View Full Version : Back to shoulder length!

April 24th, 2008, 12:11 PM
And I love it!
Finally! Age appropriate style! I don't know why I waited so long.

April 24th, 2008, 12:17 PM
Please tell me this is a joke. I'd hate to see you chop off your lovely hair (unless you really really wanted it)

April 24th, 2008, 12:17 PM
Oh spidermom... it looks good, but I loved your hair!! As long as your happy, thats all that matters, but I will definitely miss your flowing locks!

April 24th, 2008, 12:19 PM

April 24th, 2008, 12:20 PM
She's not fooling me! It's one of those turned under thingies :D


April 24th, 2008, 12:21 PM
LOL I almost had a heart failure when i read the desc and the person who posted it, but I am guessing its a joke. You said age appropriate style and we ALL KNOW you are not about doing what everyone else does:p

Ohio Sky
April 24th, 2008, 12:21 PM
She's not fooling me! It's one of those turned under thingies :D


Please tell me shes right??

April 24th, 2008, 12:24 PM
For a part of a second I believed you!
You did a great job tucking it in, but you are not fooling me:cool:

April 24th, 2008, 12:25 PM
Finally! Age appropriate style!

I think this is the dead giveaway that it's a joke. :wink:

April 24th, 2008, 12:40 PM
I believed this for about 2 seconds -_- Spidermom, why do you have to do this to us? :D

April 24th, 2008, 12:43 PM
LOL!!! You really had me there, Spidermom :D

April 24th, 2008, 12:45 PM
I still have to see it ;) I think she did chop :lol:

Oh well so what if I turn out to be wrong. :)

April 24th, 2008, 12:47 PM
Spidermom! You nearly killed me with that thread title!! :rant:
Hehe, and I did believe it for a couple of secs - but.... naaaah.. can't be real! :suspect: "age appropriate style"? No way you would write that for real^^

Good one, though :lol:

April 24th, 2008, 12:47 PM
You pulled off that style perfectly. Ha! Good one!

April 24th, 2008, 12:48 PM
Do I detect the fake-bob technique? Do I see a hint of ribbon in the first pic? I think I do :D
The title of this thread had me worried for a second, though.

April 24th, 2008, 12:54 PM
I saw "Finally age appropriate" and I said .YEAH RIGHT!Ive read enough posts to know Spidermom would never say that.

How did you make it look shoulder length?Can you wear it out without it looking obvious?

April 24th, 2008, 12:58 PM
nah, you didn't do this, it doesn't seem like you:P I also believe in the fake bob and if soeone knows how to do it, please share:)

April 24th, 2008, 12:58 PM
Ha! Good one, Spidermom, I almost had a heart attack when I saw this thread! I too know what you think of 'age-approriateness', tee-hee.

April 24th, 2008, 01:08 PM
My heart was in my throat until I saw the pics and what you said. I'm not fooled, either.

April 24th, 2008, 01:11 PM
I hope that everybody's right! :confused:

April 24th, 2008, 01:14 PM
Actually, with that length spidermom would probably still be considered an age-inappropriate long-hair by those people who subscribe to that theory (all that gorgeous looking hair just has to be unsuitable, right?). :p

And one off-topic remark I just have to make:
birdiefu, yours is most probably the cutest hair-related avatar ever!!!!



ole gray mare
April 24th, 2008, 01:14 PM
Woo hoo! Congrats!

Spidermom, I for one am so glad to see that you chopped. Honestly, I thought your hair was getting too long. We middle-aged gals truly do need to act our age. Just a hint though...I think it's still too long.

April 24th, 2008, 01:16 PM
I saw "Finally age appropriate" and I said .YEAH RIGHT!Ive read enough posts to know Spidermom would never say that.

Yep, she had me until she said that. Well done Spidermom!

April 24th, 2008, 01:21 PM
For those who asked how to do this: cuddledumplin shows her method here: http://forums.longhaircommunity.com/showthread.php?t=2190&page=2

April 24th, 2008, 01:23 PM
Finally! Age appropriate style! I don't know why I waited so long.

Yeah, I wasn't going to say anything, but now that you've said it, I agree. Long hair is so un-lady like on those over 40. Or is it 20? I can never remember. :p

April 24th, 2008, 01:27 PM
Spidermom and Ole Gray Mare, you both owe me a new keyboard. I snerked while drinking at Spidermom's 'age-appropriate' comment, and again at OGM's reply.

Please to have new laptop now, thanks :D

Good job tucking the long ends under though, Spidermom! Very convincing.

April 24th, 2008, 01:33 PM
Woo hoo! Congrats!

Spidermom, I for one am so glad to see that you chopped. Honestly, I thought your hair was getting too long. We middle-aged gals truly do need to act our age. Just a hint though...I think it's still too long.

I agree, how about a purple tinted poodle perm? o_O

Wow I wasnt sure for 1 second but when I saw the hair tie I knew what was going on ^^

Hm..I should really try that style one day..:D

April 24th, 2008, 01:40 PM
wow spidermom, you almost gave me a heart attack. please tell me you didn't REALLY cut it!!

PLEASE!! please....

April 24th, 2008, 01:44 PM
Well it sure looks dang real!

April 24th, 2008, 01:55 PM
lol...good job with the fake bob trick!

April 24th, 2008, 02:30 PM
Congratulations! You have proven that you can let go, you have an independent spirit, you have grown up, you don't want to look like a young girl, you have gotten over high school, you are not a hippie/fundamentalist mormon. You have made the right decision. You have shown that you are a mature, realistic and mature woman who has decided to age with grace.
(okay this is a poor imitation of Old Gray Mare but I couldn't resist...)

*tapping foot in suspense and demanding that Spidermom come out from her ambush!!

Peggy E.
April 24th, 2008, 02:31 PM
And I love it!
Finally! Age appropriate style! I don't know why I waited so long.

...And it's about time, too!!!! Goodness knows, at my age I've been wearing inappropriate hair for way too long..... !!!!!

Maybe you will have inspired me to do what should be done? NOT!

April 24th, 2008, 02:39 PM
It looks good
somehow i dont beleive it - and by the way there is nothign such as "age appropriate style"
Your hair looks gorgeous either ways
But my gut feel you are kidding us ....

April 24th, 2008, 02:47 PM
Damn! I was totally fooled with this one! Good job :D

April 24th, 2008, 02:48 PM
It's good to see you're finally acting your age.
And the way you're ends are so perfectly curled under...,
the curling iron industry must be celebrating! One back to the fold (under).

Good job! (fooling us, that is).

April 24th, 2008, 02:52 PM
No way, nu-uh, not buying it! I didn't know that April fool's ran all month long, though!

April 24th, 2008, 02:56 PM
And one off-topic remark I just have to make:
birdiefu, yours is most probably the cutest hair-related avatar ever!!!!

Aww, thanks! Yes, I grow my own baby toys :) .

Silver & Gold
April 24th, 2008, 02:57 PM
I studied and studied that picture when I first started reading this thread. I simply could not believe it and wondered right off if you were using a technique I had seen where you tie the hair up underneath. And the 'age appropriate' comment somehow did not ring true.

Still I must admit, I had a teeny, tiny heart palpitation for the first few seconds. You almost got me. Shame on you! Twenty lashes with a wet noodle!

April 24th, 2008, 02:59 PM
Woo hoo! Congrats!

Spidermom, I for one am so glad to see that you chopped. Honestly, I thought your hair was getting too long. We middle-aged gals truly do need to act our age. Just a hint though...I think it's still too long.

Congratulations! You have proven that you can let go, you have an independent spirit, you have grown up, you don't want to look like a young girl, you have gotten over high school, you are not a hippie/fundamentalist mormon. You have made the right decision. You have shown that you are a mature, realistic and mature woman who has decided to age with grace.

No way, nu-uh, not buying it! I didn't know that April fool's ran all month long, though!
Really? I thought it was all month!

You had me with the thread title, but as soon as I saw that ribbon and your thing about the "age appropriate style" I KNEW you had rolled it up.

Come out of hiding, Spidermom!

April 24th, 2008, 03:03 PM
As long as you like it I am happy for you!
It looks good on you ;)

Neon Gloss
April 24th, 2008, 03:08 PM
I was in a state of SHOCK until I read the other posts! I honestly SAID "no..." when I saw the pictures.

Ohio Sky
April 24th, 2008, 03:12 PM
Youre caught, Spidermom! Come out of hiding!!! :p

April 24th, 2008, 03:13 PM
I feel kind of silly now - I totally fell for it :) I do hope you are all right....She needs to come reassure us all!

April 24th, 2008, 03:23 PM
Oh, I know this can't be true. :D

Well done, though!

April 24th, 2008, 03:24 PM
Oh, thank the Goddess it's a joke! I've been upset all day thinking one of my over-40 LHC long-hair role models had bit the dust! :p


April 24th, 2008, 03:26 PM
I mean ... heh heh ... it is a joke, right? Right???

April 24th, 2008, 03:30 PM
And this is the moment Spidermom climbed her plane to disappear for five weeks to the...

No No No! You owe an answer to all those whose heart sunk for a second. (I'll be 44 in a few days and I don't intend to act my age. at least not wiz de sissers.)

April 24th, 2008, 03:32 PM
For those who asked how to do this: cuddledumplin shows her method here: http://forums.longhaircommunity.com/showthread.php?t=2190&page=2

Hi, o.k., you're all onto me. I was careful to not say I cut it, which would have been a lie.

I do the style a little differently than shown in the link above. I comb the hair as straight and smooth down my back as I can. Once I get the ribbon tied into place near the bottom of my length, I pin the hair down at the back of my neck with one hand so it will stay smooth back there as I lift the length up behind my head with the other hand. Then I spread out the ribbon over a long hair stick, wind the bottom length of hair around and around it, then roll-roll-roll the hair stick and ribbon to the nape of my neck, bring the ribbon ends up around my head, and tie at the top like a hair-band. Then I pull out the hair stick and use it under the surface to adjust any place that the hair is "off".

I really enjoyed wearing this style this morning. It felt like wearing my hair down without it going all over the place and getting caught in everything. Then I went outside into the wind and that was the end of that. But it was fun while it lasted, and I will definitely be working on this style and wearing it out and about.

April 24th, 2008, 03:40 PM
:lol: Well done!!

April 24th, 2008, 03:43 PM
I didn't believe it for one minute.

April 24th, 2008, 04:38 PM
Wow! I'll try your version, as I can never get my own to stay put. I forgot to say that you deserved a taste of Xandergrammy's killer braid. :lol:

April 24th, 2008, 04:49 PM
:p That was very clever. And scary!!!!! (Until I read enough posts to realize that you were having a lend!!)
Jess :flower:

April 24th, 2008, 05:13 PM
You really had us going for a moment :tmi:

April 24th, 2008, 05:42 PM
I knew it was a joke... the "age appropriate" comment tipped me off. :D

April 24th, 2008, 06:22 PM
Thank goodness it was a joke...

April 24th, 2008, 06:25 PM
I think this is the dead giveaway that it's a joke. :wink:
Either that or the top of the scarf in the first photo is. XD

April 24th, 2008, 06:29 PM
I'm glad you did not cut it your hair is looking so long and pretty.

April 24th, 2008, 06:39 PM
That makes me realize just how pretty your hair really is Spidermom. You have hawt hair.

April 24th, 2008, 07:07 PM
Well done! My heart sank for a moment, until I saw how nice and even the ends were, all tucked under and then I read the "age appropriate" comment. :p

April 24th, 2008, 07:28 PM
I love how this thread was posted today and it's already 6 pages long :lol:

You pull off the bob nicely, but it pales in comparison to how pretty your actual length is :)

April 24th, 2008, 07:35 PM
I love how this thread was posted today and it's already 6 pages long :lol:

You pull off the bob nicely, but it pales in comparison to how pretty your actual length is :)

That is sweet. I think I love you.

April 24th, 2008, 07:41 PM
LOL, that was a good one SM!! I actually got a little mad when I read your title!

...and thought, "Oh, no she didn't"!!!