View Full Version : Panic. Impulsive Trim Of Anger (and doom)

April 27th, 2008, 04:46 PM
I am really kicking myself.

Before you start thinking, "Oh god what's she done?!" - I didn't trim ALL of my hair, or anything, or even a substantial amount...

My hair is mostly healthy, but there is this stupid layer at the back that is really damaged and dry, and I got so annoyed with it tonight for being frizzy and disgusting that I cut about an inch off it. Well I don't know.... maybe it was more than an inch! I've really no idea! I just got the scissors and started hacking away at the frizz

And then I realised I'd probably done something really idiotic, and I looked in the mirror, and I think maybe it is noticable and looks silly. :(

Or... maybe it's not as bad as I imagine, and I am just freaking out because it's late and I'm tired and stressed out. Hum.
Maybe I didn't cut off as much as I think and i'm just being paranoid and critical and noticing the shorter layer so much more now because I know what I've just done (it's always been somewhat shorter because this isn't the first time I've hacked off part of it in an attempt to make it nicer!).

I don't know...! :eek:

Eeeek. I am panicking slightly.... must not panic.
Really regretting picking up those scissors.
What was I thinking...?

The worst part is there is STILL damage there that goes up to about shoulder length. I seem to have trimmed it to APL. I'm sure it was more like BSL before... It wouldn't be so bad if I'd actually achieved better hair as a result of my trim. But nooooo. And it's only in that small section of hair at the back that is nasty. It's so grrrrrrrrrrrrr! How am I supposed to fix that without cutting the whole lot back to BSL and getting it re-layered?!

Well, I have quite curly hair so I am seriously hoping this will hide the consequences of my actions somewhat....... at least until I've grown another few inches when I won't mind so much if I have to get a trim. I wouldn't mind if I could keep it around waist, if it means healthier hair. The damage is at APL though. It's gonna be a nightmare to grow this out. And I can't guarantee it won't get more damaged because I have no idea how it's getting damaged.

At least I can keep my hair in updos so nobody has to see what I've done....... but this makes me feel so sad. Foolish mistake.

Please remind me not to be so rash ever again! ARGH.

Yes I know I'm totally overreacting. I am now going to force myself to shut up and go to bed. Uh huh.


April 27th, 2008, 04:57 PM
Just give your hair some good moisture treatments, wear it up, and try not to look at it too much over the next week or two. Then evaluate again. If you hacked out a section with the scissors held horizontal, it's going to be pretty noticeable. If you held the scissors more vertical, it will probably blend with the thousands of shorter hairs that you already have from the grow/shed/re-grow cycle. Give it and yourself some time. No immediate remedial action needed.

By the way, your hair is gorgeous - the color, the wave; truly outstanding.

April 27th, 2008, 04:57 PM
Very often other people don't notice things that are glaring to ourselves. I can see that your hair is frizzy in that one spot, but I don't think it's that bad. Maybe you could cope by braiding just the crown (which will catch that section, I think), or wearing half-ups a lot? It's your hair, of course, but I think small gradual trims of the damanged part might be easier to take during the journey.

At any rate, I think your curliness will hide that well. Based on the picture, I don't think the trim is as 'bad' or noticeable as you feel like it is. :)

April 27th, 2008, 04:58 PM
If it helps at all, you probably notice the damage more than anyone else. I think your hair is lovely! If the bit you trimmed is uneven, you could always even it up later, so you're reasonably satisfied while it grows. If it is an upper layer, maybe you can section it off and even it up. When my layers are too deep, judicious use of point cutting at the edge of the layers helps them to blend in. Or, just hang in there. I bet it still looks great! :)

April 27th, 2008, 05:08 PM
Just give your hair some good moisture treatments, wear it up, and try not to look at it too much over the next week or two. Then evaluate again. If you hacked out a section with the scissors held horizontal, it's going to be pretty noticeable. If you held the scissors more vertical, it will probably blend with the thousands of shorter hairs that you already have from the grow/shed/re-grow cycle. Give it and yourself some time. No immediate remedial action needed.

By the way, your hair is gorgeous - the color, the wave; truly outstanding.

Well, I didn't cut the whole bit horizontally. Nor did I cut it vertically (didn't think of that!) I just grabbed little locks one at a time and looked for particularly bad frizziness and snipped those parts off. So it's uneven but not like one big block, really. It's kinda like it was before just... shorter. It wasn't exactly ideal before but I never really noticed, somehow.

I think I'll leave it for a week, see what I think and then maybe go into a salon and just ask them if there's anything they can do to help to manage this crazy little back mini layer. Might be something clever they can do to thin that layer out or something... I really don't dare try to sort it out myself - it's hard for me to know what I'm doing when I cut it back there because I can't reach properly and I tend to just cut all haphazard! (Which is probably where I went wrong!)

(Thank you for the compliment btw! :))

Jesamyn and nomadhome, yes you're probably right that others wouldn't notice so much. But I guess I'm still paranoid that they might ;)

April 27th, 2008, 05:31 PM
I think your hair is very pretty too -- great color, shine and curl.

April 27th, 2008, 05:36 PM
If you are anything like me, you are obsessing and over analyzing....chances are good no one will even notice you trimmed anything off.

April 27th, 2008, 05:38 PM
The good thing about curlier hair is that it hides uneven layers. I am sure it will look fine, and if not, you can go to a salon and they can layer the back just a little to make it look good.

April 27th, 2008, 07:47 PM
I am sure that it is fine. Long layers are "in" anyway! I have done such things from time to time, as my hair splits for no good reason (plenty of moisture, tx, protein...). You will be the one to notice. Try not to fret...

April 27th, 2008, 07:52 PM
Your hair still looks great, and I can barely see the frizziness, but I really have to look hard. Please don't feel too bad.

April 27th, 2008, 10:15 PM
Is it actualy damage? Or just frizz? Perhaps that section of your hair decides that it is going to be sentitive to protein. I'm well aware that people (including myself0 have sections of hair that do not conform to the norm (My hairline is F the rest is M some areas are C, most is 2b some are 2a, 2c and even 3b?!)
It may be that that section is more curly- thus more drya nd looks frizzy but isn't actually damaged. If that is the after shot, i do not notice the trim you did at all.
What i would do it just simply grow it out. (I personally hate layers and i just grew mine out last year after having them in for years, at last!)
What did you end up doing? Do you have an after photo, if that isn't the after photo.
And it seriously doesn't look bad. I have many bad hair days that deeply rival that one!!!! Your hair is gorgeous!

April 28th, 2008, 12:41 AM
This is a little bit of a digression, but I think we are nearly hair twins!! I'm not nearly as thick and a little finer, but looking at that pic you posted was like looking at my own hair - it falls the exact same way!

As for your little problem, I say just wait it out. It probably blends in pretty good, so as long as it doesn't drive you mad just leave it be until you get to a length that you want to maintain.

Pegasus Marsters
April 28th, 2008, 04:23 AM
Heey, chill out. It's not a big deal, we all do silly stuff sometimes.

But for what it's worth OMG I want hair like yours. The colour, the shine, the curl... ahhh. I'm so jealous X_x

April 28th, 2008, 04:29 AM
I get spots like those myself, drives me nuts and I hate those "patches" of frizz. I find that if I put extra oil on those areas that seems to helps.