View Full Version : Miracle Pill?

Pear Martini
January 5th, 2010, 09:18 AM
While searching on google to see if protein treatments can make hair darker (long story) I stumbled across an interesting website that perhaps some of you have seen/would be interested in.

I am wondering if anyone thinks this would work/is possible.

The website sell a vitamin that can make hair grow from CollarBone too BSL in one year. Is this too good to be true?


The author talks about coconut oil and othings we frequently talk about here.
The before and after pictures are at the bottom.

January 5th, 2010, 09:35 AM
Hmm..most of what is discussed on that website is already known here on LHC. You could probably get the same results by just taking biotin or other hair vitamins.

January 5th, 2010, 09:43 AM

Pretty much the same as a normal hair related multivitamin, in which case I pay £10 for a three month supply.

On these I can get up to an inch growth, or at least a good half an inch. In a year hair would normally grow 6", so with a slightly faster rate collarbone to BSL wouldn't be impossible if you weren't tall.

I won't say it's too good to be true, I'll just say it's not a miracle as such.

January 5th, 2010, 11:54 AM
hmmmm interesting...i have seen similar such pills on ebay and have been tempted to purchase..
what has stopped me is the uncertainty of the long term effects of having 200%-400% more then the recomended daily intake of the variouse B vitamins, and 1000% of biotin... have tried to research but have not come up with anything concrete so have never 'dared' to order and use such pills..
whats everyone one elses thoughts? has anyone researched the long term of effects of such high amounts of b vits and biotin ??

January 5th, 2010, 12:07 PM
Biotin is watersoluble so any "overdose" you just urinate out and get no benefits from. Massively high doses are useless in that sense.

As for the others, I can't remember. I know the info is here somewhere...It's fat soluble vits you should be careful not to overdose on and the minerals that can be toxic if they build up.

In all honesty, since I don't know enough about these things, I'm just going to use up what I have in my vitamins drawer and stick to just a regular hair, skin and nails supplement daily. No massive amounts of anything beig overdosed on and reliable growth that won't mean a shed if I stop popping pills.

January 5th, 2010, 12:33 PM
I didnt read all the comments BUT I have to say Last June I was at just touching shoulder length and If all goes according to plan and I keep holding off on this trimming I should be just about if not at BSL by this June...

January 5th, 2010, 12:40 PM
I didnt read all the comments BUT I have to say Last June I was at just touching shoulder length and If all goes according to plan and I keep holding off on this trimming I should be just about if not at BSL by this June...

And are you taking any vitamins?

January 5th, 2010, 12:44 PM
I'm short, so this will be different for others, but with no trimming and average growth I'd expect to go from collarbone to bsl in a year without any 'miracle' pills. It's a completely plausible amount of growth all on it's own.

January 5th, 2010, 12:47 PM
What what others who have taken them have told me, they are quality.

January 5th, 2010, 03:06 PM
And are you taking any vitamins?

yep...biotin, prenatels, MSM, gelatin, fish oils...some Ive taken for over a year some only a few months and some only a few weeks...
if you only add one Id reccomend biotin!!!