortable, and on non-coned hair, it can be very secure. I've gotten them to stay for a few days with 3 3" bun pins. It's even more practical if you braid the tail and tuck the end underneath, though it can itch a bit if your ends poke at your scalp...

A hawser braided bun is good too-- easy to do and low-profile.

(I have pictures of all of these, I think... I shall go look.)

February 15th, 2010, 08:47 AM
Well, after trying and trying all your suggestions, and browsing the boards looking for styles that may help me, I think I have what I needed:

I loved the viking ponytail suggestion, but in my hair it doesn't stay for long. I tried securing it with pins (they pop out, my hair does not like them), and then with a hairstick (it holds wonderfully, even if it doesn't look much like a ponytail anymore... a kind of pony/bun hybrid. Cool nonetheless). And then I found the hairswords thread.

So I'm going to wear the viking ponytail held with a stick, then buy a miniature sword/dagger there, and replace the stick with the weapon. This way I can pretend I'm a well armed lady, and if I have to take it out for a fight, the hair will still be (not so tightly) held by the knot, so it won't annoy me. It can't get more practical than that, can it? ;)

(a bit too much imagination, I know, but it's been so fun thinking about it all, and my bf does laugh out loud when I tell him things like this... so LHC has to suffer! ;) )

Thank you all for your suggestions! You put me on the right path, and also made me try new and different things! :D