View Full Version : You thought YOU had a bad hair day?

January 19th, 2010, 09:38 AM
The danish women's magazine, "Woman", had a contest on their website - the woman with the worst hair day would win a set of Tressemme hair products. Lots of people posted pictures, and oh my they could use some LHC advice. It's not that I'm happy that their hair is so badly cared for, but it's nice to see that other people can have seriously bad hair days too, and it reminds me why I'm not doing all that hair-damaging stuff anymore.

The girl who won the contest wrote, that she had thick, waistlength, dark brown hair. Then she visited her hair stylist, who convinced her that blonde hair would look better on her. At first she was sceptical, but she agreed to do it. Afterwards, her hair fell of in big chunks and turned orange. She had to pixie her hair because of the extreme damage. Poor girl! I'm sure her stylist was envious of her tresses - if not, she was extremely unskilled.

I know that most of you don't understand danish, but I think the pictures speak for themselves.

Here is a link:

January 19th, 2010, 09:51 AM
I believe some stylists are scissor happy and enjoy having been given the power to wreck long beautiful hair, especially when they don't and will never have it. I checked the link and only saw a woman with lighter coloured hair. No before shots. However, I don't know if TLHC allows links and photos that have to do with long hair being cut off. I am pretty sure I read that somewhere!

January 19th, 2010, 10:07 AM
However, I don't know if TLHC allows links and photos that have to do with long hair being cut off. I am pretty sure I read that somewhere!

As far as i remember, it was forced haircut stories which are banned here. I don't think these women were "forced" though; hairdresser advised something and they said" umm...okay then" :D it was up to them to stand up and walk away, turn on the pc and sign up here, where people would give better advice on what to do with the hair they've got :)

poor women :(

January 19th, 2010, 10:22 AM
As far as i remember, it was forced haircut stories which are banned here. Good to know. There was one before and after video on Youtube where a longhair actually looked like a supermodel when her hair was cut to bsl. I wanted to share this because it was one example of a haircut that did not go bad!

I don't think these women were "forced" though; hairdresser advised something and they said" umm...okay then" :D it was up to them to stand up and walk away
I dunno, some women put their trust in 'professionals' (other people) and don't have faith in themselves which makes them vulnerable to opportunists who want to experiment with that person's hair at their expense. Really, as the following smilie depicts it should be a war between the longhair and hair villain! :luke:

January 19th, 2010, 10:33 AM
I dunno, some women put their trust in 'professionals' (other people) and don't have faith in themselves which makes them vulnerable to opportunists who want to experiment with that person's hair at their expense. Really, as the following smilie depicts it should be a war between the longhair and hair villain! :luke:

I had my hair chopped by stylists too, multiple times. ( :mad: ) I'm 20, and learnt my lesson now. Most women there are over 20, their hair was chopped before, but they do the same mistakes again and again. They're either too weak to go in a different way than the community around them OR they're too stupid to do the same mistakes every time.

I think people who're not strong enough deserve to lose :) one needs to do research and make the decisions themselves, other than trusting a single person's ideas. (and scissors LOL )

January 19th, 2010, 10:36 AM
I just downloaded a translator thingy for firefox just to read that!

I do feel sorry for her because she says she took time to think about it and then went back. It wasn't a rash decision. And although that colour isn't bad it's not blonde!

What point is that photo from? I'd not call that a pixie.

January 19th, 2010, 10:38 AM
Well, I can sympathize, as I once had to cut my hair to a pixie due to horrific bleach damage. I guess we all live and learn.

I suspect that a woman wouldn't enter a contest like that unless she was willing to take a risk, but that's just me.

January 19th, 2010, 10:44 AM
Well, I can sympathize, as I once had to cut my hair to a pixie due to horrific bleach damage. I guess we all live and learn.

I suspect that a woman wouldn't enter a contest like that unless she was willing to take a risk, but that's just me.

I think the prize was just Tresemme products, not any styling. The person with the worst hair was the one who got the prize to try and revive it.

But that's only what I learned from a dodgy translation!

January 19th, 2010, 10:49 AM
...I dunno, some women put their trust in 'professionals' (other people) and don't have faith in themselves which makes them vulnerable to opportunists who want to experiment with that person's hair at their expense...

I often wonder if these women simply don't know that a resource like LHC exists - I know I didn't, unfortunately I didn't stumble across it until after I'd chopped my BSL hair to pixie. We'll hafta keep gettin the word out :):cheer:

January 19th, 2010, 10:57 AM
pincbeck: As others have said, it's not about forced hair cuts, it's about "You worst hair day". They didn't get forced to do anything, and the site doesn't display any before pics... Just what their hair looks like right now.

enfys: The picture of the girl who won is right after she got home from the hair dresser and before she pixied it. I would have liked to see a before picture. It seems slightly odd to my, that hair can fall out in chunks and end up to look like this with no cutting. But I don't know - I don't have that much bleach experience. :p

And yes, the prize was som "wonder products" that could "repair" any damaged hair :P As if... But no styling included in the prize.

Edit: I just recommended longhaircommunity.com on the site... Perhaps we will get some new "hair converts"? :) At least we can try to spread the word!

January 19th, 2010, 10:59 AM
Yes, I thought it looked pretty good if that was the point she was showing it at. I thought it was maybe it's current state. It doesn't look too damaged just really orange!

ETA: I meant the thin looking ends look like they were razor cut as apposed to falling out in chunks and snapping off.

January 19th, 2010, 12:44 PM
I find it quite interesting how hairdressers always want to cut people's hair off! You tell them to take half an inch, they take TWO :(. Also in some of these "make-overs" they have in magazines sometimes (like the UK HAIR magazine) they always end up cutting the tresses off! I dont get it, why?

January 19th, 2010, 09:04 PM
Also in some of these "make-overs" they have in magazines sometimes (like the UK HAIR magazine) they always end up cutting the tresses off! I dont get it, why?

Because it's more "dramatic". Also, if they leave your hair long, you won't be back at their salon spending money on the upkeep.

hanne jensen
January 20th, 2010, 02:27 AM
That poor girl! This is exactly why I NEVER go to a hair salon. Here in Denmark hairdressers are pure evil. They don't know the difference between 1/2 centimeter and 5. I never could understand why my hair wouldn't grow until I joined LHC and stopped going to salons.

January 20th, 2010, 03:08 AM
I'm finding myself distracted/amused by trying to translate the posts with the translator I have downloaded. xD For example, one girls post starts with "We thought it was so delicious, plump with hair. " :lol: Another mentions "when I walked across the zebra crossing." (Detailing her walk home, not at the zoo. xD) Another says "My hair has its own life with mugs.."
Oh gosh, I could keep doing this all night. xD

January 20th, 2010, 03:22 AM
I could have won that :eyebrows:

January 20th, 2010, 04:29 AM
I think the prize was just Tresemme products, not any styling. The person with the worst hair was the one who got the prize to try and revive it.

But that's only what I learned from a dodgy translation!

Well, even if that's the case, I still say the woman herself has to take the responsibility. A hair stylist can't talk you into a big change like dying your hair unless you allow him or her to.

I haven't been to a stylist for years, but I can honestly say that I have never been disappointed by a hair stylist's work. I just always made sure that they know exactly what I do or do not want. A good dialogue is important, and I always came away from the hairdresser's happy.

January 20th, 2010, 04:55 AM
Is there such a word as "dårligste"? I thought dårlig was irregular.

January 20th, 2010, 05:47 AM
Is there such a word as "dårligste"? I thought dårlig was irregular.

Dårlig = Bad, lousy (Sick)
Dårligste = Worst, lousiest (Sickest)


January 20th, 2010, 05:49 AM
Thanks, Igor. In Norwegian it is dårlig, verre, verst, so I assumed it would be the same in Danish.

January 20th, 2010, 06:15 AM
Clarisse, could you post a translation? I understood about 1/4 of the Danish, I ran it through Google, and there are still some phrases that don't sound right. E.g. "tog jeg så op til hende" came out as "I took looked up to her"; I suspect that "så" means both "saw" and "so" and it picked the wrong one.

January 20th, 2010, 07:53 AM
Pierre - there are lots of comments, but I could try to translate the winning post. And yes, "så" can be "so" or "saw". :)

Calista: In danish, it's "slem, værre, værst" and "dårlig, dårligere, dårligst". There is a slight difference in the words. Slem is "bad", and if you say "I'm "slem"", it's like "I'm bad/naughty". If you say "I'm dårlig", it means that you are sick.
But the girls aren't too accurate with their grammar, so Google Translate probably has a very hard time trying to translate it.

I have translated the post by the girl who won the contest - my english isn't too good:

Well, here is my history :(

A short while ago, I had the most beautiful, healthy, shiniest, dark hair, to my waist. I loved my hair, and I spend a lot of money on keeping it healthy and beautiful, and therefore also got a lot of compliments on it.

Then, one day, at my local hair stylist, we talked about that it would suit me well to be blonde. I was a bit sceptical about it, though, as it is particulary important for me that my hair is neat and healthy, and I knew it would be super tough for one's hair to go from dark brown to fair haired. My stylist assured (from me: ensured? what's the right english term here?) me that she could easily do that without ruining my hair, and in a way that I would get a nice, light color.

Aprox. one month later, I went to her, to start the process. That was the time my hair-nightmare started. When she rinsed out the "cleanser" (from me: she actually ment "bleach", but "cleanser" seems to be an euphemism...) out of my hair - my hair rinsed out too!
I lost aprox. half my hair in that sink. But it wasn't even half the nightmare. The hair I had left was extremely damaged, I could rub my hair off in chunks. If I brushed my hair, a fistfull of hair was left in the brush.
Of course I was shocked and whined/cried (from me: the danish verb "tude" is a mixture of these words) a lot, but my stylist convinced me, that we should continue the bleaching process, as "it was the best thing to do".
At that point, my hair is, beside being damaged, bright orange! And that is the point where my hair stylist tells me, that my hair will be orangey to look at for at least half a year!!!

At this point, I choose to run out of the salon, because I'm so angry, and I choose to contact another stylist, to get a 2nd opinion. The new stylist is completely shocked when she sees my hair and its condition, but, as I could see very well too, we had to chop it off - as in ALL of my hair of, as in I had only 3 - 4 cm length left.
But the stylist hadn't even had to chop it off, you could just run your hand through it, then it would fall out by itself :(

Now I have about 7 cm hair, but the few cm my stylist left on my head are still super damaged, and it easily looks super teared (from me: is this a correct english term?).

The last half year has therefore been a complete nightmare for me. I started out with a long, beautiful, shiny hair somewhere between 40 - 50 cm. And now I have super short hair, that looks super damaged, and I look terrible with short hair :( I'm just so extremely sad about what happened, and wears a hat every single day. Hair grows, yes, but it grows so slowly... But I can say that I'm NEVER NEVER going to lighten my hair again...

So, this is my bad hairday - or rather: bad hair-year. I've inserted a picture of my hair when I got home from the first stylist. Unfortunately, the camera couldn't really snap how ruined my hair was. The color was more orangey, than what the pictures shows.

Kind regards

Sad story!

January 20th, 2010, 08:38 AM
Thanks, Igor. In Norwegian it is dårlig, verre, verst, so I assumed it would be the same in Danish.

"Dårlig" to me always sounds like it has to do with "dåre".

Dårlig = Dålig in Swedish.

January 20th, 2010, 01:14 PM
Calista: In danish, it's "slem, værre, værst" and "dårlig, dårligere, dårligst". There is a slight difference in the words. Slem is "bad", and if you say "I'm "slem"", it's like "I'm bad/naughty". If you say "I'm dårlig", it means that you are sick.

Thanks, I didn´t know that! I guess that could make for some funny situations for a Dane in Norway (or vice versa)? :D (Like rolig in Swedish/Norwegian, except that those don´t have a somewhat similar but totally opposite meaning.)

January 20th, 2010, 01:23 PM
Wow, some of this is close enough to german that I can understand it! I never knew german and danish were similar

January 20th, 2010, 02:59 PM
That would be horrible!! shudder:

January 20th, 2010, 03:43 PM
My stylist assured (from me: ensured? what's the right english term here?) me that she could easily do that without ruining my hair, and in a way that I would get a nice, light color.
Assured. To assure is to make someone certain that something is true, to ensure is to make it certainly true, and to insure is to compensate in case it isn't true. Though some dialects use the words differently - I've heard of car assurance, but here it's insurance.

Wow, some of this is close enough to german that I can understand it! I never knew german and danish were similar
Me too. Danish and German are both Germanic languages, as is English, but Danish is North Germanic, which is harder for me to make sense of. I've heard that on the border they mix the languages, producing something called Kauderwelsch.

January 20th, 2010, 05:50 PM
A lot of them just need a good haircut/fresh dye job/deep condition. The one that got the products really is bad, though D: