View Full Version : Today..the good and bad

December 23rd, 2009, 03:31 PM
I woke up today feeling great; it's my B-day and I have the day off from work. I go out to my car at 7:30 for early shopping, start driving down the road and hear a major clunking sound. I get out of my car and I have a totally flat tire, flat like I must of ran over someting the night before. I drive a half mile down the road to the tire place thinking great, right before Christmas, just what I want to spend my money on. The place had a few people waiting but when the owner saw the flat he said that they could take care of it right away and thankfully a similar tire I have on the other tires was on sale for $95.00. I paid much more last year for the tires. Forty minutes later as I was leaving an elderly woman who had been waiting for her car tells me"I love your long hair", that of course made my day. It's amazing how a random comment can make someone feel better. I don't know about you all but I rarely get comments about my hair unless they're snarky, of course I usually wear my hair in a bun. Today was maybe the 10th day in 2009 I've worn it down. I wonder do you all get more positive comments on your hair when it's down?

December 23rd, 2009, 03:39 PM
Down or in a braid/s. Nobody has ever complimented my buns (my hiney yes, not my buns). haha

December 23rd, 2009, 03:49 PM
Yup, otherwise it's hidden so nobody really notices it. When it's down, its in their face. haha

My day has been iffy. I was wrapping presents all morning which was about the only thing to go right. Then I made shortbread and it wouldn't go through the stupid cookie press then the timer didn't start so they are now overly brown and then the dough for the cinnamon buns turned out dry. Grr and there was still lots of flour left over. So pretty much everything I've made today has been a bust.

Of course, I did henna my hair today! So that makes me feel better. I just rinsed it out so I can't wait to see how red and shiny it is once it dries! :D

December 23rd, 2009, 04:36 PM
Nothing constructive to add, but... HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOOOU! :D

December 23rd, 2009, 05:07 PM
I get a lot more comments when I wear my hair out, because it's a lot easier to notice when I do that, as I usually have my hair in some sort of twisty updo that minimises the visible length and keeps it out of my way.

Also, happy birthday :)

December 24th, 2009, 05:09 AM
Even though my hair is short now (growing it back), it'd been about APL to BSL for at least 20 years before this year; and my job requires that if your hair is that long, it must be worn up. I got a lot of comments just like that when I took it down at the end of the day, most of my co-workers had no idea it was that long (medium length by this board's standards ;) ) And I hope you had a very happy birthday! :)

December 24th, 2009, 05:32 AM
they comment on length etc when its down. The only comments id had when it was up was that i had amazing hairsticks (they dont sell ones like them in britan), and when someone saw me put my hair up in hairstick bun they commented that my hair seemed to defy gravity! :wigtongue:

December 24th, 2009, 10:45 AM
I've only ever gotten compliments on my hair when it's down. The only compliments I ever get are on my length, and I guess the length is more prominent when it's down. It sort of makes me wanna wear it down more often.