View Full Version : Interesting information on Colour B4 and silicone dyes

February 2nd, 2010, 12:53 PM
Just reading up about Colour B4 available from boots in the uk which removes hair dye apparently without completely killing your hair. Came across this bit of info from the guy behind it:

Ilora-Danon asked me:-
Hi Scott, got a question for you. I've been dying my hair black alternating between L'oreal Castings Natural Dark Brown and L'oreal castings creme gloss ebony for about 4/5 years. My hair's waist length, fine and heat damaged.
Firstly, will the product make my hair brittle? Will it damage my already delicate ends?
Secondly, what sort of colour could I expect to end up with? My hair is naturally a mid-brown colour, but I'm wanting to go auburn once the black has gone.
How likely is it that I'll get the desired result? Any help would be awesome, thanks.

My Answer:-
Hi Ilora-Danon, OK my honest answer its ...
< snip extended quotation - Please keep quotations from other sites as short as possible to prevent intellectual copyright issues. >

Thought it was very interesting as I'm debating trying this product to get rid of a lingering semi before using henna. The semi I used was loreal casting which is apparently one of these silicone dyes, which probably explains why I'm having trouble with my ends at the moment as I have been doing the odd bit of blow drying the ends during this cold winter. It's nice to see a hair stylist who recommends oiling and such things instead of the usual coat everything in silicone remedy.

Well I'll try it and see how it goes. Just interesting to read about different dyes. The whole thread is here > http://www.thestudentroom.co.uk/showthread.php?t=1056768

February 2nd, 2010, 03:28 PM
In general this is fine however if you apply high heat to hair which has been coloured with silicone colourants something very odd happens. The silicone melts and boils the middle of the hair, when the silicone sets again (after the heat has ceased) it sets and creates a cylinder in the middle of the hair. The hair has now turned synthetic and I can tell you NOTHING works on it (I've tried to perm, bleach and colour this type of hair and it does nothing).

Wow, that sounds scary! So, the melted silicone enters the cortex of the hair and solidifies there? Is that really possible?

Good luck with your attempt, BelleBot! I don't think blow-drying counts as high heat, that would be straighteners or curling tongs, so you should be OK. Maybe strand test first, just in case...

Colour B4 sounds like Color Fix or Color Oops - these have been discussed on here many times previously, but were difficult IIRC to get in the UK.

February 2nd, 2010, 03:52 PM
Yeh I think Colour B4 is just the UK equivalent of ColorOops etc, though a few people who've tried both said it's kinder to hair. Though that remains to be seen. Ah well, it's much easier for me to get hold of.

Yeh, from doing a bit more reading I think it's mainly from higher temperature things like straighteners, curling tongues, flat irons etc. Still a scary thought. Ah well, I'm trying to avoid all cones now and my hair feels much better for it. I'll make sure any left over coney dyes I have are chucked in the bin.

The thought of boiling silicone is nasty. Then again I always did think GHDs and the like are hot enough to boil water so they must boil whatever moisture is in your hair. Poor hair.

March 10th, 2011, 12:37 PM
scary reading ladies!

March 10th, 2011, 01:10 PM
Hiya, I have used colourB4 to remove Live XXL blue black and it does work, however perhaps because I straighten with GHD's weekly, and use silicone serums,or because it was layer after layer from redying (all over) for several years it took 2 applications.
The first application appeared to work almost all over with the very ends only slightly darker but within 3-5 days it had oxidised and darkened again and I repeated the process.
It left me with a colour slightly darker and more red than my natural but I did then bleach successfully.
HTH and good luck if you decide to try it! I'd be interested to see the results :)