View Full Version : TMI? Do hormones effect how you feel about your hair?

December 22nd, 2009, 12:45 PM
I have noticed a trend with myself over the past few months.... at "certain times" (of the month) I really don't like my hair... even when I loved it right before and end up loving it after, I get really dissatisfied with it (I also notice this about my weight, etc, not just hair)...
Does this happen to anyone else that you get waaayyyyy more critical of yourself during this time?

December 22nd, 2009, 12:53 PM
Totally happens to me! I think when we tend to feel physically gross we start to critique our looks. It has a ton to do with preconditioning and believing that "we" are wrong when our bodies don't feel good. Also, the hormones enhance our emotional responses.

December 22nd, 2009, 12:55 PM
I totally believe that hormones play a role on how we look at EVERYTHING!!! hair...jobs...relationships....toes!!!! But, I also believe that CHOCOLATE provides a type of bandaid effect....that's my theory, and I'm sticking with it!!!!! :D

December 22nd, 2009, 12:55 PM
I always knew I got PMS and the "I feel Fat/ Old/ Ugly/ insert whatever"... just really surprised me about my hair... there have been a few times I wanted to cut (not short, just even out/ trim) and it is ALWAYS during this time... then I get thru it and think "Oh, I can hang in until goal..."

ETA- LOL :lol:... just read about the chocolate... it IS a wonder drug......

December 22nd, 2009, 12:58 PM
You are not alone! For me, I find that during PMS time, I crave comfort more and usually do not put as much effort into my appearance in general when getting ready in the morning. Usually I wear comfy (which might tend towards frumpy) clothes and shoes and I don't do anything special with my hair. Then throughout the day I'm thinking how awful my hair looks/feels. I also tend to be down in the dumps around that time and will take any excuse to cut myself down. During this time I am less patient with myself as well and that is when I start thinking, 'why hasn't my hair grown!?!?' ;)

December 22nd, 2009, 01:06 PM
Chocolate....mmm....cures all!

heidi w.
December 22nd, 2009, 01:13 PM
I have noticed a trend with myself over the past few months.... at "certain times" (of the month) I really don't like my hair... even when I loved it right before and end up loving it after, I get really dissatisfied with it (I also notice this about my weight, etc, not just hair)...
Does this happen to anyone else that you get waaayyyyy more critical of yourself during this time?

Hormones absolutely affect mood. And mood therefore can affect your interpretation of things.

Absolutely an aspect of PMS.

When I used to have more regular excursions to this territory, PMS for me included this whole thing, drama even, about how the world is coming to an end and all in it is amiss and askew poor, poor me.

So at that time my weight would be a problem; my clothing; my money became a bigger worry; my lack of friends perhaps might be a problem suddenly; anything that I kind of occasionally thought about, how ever I thought about it, would get amplified with this kind of I'm a victim viewpoint and poor poor pitiful me. And you couldn't comfort me and yet all I wanted was comfort.

I learned to label the whole shebang Girl Sick, and hollow out a hole on the couch, get into comfy PJs and try to remember this too shall pass. OH, and I would put up notices on my electronic calendar to watch the input and not go socializing. I wasn't fun at that time. It was good to hunker down for perhaps 2-3 days (except I couldn't avoid work.....or everything, but I really minimized the interaction).

This should inform you that, no, you are not alone.
heidi w.

December 22nd, 2009, 03:11 PM
Since I went on the pill years ago my PMS has been drastically reduced, so now I don't notice much change in my mood. But I used to get very down in the dumps, past just being self-critical straight to weepy short-lived depression for several days.

Not looking forward to that when I want to drop the pill. :rolleyes:

December 22nd, 2009, 03:24 PM
Yeah, I've noticed that. Sometimes I just wanna throw my hair up in a bun and forget about it.

Random fact of the day:
Did you know chocolate has the same effect as sex? It triggers the same horomones in your brain that sex does! Or something like that, haha. I don't remember the details. I remember reading it somewhere when I felt like reading random facts the one day.

Kris Dove
December 22nd, 2009, 03:55 PM
Me too- this is where the 2 week rule can come in especially handy! :)

December 22nd, 2009, 04:01 PM
Feeling mean to my hair does coincide with other seemingly hormonal things. For me, it's like weight issues--when you feel out of control and helpless, you reach for the things you know you can control. Good time to hide the scissors.

December 22nd, 2009, 04:20 PM
I think you just put your finger on the two-week rule (that is, when you get the itch to dye, cut or otherwise change your hair, wait two weeks before doing it). In two weeks, your hormones are guaranteed to be doing the opposite thing of what they are doing now, so you'll know if your feelings are real, so to speak.

December 27th, 2009, 06:00 AM
My hair is nastier during ovulation and menses, yech -- more oil and all sorts of odd things can happen.

December 27th, 2009, 06:33 AM
Given that my hair sheds, I get bloated, fatigued, get horrible pain and often become suicidally depressed, I'm going to have to say yes.

December 27th, 2009, 09:40 AM
I get this, too. I become a bear in mood for nigh on two weeks and generally find fault with everything about myself, including my hair. It's not a fun time.

December 27th, 2009, 09:45 AM
Yes. I tend to want to cut when I feel depressed or stressed due to hormonal rollercoaster.

December 27th, 2009, 10:32 AM
Hormones are nasty little things :p.I do get this to both when it comes to my body and my hair.Hate it to be honest :mad:.The pill did nothing for me to reduce this crap I'm afraid.:rolleyes:.

December 27th, 2009, 11:00 AM
Hormones effect how I feel about everything... :( So, yes.

Never ever ever cut your hair while you're PMSing, you'll regret it...

December 28th, 2009, 07:58 AM
Oh yes I feel so ugly during periods.
Mainly because my hair gets greasy real quick, my skin breaks out... joy. I think it's not just in my head, hormones actually make me ugly! :(

December 28th, 2009, 08:44 AM
Oh yes. :( My last cut of three inches was done during a PMS frenzy. (this was in October). My hair needed maybe an inch trimmed. You are not alone!

December 28th, 2009, 09:37 AM
Okay, so it has been a week since I started this thread.... on a day when I HATED my hair and really wanted to cut the uneven layers off and thicken up my hemline. I thought my hair looked really straggly.....
I don't feel that way anymore- literally a few days after I posted, the urge to trim and hair hatred went away. I mean, I do want to do all those things, but not today. I am willing to grow to goal and then maintain to get all that done.... amazing what a hormone "free" few days can do.... ;)

December 28th, 2009, 09:39 AM
I paint my nails during that time of the month so I at least have one thing that I think is nice to look at.
