View Full Version : long hair is in!

April 26th, 2008, 11:34 AM
Just thought I'd mention that among people (all right, mostly women) in the 18-22 age group that surrounds me in the university town where I live, long hair seems to be more popular than any other kind! I have been seeing so much beautiful hair among the students and even the prospective students visiting (high school seniors).

How different from twenty years ago, that's all I can say!

April 26th, 2008, 11:35 AM
I see that too at my university. Lots of long hair, not by our standards long, but lots of APL and BSL.

April 26th, 2008, 12:34 PM
I suspect that many of them will cut it off when they reach their mid-thirties. :(

April 26th, 2008, 12:41 PM
I suspect that many of them will cut it off when they reach their mid-thirties. :(

I hope not!!!

I see that too at my university. Lots of long hair, not by our standards long, but lots of APL and BSL.

And yeh! ;)

Ohh I may prefer Looooooooong hair but APL and BSL is so much better than the "in" style that is SO short! lets see if I can find a pic... ahh here we go... http://tbn0.google.com/images?q=tbn:MT9DuhK9gPThzM:http://i11.photobucket.com/albums/a155/alinehairfiles/peppermint_eel8.jpg there are so many girls in my college (and teachers) who have this style :(

April 26th, 2008, 12:43 PM
Long hair is VERY common at my school, too. I'd estimate a good third of the female students have hair that is at least APL, BSL is the most common length, and there are a few waist-lengths that I've seen a few times as well.
Unfortunately, not all of it is in great condition (highlighting, coloring, blowdrying, flat ironing), but some of it is!

April 26th, 2008, 01:00 PM
Ah... :)
Am I alone in secretly hoping long hair doesn't become uber-fashionable? ;)
I want to be special!

April 26th, 2008, 01:03 PM
Ah... :)
Am I alone in secretly hoping long hair doesn't become uber-fashionable? ;)
I want to be special!

Hahahaa!!!! The thought has crossed my mind ;)

And yeh there have been some long hairs in my college too. There was one girl with longer hair than me, straightened (split) died and streaked though. She cut it now though so I am the longest haired! lol

April 26th, 2008, 01:08 PM
Here in the UK I frequently come across women with straightened, often APL length hair with deliberate layers cut into. I often feel sorry for the ladies, thinking they will have the time of their lives trying to grow it out if long comes back into fashion... ;)

April 26th, 2008, 01:09 PM
The thing is WILL long come back into fashion? The fashionables all have the short styles and will take them years to grow out so surely they will come up with shorter styles to accomodate that? If waist came back in most of them wouldnt have a chance of reaching it with out a year or twos growing!

Riot Crrl
April 26th, 2008, 01:20 PM
They will just get $925398 million dollar extensions.

April 26th, 2008, 01:30 PM
Pffft!!! Good point ;) Cant really call that long hair though. Short hair with tails hehe

April 26th, 2008, 01:47 PM
I wonder if by grad school, women start cutting their hair-- and maybe for reasons other than trendiness. I've seen plenty of undergrads with BSL, but in my grad program there is one woman with healthy TBL-ish hair. Otherwise, I have the longest hair-- out of maybe 300 people. Odd. Many of us plan to go into ordained Christian ministry-- where both sexism and ageism pose an *enormous* problem, even in liberal denominations. Long hair is problematic because it is perceived as both youthful and ultrafeminine. Not only does it require patience and care to grow, but we (women headed for ordination) are uncomfortably aware (and often angry) about the degree to which our age, gender and appearance matter. So my colleagues' choice of hair style might not be based entirely on what trends are... and maybe it applies in other fields as well.

April 26th, 2008, 04:39 PM
Ah... :)
Am I alone in secretly hoping long hair doesn't become uber-fashionable? ;)
I want to be special!

I'm with you. That is why I cant wait tell my hair get to BSL or longer. I see almost no one with hair longer then APL in my area. I know I have long hair IRL, but I want "OMG your hair is sooooo loooong!" comments. I don't want to blend in anymore!

April 26th, 2008, 05:55 PM
That's not the case at my university, I'm one of the longest hairs,and I'm only at waist.

April 26th, 2008, 06:52 PM
I suspect that many of them will cut it off when they reach their mid-thirties. :(

more like next summer, when new "trendy" haircuts kick in.

April 26th, 2008, 10:40 PM
A lot of the girls in my course (who are in their early 20's) are gradually cutting their hair shorter and shorter. When it gets longer, it is due to benign neglect (mostly) and then they cut it all off again.
The ones to spend a lot of time on their hair (and are incredibly rich and fashionable) all have similar shoulder to chin length hair.
We have one long-hair in our course of 300 (and it isn't me, yet).

Recently a whole group of them shaved their hair for "shave for a cure" and raised about $10 thousand for cancer research. The money is good, but their shaved heads look sad, especially when there was no real need to do it. The girl who shaved hers last year for the same event (who had lovely long hair) has kept hers short, but at least she is clearly happy with it. I guess we all go through phases.

April 26th, 2008, 11:21 PM
A lot of girls in the LA area have been getting extensions. THEY ARE AWFUL. These girls clearly have dark hair and are bleaching it to death as well, I've seen girls with bald spots in the back with tracks of fake hair completely visible. My friend and I have began keeping track when we eat lunch on campus and this past week we have seen 14 girls with visible tracks of hair! Long hair is definitely in, here, though. Long and straight. I get about 3-4 people per day asking me how I straighten my hair without any damage and I'm slightly flabbergasted abut it, ahaha. It's like no one thinks naturally straight hair exists, anymore.

April 27th, 2008, 12:05 AM
I see quite a few girls with long hair at uni, and indeed a few guys too. It's usually long, as in BSL, so not long compared to the long hair on this board, but long enough for current fashion trends to allow.

I kinda hope it doesn't become to trendy, but at least I know that if it ever does it will only be fleeting trend because every one will want the next trendy short cut next season... if they haven't already cut it into a Victoria Beckham asymmetrical bob that is...

April 27th, 2008, 12:14 AM
I've seen quite a lot of guys with BSLish hair at uni, and loads of girls with hair of similar length. My stance on things like this that I like being in fashion is this: I hate it because then, rather than being unfashionable, I become fleetingly fashionable and then behind the fashions rather than just being myself. If I'm unfashionable, then it's because I'm being original (or just strange) whilst if I'm unfashionable but it was fashionable recently then I look more like I'm trying and failing to follow fashions. I'm not sure if it's the appearance trying to follow the fashion or the failing to that bothers me more ...

April 27th, 2008, 01:08 AM
I prefer not to think of my hair as fashionable or unfashionable, I think of it as classic. I have had the short angled bob, I liked it, but it wasn't me. I'm not new, hip or funky. I like classic things. I am more comfortable in a button up shirt and khakis then a funky top and bottom. On me, the high fashion cuts looked off, like I was dressing up. Long, simple, "boring" hair looks right on me. I can see your point florenonite, I think that's one reason I want my hair past BSL. Even if long hair comes back for a season, I cant see it being much past BSL. There for if I have it down to my waist/hip/TB/etc, you cant really say I'm following a trend since I am longer then the trend, hence still "unfashionable", if that makes any sense at all...

I don't think long hair will be coming back into fashion anytime soon, at least not much longer than APL/BSL hair. For the simple fact that you cant grow your hair out quickly. Fashion is fickle, "it" doesn't have time to wait for hair to grow. It's a lot quicker to cut it into a new style then wait a few years to grow it all out. Sure they can get extensions, but most don't look good, and the ones that do are $$$ so I'm not worried about the girls around here rocking that look. Also, whether we like it or not, long hair (past APL or BSL) is considered (by many) to be old fashioned. "Old fashioned" is a dirty word in fashion.

This all just my opinion of course.

April 27th, 2008, 04:30 AM
I don't think long hair will be coming back into fashion anytime soon, at least not much longer than APL/BSL hair. For the simple fact that you cant grow your hair out quickly. Fashion is fickle, "it" doesn't have time to wait for hair to grow. That's exactly the reason.

I view long hair as being timeless. Timeless is much better than fashionable! :)

April 27th, 2008, 05:43 AM
I agree, It is timeless and thus always "In" :)

April 27th, 2008, 05:49 AM
I agree, It is timeless and thus always "In" :)
The real question is... was it ever "out"? :p

April 27th, 2008, 08:14 AM
Pffft!!! Good point ;) Cant really call that long hair though. Short hair with tails hehe

Oh, I love that! :spitting: Now to clean my drink off my computer screen...

April 27th, 2008, 01:35 PM
The real question is... was it ever "out"? :p

Nope. The fashionistas just don't get it. :grin:

April 27th, 2008, 03:11 PM
Lots of long hair at my university, too. Tons of APL, quite a bit of BSL, and a reasonable number of waist and hip lengths out there. There are a few tailbone, but after that it drops off pretty sharply. I only know of 3 or 4 people at the university who are past tailbone, off the top of my head. (There are probably quite a few more, but hair that long tends to go up more than not.)

April 27th, 2008, 11:04 PM
I work at a university. Most of the girls have hair at least past their shoulders, I think. The ones with the longest hair are usually of East-Indian decent, and it is usually done up in a bun, but no visible hair toys. I rarely see any one with hair toys. Today at church a lady sitting in front of me with (I'm guessing) shoulder length hair had it done up in a scrappy bun, held with a pencil. This is one of the few times I have ever seen anyone using a hair stick (or hair stick-like object). I had several nice dymondwood hair sticks in my purse (never leave home without a selection of hair toys) and I was tempted to reach forward and replace the pencil with a proper hair stick!