View Full Version : Long enough to use my hair forks again! (pic heavy)

February 1st, 2010, 07:05 PM
So just before Halloween, I did this big chop, inspired by my fiance telling me my hair was getting "too long". Ha.


So happy though I was with it at first, it grew like a millimetre and the bangs started driving me nuts and I realized I'm much happier with my hair being longer. I am a nurse (well, student nurse) and I need my hair up, off my face, and not hanging into things at work. Shortish hair is annoying to put up. And I've been dying to use my forks again but I thought it was too short since I couldn't get a cinnamon bun to work. But I was wrong!


Don't know what that is exactly but it's up, and it's stayed up for the past 12 hours. I'm ridiculously happy with it. Now I can just start leaving it up and ignoring it and stop feeling so antsy about how fast it's growing.

February 1st, 2010, 07:14 PM
It looks very nice, and that's a nice fork too, no wonder you wanted to use it again.

I hope your BF gets the message. ;)

February 1st, 2010, 07:51 PM
That's a nice hairdo--I'm glad it stayed up for you. How did you do it? It looks kind of like a diagonal french twist, but I can't really tell.

February 2nd, 2010, 03:06 AM
That is so cute. And I experienced the same thing with growth--once it was out of the way, I didn't obsess!

February 2nd, 2010, 06:17 AM
That's a nice hairdo--I'm glad it stayed up for you. How did you do it? It looks kind of like a diagonal french twist, but I can't really tell.

I think that basically is what it is, the more I think about it. I just started twisting it up, the tucked the ends in the top of the twist and stuck the fork in it. The way I stuck the fork in is what made it go diagonal.

February 2nd, 2010, 07:37 AM
Congrats on getting your fork back! :D It's a good feeling when you come back to the Dark Side... we have cookies! :cookie: ;)