View Full Version : Give a good thought for my poor hair!

January 15th, 2010, 10:58 AM
My poor hair has been in quite a state. I was without running water for 17 days(frozen solid water line). I was having to haul water and then heat washing water on the stove. It never occurred to me that my hair was going to suffer. All I can figure is that between boiling the water and the metal pans my hair had a fit. Rats nests like I've never had before. Dry as a bone and actually started to come out! I got water back on Monday. I deep conditioned my hair, CO'd the next day, coated it in aloe vera gel and glycerin then bunned it for two days.
Today I washed it out and of course conditioned it again. I still found a few little knots that I was able to work out.
Oil has never done me a whole lot of good but any other suggestions of wonderful hair revivers are always welcome.
What a fiasco!

January 15th, 2010, 11:44 AM
No no, not a hair fiasco. The real fiasco is being without running water that long, what a bummer! My nephew is in the same situation, no running water since before New Year...

Your hair will be fine. You've lost all at once all those hairs that would normally have shed out with combing, brushing and washing, so it seems catastrophic.

Remember, many of us here are Water Only, some wash only once a month or so, and some of us are No Water, Sebum Only. We're not bald yet, and hair is still growing. Do as you are, pampering your hair, making sure the little knots are gone, conditioning as needed. It'll be ok. Really. :)

January 15th, 2010, 11:50 AM
don't gross out, but i simply wouldn't wash my hair till we had water back. dirty hair is always happy hair :D

keep on conditioning and oiling, you'll be fine.

January 15th, 2010, 11:57 AM
I normally shampoo twice a week and CO once. My hair gets really oily really fast. It would have been like a slick if it had gone 17 days. They would have declared me a natural disaster at work! I had already been losing hair due to stress and these horrid knots just sent me into a bigger panic.
I would not recommend frozen water pipes.

January 15th, 2010, 12:01 PM
Are you in the UK?
My flat flooded last week due to burst water pipes.

January 22nd, 2010, 04:29 AM
God bless your heart - we had a week of severe cold here in the midwest too a few weeks ago and while my indoor water worked, my barn "unfreezable" pump froze solid. So also hauling water several times a day. NO FUN!

I always heard that in really cold weather, your hair could "freeze" and it was not good to go from a warm environment to a super cold environment without wearing a hat to protect your hair? Anyone else heard that?

Dreams In Pink - I hope you don't mind but I copied the photo of your "short" hair as a goal picture for me for my "long" hair. I am trying so hard to grow out my super short pixie and a long bob is my ideal for now - your hair is the best I have seen (and so gorgeous now that it's even longer - but I have to take baby steps first :>)