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View Full Version : Compliment from an old class mate

January 6th, 2010, 04:23 PM
A few years ago I took a class at my current university when I wasn't in it yet and filed the class under "continued education." I was testing the waters there to see if it was something I really wanted to do.

Anyways, today when I was getting my books I had to get a voucher to pay for it. Basically, I get a receipt for my books, take it to an office, they give me a piece of paper saying my financial aid will cover up to $500 of your book fee. The lady helping me with te voucher said "Hey Melissa!" and she had taken the class with me those years ago. She said she didn't recognize me with my hair up (lol) and when I was about to leave she caught sight of my hair up in my ficcare (AB Crystal) and she said "YOWZER!" I looked back and she said "That is an AWESOME clip you have there for your lovely hair!" I thanked her and left. I never heard the word "yowzer" directed at me, let alone on my hair. I thought it was both funny and great. :D

January 6th, 2010, 04:24 PM
What a wonderful feeling that must have been for you! You DO have gorgeous hair! :)

January 6th, 2010, 06:07 PM
:DIts always nice to get a compliment! Especially for something that you care a lot about.

January 6th, 2010, 06:12 PM
What a wonderful compliment! :flower:

January 6th, 2010, 06:53 PM
Ha! That's great--no doubting the authenticity of that exclamation! What a great moment. :)

January 6th, 2010, 09:18 PM
Woooo, how wonderful - a double compliment - your hair and your hair toy!

Must have made you feel great :)

January 6th, 2010, 09:22 PM
Wow, congrats! I can't wait till my hair gets compliments for its length. I get the occasional one for the color (thanks, henna!) but, it's not the same. Again, good for you, I'm sure it felt awesome!