View Full Version : Breakage or new growth??? Help!!

November 19th, 2009, 10:43 PM
How exactly do you tell if its a case of breaking hair or new growth coming in? Suddenly all around my hairline..(starting at about my forehead, going down by my ears and down by my neck) kind of framing my face I have really short hairs. Its about an inch long. Its kind of freaking me out. I've been hennaing for almost 2 years now and I love it and my hair has never been in better shape. I CO (cone free) and use wide tooth combs when wet and hardly ever do I use a blow dryer or heat styling products. I do wear it in ponytails often but, I always use the good ponytail holders and these short hairs are way too short to be from keeping it pulled up. My hair is very thick and is currently at BSL I get a light trim every 6-8weeks or so. I did have a baby almost a year ago and went through a huge shedding phase for 6 months afterwards so I am wondering if this is new growth. I would think if it was breakage it would be little hairs all over my head not just at my hairline. I just don't know. If anyone has any idea please feel free to respond. Thank you so much for your time and your help! Robyn

November 19th, 2009, 10:49 PM
Sounds like new growth after your baby (congrats). Victorian ladies often had wispy hairs around their faces and necks, it looked very pretty.

November 19th, 2009, 11:36 PM
I think because you said you did have a shedding after your baby it is probably new growth. I get them wispy shorter hairs around my head too, they feel abit horrible when I try to smooth them out with my hands but I am presuming/ hoping that it is just new growth also. I wouldn't worry about it, sounds like your already doing alot to keep your hair healthy :) phil

November 20th, 2009, 03:15 AM
Take a look at the ends. New baby hairs have never been cut and will have a taper to them (no blunt edges).

If they are blunt, have a whitish tip, or look frayed, they are broken hairs.

Most likely they are babies though :)

November 20th, 2009, 04:12 AM
seethruugirl, I have exactly the same new growth and next month my son will be one year old :) I had quite a big shed about 3 - 4 months after he was born. My hair line round my forehead receded a bit and my parting got wider, but almost straightaway new growth was visible (in lovely little spikes :o ).
By now I have new growth all around my hair line, in my parting, and basically everywhere. It is like a big wiry halo.

So I wouldn't worry! It sounds like you are treating your hair very well and that it is healthy. Hopefully soon the regrowth will blend in with the rest of it (that is what I am waiting for myself!).


November 20th, 2009, 06:49 AM
Just so you all know....I LOVE YOU!!! :) I've been so worried...and was really afraid I was doing something horrible to my hair....my sis in law is hairstylist and does my trims...of course she blamed it on the henna. :rolleyes: Thanks so much for the information. Have a wonderful day! Robyn