View Full Version : effects of hard water?

January 17th, 2010, 02:25 PM
sorry i can't seem to work the search function so can't find anything on this -.-

does hard water stop your shampoo/conditioner being able to get out of your hair? i think that may be my problem because i definitely rinse it all out! but when i use the showers at the gym i manage to get them out so think it's maybe just my house

thanks :)

January 17th, 2010, 02:35 PM
I live in an area with hard water. I don't know the exact effects, but my hair always feels better after I clarify. Since, I've gone cone free, there's been less product build up, so a simple ACV rinse does the trick.

I'm not sure, but I think that if hard water can cause water spots and buildup on surfaces, it only seems natural that it can build up on hair, too.:shrug:

January 17th, 2010, 02:43 PM
sorry i can't seem to work the search function so can't find anything on this -.-

does hard water stop your shampoo/conditioner being able to get out of your hair? i think that may be my problem because i definitely rinse it all out! but when i use the showers at the gym i manage to get them out so think it's maybe just my house

thanks :)

In chem labs, one way they used to find out how many minerals were broken down into the solution during titrations was to see when the soap added to the water would start to bubble. If you have ever washed your hair twice, you will notice it foams up much more quickly the second time.

Depending on why your water is hard (what is the main culprit) you will have different effects on your hair. Iron will eventually discolor your hair slightly just as it will leave a yellow tinge on your bathtub eventually for example. They will all weigh it down a bit and probably make it less shiny.

I would suggest making sure your shampoo has a chemical with "EDTA" in it higher up on the list. This chelates with minerals and is able to remove them from both your hair and the water. Also clairfy..

January 17th, 2010, 06:46 PM
I have hard water, and it tends to leave my hair feeling a bit lank and nasty if I wash without using an ACV rinse after I wash my hair. There's an excellent article on vinegar rinses here (http://forums.longhaircommunity.com/vbjournal.php?do=article&articleid=56). (The smell goes when the hair dries! :) )