View Full Version : I need to go back to a more natural colour

January 4th, 2010, 06:56 AM
I've got interviews for nursing degrees next week (eek!) and I'll need to tone my hair back to a natural colour as I don't think bright pink will go down too well.:o
I'm tempted to go back and use henna as it does lovely stuff to my hair, but then again not sure if I want to risk not being able to go back to pink for the summer.

A brief hair history, my lengths have had numerous box dyes both semi and permanent, also salon dyes which I believe were semi. Though semis always stick to my hair whereas "permanent" dyes wash out within a couple of weeks. Autumn 2008 I used henna for several applications, the Lush Caca Marron and Caca Noir stuff, did wonderful things for my hair but the colour never seemed to last for more than a few weeks. I'm currently using lightener on my roots and Renbow Crazy Colour in Cyclamen to make it pink!

Anyone know of any decent wash in wash out dyes that would do the job as a temp solution? I don't want to cause any unnecessary damage.

Also any suggestions for colour? Perhaps a mahogany? I need to stay away from anything too orange as although it can look great, it clashes horrifically with my motorbike leathers :p
Any advice would be great. Cheers in advance.:)

This is what it's like at the moment, though even brighter pink as this was a few months ago.
Rough idea of length, it's tailbone. Sorry for the strange colours, photoshoot with a photographer who likes post processing. Though the hair colour is fairly accurate.

January 4th, 2010, 07:10 AM
Hey there! I absolutly LOVE the colour you have. It does suit you very very well. But if you have to change it ... (i know cause i have a friend that had to cut his beautiful afro and he was studying nursing)
you have two options...
trying henna -> i would be very careful with this. As you bleach your roots everytime you would have to make the process everytime you wanted to put the henna again... not only because of the lightness but also because the pink also changes the colour that henna will give you.

trying chemical colour-> for this one i advice you a hairsalon colour expert! First you will probably have to use colouroops or something similar to take the pink you have and then put another.. the thing is.. you are not working with virgin hair! So you need someone with experience that can see what colour you put to end up with what you want.
For example.... if you are a bleached blonde (that is probably what you will end up when taking off the pink) you cannot put a brown directly over it otherwise it will end up green. You need to put more red than a medium blonde for example cause you took all the pigment away. You would need a redish brown to end up with a neutral brown. So... colours can be complicated for those who has no experience so i would ask some help to a professional.

Good luck! You have a beautiful hair anyway and your face is very pretty so i think it goes well with anything ;)

January 4th, 2010, 07:19 AM
I also have to say, that colour is gorgeous on you! :)

January 4th, 2010, 07:37 AM
Your hair's gorgeous!

I'd be hesitant to dye it with the intention of going pink again, though. Although your hair appears to have made it to TB intact (it's hard to tell damage in pictures, but your hair looks lovely and shiny), bleaching and dyeing are quite damaging and it would be a shame to have to cut your hair trying to restore it to pink.

I can't help you with brands, but I'd definitely recommend for a wash-out dye. I'd suggest a very dark colour because the pink is quite bright to cover and wash-out dyes are usually reliant on the starting colour. The downside to wash-out dyes is, of course, that they wash out, so you'll need to repeatedly dye your hair. Anything more permanent, however, would lift the pink colour so you'd have to re-dye the length later rather than just the roots.

The advantage to henna, besides the conditioning properties, is that you can get a bright colour that can still pass for natural, though of course you're then stuck with it afterwards.

January 4th, 2010, 08:18 AM
Thanks :) lots of stuff to think about.
Considering how much dye it's had thrown at it over the years it's remained in very good condition. Though the ends are beginning to split a little as I've not a trim in over 18 months. It's naturally a dark dishwater blonde which I'm not very fond of, so I'm quite happy with darker colours, but roots are always a pain, at least my hair doesn't grow too quickly so they don't show too much. I've been every colour from honey blonde to blue/black in the past 10 years.

I'm aiming to be able to say bye bye to lightening the roots once I've found a "natural" colour. So henna could be an option in the future. Though I imagine I'd have to get the whole lot a similar colour to natural first to avoid looking like a striped flag once I start hennaing virgin hair coming through in my roots. Going back to pink may not ever be viable especially with my future career, so I'll have to say goodbye to it sooner or later, though it'd be nice to keep it for one last summer.

Think I'll try a very dark wash in wash out to start with like florenonite suggested. :) If it doesn't quite work I'll have to look at something more permanent and no pink summer.

January 4th, 2010, 08:49 AM
Apologies for the double post, I can't edit my posts yet.
Lifting the pink on the lengths you just get red/orange, I only go back to blonde on the roots. A red "semi" from the salon when I was 18 will not shift from the lengths come hell or high water, plus there will no doubt be bits of henna adding to the red as well, though the henna (Lush stuff) never made much of an impact at the time so not sure if it had the staying power you'd find typical of henna.

January 4th, 2010, 09:12 AM
I've never used henna but I know the Lush one is heavily diluted with conditioners which stop it sticking as well as the pure stuff members here use. The herbal haircare part of the forum has lots of info on this, as does the articles (see the top bit under the title).

With hair that colour I'd probably get a wig to wear so I could keep the colour; it's awesome!

Aeon F.
January 4th, 2010, 09:30 AM
I don't have any different useful advice but just wanted to chime in to say your hair is gorgeous!!!! :thud: Such a beautiful color and it suits your features so well!! No chance at all you can keep it and be a nurse too huh? :( I would 2nd the advice from florenonite about the wash out dye- I've used Roux Fanci-Full temp color rinse to color my roots when I'm trying to stretch out dyings. It works well, no damage to hair, but it does come out by the next wash. Certainly worth a try to see if it can darken your hair- maybe a darker red? (like a burgundy-maghony, not orange-red).

While I love my (dyed) dark hair- I've always been tempted by vivid maroon/burgundy/pink shades (oh & the occasional purple too). It's too bad people can't just "swap" hair colors- I'd take yours for a week or so while you interview, and once you're accepted- you could just swap it back! ;) LOL

Aeon F.
January 4th, 2010, 09:32 AM
With hair that colour I'd probably get a wig to wear so I could keep the colour; it's awesome!

Oohh!! Would that be a possible avenue for you to try as well???

January 4th, 2010, 09:36 AM
Oooh, there's a member on here who hennaed right over pink hair. I can't remember who it is though! She doesn't seem to have much of a line of demarcation.

Though I agree with everyone else -- it would be a shame to lose that color, it's awesome.

January 4th, 2010, 09:52 AM
Maybe you could try something like Clairol Loving Care or another Semi from Sally's? I've used brown colors on my dark blonde hair and my blonde always comes back after a week or two.

January 4th, 2010, 09:55 AM
Oooh, there's a member on here who hennaed right over pink hair. I can't remember who it is though! She doesn't seem to have much of a line of demarcation.

Though I agree with everyone else -- it would be a shame to lose that color, it's awesome.

Was it CestMadeleine?

January 4th, 2010, 11:02 AM
Thanks guys. I love this colour so much, so I'll be sad to see it go. Though it is high maintenance doing roots and colour top ups every 4 weeks. Plus the pink stains everything it touches and for the first two weeks or so after dying the water still runs bright pink when I wash it, so I can't go swimming for fear of turning any swimming pool pink! Brunette is so much easier.

It's got me so many compliments. I even got the guys dressed up outside Hamley's toy shop on Regent Street London shouting with a megaphone about how I had the most awesome hair in the world. Hehe, that was a tad embarrassing. :o I work with the elderly, mentally ill and learning disabled and they all love it as it's cheerful. Who knows, I may be able to keep it as a nurse, but I don't want to chance it until I've got a place and I know all the ground rules.

I'll definitely go with a wash in wash out then and see how it goes. I'd love to see if I can eventually get a deep red/purple/burgundy like quite a few people on here have in their sigs. Hopefully might be doable with a bit of experimenting and patience.

January 4th, 2010, 11:57 AM
Your hair is so awesome. I absolutely love it. I think I'd just use a natural colored wig for the nursing part!

Gothic Lolita
January 4th, 2010, 12:06 PM
I understand that you want to change the color, but you look very pretty with it! It suits you well!

I'd try a semi-permanent color, maybe something brownish. If the pink is shimmering through, it would look more like areddish brown, which wouldn't be too bad. also, red dye is fading pretty fast, so you probably could go back to pink after you're done with your exams.

January 4th, 2010, 12:18 PM
If you really have to change your awsome color I recomend going a brownish red with semi perm box dye. That I think would be the easiest to change back if you want to later without bleaching.

January 4th, 2010, 02:13 PM
I love the color, too. I actually don't think you should have to change it, either. Maybe I am sheltered here in NYC, but if I saw hair like this, I wouldn't think twice about it (except to note that it's pretty and in good condition!).

Just put it up for the interview so that it's neat and not too distracting, and do your best to act as professional and mature as you can. As long as there is something to talk about other than your hair, most normal people can get over stuff like this pretty quickly.

January 4th, 2010, 03:32 PM
Well apart from pink clashing terrible with blue in the future ;) Id say keep it as it is, I am a UK registered nurse and I have seen all coloured hair, even staff nurse blue streaks. As long as it doesnt touch your collar, they wont be bothered with the colour!

Plus nursing is all about treating people as individuals and allowing choice, what a perfect example you will be of practicing what you preach!

Good luck with the interview, I love my career and hope you love it as much too!

January 4th, 2010, 03:43 PM
I think if you are going to wear your hair like this normally anyway, you are better off fronting up as you are. Maybe french braid it or something like that but go as yourself. There are doctors that periodically dress up to visit the children's ward and tell jokes/do tricks to make them laugh as it is proven to improve health so maybe you could mention in your interview that want to provide care of the "whole" person and find your hair is a wonderful ice breaker for making a connection with your patient???

Alternatively, would a brown temporary dye cover it just for the moment? I don't have any experience with dyeing my hair so I'm not very helpful.


January 4th, 2010, 03:44 PM
If you wish to lift the pink color a little use baking soda and shampoo mixed 1:1. It wont damage your hair and will lift quite a bit of the pink color. Cheap, easy, and effective.

January 4th, 2010, 04:08 PM
I love your hair colour! I also think you should try a wig, that colour is too pretty to lose.

January 4th, 2010, 05:56 PM
First off BEAUTIFUL color and hair ☺
I didnt read all the replies so i dont know if you already said but what brand did you use?
I have found my CO (conditioner only) washing actually remove the color quicker then shampooing believe it or not, with Co you can even "wash" hair a few time a day, as you well know every "wash" remover more and more color and using that much shampoo can cause dryness and frayed hairs. I honistly dont think you will be able to remove all the color in a week, you are probally going to have to color over it

sorry im not much help

January 4th, 2010, 06:13 PM
I'd suggest a wig! I think manic panic makes a brown as well, that could be worth a try?

Red dye does fade fast, I'll second that bit!

January 4th, 2010, 06:30 PM
Your hair is amazing! It would be a pity to dye over it, but I understand wanting to make the best impression possible at the interview. I hope a temporary colour like others have suggested will work.

For what it's worth, there's at least two students on my course (adult nursing) with unnaturally coloured hair. One has pink, chin length hair and another has purple hair to the middle of her back. No idea if they had their hair colours at the time of interview though; I just like people watching during lectures. Also, one of my interviewers for the course had an earful of piercings on show.

Best of luck with your upcoming interviews!

January 4th, 2010, 07:06 PM
I am a second year nursing student and our facilitators (profs) encourage us to challenge hegemony and the status quo or hierarchy.

There is a girl n my class who has visible tatoos. She was told to cover them up. She fought it right to the board of the hospital. She won.
Your hair colour and personal preferences should not be held against you. That is discrimination. Who is this benefitting? are you giving less competent care because of your hair colour? not likely, again, who is this rule benefitting????
Nurses of tomorrow have to advocate for all humans, client or not.
Controlling your hair is them controlling you.
I would fight it. It will make you a stronger nurse.
Maybe wear a wig to get into the course and day 1 take it off!!!
Whatever you decide, good luck in your studies and ...
I LOVE your hair.

Sorry for the rant, I am very irritated at the power over attitude being placed upon people for their hair!!!

January 4th, 2010, 07:46 PM
I adore that color and if my hair would stand up to the bleaching, I would so go for it. Sadly, I have dark, coarse, lift resistant hair! Can't you just cover your hair with a scrub thingy?

January 4th, 2010, 08:02 PM
I think this color is awesome on you. I'd get a wig or put it up and hope you can slide through(maybe oil it to make it look a little darker). I also agree with the poster who suggested that you challenge whoever doesn't like it. My future DIL is a nurse and her hair has been several different/unusual colors.

January 4th, 2010, 08:09 PM
Beautiful hair and gorgeous length! It goes so well with your vivid eye color!
If it's really you, then don't change it. I don't think it's something that would unfavorably impact an interview.
If you do decide to do a cover up, I second everyone else's suggestions to do a wash-out dye. That color is amazing!

January 5th, 2010, 04:31 AM
Yeh, part of me doesn't want to change it, but I'd hate to ruin my chances on the fact I had a prejudiced interviewer. I'm already punching above my weight as I don't quite fit the academic requirements, I have a degree, but no A levels, and it's completely different subject.

I'll go for a dark wash in wash out over the top, just tone it down so it's not so bright and hopefully it'll work. As long as my hair looks good, I'll be wearing it in a braid most likely anyway.

Really interesting and good to know there are nursing students with pink and purple hair. I know some nurses with odd colours, but they usually have been in their jobs a while and I know different trusts have different rules.

January 5th, 2010, 04:39 AM
Oh wow.. The skin tone and your hair colour and eye colour, so vivid! Everything all constrasting. You're really lovely. :) It'd be such a shame to lose that colour. >_< Wish you could just cover it up for the interview and that's that.

January 5th, 2010, 05:13 AM
I can't believe I'm going to say this, but I love your color and it really suits you!

Are you looking to change your color just for the interviewing process, or do you need to have it a "normal" color for your school/job (sorry I really skimmed the thread, it's 2 am here).

I would be so hesitant to try to dye it with a temp color because they can be so finicky. Natural Instincts Loving Care is a good one, but that tends to stick around for a while (which I like).

Is it possible if this is for super temporary (like just for the interviewing process) to get yourself a wig?

January 5th, 2010, 05:24 AM
You can actually mix henna with vegetable hair colouring (like SFX or Manic Panic) to tweak your hair colour.

My natural hair color is close to yours, and I have found that straight henna on my hair will oxidize to a deep almost burgundy color. By looking at your pics, it seems to me that you will probably fit best in a coolish color.

As being said, henna doesn't give very noticible declamaration lines at all. It is very permanent though. Permanent bottle color never stays in my hair, but intensive toners does.

Hm, maybe we are hair twins??

January 5th, 2010, 06:19 AM
I'd take a different approach. Can you call the place you'll be training at and explain the situation (that you have a vivid shade on your hair at the moment), and ask if this will affect the interview. They'll probably be impressed that you are being proactive enough to call and ask for guidance.

I can't imagine it would matter for training (I am not a nurse, so am just guessing) even if it ends up mattering at whichever trust you end up working at.

It is a great shade, and would be a shame to lose it for no good reason.

Best of luck, whatever you end up doing.

January 5th, 2010, 08:19 AM
Did you try something like this (http://www.schwarzkopfpalette.com/our-products/instant-color/instant-color/shades-palette/blond-brown/19-dark-brown/) ?
I once dyed my dreadlock with the blue-black, it got it out after 2 washes. I assume there are other companies who produce something similar if you don't have Schwarzkopf nearby.
Then again, don't take my word for it, because my hair was virgin, and yours is dyed/bleached, so it may take the colour more deeply. :shrug:
Just trying to help ^^

Beatnik Guy
January 5th, 2010, 03:18 PM
Oh, wow! :thud:

January 5th, 2010, 05:40 PM
Yeh, part of me doesn't want to change it, but I'd hate to ruin my chances on the fact I had a prejudiced interviewer. I'm already punching above my weight as I don't quite fit the academic requirements, I have a degree, but no A levels, and it's completely different subject.

I'll go for a dark wash in wash out over the top, just tone it down so it's not so bright and hopefully it'll work. As long as my hair looks good, I'll be wearing it in a braid most likely anyway.

Really interesting and good to know there are nursing students with pink and purple hair. I know some nurses with odd colours, but they usually have been in their jobs a while and I know different trusts have different rules.
also having pink hair does not affect your nursing ability. Lots of patients you will come into contact with may be uncontious and wont give a hoot what colour hair you have, as long as you are empathetic and do your best it wont make a difference. Id not refuse a staff nurse a job due to her hair colour, in fact id embrace them.

January 5th, 2010, 06:52 PM
I would just touch up the colour so it is the dark pink like the first picture and dress up a it and wear you hair in a nice updo. Sooner of later they are going to have to know the real you.
It really suits you and is a fabulous colour!

January 16th, 2010, 10:02 PM
I can't advise you on the color but after reading your situation, I agree with those that have said that you should kind of 'be yourself' if you intend to go back to this color once on the job... what if you just wore it up and back into a nice neat bun, wore a hat, that kind of thing. Then it would be out of the way and professional looking but you wouldn't be 'surprising' them later when you had your normal hair color.

January 16th, 2010, 11:52 PM
Love the pink! I didn't read any of the replies, so I apologize if this is a repeat, but what about doing a darker, more natural color in the front and leaving the underlayer pink? You can hide most of the bright hair with carefully arranged updos for work, but you'd still be able to enjoy the pink hair when you're off, and wearing something like a half-up or double braids/buns would allow you to show off the color when you want to.

January 17th, 2010, 12:05 AM
You never know, maybe they will be so enraptured by your amazing hair colour that they don't really notice anything lacking in your application? :whistle: ;)

January 17th, 2010, 12:41 AM
I fully sympathize. I had to lose my unnatural hair colour for nursing school as well; it's not negtiable with a lot of them, and while it's sometimes different once you're out of school, the truth is that a lot of nursing schools like to make you do whatever they want just because they can. At least here, I am not able to wear my piercings, nor have my tattoos showing, if I am in nursing school.

Likewise, sorry to say this, but I have visible tattoos & I fought it with our hospital -- and lost. I have to wear long sleeves at work, and while right now I work night shift and sometimes I can get away with not doing this, if I am seen by any "higher ups" I get in trouble.

I'm not sure if this is different because of where I live, though -- people down here can be very prejudiced about this stuff.

I think your hair is beautiful.

January 17th, 2010, 12:59 AM
No suggestions, just wanted to say your hair is beautiful the way it is now! I know it may not be an option to keep it, but it is awesome!

January 17th, 2010, 11:32 AM
That color is just gorgeous on you! I'd also recommend trying a wig for the interview at least. Maybe test the waters after you know for sure if you're in?

Pear Martini
January 17th, 2010, 11:40 AM
I think you would be a great ginger or medium brown girl. Maybe dark brown but you would end up putting more make up on.

I cant dye my hair too light because I need to wear more makeup. We are opposites :).

January 17th, 2010, 07:40 PM
I would use a temporary auburn dye just on the top part of your hair and just down to the nape. I would leave the length alone and wear it up in a tightly coiled bun for the interview. All they should really see is the auburn color in front.

January 17th, 2010, 08:55 PM
I'll tell you something. If I were in hospital, I would love to have a nurse as cheerful and lively looking as you are. :flowers:

I've rarely seen pink hair look that good on anyone! It's so you.

January 17th, 2010, 11:35 PM
I LOVE that shade of pink. Always have. If I didn't have a code to stick by for my job - I'd be plunging in to see how it looked on me!!!!! (no doubt not as good as you, but I would be tickled "pink"!!!!!! lol).

January 17th, 2010, 11:39 PM
I'll tell you something. If I were in hospital, I would love to have a nurse as cheerful and lively looking as you are. :flowers:

I was thinking this as well. :)

January 18th, 2010, 04:36 AM
I do not see any reason why you should colour your hair for school? or to be a practising nurse?

There is no way they are demanding somethin like this, right? Piercings sure, but hair colour???

Haircolour is not an issue atleast here where I live..

January 18th, 2010, 09:27 AM
I don't have any advice. Just wanted to say your hair is gorgeous. The colour is really pretty. If I had hair like that, no way I'll cover it up or change it. A wig does seem like a good idea, it seems such a pity to change the colour when it suits you so well. Not sure how comfy it is though.

January 18th, 2010, 10:46 AM

Good lord, is Disney missing one of its princesses? You are gorgeous!

I can't comprehend how your hair color will stand in the way of your nursing pursuits.

January 18th, 2010, 12:31 PM
Well I'm an RN and a biker and a henna head and I can't say it clashes with my leathers :confused:

January 24th, 2010, 05:28 PM
Well I'm an RN and a biker and a henna head and I can't say it clashes with my leathers :confused:

My leather jacket is bright pink, almost neon pink, far brighter pink than my hair was and any orange reds clash it with spectacularly.

Ah well, to update.

I tried a wash in wash out, several of them, they made pretty much no difference at all except to make it look a little dull. So I opted for a semi dark chocolate colour which worked fantastically well.

My interview went very well and turns out I'd already met my interviewer who remembered the pink hair! She said it was a shame to see it go but a sensible decision as although it wouldn't have impacted necessarily at interview stage, it would have to go for placements. I got an unconditional offer, which is fantastic, can't wait.

Now I'm just waiting for the semi to lighten up a bit and then I'll get to work with henna and see if I can get a burgundy sort of shade out of it with repeat applications.

This is how it turned out, it's quite a bit lighter now, especially at the roots, the length is still slightly pink in places :p

January 24th, 2010, 05:35 PM
It looks just beautiful and so do you. Good luck with your interviews. :flowers:

January 24th, 2010, 06:28 PM
looks lovely in any color!!

January 24th, 2010, 06:36 PM
Both colors are beautiful on you! I'm glad to hear you got the job you wanted. :0

Dark chocolate looks very natural on you ... is it close to your natural color?