View Full Version : Punjabi Prime vs Jamila 2008?

December 29th, 2009, 04:18 PM
I was wondering if anyone here could share their opinions on Punjabi Prime vs Jamila 2008. There are those who say that they are identical, then there are those who beg to differ. I have heard that Jamila 2008 has a cooler red cast, which would make it more like PP, but I've also heard that it has a STRONG stain and that PP's dye content is relatively low, so wouldn't that be a difference? There's also the ongoing debate over the fact that it's packaged in Jamila foil wrappers, and if it's just a special sift of the same 2008 crop from the same company wouldn't that make it the same except for the sift? Not really wanting to get pulled into the debate about marketing tactics and whose henna is best or anything, just trying to compare products to figure out what would be best for MY hair and cheapest/easiest for me to get, if there even IS an appreciable difference between the hennas (and Jamila is available from many sources whereas PP you can only get from one website)

My main curiosity is to get opinions from people who have actually TRIED it, as to the differences on their hair. Or even (preferably) pix! Anyone care to share? Thanks.


December 30th, 2009, 07:45 PM
I'm wondering this too-- I was a little confused when I got my Punjabi Prime in a Jamila wrapper...

December 30th, 2009, 08:41 PM
I'm a bit curious also. I've only ever used Jamila, personally, and have been really happy with it.